把握天機 follow god’s timing

Post on 08-Jan-2016






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把握天機 Follow God’s Timing. - Rev. David Jien. 我又轉念:見日光之下,快跑的未必能贏;力戰的未必得勝;智慧的未必得糧食;明哲的未必得資財;靈巧的未必得喜悅。 所臨到眾人的是在乎當時的機會。. I returned and saw under the sun that : The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


把握天機 Follow God’s Timing

- Rev. David Jien

傳道書九章 11節 Ecclesiastes 9 : 11 (NKJV) 我又轉念:見日光之下,快



I returned and saw under the

sun that :

The race is not to the swift,

Nor the battle to the strong,

Nor bread to the wise,

Nor riches to men of understanding,

Nor favor to men of skill;

      But time and chance happen to them all.

問題 Questions : 若大衛從始至終都不出兵,能得勝嗎? If David was too scared to move, would he

have the chance to win? 若桑樹梢已有聲音大衛一直不出兵 , 那能得勝

嗎 ? If David didn’t advance when he

heard the sound in the tree tops, would he win?

若桑樹梢還沒聲音大衛就先出兵 , 那能得勝嗎 ? If David advanced before he heard

the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, would he win?

撒下五 23-25 2 Samuel 5 : 23-25 (NKJV) 大衛求問耶和華;耶和華


23 Therefore David inquired of the LORD, and He said, “You shall not go up; circle around behind them, and come upon them in front of the mulberry trees.

24 And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly. For then the LORD will go out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines.”

25 And David did so, as the LORD commanded him; and he drove back the Philistines from Geba as far as Gezer.

桑樹梢腳步聲代表什麼意義 ?What does it mean that the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees?1. 這樣的機會是神所預備或安排的。 This is the God’s timing.2. 這樣的機會是由客觀環境和心靈感動的雙方印證。 This is the time that spiritual sensitivity touched with

the present surrounding.3. 這樣的機會常常是有挑戰性的。 This is the time challenging your faith. 你平常必須和聖靈建立很親密的關係才能清楚祂的

聲音。 You need to have close relationship with Holy Spirit to understand His sound.

Now is the best time for spreading the Good News in China

I) The present surroundings 1. Cultural revolution in present China results in the

destroying of temples and idols

II) Personal Testimony

D. -May of 1993 God allowed me to take my first

trip to another country -June of 1993 Pastor Wu invited me to

spread the Gospel in China -August of 1993 I started ministering in China

for the first time

從 100 美金開始宣教 Started my missionary work with 100 US$.

C. David is an example for us all

1. He acted despite he had many enemies and had to face bad circumstance

2. He acted despite his many personal flaws

3. He acted despite God’s high expectations for him and didn’t feel discouraged.

: X 教會之見證。

Testimony of the X House Church

1. 把握天機的美好結果 Beautiful fruit in God’s Timing

AD.1993 :約 around 200

AD.2005 :約 around ?

Answer : 1500

X教會成長 Church Growth in X City

全台灣目前所有長老教會約 1500 間,是用了將近 150 年才建立的。It took 150 years to establish 1,500 Presbyterian Churches in Taiwan.

X教會只用約 15 年就建立了 1500 間教會。It took about 15 years for 1,500 Churches in X City.

2. 把握天機的美好結果 :成功的門徒訓練。

Beautiful fruit in God’s Timing: Successful disciple training

I acted despite classes are in dirty conditions -I acted despite the people who come to

classes only have elementary school educations

-I acted despite the long class times and my tiredness

Around ten thousand audiences every time. Around two thousand believed Jesus each time. 同時有 10 個瞎子得醫治。 Ten blind’s eyes were opened in one crusade. 得醫治的瘸腳和癱瘓之拐杖和輪椅是用卡車帶走。 Many lame and paralytic were healed at the other crusade that

they left one truck load of walking sticks and wheelchairs and walked away.

數不清的癌症和重病者得醫治。 Many cancer and serious sick patients were healed. 在 3 個月內帶領幾萬人信主。 Over 30 thousand people believed Jesus in three months. 以上是在大陸這一個非常危險的環境發生的。 These were happened under very dangerous environment in



Minds of Sufferings.

又當記念主耶穌的話說:施比受更為有福。(使徒行傳廿章 35 節)remembering the words The Lord Jesus Himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (ACTS 20:35)

 信德堂參與大陸宣教蒙福的見證 Faith Church has been blessed with the China mission 1993 年 2007 年

一位神學生 one interim student

主日崇拜一堂 one Sunday service

主日人數約 40 人Around 40 attendants奉獻收入約 80 萬27,000 US$ offering income大陸肢體 :0

0 mainland Chinese 受洗人數約 4 位4 baptized

七位在職同工 7 full time workers

主日崇拜三堂 3 services

主日人數約 180 人Around 180 attendants奉獻收入約 600 萬200,000 US$ offering income大陸肢體約 30 位30 mainland Chinese members受洗人數約 20 位20 baptized


1. 奉獻 1 張機票Donated one air ticket

蒙恩 500 張機票Blessed with 500 ticket

2. 從未出國Never been abroad

去過 10 個國家Traveled to 10 countries

3. 單身 1 人 Single

全家 3 人Family of three

大陸宣教我如何參與 How can you participate in China1. 靈力支援 : 固定為中國大陸教會代禱。 Pray for China.2. 財力支援 : Give 認養一本陳終道解經書每本 500元台幣。 Adopt one commentary book written by Rev.

Chen – $17 認養一位神學生每年需支助 900元美金。 Adopt one Training Center student – 900

US$/year. 認養一間開拓教會每年支助 2000元美金。 Adopt one new church plant – 2,000


中國安徽教會 Anhui Church network in China. 七大教區 Seven Districts. 每天至少 100 人禁食禱告 Over 100 members fast and pray every day. 每星期至少 700 人禁食禱告 Over 700 members fast and pray every week. 禁食的人每天早上 07:00~ 晚上 7:00 (12 個小時的聚

會禱告 ) They pray for 12 hours from 7 am to 7 pm every day.


約翰福音四章 35 節/ John4:35


Do you not say, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.

約翰福音四章 38 節/ John4:38


I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.

約瑟異象使命團的目標Vision of Joseph Mission Team 訓練 1,000 位傳道人

To train 1,000 pastors 建立 5,000 間教會

To establish 5,000 churches 拯救 500,000 個靈魂歸主

To lead 500,000 people to God 增加 100,000 個兒主學生

To increase 100,000 Sunday School kids 差派 100 個宣教士投入 Back to Jerusalem 計劃

To send 100 missionaries to the plan of Back To Jerusalem ( 以上希望於 2017 年底前達成 Pray to accomplish the above

goals by year 2017.)

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