04. protokol dan aplikasi network management (rev)

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8/8/2019 04. Protokol Dan Aplikasi Network Management (Rev)

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Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan


Network ManagementProtocols and Application

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Simple Network Management Protocol


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What is SNMP?

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is awidely used protocol designed to facilitate themanagement of network devices from a centrallocation.

SNMP designed originally for the management of devices such as routers and switches, its usage hasgrown rapidly to encompass the monitoring of nearlyany electronic device one can think of.

SNMP is now used to monitor and manage televisionbroadcast studios, automated fare collection systems,airborne military platforms, energy distributionsystems, emergency radio networks, and much more

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


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Simple Network ManagementProtocol


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Oktober 20104Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-


A framework for managing devices in anInternet using TCP/IP.

Provides a set of fundamental operations for

monitoring and maintaining an Internet.An application-level protocol allows it to

monitor devices made by differentmanufacturers installed on different

physical networks.

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SNMP Manager/AgentModel

SNMP bekerja berdasarkan manager/agent model yang terdiri darimanager , agent , database yang menyimpan informasimanajemen, managed objects, dan network protocol.

Manager menyediakan interface antara manusia (networkmanager) dengan management system.

 Agent menyediakan interface antara manager dengan perangkatyang di-managed .

Manager dan agent menggunakan sebuah Management Information Base (MIB) dengan perintah-perintah yang sederhanauntuk pertukaran informasi.

MIB berisi variabel-variabel individual dari dari setiap komponenperangkat/sistem yang disusun dengan tree structure.

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

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Oktober 2010

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SNMP Manager/AgentModel






Management System Managed Element

Network Protocol

Manager  Agent

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Structure of SNMP-basedManagement Services

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Oktober 2010

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Agent A



Agent B


Agent C


Agent D


Agent E



Database SQL

Display Station








Hub Router 


SQL (Structured Query Language)

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SNMP Basic Ideas

A manager checks an agent by requestinginformation that reflects the behavior of the agent.

A manager forces an agent to perform atask by resetting values in the agentdatabase.

An agent contributes to the managementprocess by warning the manager of anunusual situation.

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Oktober 20108Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-


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Some Typical Uses of SNMP

Monitoring device performance

Detecting device faults, or recovery fromfaults

Collecting long term performance data

Remote configuration of devices

Remote device control

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Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


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SNMP Architecture


Managed device


Management Information Base(MIB)

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Oktober 2010

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A manager or management system is a separateentity that is responsible to communicate withthe SNMP agent implemented network devices.

 This is typically a computer that is used to run

one or more network management systemsManager’s key functions:

o Queries agents

o Gets responses from agents


Sets variables in agentso Acknowledges asynchronous events from agents

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Oktober 2010

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Managed Device

A managed device or the network elementis a part of the network that requires someform of monitoring and management e.g.

routers, switches, servers, workstations,printers, UPSs, etc..

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Oktober 2010

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Agent The agent is a program that is packaged within the network


Enabling the agent allows it to collect the managementinformation database from the device locally and makes itavailable to the SNMP manager, when it is queried for.

 These agents could be standard (e.g. Net-SNMP) or specific toa vendor (e.g. HP insight agent)

SNMP agent’s key functions:o Collects management information about its local environment

o Stores and retrieves management information as defined in the MIB.

o Signals an event to the manager.

o Acts as a gateway for some non–SNMP manageable network node

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Oktober 2010

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Management InformationBase (MIB)

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Every SNMP agent maintains an information database describing themanaged device parameters. The SNMP manager uses this databaseto request the agent for specific information and further translatesthe information as needed for the Network Management System(NMS). This commonly shared database between the Agent and theManager is called Management Information Base (MIB).

 Typically these MIB contains standard set of statistical and controlvalues defined for hardware nodes on a network. SNMP also allowsthe extension of these standard values with values specific to aparticular agent through the use of private MIBs.

In short, MIB files are the set of questions that a SNMP Manager canask the agent. Agent collects these data locally and stores it, as

defined in the MIB. So, the SNMP Manager should be aware of thesestandard and private questions for every type of agent

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Object Identifier (OID) Management Information Base (MIB) is a collection of Information for

managing network element. The MIBs comprises of managed objectsidentified by the name Object Identifier (Object ID or OID). EachIdentifier is unique and denotes specific characteristics of a manageddevice. When queried for, the return value of each identifier could bedifferent e.g. Text, Number, Counter, etc...

 There are two types of Managed Object or Object ID: Scalar and


o Scalar Object define a single object instance

o E.g.: Device’s vendor name, the result can be only one.


o  Tabular object defines multiple related object instance that are groupedtogether in MIB tables

o E.g.: CPU utilization of a Quad Processor, this would give me a result foreach CPU separately, means there will be 4 results for that particularObject ID.

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


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Structure of ManagementInformation (SMI)

Structure and Identification of ManagementInformation.

 The SMI defines the rules for how managed objectsare described and how management protocols may

access these objects.

Functions:o  To name objects

o  To define the type of data to be stored in an object

o  To show how to encode data for transmission over thenetwork

SMI requires each managed object (router,variables in a router, etc) has a unique name

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Oktober 201016Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-


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Integer dot representation

Name dot notation



All objects managed by SNMP are given anobject identifier. The object identifier

always start with

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Oktober 201017Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-


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Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

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 The first group defines the node administratoro (1) for ISO

o (2) for CCITTo (3) for the joint ISO-CCITT

 The second group for the ISO node administratordefines (3) for use by other organization.

 The third group defines (6) for the use of the U.S.

Department of Defense (DoD). In the fourth group the DOD has not indicated how itwill manage its group, so the Internet communityassumed (1) for its own.

 The fifth group was approved to be:o (1) for the use of OSI directory in the Interneto (2) for objects identification for management purposeso (3) for objects identification for experimental purposeso (4) for objects identification for private use

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Oktober 201019

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Approach to obtaininformation

 There are two approaches for themanagement system to obtaininformation from SNMPo Trap

o Polling

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SNMP Polling

 The network management system periodicallyqueries the network devices for information.

 The advantage is network the managementsystem is in control and knows the “big picture”.

 The disadvantage is the amount of delay fromwhen the event occurs to when it’s noticed. Short interval, network bandwidth is wasted

Long interval, response to event is too slow

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Oktober 201022

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SNMP Trap/Polling

When an event occurs, the network devicegenerates a simple trap.

 The management system then polls the networkdevice to get the necessary information.

 The management system also does low frequencypolling as a backup to the trap.

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Oktober 201023

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SNMP Operation

Managers can be viewed as Clients; andAgents, as Servers. The operations betweenManagers and Agents are quite simple:o “get” commands are sent by a Manager to an Agent to

request data values defined by a MIB. The Agent will respond

with the requested values. Closely related requests are“getnext” and “getbulk”.

o A Manager can also send “set” commands to an Agent. If theMIB defines a data object as read-write, then the Agent willaccept the data value sent with the “set” command andprocess it appropriately (store it or execute appropriate

action).o Agents will send unsolicited “traps” (alarms) to Managers to

alert them to important events.

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

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Types of SNMP Packets GetRequest


Retrieves the value of a variable or a set of variables GetNextRequest

o Used to retrieve values of entries in a table

GetBulkRequesto Retrieves a large amount of datao Used instead of multiple GetRequest and GetNextRequest.

SetRequesto Set (store) a value in a variable

Responseo Response to GetRequest or GetNextRequest; contains values or variables


Trapo Sent from agent to manager to report an event.

InformRequesto Sent from one manager to another remote manager to get a value of some

value from agents under control of the remote manager.

Reporto Designed to report some type of errors between managers (not currently


Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 201025

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Types of MIB Modules

Standard: These are the standard MIBs currentlydesigned to capture the core aspects of theparticular technology.

Experimental: Temporary and if achievesstandardization then it is placed in the standardmodule.

Enterprise-specific: Vendor specific MIBs thatprovide additional management capabilities for

those features that require it.

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Oktober 201026

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Strengths of SNMP

Widespread popularity

Many standard MIBs available

Agents have low impact on monitoredsystem resources

Well suited to monitoring

Many products available

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Weaknesses of SNMP

Not as comprehensive as some other protocols

Not bandwidth efficient

Complicated message encoding rules

Security has been on on-going concern. SNMPv3was developed in response to this issue.

UDP, or other connectionless, protocol is used,which creates issues regarding verification of operations: Trap-Send verification (did it reallyreach the Manager?); Verification (success) of any“set” operation to an Agent. However, cleverlydesigned MIBs and Manager logic can overcomethese problems

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

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TelecommunicationsManagement Network 


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What is TMN? TMN is an acronym for Telecommunications Management


 TMN standards efforts generally refer to the functionalarchitecture model and interface specifications createdand supported by the International TelecommunictionsUnion - Telecommunications Divsion (ITU- T) and other

national and international standards organizations

 The term “TMN” refers to a collection of systems thatsupport the management needs of network and serviceproviders for planning, provisioning, installing, maintaining,operating, and administering telecommunicationsnetworks and services.

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Oktober 2010

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TMN and TelecommunicationsNetworks

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Oktober 2010

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Data CommunicationNetwork












Telecommunications Network

 Telecommunication Service



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Basic Concept

 The basic concept behind a TMN is to provide anorganized architecture to enable various types of OSSsand/or telecommunications equipment to work togetherfor the exchange of management information.

In defining this concept, TMN standards bodies recognize

that many network and service providers have largeinfrastructures of existing OSSs, networks, andequipment already in place which must beaccommodated within the architecture.

 The TMN functional architecture has been designed

intentionally to accommodate a broad range of operations solutions.

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Oktober 2010

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OS and OSS

An Operating System (OS) is software, consistingof programs and data, that runs on computersand manages the computer hardware andprovides common services for efficient execution

of various application software The integrated entity of management software,

operating system and hardware is defined asOperations Support System from the perspective

of a telecommunications service provider.

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TMN Functional AreasPrinsip TMN adalah mengelompokkan fungsi manajemen ke dalam lima

areaConfiguration Management

Pengontrolan/pengendalian, identifikasi dan pengumpulan data dari, danmemberikan data kepada network elements

Fault Management

Mendeteksi, mengisolasi, dan melakukan perbaikan atas ketidak normalan

operasi jaringan telekomunikasiPerformance Management

Mengevaluasi dan melaporkan perilaku perangkat sistem telekomunikasi danefektivitas network atau network elements

Accounting Management

Pengukuran penggunaan layanan jaringan dan menentukan besarnya biaya

penggunaan tersebut.Security Management

Memfasilitasi pencegahan dan pendeteksian penggunaan ilegal terhadapsumberdaya dan layanan jaringan, serta langkah-langkah preventive dancorrective terhadap upaya-upaya security violation

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TMN Functional Layers

 TMN membedakan fungsionalitasmanajemen kedalam tingkatan-tingkatan, dari yang terendah berupamanajemen network element, sampaiyang tertinggi berupa manajemen bisniskorporasi

 Tingkatan tersebut biasanyadirepresentasikan dalam bentuk

piramida yang terdiri dari:o Business Management Layer (BML)

o Service Management Layer (SML)

o Network Management Layer (NML)

o Element Management Layer (EML)

o Network Element (NE)

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Oktober 2010

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Business ManagementLayer (BML)

BML has responsibility for the total enterprise

BML has the following principal roles:

o Supporting the decision-making process for the optimalinvestment and use of new telecommunications resources

o Supporting the management of OA&M (Operations,Administration and Maintenance) related budget

o Supporting the supply and demand of OA&M relatedmanpower

o Maintaining aggregate data about the total enterprise

Service Management Layer

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Service Management Layer(SML)

Service management is concerned with, and responsible for, the

contractual aspects of services that are being provided to customersor available to potential new customers.

Some of the main functions of this layer are service order handling,complaint handling and invoicing

 The service management layer has the following principal roles:o Interfacing with customers and other administrators

o Interaction with service providers

o maintaining statistical data (e.g. QOS)

o interaction between services

o Interaction with BML and NML

SML supported by service level agreements, performance logs, alarm

logs, resource usage distribution, workforce management, andreporting tools

SML is responsible for all negotiations and resulting contractualagreements between a (potential) customer and the service(s)offered to this customer

Network Management

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Network ManagementLayer (NML)

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 The network management layer has theresponsibility for the management of a network assupported by the element management layer

 The network management layer has the followingprincipal roles:o  The control and coordination of the network view of all

network elements within its scope or domain

o  The provision, cessation or modification of networkcapabilities for the support of service to customers


 The maintenance of network capabilitieso Maintaining statistical, log and other data about the

network and interact with the service manager layer onperformance, usage, availability, etc.


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Element ManagementLayer (EML)

 The element management layer manages eachnetwork element on an individual or group basis andsupports an abstraction of the functions provided bythe network management layer

 The element management layer has the followingprincipal roles:o Control and coordination of a subset of network elements on

an individual NEF basis

o Control and coordination of a subset of network elements on

collective basiso Maintaining statistical, log and other data about elements

within its scope of control

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Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP), an OSI protocolused with the Common Management Information Services (CMIS),supports information exchange between network managementapplications and management agents.

CMIS defines a system of network management information services.CMIP supplies an interface that provides functions which maybe used

to support both ISO and user-defined management protocols CMIP uses an ISO reliable connection-oriented transport mechanism

and has built in security that supports access control, authorizationand security logs. The management information is exchangedbetween the network management application and managementagents thru managed objects. Managed objects are a characteristic of 

a managed device that can be monitored, modified or controlled andcan be used to perform tasks

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TMN Protocol – CMIP

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Network Management Basedon the CMIP/CMIS

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Common Management InformationService Element (CMISE)

Access to managed information in the managedobjects is provided by CMISE that uses CMIP toissue requests for management services.

 The management services provided by

CMIP/CMISE can be organized into two distinctgroups:o management operation services, initiated by a

manager to request that an agent provide certain

services or informationo notification services, used by the management

agents to inform the managers that some event or set of events have occurred.

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Definition of Service Elements

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Management operation serviceso M-CREATE - Create an instance of a managed object

o M-DELETE - Delete an instance of a managed object

o M-GET - Request managed object attributes (for one object or aset of objects)

o M-CANCEL-GET - Cancel an outstanding GET request

o M-SET - Set managed object attributes

o M-ACTION - Request an action to be performed on a managedobject

Management notification serviceso M-EVENT-REPORT - Send events occurring on managed


Ad t f CMIP

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Advantages of CMIP overSNMP

CMIP variables not only relay information, butalso can be used to perform tasks. This isimpossible under SNMP.

CMIP is a safer system as it has built in security

that supports authorization, access control, andsecurity logs.

CMIP provides powerful capabilities that allowmanagement applications to accomplish more

with a single request.CMIP provides better reporting of unusual

network conditions

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Integrated Network 


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 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


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Managing a network involves a great variety of functionso Monitoring devices in the network

o Service provisioning

o Diagnosing networking problems


Planning for optimum network performanceo Detecting security breaches

o Assessing the impact of planned network maintenance onexisting services and customers

o Etc.

 This means that all management functionality needto be provided in one holistic solution, as opposedto providing the functionality in multiple, separateparts that essentially form separate islands.

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


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Benefits of IntegratedManagement

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


Management tasks do not rely on manual procedures and leavelittle to chance

Integrated management systems reduce the need for trainingand increase the pool of available personnel that can carry outoperational tasks

Integrated management infrastructure facilitates managementof the management itself 

Integrated management infrastructure reduces or eliminates theneed to keep the same data redundantly in multiple locations

Integrated management infrastructure helps reduce themanagement load on the managed network

Integrated management infrastructure makes it easier to havemanagement information available whenever and wherever it isneeded

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Non-integrated Management

Sept 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011









Service Provisioning





Customer Inventory


Service Inventory


Equipment Inventory

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Integrated Management

Sept 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


DatabaseIntegrated Management

Different Perspectives on

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Different Perspectives onManagement Integration

Needs The Equipment Vendor


 The Enterprise Perspective The Service Provider Perspective

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


Th E i t V d

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The Equipment VendorPerspective

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011







Devices – Vendor A



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The Enterprise Perspective

 The scope of integrated management becomeslarger in the case of a small to medium-sizeenterprise that needs to manage a network thatincludes a wide range of different types of 

devices from different vendors. In such environments, typically a variety of 

element management systems (EMSs) aredeployed, each addressing the management

needs for equipment of different vendors andeach used independently of one another

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


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The Enterprise Perspective

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011








Devices – Vendor A Equipment






Devices – Vendor B







Th S i P id

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The Service ProviderPerspective

Integrated management for service providers includesservice management and business managementfunctionality.

 This means that the scope of management integration isno longer just “horizontal”. Instead, the need forintegration becomes “vertical” as well.

Horizontal integration:o  The same management functionality for increasing numbers of 

managed devices and device types to be integrated

Vertical integration:o Integration of entirely categories and layers of management


Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011


The Service Provider

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The Service ProviderPerspective

Kanda Rachmat

Oktober 2010

Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

 Jaringan Semester Ganjil 2010-2011








Devices – Vendor A








Devices – Vendor B


Any Vendor

ElementManagementAny Vendor


MonitoringAny Vendor


Service LevelMonitoring






ServicesProvisioning –

Service A

ServicesProvisioning –

Service B





R f

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References “Network Management Standard ”, Aiko Prass , University of Tweente, The

Netherlands (http://www.simpleweb.org)

“Introduction to SNMP”, Aiko Prass , University of Tweente, The Netherlands (http://www.simpleweb.org)

“Network Management Lecture”, Prof. S. Gosh, Dept. of Computer Science &Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur ((http://www.youtube.com 

“SNMP Tutorial: An Introduction to SNMP “ (http://www.dpstele.com/layers/l2/snmp_tutorials.php)

“SNMP Tutorial” (http://www.manageengine.com/network-monitoring/what-is-snmp.html 

“Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)“ (http://www.eogogics.com/talkgogics/tutorials/SNMP)

“ITU-T Recommendation M.3010”

“CMIP & CMIS” (http://www.javvin.com/protocolCMIP.html )

“Communication Networks Management ”, Second Edition – Kornel Terplan

“Telecom Operations Management Solutions With NetExpert TM “ – Kornel Terplan

“Network Management Fundamentals”, Alexander Clemm, Ph.D.

Kanda Rachmat Manajemen Penyelenggaraan

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