american presentation

 State University of Tetovo E ngli s h l anguage and Li te r atur e A me r i can Civi l i z ation Made by : Albert Nasufovski BF/25-2005  Module leader : Prof.M-r . Hyreme Gurra 05.05.0 9

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Content of the presentation

- Early life and education

- Career

- French and Indian War

- American Revolution and Marriage

- Presidency

- Retirement and death

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Early life and educationGeorge Washington was born in Westmoreland

Country on February 22.1732, the first son ofAugustine Washington and his second wife

Mary Ball Washington .

Moving to Ferry Farm in Stafford Country at

age 6, George was educated in the home by his

father and older brother.

In his youth, Washington worked as a surveyor

(a person who determines the boundaries and  

area of tracts of lands), and acquired what

would become invaluable knowledge of the

terrain around his native Colony of Virginia.

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Washington embarked upon a career as a

 planter, which historians defined as those whoheld 20 or more slaves. In 1748 he was invited

to help survey Lord Fairfax’s lands west of the

Blue Ridge. In 1749, he was appointed to his

first public office, surveyor of newly created

Culpeper country. After his brother Lawrencedied in 1752, George inherited part of his estate

and took over some of Lawrence’s duties as

adjutant of the colony.

Washington was appointed a distinct adjutant

general in the Virginia militia in 1752, whichappointed him Major Washington at age of 20.

At age of 21, in Fredericksburg, Washington

 became a Master Mason in the organization of

Freemasons, a fraternal organization that was a

lifelong influence.

Portrait of Gilbert Stuart 1795

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The earliest known portrait ofWashington, painted in 1772 byCharles Wilson Peale, showing

Washington in uniform as colonelof the Virginia Regiment. 

French and Indian war (Seven Years War )

As a young man, Washington joined to the

Virginia military. He and six man traveled 500miles north to the shores of Lake Erie to

deliver a message to the French. The French

were order to stop settling land that was

claimed by the British.

This land dispute led to a battle in which

Washington and 160 man lost to the French;

This was the beginning of the French and

Indian War.

The British eventually won the French andIndian War.

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 American Revolution andMarriage

Portrait of George Washington in

Military uniform, painted by

Rembrandt Peale

After fighting broke out in April 1775,Washington appeared at the Second

Continental Congress in military uniform,

signaling that he was prepared for war.

Washington had the prestige, the military

experience, the charisma and military bearing, the reputation of being a strong

 patriot and he was supported by the South,

especially Virginia.


Washington married Martha Custis in 1759;

she was rich widow with two children's. Their

home in Virginia was called Mt. Vernon.

Washington and Martha didn’t have children's


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The Electoral College elected Washington

unanimously in 1789, and again in the 1792election; he remains the only president to

receive 100% of the electoral votes. John

Adams was elected Vice-President.

Washington proved an able administrator.

An excellent delegator and judge of talentand character, he held regular cabinet

meetings to debate issues before making a

final decision. In handling routine tasks, he

was “systematic, orderly, energetic,

solicitous of the option of others butdecisive, intent upon general goals and the

consistency of particular actions with them.

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Retirement and death

After retiring from the presidency in

March 1795, Washington returned toMount Vernon with a profound sense of

relief. He devoted much time of farming.

On 4 July 1798, Washington was

commissioned by President John Adams

to be Lieutenant General and

Commander-in-chief of the armies raised

for service in a prospective war with

France. He served between July 13 1798

and December 1799.

Washington died on 14 December 1799

at his home aged 67.