„ from icarus to interplanetary travels “

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Comenius projekt 2012-2014. Školské partnerstvá – multilaterálny projekt. „ From Icarus to Interplanetary Travels “. GRÉCKO apríl 2013 2. prezentácia. Projektové aktivity september 2012- marec 2013. Project Activities September 2012- March 2013. Festival výskumníkov. 28. september 2012 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


„From Icarus to Interplanetary Travels“

Comenius projekt2012-2014

Školské partnerstvá – multilaterálny projekt

GRÉCKO apríl 2013 2. prezentácia

Projektové aktivityseptember 2012- marec 2013

Project ActivitiesSeptember 2012- March 2013

Festival výskumníkov

28. september 2012hvezdáreň Domino Košice pozorovanie nočnej oblohy teleskopom prednáška o hviezdnej oblohe počas rokarozšírenie vedomostí v rámci fyziky, astronómie

„Festival of researchers“ in Košice28. September 2012the Students were watching the night sky in the planetarium and telescope lecture focused on starry sky during the year students expand their knowledge and understanding in science focused mainly on physics, astronomy, and technological advances in space research

Prvý míting projektudvaja členovia koordinačného tímu projektu sa zúčastnili mítingu účastníkov projektu v rámci plnenia prvej mobility projektu v Rumunsku v Ploiesti

The first meeting of the projectthe members accomplished the role in the mobilitydelegates followed the official agenda

Európsky týždeň rodiny a školy v mesiaci október oboznámenie sa s bájkou „Daidalos a Ikaros“tvorba prostriedkov na lietanie - šarkany, lietadielka púšťanie teplovzdušných balónov za prítomnosti rodičov

„The European Week of families and schools“

students became familiar with the mythical story of "Daedalus and Icarus".balloons as a simple model of flying filled with the warm air were released in the presence of parents and friends of the school.

Návrh loga projektuúloha na novemberna hodinách výtvarnej výchovy a informatiky tvorili žiaci návrhy

Design the logo for the Projecttask in Novemberlogos created by our Students


Tvorivé písaniena hodinách slovenského jazyka sa žiaci na I. a II. stupni venovali písaniu slohových prác, básní, či esejí na tému dobývanie vesmíru

"Skúšobný let"Raz som videl v televízií ako človek letel na mesiac a pripadalo mi to úžasné. Tak som to chcel skúsiť. Hneď som išiel na mestskú skládku. Našiel som tam veľa nepotrebných a zaujímavých vecí. Zobral som si veľký kovový valec, staré sedadlo z auta, ale motor som nenašiel. Tak som zašiel do železiarstva a kúpil neposkladaný jednoduchý motor a návod. Všetko som zobral domov na záhradu. Poskladal som raketu, a potom prišla moja mama domov s mojim kamarátom. Skoro odpadli od údivu. Mama mi povedala „prišiel po teba Paťo“. Spýtal som sa ho „a nechceš tu radšej zostať?“ On len kývol hlavou a pomáhal mi naštartovať raketu. Nechcelo to ísť ale rýchlo sme prišli na príčinu. Zabudli sme naliať palivo. Tak sme rýchlo išli dnu, vyrobili citronádu a naliali ju do rakety. „Pomohlo to!“, zakričali sme. Už sme len nasadli a leteli. Leteli sme len pár minút. Potom sa ozval veľký rachot. Otvorili sme dvere a už sa len divili. Ľudia tam boli zelený a priateľský. Stretli sme tam jedného ufóna. Spýtali sme sa ho kde sme. On povedal že sme na planéte „Ufónia“. Potom mi zablikali hodinky a ja som vedel, že treba ísť domov. Palivo nám došlo a batériu tam nemali. Tak nám požičali teleportačné hodinky. Naučili nás ich používať. Rozlúčili sme sa s ním, stlačili gombík a povedali „Zem“. Za pár sekúnd sme boli doma. Rozlúčil som sa s Paťom a išiel spať. To je koniec môjho dobrodružstva.

"An experimental flight"One day I saw a man on TV who was flying to the Moon and it seemed to me incredibly. I wanted to try it, too. I immediately went to the city dump to find something unnecessary and interesting there. I took a big metal roller, and an old seat of a car but I didn´t find an engine. So I went into the iron stores to buy an unfolded engine with instructions. I took everything to our garden where I built a rocket. Then my mum came home with my friend. They have almost fallen off from the wonder. Mum told me: „Paťo came for you. “ I asked him: „And don´t you prefer to stay here?“ He only nodded and helped me to launch the rocket. It didn´t want to start, but we found out the reason. We forgot to refill fuel. So we went inside quickly, made some lemonade and poured into the rocket. „It worked”, we shouted. We got on and just flew. We flew only for a few minutes. Then a big noise was heard. We opened the door and were just amazed. We saw friendly and green people there. We met one alien there. We asked him where we were. He said we were on the planet „Ufonia“. Then my watch flashed and I knew we had to go home. We ran out of fuel and they didn´t have any battery there. They lent us a teleportation watch and taught us how to use it. We said goodbye, pressed the button and only said „Earth“. In a few seconds we were at home. I said goodbye to Paťo and went to bed. This is the end of my adventure.

T. Sanislo, 13 years old, VI.B class

“On the Moon”I had a dream, a fantasy, I flew to the Moon unwittingly. I experienced a wonderful adventure, fun and danger there.I saw my house and our school from the Moon and I wished that everybody could see this beautiful scene. I was dancing on the Moon as a princess who does not know anyone there at all. I heard strange voices and I chewed my hair from the fear. A rocket landed there and I heard someone to say "we have you!"I started to run around the Moon. In the race, I stumbled to my feet. Then I heard a man's voice again. They were only astronauts who wanted to save me and have fun with me.But it was too late, it was necessary to go to sleep and to remember the experience of the Moon.

Sofia Molnárová, 13 years old, VII.A class

"Felix´s jump"Last week, as I was doing some housework, I was listening to the radio. I heard an amazing information about “Felix ´s jump.”I was very interested in it, so the next day I went on the Internet to find out what was going on. I found a lot of interesting information. I read that a man, called Felix, decided to break the world´s longest free fall record and be entered in the Guinness Book of Records. He flew into the space in a rocket and jumped out of it in a spacesuit, with a parachute on his back. I heard that the website you tube had broadcasted his jump. I watched some videos. I saw how Felix was preparing, I listened to various opinions of researchers, security measures, and finally I watched the jump. I was very amazed. He was in free fall from a world record more than 12 thousand km and the time of falling exceeded about eight minutes. It was incredible. Felix looked like a shining falling body even in the sunny sky from the Earth. Later I learned that at the beginning he postponed his jump because of the bad weather conditions. Unfortunately, he opened his parachute sooner, so he could not get through the world record. Even so, he deserves an enormous respect. He overcame the fear that he had to feel there.

Norbert Bodnár, 14 years old, IX. B class

Vesmír očami detí celoslovenská výtvarná súťaž „Vesmír očami detí“každoročne získavame ocenenia za práceAlex Halász 2. miesto

Space through the Children‘s Eyesslovak art competitionwe are awarded every yearAlex Halasz - 2. place in 2013

Korešpodenciavianočné pozdravy a veľkonočné pozdravye-mailová korešpondencia medzi žiakmi


Christmas and Easter greeting cardse-mail correspondence

between Students

Projekt vo vyučovanífyziky, geografie

pohyb Zeme okolo Slnka práca s telúriom

hviezdy na oblohe vesmírny ďalekohľad zázraky vesmíru

Project on the lessonsof Geography and Physics

Students work with tellurium, they watch the rotation of the Earth around the Sun,

stars in the sky space Telescope wonders of the Universe

Krúžky – Astronómia včera a dnes, Kreatívny svet

príprava a výstava modelovtvorba máp súhvezdí hviezdnej oblohyinštalácia výstavy žiackych prác

s výtvarnou tematikou

príbehy o lietaníplagáty – vesmír, slnečná sústava, planéty, vesmírne telesá, súhvezdia práca s PC – testy z astronómie model rakety , kozmonauta

Activities - Astronomical Club at school and Creative World Club

Students´work include: writing stories about flying, creating posters about the Universe, the solar system, planets, cosmic bodies, constellationsworking with PC - tests of astronomymaking models of a rocket, models of an astronaut

Čo vieš o hviezdach - súťaž marec 2013 astronomická súťaž pre žiakov z

krúžku organizátor - Obvodná hvezdáreň,

Medzev súťažné úlohy :

poznatky zo všeobecnej astronómie určovanie hviezd a súhvezdí slnečná sústava vesmírne telesá

Naši žiaci získali 1., 2., 3. miesto

What do you know about the starsAstronomical competition for students working in the after school club

District organizer - observatory, MedzevCompetitive tasks:

General knowledge of astronomy

Identifying stars and constellations

Solar System Cosmic bodies

Our students won 1st, 2nd, 3rd place

Beseda s meteorológom Ing. Elemír Dunajský, Csc. - dlhoročný

pracovník meteorologickej stanice v Košiciach


náplň práce meteorológa,

príprava meteorologických máp pre predpoveď počasia,

meteorologické prístroje,

vesmírne počasie,

možnosti štúdia odboru meteorológia.

Interview with a meteorologist

Elemír Dunajský - doctor of science a longtime employee of the Meteorological station in Košice

Topic: The job of a meterologistpreparing weather maps for weather forecastmeterological equipmentsweather in spacestudy the subject of the meteorologist

Vesmírny kútik prípravné práce na inštaláciu priebežné dopĺňanie vytvorenými materiálmi v rámci projektu výsledok: model slnečnej sústavy

Astronomical Corner Students´work include:writing stories about flying,creating posters about the Universe, the solar system, planets, cosmic bodies, constellationsworking with PC - tests of astronomymaking models of a rocket, models of an astronaut

MsTV - september - informácia o začiatku realizácie projektuThe first part of the promotion of the Project for public was in September 2012Marec – predstavenie projektu za účasti koordinátorov, žiakov s dôrazom na prebiehajúce aktivity.The second part of the promotion of the Project on city TV was in March

Promotion on TV

Group „Comenius - From Icarus to interplanetary travels“ Facebook

Our web site of the projectwww.comeniusmoldava.webnode.cz

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