021 683 3667 - 083 302 9111 jeremyopperman@mweb.co.za meeting disability a practical disability...

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021 683 3667 - 083 302 9111jeremyopperman@mweb.co.za

Meeting DisabilityA Practical Disability Workshop

Created by

Jeremy Opperman

Ensuring a natural and unhesitant integration of Disability into mainstream


1. Unconscious incompetence1. Unconscious incompetence•Out of sight out of mindOut of sight out of mind•Cannot make informed decisions without Cannot make informed decisions without facts facts •Forced to make assumptions leads to Forced to make assumptions leads to stereotypic patternsstereotypic patterns•leads to costly mistakes and leads to costly mistakes and discriminationdiscrimination

2. Conscious incompetence2. Conscious incompetence•Being aware that so little is known and Being aware that so little is known and understood inspires curiosity and desire understood inspires curiosity and desire for info.for info.•Creates opportunity to plan and set goalsCreates opportunity to plan and set goals•Can see the need for ChangeCan see the need for Change

4. Unconscious Competence4. Unconscious Competence•Disability becomes so significant that its Disability becomes so significant that its no longer a big issue, just natural and no longer a big issue, just natural and unhesitantunhesitant•Become Disability Confident.Become Disability Confident.

3. Conscious Competence3. Conscious Competence•Ensure that Disability integration is Ensure that Disability integration is constantly born in mind constantly born in mind •Having an access policy to guide and Having an access policy to guide and benchmark future developmentbenchmark future development

Are we Disability Confident?

LegislativeOr compliance


Human Rights ViewPersonalSociety

Business CasePerspective

Requiring a perspective View

Does this make Business “cents”?

Organisational Function

Facts, Reality Human Rights Case

Compliance and Application of the Legislative Case

Motivation and Consequences of The Business Case

Human Resources- Employment- Retention- Skills Development

How many PWDs employed? Are facilities and training accessible?

How well are we performing on Employment Equity?Do our existing positions filled demonstrate equitable placement?

Are PWDs attracted to WANT to work there?Is the skills development programme recognised as being Disability friendly?

Organisational Function

Facts, Reality Human Rights Case

Compliance and Application of the Legislative Case

Motivation and Consequences of The Business Case

Operations- Administration- Policies - Facilities- Procurement- Sales - Image and PR

Are our policies and procedures discriminatory?How accessible are our facilities for staff, visitors and students?

e our policies etc, compliant with EEA and Equality act’s??Do our facilities comply with National Building Regs?

Are our procedures, e.g.; enrolment, accounts, loan application, website etc, Accessible?Does the access of our facilities, attract or deter potential staff, funders, or students?

Organisational Function

Facts, Reality Human Rights Case

Compliance and Application of the Legislative Case

Motivation and Consequences of The Business Case

Social Investment- Community Projects- Funding- Bursaries- Scholarships

Does our Community, bursaries, funding activities include Disability meaningfully?

Are our bursaries equitable and free of discrimination? Are application and registration procedures accessible?

Does our existing CSIaimed at Disability show a return on investment? Do we use our bursaries and scholarships to actively increase numbers of students and future PWDs

Organisational Function

Facts, Reality Human Rights Case

Compliance and Application of the Legislative Case

Motivation and Consequences of The Business Case

Service Delivery- Teaching- Lecture/lab - Libraries- Sport & - Residential Career PlanningWellness

Do we teach enough PWDs?Are enough of our faculty staff PWDs?Are we mindful of needs and challenges when providing services to students?

Are our facilities for teaching, research, studying, compliant with National Building Regs?Are we vulnerable to threat from the “Equality” Act or EEA?

Do we project a world class accessible image that will attract PWDs who may be students, visitors, teachers or staff?

““Companies that fail to Companies that fail to embrace Diversity , embrace Diversity ,

including disability, as a including disability, as a core business issue, are core business issue, are simply missing the point simply missing the point


““What’s doing the What’s doing the disabling around here disabling around here


Barriers or disabilities?”Barriers or disabilities?”

Copyright © 2008 Meeting Disability Telephone: 021 6833667

Are Barriers always physical?

Copyright © 2008 Meeting Disability Telephone: 021 6833667

Common Problems include

Limited or non existent executive participation or Limited or non existent executive participation or understandingunderstanding

Ad hoc and reactive diversity/equity activityAd hoc and reactive diversity/equity activity Narrow focused or silo oriented diverstiy activityNarrow focused or silo oriented diverstiy activity Inappropriate, stereotypic or unlawful practicesInappropriate, stereotypic or unlawful practices Little consistence or resilience in any interventions executedLittle consistence or resilience in any interventions executed But the single biggest problem is the lack of a But the single biggest problem is the lack of a holistic and holistic and

strategically led approachstrategically led approach

Copyright © 2008 Meeting Disability Telephone: 021 6833667


One piece at a time!

Copyright © 2008 Meeting Disability Telephone: 021 6833667

Eating ElephantsTaking one bite at a time

A four fold approach to systematic Diversity A four fold approach to systematic Diversity management.management.

LeadershipBarrier Assessment Barrier RemovalMaintenance of a Barrier Free Environment

Copyright Meeting Disability 2008 021 6833667

Achievable Outcomes

Equitable Disability Integration Becoming Disability Confident

• Provide an accessible and aware environment for employees and customers with Disabilities.

• An increase in the awareness level of Disability as a designated equity group.

• Create a higher consciousness towards Disability as a legitimate member of society.

• Change mindsets towards the employment of persons with disabilities thus opening opportunities for all types of employment.

• Increased numbers of employees with disabilities.• Enhanced skills development and career advancement.• Happier, more motivated and ambitious staff with

disabilities.• Can clearly strategize and plan for legislated targets and

goals.• Embrace a more representative diversity in the


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