10 tips to follow in 2014-2015

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Even after the Panda and Penguin updates the linkbuilding is here to stay. Only the ways to get links have improvised. We need to take them from very trusted sources and in finite number. However you can never bet on short-term gains at the beginning as they are less likely, it is rather a medium to long-term measure that is to be considered in Off-Page Optimization. One of the most important points is to have fun during working on your project and keep yourself interested with the subject. You should think not only of potential backlinks, but examine whether you can do improvisation in relevant content for your target audience. http://www.getmeontop.com/


TIPS TO FOLLOW IN2014-201510

Keyword Phrase

One thing that remains a constant, Keyword Research! Prior to creating a new website, content or post, keyword research should be your first step. Keyword research will determine the best keywords to rank for in Google. Am excellent tool to begin your research is the Google Keyword Planner.

Page Title is still important and carry a lot of weight. How many websites do you see the word “Home” on the home page? The Google Algorithm has matured, often showing other (Meta) Keywords for title. But there are many cases where this is not true, and Google displays a search result with simply the word “Home”. How many people will click on your website, when it shows just “Home”?.

Page Title (Meta Tag)

(Meta) Description

The driving force that prompts users to actually click on your search result. Make sure you describe in such a way to “drive”

users to your website with relevant information.

You should always to have permalink that includes your keyword phrase.


Having unique, pertinent content is key to ranking. Make sure that each page on your website has a minimum of 500 words.


Yes, Content is still King!

Keyword density

You should keep your keyword under 4% ; you do not want to stuff the content with your keyword phrase.

Image Optimization

Make sure you have an Image “Alt” tag for all images on your site, matched to your keywords. Make sure each image has been optimized (smallest size) too.

You should have the sitemap installed. If you using WordPress, you can install Google XML Sitemap, which is really cool tool that will generate sitemap whenever you are adding new content, and then submit it to search engines.


Only build backlinks with relevant and high quality websites, you should avoid guest posting or any unnatural ways of creating backlinks. Again, quality counts, not quantity.


If you do not use those two on daily basics, then you should not be managing websites at all; yes, I’m dead serious : )

Google Analytic and Webmaster

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