american dental education association primary influence on choice of dentistry as a career, 2006...

American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Fam ilym em berorfriend w ho isnota dentist Aw areness ofdentalm arkettrends M yfamilydentist Fam ilym em berorfriend w ho isa dentist % ofStudents Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior Survey

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Page 1: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Family member or friend who is not a dentist

Awareness of dental market trends

My family dentist

Family member or friend who is a dentist

% of Students

Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior Survey

Page 2: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Reasons Why Students Pursue Career in Dentistry, 2006

Source: American Dental Education Association; 2006 Senior Survey

Page 3: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Timing of Decision to Pursue Career in Dentistry, 2006

Two-thirds of dental school seniors reported they made the decision to pursue dentistry sometime after entering college.

One-third of students made the decision before college; almost one-fourth decided during high school; and about 12% decided before high school.

Source: American Dental Education Association; 2006 Senior Survey

Page 4: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Rating of “Service” to Certain Demographics of the Population as Reason to Pursue Dentistry, 2006

Source: American Dental Education Association; 2006 Senior Survey

Page 5: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Education of Dental School Students’ Parents, 2006

Parents of dental school students are well educated

Average education of dental students’ parents is greater than that of the U.S. population in general

Source: American Dental Education Association, 2006 Senior Survey

Page 6: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Income of Dental School Students’ Parents, 2006

Source: American Dental Education Association, 2006 Senior Survey

Page 7: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Immediate Practice Plans of U.S. Dental School Graduates, 1980 – 2006 (of those entering private practice upon graduation)

Source: American Dental Education Association, 2006 Senior Survey

Page 8: American Dental Education Association Primary Influence on Choice of Dentistry as a Career, 2006 Source: American Dental Education Association: 2006 Senior

American Dental Education Association

Percentage of New Dental School Graduates Applying and Accepted to Postdoctoral Education Programs, 1992 – 2006

Source: American Dental Education Association, 2006 Senior Survey

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