빅데이터와 sns 시대의 지방언론방송 2 (16 nov2014)

Post on 01-Jul-2015



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  • 1. SNS TEDxPalgong ()()()hanpark@ynu.ac.krwww.hanpark.net

2. Believe it or not 3. http://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1002578431 4. ' (Kodak Moment) 5. , , , N-Screen 6. http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=strong7515&logNo=50112482874 7. The old worldhttp://www.slideshare.net/andywilliamson/policom2013-williamson-33284706?utm_source=slideshow&utm_medium=ssemail&utm_campaign=upload_digest 8. http://www.slideshare.net/andywilliamson/policom2013-williamson-33284706?utm_source=slideshow&utm_medium=ssemail&utm_campaign=upload_digestThe world we live in 9. 10. https://www.kocca.kr/knowledge/publication/indu/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2012/01/16/BzvoWMuStOEx.pdf 11. Annals of TechnologyStreaming Dreams: YouTubeturns pro.On TV, airtime is a scarce resource;on YouTube, its infinite 12. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheKARAOKEChannel 13. (2012. 1). . . p.94. . 14. ,Fact 15. van Dijk (2012, p.220) 16. http://novaspivack.typepad.com/nova_spivacks_weblog/2007/02/steps_towards_a.html 17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iIKPjOuwqHo 18. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/innovation/policy/business-innovation-observatory/files/infographics/big-data_en.pdf 19. Data-driven Research that focuseson extracting meaningful data fromtechno-socio-economic systems todiscover some hidden patterns. 20. A Brief History of Applause, the 'Big Data' of the Ancient Worldhttp://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/03/a-brief-history-of-applause-the-big-data-of-the-ancient-world/274014/ 21. : http://nec1963.tistory.com/1445 22. : http://datajournalism.stanford.edu : _mistress 23. Social Data journalism Precision journalism + Investigative journalism Computer Aided Journalism/Reporting (CAR) Journalism 2.0 Open journalism Infographics journalism Interactive journalism Multimedia journalism Location-based journalism Social media journalism 24. Newstapa & Data Journalism 25. Newstapa & Data Journalism : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HKCQgGcGmOs 26. [2014 SNS ]51 19 51 15(29.4%) . 7(13.7%) 2.http://news.donga.com/3/all/20141024/67404060/1 27. http://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1002560608 28. 29. 50 11 ... 1?http://insight.co.kr/view.php?ArtNo=9589 30. YTN 4 20http://www.ytn.co.kr/search/search_view.php?s_mcd=1305&key=201312211057568922 31. ! > - Andrew Sullivan- - New York Times 30 7 - - 5.4 32. The New York Times 512 Paths to the White House 33. http://graphics.wsj.com/house-midterm-elections-facebook/ 34. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCoE-DD42c8 35. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCoE-DD42c8 36. (THM) THM: , 3 , : http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/31333.asp 37. : (2010), (2011), . 24. 38. VS : (2010), (2011), .: (2013). . . http://www.slideshare.net/hanpark/20131014-pt 39. Zero History(2010) Zero History, 2010Wired.com: How about Twitter? More than mostauthors Ive checked out, your tweet-happy avatar@GreatDismal seems to be most comfortablemessaging and cool-hunting on the service. And in thenovel, Twitters consistently used as a communicationand parenting device, depending on the spook.Gibson: Well, I discovered Twitter while I was writingthe novel, and I immediately saw its odd potential forbeing a tiny, private darknet that no one else canaccess. Im always interested in the spooky repurposingof everyday things. After a few days on Twitter, whatwas most evident to me is that, if you set it up right,its probably the most powerful novelty aggregatorthat has ever existed. 40. http://www.journalism.org/2014/10/21/section-2-social-media-political-news-and-ideology/ 41. http://bengrosser.com/projects/facebook-demetricator/ 42. What are youdoing? 43. ? , , 44. < >(2013 =6,240, 2011 =6,669, : %)2013 2011 MP3 PMP MP3 PMP10 85.5 17.2 3.7 28.4 50.6 12.320 96.2 18.5 5.8 57.9 43.6 8.630 94.2 14.3 2.8 45.5 19 3.740 81.3 9.8 2.1 23.6 13.3 2.750 51.3 4.7 1.7 7 3.5 16010.9 2.2 0.5 1.6 2.2 0.3: KISDI STAT Report(14-06-02) 20 45. KISDI STAT Report(14-06-01) 46. < > : KISDI STAT Report(14-06-01) 13~19 20~29 30~39 40~49 50~59 60 5.08 4.94 4.80 5.00 4.71 5.04 4.59 4.96 4.78 4.96 4.51 4.755.04 4.97 4.53 5.02 4.79 5.03 4.59 4.97 4.80 4.97 4.51 4.784.95 4.88 4.71 4.93 4.57 4.97 4.62 4.86 4.70 4.88 4.44 4.66 47. (ViewerTariat) Anstead & O'Loughlin(2009) (viewertariat) TV SNS : (viewer) (proletariat) 2009 10 22 BBC Question Time British National Party Nick Griffin 48. SNS -(pseudo-communal) 49. Why Lost is genuinely new media 50. 51. - Device 52. - Device 53. : TBC 54. TBC: TBC (www.tbc.co.kr)- , , TV, , , , - - / , 55. TBC: - 2~3 - ) TBC (2014 11 19) 56. TBC: Facebook * TBC - 2014 ( 3), 2013 ( 12)- 111 57. TBC: Facebook Facebook - - 2014 3 58. TBC MBC TBNKNN MBC KBS MBC KBSSBS ( ego network)2012 8 22 1000~2000 . , 59. : http://reportplus.kr/?p=7761: (2013). tool: CAR SAR, 2013 IRE . . 9/10. 60. CAR SAR : http://reportplus.kr/?p=7761 61. : 62. ?News is undergoing biggest,messiest change ever Joseph Lasica (2011) , , , , , . 63. (Lasica, 2011) , , , , , , , , () 64. Jay Rosen (2009): , , . Dan Conover (2020 vision: Whats next fornews): , , , 65. : 66. : 5http://sm4good.com/2014/06/12/social-media-crisis-mapping-typhoon-haiyan/ 67. 1. SAH : Source-Authority-Hub (Hub; H) UCC , 1 (produser) SAH ' '() 68. , , . , SNS 69. Weather.com http://life.daegu.com/http://www.weather.com/weather/hourbyhour/graph/KSXX0037 70. http://event.zum.com/2015univ 71. 2. COPE : Create Once PublishEverywhere OSMU(One Source MultiUse) COPE(Create Once PublishEverywhere) OSMU , COPE (Benjamin etal., 2011)http://www.the-pr.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=6813 72. http://www.clickz.com/clickz/news/2336996/80-of-marketers-will-run-cross-channel-marketing-campaigns-in-2014-study 73. 1) : . , . 74. 3. IR : Interactive & Responsive 2.0 (Interactive & Responsive; IR) , SNS 75. 2) SNS - , , , 3) - , - 76. Geah Pressgrove (2012). Top U.S. Nonprofits Use of Web 20 to achieve dialogical potential. A paper presented atthe Social Media and PR Session, International Communication Association. Phenoix, AZ: USA. 77. 4. Viewertariat as Producer: SNS , 78. : 79. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAPuruw4aNg 80. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wgewvwjAJM 81. 1) , SNS .2) . / .- SNS , . 82. 2014 10 31 10 27 3 , 2 1- . 2-. .3- 83. Co-inlink , 3 3 84. 5. MeFormer: Mediated inFormer VSinForming about Media content Meformer: 80% (Naaman et al. 2010) ( ) (Mediated inFormer) 85. - , , - . 86. San Francisco turns into Gotham city for Batkid Young-Jin KWON, mayor of Daegu MetropolitanCity, will help make your wishes and dreamscome true 87. : http://onlinejournalism.co.kr/1196230960 88. : http://mmto.egloos.com/744536 89. : , (2013.11.5) , [] 6 , 90. 91. http://zezecool.tistory.com/17 92. Guardian 10 It may be trendy but its not new Open data means open data journalism Has data journalism become curation? Bigger datasets, smaller things Data journalism is 80% perspiration, 10% great idea, 10% output Long and short-form Anyone can do it but looks can be everything You dont have to be a programmer Its (still) all about storieshttp://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/jul/28/data-journalism 93. Prof. Han Woo PARKWorld Class University Webometrics InstituteCyberEmotions Research CenterDepartment of Media and Communincation,YeungNam University, Koreahanpark@ynu.ac.krhttp://www.hanpark.netWCUWEBOMETRICSINSTITUTEINVESTIGATING INTERNET-BASED POLITIC WITH E-RESEARCH TOOLS

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