
Post on 28-Oct-2014






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表 C001 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁


一基本資料 申請條碼100WFA2500394


計 畫 類 別 ( 單 選 ) 一般型研究計畫

研 究 型 別 個別型計畫

計 畫 歸 屬 工程處

申 請 機 構 系 所 ( 單 位 ) 國立臺灣科技大學營建工程系

本 計 畫 主 持 人 姓 名 林宏達 職 稱 教授 身 分 證 號 碼 078

中 文 三維空間下開挖對地盤反應及建物損害之評估方法

本 計 畫 名 稱 英 文

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D


整 合 型 總 計 畫 名 稱

整 合 型 總 計 畫 主 持 人 身 分 證 號 碼

全 程 執 行 期 限 自民國 101 年 08 月 01 日起至民國 103 年 07 月 31 日

學 門 代 碼 學 門 名 稱

研 究 學 門

E0904 大地工程

研 究 性 質 導向性基礎研究

本年度申請主持國科會各類研究計畫(含預核案)共 2 件(共同主持之計畫不予計入)

本件在本年度所申請之計畫中優先順序(不得重複)為第 1




計 畫 連 絡 人 姓名 林宏達 電話(公) 02-27376559 (宅手機) 0935248836

通 訊 地 址 台北市基隆路四段四十三號台科大營建系

傳 真 號 碼 02-27376606 E-MAILhdlinmailntustedutw

申請人簽章 單位系所主管簽章 執行機關簽章

表 C002 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

二申請補助經費 (一)請將本計畫申請書之第四項(表 C004)第五項(表 C005)第六項(表 C006)第七項(表 C007)

第八項(表 C008)所列費用個別加總後分別填入「研究人力費」「耗材物品及雜項費用」「研究設備費」「赴國外或大陸地區移地研究差旅費」及「出席國際學術會議差旅費」欄內

(二)若有申請國際合作研究計畫費用者請將表 I002 之「C 類經費合計」欄金額填入「國際合作研究計畫國外學者來臺費用」欄內「A 類經費與 B 類經費合計」欄金額填入「國際合作研究計畫出國差旅費」欄內


(四)「貴重儀器中心使用額度」係將第九項(表 C009)所列使用費用合計數填入 (五)請依各年度申請博士後研究之名額填入下表如於申請時一併提出「補助延攬博士後研究員

額人才進用申請書」(表 CIF2101CIF2102)若計畫核定僅核定名額者計畫主持人應於提出合適人選後另依據本會「補助延攬客座科技人才作業要點」規定向本會提出進用申請經審查通過後始得進用該名博士後研究

(六)申請機構或其他單位(含產業界)提供之配合項目請檢附相關證明文件 金額單位新台幣元

執行年次 補助項目


(101 年 8 月

~102 年 7 月)


(102 年 8 月

~103 年 7 月)

第三年 第四年 第五年

業 務 費 379000 379000

研 究 人 力 費 240000 240000

耗 材 及 雜 項 費 用 139000 139000

國 際 合 作 研 究 計 畫

國 外 學 者 來 臺 費 用0 0

研 究 設 備 費 200000 180000

國 外 差 旅 費 90000 90000

赴國外或大陸地區 移地研究差旅費

0 0

出席國際學術會議差旅費 90000 90000

國 際 合 作 研 究 計 畫 出 國 差 旅 費

0 0

管 理 費 86850 83850

合 計 755850 732850

貴重儀器中心使用額度 0 0

國 內 外 地 區

共 0 名 共 0 名 共名 共名 共名 博士後研究

大 陸 地 區 共 0 名 共 0 名 共名 共名 共名


配 合 單 位 名 稱 配合補助項目 配合補助金額 配 合 年 次 證明文件

表 C003 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁




類 別 姓名 服務機構系所 職稱在本研究計畫內擔任之具

體工作性質項目及範圍 每週平均投入


主持人 林宏達 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 教授 計畫規劃督導研究成果之

統整及報告編撰 30


究人員 陳正誠 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 教授 協助開挖對鄰近建物之結構行






究人員 謝佑明 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 助理教

授 協助深開挖三維分析之網格建


數值分析及 advanced computing對 PLAXIS3D 和

ABAQUS 程式都相當熟悉





(二)如申請博士後研究請另填表 CIF2101 及 CIF2102(若已有人選者請務必填註人選姓名

並將其個人資料表(表 C301~表 C303)併同本計畫書送本會)

表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 類別級別欄請依專任助理(含碩士學士三專五(二)專及高中職)兼任助理(含博士生


(二) 專任助理及兼任助理之每月工作酬金標準不得超過本會補助專題研究計畫專任助理人員


(三) 申請專任助理者除依工作月數填列工作酬金及至多 15 個月年終工作獎金外須另填列



(四) 請分年列述 金額單位新台幣元

第 1 年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖案例及鄰房








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 建立三維開挖行為分析所需之土壤




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

第 2年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖引致之地表








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 彙整各項開挖行為分析結果並建立




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

表 C005 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需之耗材及雜項費用均可填入本表內

(二) 說明欄請就該項目之規格用途等相關資料詳細填寫以利審查

(三) 若申請單位有配合款請於備註欄註明

(四) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000


項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需單價在新台幣一萬元以上且使用年限在二年以上之各項儀器機械


及後續超過 2 年效益之軟體改版升級與應用系統開發規劃設計)等之購置裝置費用及



(二) 購置設備單價在新臺幣二十萬元以上者須檢附估價單

(三) 若申請機構及其他機構有提供配合款請務必註明提供配合款之機構及金額

(四) 儀器設備單價超過六十萬元(含)以上者請詳述本項設備之規格與功能(諸如靈敏度精




(五) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

經費來源 類別


(中文英文) 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 本會補助









器8GB 以上之記憶

體2TB 以上硬碟

專業 3D 製圖顯示












1 50000 50000 50000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 200000 200000

第 2 年

類別 設備名稱 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 經費來源

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

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behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


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計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C002 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

二申請補助經費 (一)請將本計畫申請書之第四項(表 C004)第五項(表 C005)第六項(表 C006)第七項(表 C007)

第八項(表 C008)所列費用個別加總後分別填入「研究人力費」「耗材物品及雜項費用」「研究設備費」「赴國外或大陸地區移地研究差旅費」及「出席國際學術會議差旅費」欄內

(二)若有申請國際合作研究計畫費用者請將表 I002 之「C 類經費合計」欄金額填入「國際合作研究計畫國外學者來臺費用」欄內「A 類經費與 B 類經費合計」欄金額填入「國際合作研究計畫出國差旅費」欄內


(四)「貴重儀器中心使用額度」係將第九項(表 C009)所列使用費用合計數填入 (五)請依各年度申請博士後研究之名額填入下表如於申請時一併提出「補助延攬博士後研究員

額人才進用申請書」(表 CIF2101CIF2102)若計畫核定僅核定名額者計畫主持人應於提出合適人選後另依據本會「補助延攬客座科技人才作業要點」規定向本會提出進用申請經審查通過後始得進用該名博士後研究

(六)申請機構或其他單位(含產業界)提供之配合項目請檢附相關證明文件 金額單位新台幣元

執行年次 補助項目


(101 年 8 月

~102 年 7 月)


(102 年 8 月

~103 年 7 月)

第三年 第四年 第五年

業 務 費 379000 379000

研 究 人 力 費 240000 240000

耗 材 及 雜 項 費 用 139000 139000

國 際 合 作 研 究 計 畫

國 外 學 者 來 臺 費 用0 0

研 究 設 備 費 200000 180000

國 外 差 旅 費 90000 90000

赴國外或大陸地區 移地研究差旅費

0 0

出席國際學術會議差旅費 90000 90000

國 際 合 作 研 究 計 畫 出 國 差 旅 費

0 0

管 理 費 86850 83850

合 計 755850 732850

貴重儀器中心使用額度 0 0

國 內 外 地 區

共 0 名 共 0 名 共名 共名 共名 博士後研究

大 陸 地 區 共 0 名 共 0 名 共名 共名 共名


配 合 單 位 名 稱 配合補助項目 配合補助金額 配 合 年 次 證明文件

表 C003 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁




類 別 姓名 服務機構系所 職稱在本研究計畫內擔任之具

體工作性質項目及範圍 每週平均投入


主持人 林宏達 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 教授 計畫規劃督導研究成果之

統整及報告編撰 30


究人員 陳正誠 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 教授 協助開挖對鄰近建物之結構行






究人員 謝佑明 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 助理教

授 協助深開挖三維分析之網格建


數值分析及 advanced computing對 PLAXIS3D 和

ABAQUS 程式都相當熟悉





(二)如申請博士後研究請另填表 CIF2101 及 CIF2102(若已有人選者請務必填註人選姓名

並將其個人資料表(表 C301~表 C303)併同本計畫書送本會)

表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 類別級別欄請依專任助理(含碩士學士三專五(二)專及高中職)兼任助理(含博士生


(二) 專任助理及兼任助理之每月工作酬金標準不得超過本會補助專題研究計畫專任助理人員


(三) 申請專任助理者除依工作月數填列工作酬金及至多 15 個月年終工作獎金外須另填列



(四) 請分年列述 金額單位新台幣元

第 1 年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖案例及鄰房








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 建立三維開挖行為分析所需之土壤




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

第 2年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖引致之地表








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 彙整各項開挖行為分析結果並建立




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

表 C005 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需之耗材及雜項費用均可填入本表內

(二) 說明欄請就該項目之規格用途等相關資料詳細填寫以利審查

(三) 若申請單位有配合款請於備註欄註明

(四) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000


項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需單價在新台幣一萬元以上且使用年限在二年以上之各項儀器機械


及後續超過 2 年效益之軟體改版升級與應用系統開發規劃設計)等之購置裝置費用及



(二) 購置設備單價在新臺幣二十萬元以上者須檢附估價單

(三) 若申請機構及其他機構有提供配合款請務必註明提供配合款之機構及金額

(四) 儀器設備單價超過六十萬元(含)以上者請詳述本項設備之規格與功能(諸如靈敏度精




(五) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

經費來源 類別


(中文英文) 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 本會補助









器8GB 以上之記憶

體2TB 以上硬碟

專業 3D 製圖顯示












1 50000 50000 50000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 200000 200000

第 2 年

類別 設備名稱 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 經費來源

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C003 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁




類 別 姓名 服務機構系所 職稱在本研究計畫內擔任之具

體工作性質項目及範圍 每週平均投入


主持人 林宏達 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 教授 計畫規劃督導研究成果之

統整及報告編撰 30


究人員 陳正誠 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 教授 協助開挖對鄰近建物之結構行






究人員 謝佑明 國立臺灣科技大

學營建工程系 助理教

授 協助深開挖三維分析之網格建


數值分析及 advanced computing對 PLAXIS3D 和

ABAQUS 程式都相當熟悉





(二)如申請博士後研究請另填表 CIF2101 及 CIF2102(若已有人選者請務必填註人選姓名

並將其個人資料表(表 C301~表 C303)併同本計畫書送本會)

表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 類別級別欄請依專任助理(含碩士學士三專五(二)專及高中職)兼任助理(含博士生


(二) 專任助理及兼任助理之每月工作酬金標準不得超過本會補助專題研究計畫專任助理人員


(三) 申請專任助理者除依工作月數填列工作酬金及至多 15 個月年終工作獎金外須另填列



(四) 請分年列述 金額單位新台幣元

第 1 年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖案例及鄰房








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 建立三維開挖行為分析所需之土壤




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

第 2年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖引致之地表








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 彙整各項開挖行為分析結果並建立




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

表 C005 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需之耗材及雜項費用均可填入本表內

(二) 說明欄請就該項目之規格用途等相關資料詳細填寫以利審查

(三) 若申請單位有配合款請於備註欄註明

(四) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000


項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需單價在新台幣一萬元以上且使用年限在二年以上之各項儀器機械


及後續超過 2 年效益之軟體改版升級與應用系統開發規劃設計)等之購置裝置費用及



(二) 購置設備單價在新臺幣二十萬元以上者須檢附估價單

(三) 若申請機構及其他機構有提供配合款請務必註明提供配合款之機構及金額

(四) 儀器設備單價超過六十萬元(含)以上者請詳述本項設備之規格與功能(諸如靈敏度精




(五) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

經費來源 類別


(中文英文) 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 本會補助









器8GB 以上之記憶

體2TB 以上硬碟

專業 3D 製圖顯示












1 50000 50000 50000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 200000 200000

第 2 年

類別 設備名稱 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 經費來源

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

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33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 類別級別欄請依專任助理(含碩士學士三專五(二)專及高中職)兼任助理(含博士生


(二) 專任助理及兼任助理之每月工作酬金標準不得超過本會補助專題研究計畫專任助理人員


(三) 申請專任助理者除依工作月數填列工作酬金及至多 15 個月年終工作獎金外須另填列



(四) 請分年列述 金額單位新台幣元

第 1 年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖案例及鄰房








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 建立三維開挖行為分析所需之土壤




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

第 2年



人數 姓 名 工 作 月 數



請述明1最高學歷 2曾擔任專題研究計

畫專任助理之經歷 3在本計畫內擔任之


表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖引致之地表








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 彙整各項開挖行為分析結果並建立




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

表 C005 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需之耗材及雜項費用均可填入本表內

(二) 說明欄請就該項目之規格用途等相關資料詳細填寫以利審查

(三) 若申請單位有配合款請於備註欄註明

(四) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000


項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需單價在新台幣一萬元以上且使用年限在二年以上之各項儀器機械


及後續超過 2 年效益之軟體改版升級與應用系統開發規劃設計)等之購置裝置費用及



(二) 購置設備單價在新臺幣二十萬元以上者須檢附估價單

(三) 若申請機構及其他機構有提供配合款請務必註明提供配合款之機構及金額

(四) 儀器設備單價超過六十萬元(含)以上者請詳述本項設備之規格與功能(諸如靈敏度精




(五) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

經費來源 類別


(中文英文) 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 本會補助









器8GB 以上之記憶

體2TB 以上硬碟

專業 3D 製圖顯示












1 50000 50000 50000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 200000 200000

第 2 年

類別 設備名稱 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 經費來源

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

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29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

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33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C004 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

合 計(一)



姓名 人數 (1)





小計 (4)= $2000times(1)times(2)times(3)






2 3 12 144000 第一位碩士生協助開挖引致之地表








友福(H P


1 4 12 96000 彙整各項開挖行為分析結果並建立




合計(二) 240000

總計(三)=合計(一)+合計(二) 240000

表 C005 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需之耗材及雜項費用均可填入本表內

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式 1 70000 70000

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雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需單價在新台幣一萬元以上且使用年限在二年以上之各項儀器機械


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經費來源 類別


(中文英文) 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 本會補助









器8GB 以上之記憶

體2TB 以上硬碟

專業 3D 製圖顯示












1 50000 50000 50000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 200000 200000

第 2 年

類別 設備名稱 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 經費來源

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C005 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需之耗材及雜項費用均可填入本表內

(二) 說明欄請就該項目之規格用途等相關資料詳細填寫以利審查

(三) 若申請單位有配合款請於備註欄註明

(四) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000


項 目 名 稱 說明 單位 數量 單價 金額 備註

電腦使用費 光碟片記憶卡充電電


式 1 50000 50000

雜支 文具影印紙張郵電




式 1 70000 70000

資料檢索費 期刊論文研討會論文及


式 1 10000 10000

論文發表費 期刊論文發表費 式 1 9000 9000

合 計 139000

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需單價在新台幣一萬元以上且使用年限在二年以上之各項儀器機械


及後續超過 2 年效益之軟體改版升級與應用系統開發規劃設計)等之購置裝置費用及



(二) 購置設備單價在新臺幣二十萬元以上者須檢附估價單

(三) 若申請機構及其他機構有提供配合款請務必註明提供配合款之機構及金額

(四) 儀器設備單價超過六十萬元(含)以上者請詳述本項設備之規格與功能(諸如靈敏度精




(五) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

經費來源 類別


(中文英文) 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 本會補助









器8GB 以上之記憶

體2TB 以上硬碟

專業 3D 製圖顯示












1 50000 50000 50000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 200000 200000

第 2 年

類別 設備名稱 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 經費來源

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

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behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

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bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁


(一) 凡執行研究計畫所需單價在新台幣一萬元以上且使用年限在二年以上之各項儀器機械


及後續超過 2 年效益之軟體改版升級與應用系統開發規劃設計)等之購置裝置費用及



(二) 購置設備單價在新臺幣二十萬元以上者須檢附估價單

(三) 若申請機構及其他機構有提供配合款請務必註明提供配合款之機構及金額

(四) 儀器設備單價超過六十萬元(含)以上者請詳述本項設備之規格與功能(諸如靈敏度精




(五) 請分年列述

第 1 年 金額單位新台幣元

經費來源 類別


(中文英文) 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 本會補助









器8GB 以上之記憶

體2TB 以上硬碟

專業 3D 製圖顯示












1 50000 50000 50000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 200000 200000

第 2 年

類別 設備名稱 說 明 數 量 單 價 金 額 經費來源

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

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bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C006 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁















1 30000 30000 30000






PLAXIS 等地工分析



1 150000 150000 150000

合 計 180000 180000

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

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29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

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33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














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SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

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(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 1 頁




(三) 請詳述申請人近三年參加國外舉辦之國際學術會議論文之發表情形(包括會議名稱時間




第 1 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 3 月 3-6 日舉辦之 Geo-Congress 2013 預估參加天數6 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點美國加州 San Diego 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每年舉辦壹次為 ASCE 之Geo-Institute 主辦之大地工程學術研討會此研討會已有悠久歷史應屬美國 ASCE 規模最大層級最高之大地工程研討會此研討會也相當國際化除了許多來自美國各州之學者專家外也有許多其他國家之與會者本計畫所發展的三維深開挖及其對鄰房影響之分析方法及成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation Research

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

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9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

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16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

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43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

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46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C008 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 2 頁 第 2 頁

Board National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)

第 2 年


博士生人數 共 1名 金 額 90000 元


預定參加之會議2013 年 9 月 2-5 日舉辦之 18th ICSMGE 預估參加天數7 天 預估經費90000 元 會議地點法國首府巴黎 參加此次研討會之重要性該會議每四年舉辦壹次為國際土壤力學及大地工程學會(ISSMGE)最大規模之國際學術研討會本計畫所發展的三維深開挖案例分析及鄰房損害潛能評估方法等成果預計可利用此研討會整理發表若能獲得國科會補助參與此次會議除了吸取新知並可與國外學者交流研究心得亦有助於讓國外之學者專家瞭解我們的研究能力和現況我國之大地工程學會已於今年正式加入 ISSMGE若能參加此研討會也應有助於強化我國在 ISSMGE 之影響力


1會議名稱2011 年 5 月舉辦之 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 時間May 23-27 2011 地點香港理工大學 發表之論文Performance of a Zoned Excavation and its Effects on Neighboring Buildings by Lin H D Dang H P Kung JHS Hsiung B C B and Chen C H 補助機構台科大及國科會 論文收錄情形Proceedings 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering CD-ROM paper no327 Hong Kong (2011) 2會議名稱2010 年 10 月舉辦之 Fourth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshopon Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls時間October 25-272010 地點日本仙台市 發表之論文Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope subjectedto Rainfall Infiltration by Lin H D Kung J H S Wang CC Liao C Y and Tsai M F 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形 Keynote Lecture Proc 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and HeavyRainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010) 3會議名稱2009 年 1 月舉辦之 TRB 研討會 時間January 11-162009 地點美國首府華盛頓 發表之論文Influence of Soil Suction on Small-Strain Stiffness ofCompacted Residual Subgrade Soil by Yang SR and Lin H D 補助機構國科會 論文收錄情形CD- ROM paper number09-0520 Transportation ResearchBoard National Research CouncilWashington DC (2009)













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料













立一個深開挖 3D 數值分析模式此模式將採納進階土壤模式並能適度考量鄰房影響





之影響本研究也擬發展可以合理量化其影響之 FEM 分析步驟最後本研究將彙整

所有分析結果包括 3D 開挖分析不確定性分析及案例分析等並據此研擬一個可以

更為合理評估開挖引致之鄰房損害潛能之評估方法本研究成果應可提供未來進行 3D



表 C011 共 頁 第 頁



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



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獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

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behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






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共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


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主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


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計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料



KeywordsExcavation Soil Model Three-dimensional Adjacent Structure Building Damage Potential Uncertainty

Deep excavation in alluvium soil deposits surrounded by adjacent buildings has been

one of the important issues for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan for past few decades

Much effort and significant progress have been made to improve the ability to tackle this

issue However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk

task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed and designed in advance severe

consequences may occur to the neighborhood or adjacent structures The excavation in

layered soil stratum with adjacent structures is very complicated and is a 3D problem

Nevertheless past studies relevant to these interests are relatively limited Therefore this

study will focus on 3D excavation-induced ground responses and the assessment of building

damage potential In specific the vicinity buildings consisting of framed structures

supported by spread footings are of interest

This research is a two-year project aiming to develop a proper method to analyze the

excavation behavior and surrounding buildingsrsquo responses in a 3D FEM solution and to

construct a comprehensive procedure for evaluating the potential damage of adjacent

structures induced by excavation These goals can be achieved by adopting advanced soil

models and properly simulating the excavation and adjacent structures in a 3D numerical

tool The obtained analytical results will be validated by field measurements from case

histories and then employed to study the excavation and building responses Furthermore

the inter-relationship between greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos deformation index

parameters such as angular distortion and horizontal strain will be studied to propose an

empirical correlation between building and ground movements In addition to better

understand the effects of uncertainty inherited from variation in soil and structure properties

an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution will also be

developed All of the findings including the 3D excavation analysis the uncertainty study

and the case study will be adopted to develop a comprehensive procedure for the evaluation

of building damage potential induced by nearby excavation The outcomes of this study can

provide valuable reference for the analysis of 3D excavation behavior and adjacent

structuresrsquo response The procedure developed for the evaluation of building damage

potential may provide an improved alternative for practical engineering

表 C011 共 頁 第 頁

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

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9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

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16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

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43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

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47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









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註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


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2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

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表 C012 共 25 頁 第 1 頁







表一 近 5 年(2007~2011)各研究主題所發表的期刊及國際研討會論文

研究主題 SCI 和 EI 級

期刊論文 其他期刊論文 國際研討會論文

黏土行為及深開挖工程 4(A11214-15) 1(A10) 4(B271119) 不飽和土壤力學及應用 4(A371113) 1(A6) 3(B9-1018) 基樁設計與分析 3(A58-9) 1(A16) 1(B1)
















築結構防災研究發展計畫林教授擔任計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年 12 月)協調台科大謝佑明及歐


盤技術及微機電感測器(MEMS)技術等領域都有相當創新的成果研究群除發表了許多篇 SCI 級論文




到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別受邀到互助營造和台北捷運局進行專題演講(B3B4)因為頂尖計



表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 2 頁









獲獎例如 2005 年在杭州舉辦之第二屆大陸非飽和土學術研討會之優秀論文獎(B34)2007 年有一篇

研討會論文獲得第十二屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎(B23)2011 年又有一篇研討會論文獲得第十



辦了 2000 年在新加坡舉行之 Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils並在該次研討會中受邀擔任

Keynote Session I 之主持人2003 年在日本舉行之國際不飽和研討會林教授也曾受邀擔任的 Oversea Advisor2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表以不飽和土壤為主題之專題演講講題

為「不飽和紅土基質吸力特性及其應用」(B21)2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture (B9)最值










有關反循環樁之現地承載性能分析之文章(B13)榮獲 2009 年第十三屆大地工程研討會之優良論文獎


LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚待起步林教授在

基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範提供了重要參考資料在基樁研究成




LRFD 是場鑄樁設計的新趨勢林教授也曾多次利用主講研討會及其他專題演講(包括技師公會)

的機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導向之新規範林

教授參與主辦 2006 年大地新規範國際研討會研討會名稱為TAIPEI 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice值得一提的是這個論文集委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球除了參與論文集主編(C3)林教授也

受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (Invited Lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and

表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

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29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

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33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














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1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









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1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


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表 C012 共 25 頁 第 3 頁

Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan (B27)這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現況作了一個

很完整的 state-of-art 報告林教授擔任大地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續大力推動性能


鑄基樁之現地承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

表C012 共 25 頁 第 13 頁

computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

表C012 共 25 頁 第 15 頁

321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


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共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


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主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


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計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




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限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 4 頁

十二研究計畫內容 (二)研究計畫之背景及目的請詳述本研究計畫之背景目的重要性及國內外有關本計畫之






要性以及預期成果等 (四)預期完成之工作項目成果及績效請分年列述1預期完成之工作項目2對於學術研究



2 Research projectrsquos background and goals

21 Research goals and special characteristics In the past few decades with the rapid trend of urbanization in Taiwan the need of construction and

improvement of infrastructure has been increasing In specific the MRT system is fast extending in the metropolitan areas As a result deep excavation in relative soft alluvium soil deposits in the close vicinity of surrounding buildings has been the key issue for geotechnical engineering in Taiwan Much effort and significant progress have been made both in the engineering and the academic sectors However this kind of construction activity remains to be a challenging and high risk task If the excavation behavior is not well analyzed in advance severe consequences may occur on surrounding areas or structures as shown in Fig 121 Moreover the spread-footing structure appears more vulnerable to differential settlement than the structure of other foundation types Therefore this study will focus on 3D excavation behavior and the assessment of excavation-induced building deformation and serviceability of low-rise framed building supported by spread footings The need for further research on this topic will be elaborated below

Figure 121 Some examples of excavation-induced damages

In fact understanding the deformation behavior of an excavation itself is a complex problem The

excavation in space is a 3D problem Some limited researches have indicated that the 3D deformation

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

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33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

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Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

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movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

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10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

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20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

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43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 5 頁

behavior is substantially different from that in 2D condition as often considered for simplicity purpose or in terms of engineering design In addition if the surrounding structure is taken into account the entire system will become even more complicated Many questions may be generated such as how the soil interacts with the structure how the soil movement will be modified by the structure or how the effects of building geometry foundation building location building stiffness etc on the excavation-induced deformation Moreover once the deformation information is available how to assess its damage potential is also a challenging task

Past studies mostly focused on the plane strain or 2D excavation characteristics There are very limited studies relating to 3D condition Moreover these studies only considered the greenfield excavations In other words the vicinity building was excluded in the numerical analysis The greenfield ground settlement not the predicted building deformation was then adopted to approximate the building damage potential Such approximation may mislead the serviceability evaluation In the studies that the building was taken into account the building was often modeled by a very simple model such as a single deep beam on the ground surface These approaches seem too simple or possess many assumptions such that further improvement is warranted In addition regarding to evaluation of building damage several methods have been proposed Some approaches based on the values of angular distortion and lateral strain Others adopted the concept of crack width Each method has its own assumptions and appears appropriate for predetermined cases Therefore these methods become questionable in other cases

To resolve these difficulties this study is going to investigate the 3D excavation numerically by means of three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) The adjacent structure will be included in the simulation simultaneously This research will focus on the deformation behavior of the low-rise framed building (less than 5 stories) supported by spread footings as such structure is supposed to be vulnerable to the excessive deformation The actual geometry stiffness and location will be adopted However simplification may be conducted if necessary In addition this study will also verify adopt and modify a proper evaluation method of building damage potential Moreover the inevitable uncertainty and the sensitivity effects of soil and building properties will be also evaluated

Framed building

Spread footing Spread footing

Framed building

Figure 122 Definition of the problem of this research

A 2D sketch showing typical characteristics of the problem of this study is illustrated in Fig 122 In

specific the goals of this research can be summarized in Fig 123 and listed as bull Adopting advanced soil models bull Introducing appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation under 3D condition with consideration

of adjacent buildings bull Studying 3D deformation characteristics of excavation and building bull Investigating uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and building properties

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

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dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

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20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

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2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

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may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

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method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

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distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


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Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

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results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

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seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














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究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

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(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 6 頁

bull Proposing a correlation between greenfield ground settlement and building deformation

Evaluation of excavation-induced deformation of low-rise framed building under

three-dimensional condition

Adopting advanced soil models with consideration of

small strain and determination of associated


Appropriate numerical simulation of the excavation

under 3D condition with consideration of adjacent


3D deformation characteristics of excavation

and building

Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building


Correlation between greenfield ground settlement

and building deformation

Figure 123 Researchs goals

In order to well prepare for this research a preliminary study has been conducted The advanced soil

models were successfully implemented in PLAXIS 2D via user defined soil model The characteristics of the built-in soil models in PLAXIS were studied In addition the adjacent structure was also included as a deep beam on the ground surface Several important observations were obtained on the considering of beam stiffness and self-weight (Dang 2009 Dang et al 2010)

Based on the former study in this two-year research project first-year study will investigate the feasible adoption of the advanced soil models under 3D condition These models will be then employed in actual excavation case histories with consideration of the adjacent structure The 3D deformation characteristics of the wall ground and building will be investigated based on the obtained analytical results From the findings of the first year the-second-year study will focus on the utilizing of the building deformation behavior that will be used in later investigation of the building damage potential In addition the inherent uncertainty and sensitivity effects of soil and structure properties will also be assessed Details of this researchrsquos procedure please refer to Section 32 Background of the main research tasks are reviewed below

22 Researchrsquos background

221 Adoption of advanced soil model Hsieh et al (2003) Kung et al (2007a) indicated that the hyperbolic model developed by Duncan and

Chang (1970) was better used for sandy soil not for clay Therefore they proposed a soil model named modified pseudo plasticity (MPP) for clayey soils based on the theory of the hyperbolic model In addition to advanced properties of the hyperbolic model the MPP model can also capture the behavior of anisotropy small strain and stiffness degradation with strain These past studies demonstrated that these models were applicable for excavation analysis Dang et al (2010) programmed successfully the advanced soil models in PLAXIS 2D a commercial finite element package that is commonly used in geotechnical engineering PLAXIS allows the user can implement his own model via the feature of user defined soil model Furthermore Dang (2009) also indicated the reasonability of the user defined soil models with the analyses of two excavation case histories

In addition to the user-defined feature PLAXIS does have its built-in soil models In the application of excavation analysis the advanced built-in models such as hardening soil (HS) or hardening soil small strain (HSSmall) are usually employed (Finno et al 2007) These models are able to represent the nonlinear stress-

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

表C012 共 25 頁 第 13 頁

computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

表C012 共 25 頁 第 15 頁

321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


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計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














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究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

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(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 7 頁

dependent stiffness and small strain behavior the soil The detailed characteristics and derivation of required input parameters will be discussed in Section 3

222 Numerical simulation of excavation and its adjacent structure Regarding to an excavation analysis the wall and ground responses in free-field condition are often of

interest There are a number of numerical studies conducting greenfield analyses (Hsieh et al 2003 Finno et al 2007 Kung et al 2007a Kung et al 2007b and Schuster et al 2009) In these past studies the greenfield condition was considered in both 3D or 2D situation In contrast the simulation of adjacent building is rarely taken into account Following shows some approaches that have implemented the simplified structures in the model

Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) examined the effect on a building induced by underground tunneling in which a building was modeled as a single deep beam located on the ground surface For simplicity the building weight was not taken into account The equivalent beam stiffness included axial stiffness and bending stiffness of all slabs computed respect to the neutral axis Assuming the area and inertia moment of area of a slab are Aslab and Islab then the axial and bending stiffness of a slab is EcAslab and EcIslab where Ec is concrete Youngrsquos modulus respectively The total stiffness of the structure is

bull Axial EcAstruct = (n+1)EcAslab

bull Bending ( )1




c struct c slab slabE I E I A H+

= +sum in which n is the number of stories and H is the vertical

distance from the individual slab to the neutral axis Dang (2009) Dang et al (2011) adopted the basic concept of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) to

investigate the excavation-induced structure deformation In the study of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) the structure was considered as a weightless beam on the ground surface In addition to original method Dang et al (2011) further examined the effect of the building weight and building stiffness by taking the weight into account and varying the beam rigidity from full stiffness to 50 10 1 and 01 of the full stiffness The mesh of a case history and its adjacent building in PLAXIS 2D is shown in Fig 124 The results of building settlements are shown in Fig 125 Analytical results exhibited that if the weight was not included the building settlements were underestimated On the other hand the predicted building settlements were close to the observed value when the weight was taken into account Moreover the flexible settlement trough at lower stiffness values such as 10 and 1 conditions could reflect the real building deformation better than the straight line pattern as a result of very rigid beam Therefore in order to obtain proper structure movement the building weight should be considered and the amount of beam or building stiffness needs better quantification This previous study conducted by our research team provides good insights for subsequent research


10m 15m 70m38m 17m80m

160mBeam to simulate the adjacent building


Figure 124 Mesh of an excavation model with considering the building (Dang et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 8 頁

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)










t (m


ObservationFull stiffness

20 30 40 50 60 70Distance from the wall (m)







t (m


10 stiffness1 stiffness

01 stiffness

Figure 125 Building settlement (a) No building weight (b) With building weight (Dang et al 2011)

Burd et al (2000) presented a study of 3D deformation of structure positioning above a tunnel by a

finite element method (FEM) solution as shown in Fig 126 The structure was a simple masonry building on the surface of a clay soil The structure was composed of two similar facades with openings of windows and a door For simplicity the foundation roof floors and internal walls were ignored in the model The mass of the structure was taken into account In addition Son and Cording (2005) investigated the behavior of a brick bearing wall The brick bearing wall was modeled discretely by a mass of elastic brick and block unit with inelastic brick and mortar joint The geometry of the brick wall is shown in Fig 127 These studies have provided good reference for improving the modeling technique of the adjacent buildings However the building characteristic is much different from that in Taiwan As described previously the low-rise framed building supported by spread footings is of interest in this research project Both frame and footings will be modeled by line and solid elements respectively The geometry structural parameters such as inertia moment of those structural members and the loading will be determined according to the real condition and suggestion in the building design code The intended approach will be discussed in Section 322

Figure 126 Building simulation with the Figure 127 Discrete brick simulation

underground tunneling (Burd et al 2000) (Son and Cording 2005)

223 Characteristics of wall ground and building deformation Previous studies have shown that the deformation characteristics of wall and ground induced by an

excavation are very complicated and can be affected by many factors Due to the diversity of soil deposits the excavation activity may be performed in purely sand (Hsiung 2009) clay (Finno et al 2002 Lin et al 2001 Wang et al 1999) or alternating layer (Liao and Lin 2009 Lin et al 2011 Ou et al 1998 Hwang

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

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Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

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7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

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16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

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17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

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21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

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27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 9 頁

2010) Moreover the wall and ground movements are time-dependent responses (Ou et al 1998 Lin et al 2002) and affected by supplemental structures such as buttress and cross walls (Hsiung et al 2005 Lin and Lin 2008 Ou et al 2008)

It is found that the wall and ground responses are the function of subsoil property and the excavation scale By investigating a series of excavation cases in Taipei Ou et al (1993) indicated that the maximum wall deflection (δhm) often occurred at the level of excavation depth and its value ranged between 02 and 05 of the excavation depth (He) In addition Hsieh and Ou (1998) proposed two types of ground settlement trough concave and spandrel types The concept of primary influence zone (PIZ) of ground settlement was also proposed This zone was dependent on the subsoil profile depth and width of excavation It was concluded that in case of concave-type maximum ground settlement (δvm) located at one third of PIZ distance moreover δvm was about 50 to 75 the value of δhm Based on these observations the settlement trough was approximated by a series of linear lines This empirical evaluation was further modified by Kung et al (2007b) as shown in Fig 128 In addition Schuster et al (2009) reported the prediction of lateral ground movement that was relatively similar to ground settlement trough

Figure 128 Prediction of ground settlement Figure 129 Determination of plane strain ratio-

(Kung et al 2007b) PSR (Ou et al 1996) It should be noted that the above predictions were based on the plane strain studies The question is how

to estimate the wall and ground responses at other sections that cannot be considered as 2D condition Ou et al (1996) and Ou and Shiau (1998) indicated that the diaphragm wall and ground tended to have smaller deformation near the corner To determine the wall responses near the corner the concept of plane strain ratio (PSR) was proposed It was defined as the ratio of δhm near the corner and that under plane strain condition The PSR determination was also studied by Finno et al (2007) An empirical model for PSR developed by Ou et al (1996) is illustrated in Fig 129 These observations and developments were validated by a case history in the work of Ou et al (2000)

In addition to the studies of wall and ground responses as discussed the building deformation characteristics have also been conducted Ou et al (2000) examined a series of building responses caused by a nearby excavation in Taipei It was indicated that the building supported by spread footings were subjected to relatively larger deformation than that located on a mat foundation This finding was further validated in the study of Lin et al (2011) It should be emphasized that the mat-foundation structure often tilted toward the excavation side at the initial excavation stage However as the excavation proceeded the building could move back and reduced the tilt since the far corner settled less that the near corner Hence the foundation type excavation size settlement trough and relative location to the excavation may contribute considerably on building response

As mentioned previously Burd et al (2000) adopted a numerical tool to investigate the performance of a masonry structure induced by tunneling It was observed that the presence of the building and its weight tended to increase the settlement developed beneath the structure Moreover the building with very high stiffness could be able to restraint the movement of the soil and reduce the differential settlement as a result It should be noted that practical engineering practice often imposes the greenfied settlement on the elastic model of the structure However Burd et al (2000) concluded that by doing so the principal tensile strain

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

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Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

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Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

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7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

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16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

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17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

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21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 10 頁

may be underestimated since the occurred crack in masonry structure tends to reduce overall structure stiffness and attract further deformation

Furthermore building performance is also closely related to the type of settlement profile sagging or hogging It was suggested that in sagging mode the ground provides additional lateral restraint to the building foundations ie the lateral stresses were mainly compressive therefore only minor tensile crack will occur On the other hand the structure did not possess such benefit as it located in hogging deformation As a result extensive loss of bending stiffness may reduce the efficiency of the building in decreasing the differential deformation Thus the soil structure interaction appeared more important in sagging mode than that in hogging one

The excavation-induced responses of the structure have also been investigated by physical tests (Son and Cording 2005 Laefer et al 2009) The brick wall and a frame were tested by the scale of 110 in these studies Apparently the damage or cracking was concentrated around the place that had large stress concentration and positioned in the portion close to the excavation In addition the benefit of high overall structure stiffness (in the work of Burd et al 2000) was also highlighted as higher rigidity would result in flatter settlement curve Moreover for brick wall Son and Cording (2005) also indicated that the material properties and loading distribution appeared relatively sensitive to the occurrence of crack Regarding to frame structure according to Laefer et al (2009) at the base the structure movement behaved nonlinearly due to nonlinear settlement trough however at higher level the deformation became liner and more uniform

224 Uncertainty and sensitivity effect of soil and building properties Property uncertainty is inherent characteristic of the soil the value used in analysis can be considered as

the most probable value In fact the analytical outcomes should not be only a single value It should be a possible range Moreover in a common simulation there are a number of input parameters The question is which parameter has much significant contribution on the numerical results such that a minor change of it can cause substantial variation of the output and which one is not so sensitive

Kung et al (2007) developed a simplified model for estimating wall deflection and ground settlement induced by braced excavation in clays By conducting a series of sensitivity analyses Kung et al (2007) pointed out two sets of parameters that were believed to be relatively sensitive to wall and ground movement There are six factors considered crucial for predicting wall displacement including excavation depth system stiffness (represented by wall stiffness and average support spacing) excavation width soil shear strength soil stiffness and location of hard stratum In addition to these six factors for ground settlement there was an extra sensitive parameter-the normalized clay layer thickness with respect to the wall length

Moreover in the work of Hsiao et al (2008) reliability analysis of ground settlement was performed by adopting the empirical model proposed by Kung et al (2007) It was found that the reliability index was sensitive to soil strength and soil stiffness Moreover as the variation in soil strength and soil stiffness increased (expressed by coefficient of variation-COV) the reliability index became substantially sensitive Moreover Luo et al (2011) studied the effect of soil uncertainty on the excavation behavior considering one and two-dimensional spatial variability The simplified equivalent reduction technique was proposed to quantify the spatial variability It was indicated that the variability of maximum wall deflection and ground settlement increased significantly with the scale the fluctuation In other words ignoring the spatial variability of the soil input parameters may result in overestimated variation in predicted wall and ground responses

In addition to those past researches a preliminary study has been conducted by Dang et al (2012) to investigate the soil uncertainty and sensitivity effects on the wall and ground responses These effects are examined by means of FEM solution Therefore an analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution is developed The obtained numerical results have indicated that the proposed procedure is accurately adopted in the FEM tool The uncertainty influences are conducted on two parameters soil stiffness and strength The detailed steps and typical result will be shown in the Section 32

225 Evaluation of building damage potential and damage criteria Woo (1992) pointed out the need of reducing wall movement for limiting structure settlement based on

field measurement Woo (1992) also stated ldquoexpenses incurred for building protective work will normally be much lower than the expenses for remedial measuresrdquo Therefore it is essential to have an appropriate

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

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computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

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321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

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the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 11 頁

method of damage evaluation Following paragraphs will describe some currently developed evaluation method

The damage of a structure was firstly included in a work of Bjerrum (1963) with relationship of building performance and corresponding angular distortion (β) The angular distortion can also be expresses in terms of differential settlement Based on this concept Yen and Chang (1991) analyzed a number of excavation sites in Taipei and combined with literature and suggested tolerance for total and differential settlements for various foundation and soil types as shown in Table 121

Table 121 Allowable settlement induced by excavation (Yen and Chang 1991)

Type of foundation Soil Total settlement (cm) Differential settlement (cm)

Individual footings Sand 25 50 30

20 30 -

Individual footings Clay 75 100

- -

Mat foundation Sand

50 50-75 60-80


20 30 -


Mat foundation Clay 75-125 200-300


45 -


In addition to angular distortion recent studies have included other essential parameters such as horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Coring 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 and Juang et al 2010) or correlated with critical strain and crack width (Burland and Wroth 1974 Burland et al 1977 and Boone 1996) or related to critical strain and deflection ratio (Finno et al 2005) Boscardin and Cording (1989) assumed the structure as a simply supported deep beam with ratio lengthheight (LH) of 10 and neutral axis at one edge The chart correlating between horizontal strain and angular distortion was then constructed Further Son and Cording (2005) eliminated the assumptions of LH and position of neutral axis in the former study and defined state of strain of the structure The determination of state of strain in building wall was clearly expressed in this study Fig 1210 and Fig 1211 demonstrate the evaluation charts of these two approaches

Figure 1210 Damage evaluation chart Figure 1211 Damage evaluation chart

(Boscardin and Cording 1989) (Son and Cording 2005)

In practical engineering the greenfield ground settlement is often readily measured not the building movement However to estimate building damage the information of building deformation or angular distortion is required To meet this demand Son and Cording (2005) indicated that the value of angular

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

表C012 共 25 頁 第 13 頁

computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

表C012 共 25 頁 第 15 頁

321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

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究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 12 頁

distortion (β) and the free-field ground slope and the lateral strain of building (εl) can be determined based on the free-field ground settlement soil and building properties Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) utilized the concept of Son and Cording (2005) to derive the empirical models to calculate these two values And the concept of damage potential index (DPI) that was a function of principal strain as DPI = εp(1200) times 100 was proposed In these past studies the upper bound of εp was assumed to be 1200 associated with angular distortion of 1100 and lateral strain of 0 DPI stayed in the range of 0 to 100 The classification of building damage according to DPI value is shown in Table 122

Table 122 Relationship of DPI and damage category (Schuster et al 2009) DPI

Level of building damage caused by excavation Sagging dHe le 14

Hogging dHe gt 14

1 Negligible to very slight 0-15 0-10 2 Slight 15-25 10-20 3 Slight to moderate 25-35 20-30 4 Moderate 35-60 30-50 5 Severe 60-85 50-80 6 Very severe gt 85 gt 80

On the other hand Burland and Wroth (1974) and Burland et al 1977 correlated the building

deformation to the approximated crack width and classified the damage category according the crack width as shown in Table 123

Table 123 Relationship of damage type and crack width (Burland et al 1977)

Damage category Approximate crack width

Negligible lt 01 mm Very slight 1 mm

Slight 5 mm Moderate 5-15 mm or a number of cracks gt 3 mm

Severe 15-25 mm but also depends on number of cracks Very severe Usually gt 25 mm but also depends on number of cracks

Further Boone (1996) based on the principle of structural engineering to derive mathematical equations

to quantify the crack width for load-bearing wall and frame structure including fixed-end beam and infill and panel walls According to Boonersquos study the total tensile strain was an indicator of crack width whereas total strain consisted of strain due to bending (εM) strain due to elongation of ground movement (εg) and strain induced by lateral extension (εle) For given information of building deformation the total tensile strain shear strain and principal strain were firstly computed These strains were then separately compared to critical values taken from former studies for various failure modes and materials to determine if cracking was likely Finally based on the value of total strain the crack width was approximated and the building condition was identified according to Table 123

In contrast with Boscardin and Cording (1989) Finno et al (2005) considered the building as a laminate beam in which the slabs behaved as plates and the walls and columns were represented by core element Based on these assumptions the bending stiffness and shear stiffness could be obtained Finno et al (2005) came up with many equations to determine critical deflection ratio (ΔL) as the functions of critical bending strain or shear strain This critical deflection ratio herein was calculated for each floor As a result if the settlement profile of a structure is given the deflection ratio and critical one of each floor will be readily

表C012 共 25 頁 第 13 頁

computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

表C012 共 25 頁 第 15 頁

321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

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Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

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10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

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20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

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29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

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33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 13 頁

computed By comparing these two values the condition of the floors can be verified in addition the floor where the cracking is likely to occur can also be predicted

Preliminary comparison of pros and cons of the above mentioned methods will be described in Section 323 The approach that may be adopted in this research will also be discussed in that section

3 Methods procedures and progress

31 Research framework and overall research methodology The research flowchart of this two-year proposal is illustrated in Fig 1212 Continuing from former

study of Dang (2009) the main objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior including adjacent structures then to propose a correlation between building deformation and greenfield ground settlement and finally to suggest a rational procedure for estimating the excavation-induced building damage potential The main tasks of each year in this two-year research are described below The first year study includes the following steps

bull Determine appropriate soil models used in the analysis bull Derive input parameters for the soil models by laboratory results bull Validate the soil models in excavation analyses bull Add the adjacent building into simulation bull Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure bull Verify the building deformation with field measurement bull Generate hypothetical excavation cases for later study of the building deformation behavior in second-

year plan The second year consists of following steps

bull Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation in hypothetical cases bull Conduct regression analysis and propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion

and ground settlement bull Collect case histories bull Validate the proposed correlation by the case histories bull Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential bull Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effects of soil and structure on wall ground and structure


表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

表C012 共 25 頁 第 15 頁

321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 14 頁

Collect lab test results

Derive input parameters for soil models

Modeling that 3D case with simple building (low-rise framed building with spread footing)

Validate building modeling approach

Generate hypothetical excavation cases (greenfield amp building including)

Conduct regression analysis and propose

mathematical equation for and ground


Modeling a 3D case

Validate soil model and input parameters

Retrieve greenfield ground settlement and

building angular distortion ( )

Collect case histories

Validate proposed correlation

Assessment of Ground Responses and Building Damage Potential Due to Excavation Using 3D Simulation

1 Develop a comprehensive method to analyze a 3D excavation behavior and vicinity structure 2 Propose a correlation between greenfiled ground settlement and angular distortion of framed building and propose insightful suggestion in evaluation of building damage potential

Determine the possible variation of soil and building properties

with consideration of spatial variability

Develop analytical procedure for uncertainty

propagation through FEM solution

Investigate the sensitivity and

uncertainty effect of subsoil and building

3D modeling of the excavation and vicinity structure

Correlation between ground settlement and building deformation

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2012

Tasks will be accomplished in year 2013

Estimate building damage potential by combination of and horizontal strain ( h)

Figure 1212 Researchs flowchart

32 Research method and procedure for main research topics

The research flowchart shown in Fig 1212 can be divided separately into several subtopics as bull Adoption of advanced soil models bull Modeling of 3D excavation case and vicinity structure bull Study of 3D ground settlement characteristics and its relationship with the building deformation

characteristics bull Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

In which the first two items are supposed to be completed in the first-year study And the last two items will be achieved in the second year The details of each subtopic will be described as follow

表C012 共 25 頁 第 15 頁

321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 15 頁

321 Adoption of advanced soil models As mentioned in Section 221 Dang et al (2010) successfully implemented the hyperbolic and MPP

soil models in PLAXIS 2D using the user define option Typically analytical results of hyperbolic and MPP models are shown in Fig 1213 It appears that the numerical results agree very well with that of former study and experiment Since these advanced models were successfully utilized this research might extend those models into 3D condition However it should be noted that the MPP model was developed based on the assumption for plane strain or two-dimensional condition Therefore in order to adopt this model in three-dimensional case the general concept can be employed a number of modifications are probably needed

0 0002 0004 0006 0008ε1








q (k


2 )

ExperimentalMPP in Plaxis



0 2 4 6 8Axial strain ()







ss d




cm2 )

ExperimentalDuncan and Chang (1970)Hyperbolic in Plaxis

Figure 1213 Simulation of hyperbolic and MPP models in Plaxis (Dang et al 2010)

Moreover the built-in models in the numerical tool such as PLAXIS can also provide an alternative

choice for soil modeling in the analysis such as hardening soil (HS) and hardening small strain (HSSmall) models The HS or HSSmall model is also an approximation of hyperbolic stress-strain relationship as shown in Fig 1214 The yield surfaces shown in Fig 1215 include the shear yield surface that is derived from Mohr-Coulomb criterion and the cap yield surface In addition the stiffness herein is the stress-dependent stiffness In other words Youngrsquos modulus is a function of confining pressure with strength parameters

Figure 1214 Stress-strain relationship of Figure 1215 Yield surface of

HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011) HS soil model (Brinkgreve et al 2011)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 16 頁

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000σ1 (kPa)







E oed



Lab testApproximation with m=067

0 01 02 03Axial strain









ric st




Lab testPrediction by HS model

Figure 1216 Oedometer and triaxial test predictions by HS model for Taipei clay

The basic input parameters of HS include strength parameters (cohesion crsquo friction angle φrsquo and

dilatancy angle ψ) and stiffness parameters (secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test 50refE tangent

stiffness for primary oedometer loading refoedE unloading-reloading stiffness ref

urE and power for stress-level dependency of stiffness m) It should be noted that the stiffness parameters herein correspond with a reference pressure pref that is equal to 100 kPa in the default setting At various confining pressures the stiffness values will be determined as


50 50cos sin

cos sin



cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠

3cos sin

cos sin


ur ur ref

cE Ec p

φ σ φφ φ

⎛ ⎞+= ⎜ ⎟+⎝ ⎠



cos sin

cos sin


refoed oed ref


c p

σφ φ

φ φ

⎛ ⎞+⎜ ⎟

⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

In addition to aforementioned parameters in HSSmall soil model additional small strain parameters are required They are compose of reference shear modulus at very small strain 0

refG and shear strain 07γ at which Gs = 0722G0

As indicated each input parameter of HS and HSSmall models can be derived directly from outcomes of soil tests such as drained triaxial test oedometer test and small strain test at various confining pressures In addition former studies have presented a series of empirical inter-relationship of those input parameters and empirical equations to determine the parameters based on basic soil properties such as void ratio compression and swelling indices etc Finno et al (2007) indicated that 5007ref ref

oedE E= and 503ref refurE E=

Brinkgreve et al (2011) summarized a number of previous studies and suggested that 50 125ref refoedE E= and

503ref refurE E= Moreover values of ref

oedE and refurE can be determined from

( )23 1 refinit

c refoed

e pC


= and ( )( )( )( )

23 1 1 1 21


s refur

e pC

Eν ν

ν+ + minus


in which Cc = compression index Cs = swelling index and einit = initial void ratio Regarding to small strain parameters 0

refG and 07γ can be computed by

( )2



1initref e



+ [MPa] for pref = 100[kPa] and ( ) ( )

07 1 00

1~ 2 1 cos 2 1 sin 2 9

c KG

γ φ σ φ⎡ ⎤+ minus +⎣ ⎦

In order to probably calibrate the input parameters for HS and HSSmall models our research team has collected a number of soil tests including undrained triaxial test for clay oedometer test and small strain tests at various confining pressures from former studies (Wang 1997 Kung 2003 Teng 2011) The laboratory

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

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21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

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29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





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201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 17 頁

results show that the power factor m for Taipei clay is about 067 the secant modulus 50refE at reference

pressure of 100 kPa varies from 4500 kPa to 6500 kPa The correlation 5007ref refoedE E= is valid for Taipei soil

Moreover the ratio of refurE and 50

refE ranges from 25 to 5 An example of triaxial and oedometer test predictions by HS soil model for Taipei clay is illustrated in Fig 1216 Regarding to small strain parameters the values of 0

refG and 07γ are determined by means of both experimental results and empirical suggestions It should be noted that the preliminary determination of the input parameters herein can be further refined once those values are adopted in a real excavation analysis as reasonable analytical results can be obtained while the input parameters are still in acceptable range

322 Modeling of 3D excavation case with consideration of vicinity structure

The advanced soil models with corresponding input parameters as selected in previous step will be further adopted in 3D modeling of actual excavation sites The principle herein is to consider the greenfield first Then the adjacent framed building will be included This study will adopt the software PLAXIS 3D 2011 in the numerical analysis This 3D program is newly released in 2010 then upgraded to 2011 version and seems to have good potential for this research This research team has acquired Taiwanrsquos first copy of this program with the financial support from the university Out and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) presented analytical prediction of greenfield ground settlement for a well-documented case history (TNEC) in 3D condition Moreover in the work of Finno et al (2007) PLAXIS 3D Foundation the former version of PLAXIS 3D 2011 and hardening soil model were adopted Therefore those studies would be good references for this research project We intend to extend 3D simulation of TNEC case in PLAXIS 3D 2011 Preliminary simulation and analytical results of TNEC case in PLAXIS are shown in Fig 1217 The results of wall and ground deformations are relatively close to those of Ou and Shiau (1998) and Lin (2011) Therefore it is fair to conclude that our research team is successful to employ 3D numerical solution in analysis In other words subsequent analysis considering framed building is viable

Figure 1217 An example of a 3D greenfild simulation

As described in preceding section the low-rise framed building supported by spread footing is of

interest in this research project The question is how to model properly the frame in the analysis The previously proposed approaches such as in the works of Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Burd et al (2000)

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

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10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

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20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

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43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

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48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 18 頁

seem not to be appropriate Therefore it is needed to build up a proper method for building modeling In fact the building is a complex structure system and the numerical software may not support for modeling those complex elements Thus the overall frame geometry may be simplified In general the framed building with footings can be modeled according to their actual geometry as

bull The beam and column will be modeled by the beam element bull The inertia moments of the beam and column are reduced to account for the inherent deterioration bull The footings are modeled by solid element bull The connections between beam column and footings are rigid

By doing so the building can be readily simulated An example of building simulation accompanying with TNEC model and the vertical displacement of the frame and surrounding soil are illustrated in Fig 1218 From the deformation result of the frame herein further detailed examination of such deformation in later study is achievable Moreover it should be noted that PLAXIS 3D 2011 is mainly used for geotechnical application thus the structural elements in this program are simplified and considered in a relatively simple manner Therefore in order to evaluate the satisfaction of modeling the framed building nearby an excavation in PLAXIS 3D 2011 a more general numerical tool ABAQUS that is usually used for academic purpose may be adopted for further verification

Figure 1218 An example of 3D simulation considering adjacent building

323 Correlation of the greenfield ground settlement and buildingrsquos angular distortion for evaluation of building damage potential

In practical engineering measurement of the excavation-induced greenfield ground settlement is more available than that of building deformation as it is easier and more convenient to monitor the ground displacement Moreover in practice the excavation-induced building serviceability is usually evaluated by means of angular distortion value computed from the ground settlement nearby that building Such practice may yield to the deformation that is smaller than the real displacement As a result the building damage potential may be underestimated or the evaluation is unconservative The question is how the greenfield ground settlement can still be employed to more properly assess the building serviceability

To provide an alternative and simple solution this research project mainly aim to propose the empirical correlation between building angular distortion and the greenfield ground settlement It should be re-emphasized that the low-rise framed structure supported by spread footings is of interest in this study Once

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


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表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

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23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

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表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

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No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 19 頁

the framed building can be modeled properly as described in section 322 based on the analytical results of both frame deformation and greenfield ground settlement the aforementioned correlation can be achieved by

bull Retrieving the building deformation from analysis considering building simulation to calculate the angular distortion (β)

bull Retrieving the ground settlement in greenfield analysis at the same section where the building is positioned

bull Determining other influence factor on building deformation such as soil-structure interaction soil and structure properties etc

bull Conducting regression analysis between β and all influence factors and derive an equation as β = f(all influence factors)

bull Validating the appropriateness of the proposed equation by collected case histories Once the angular distortion is properly determined the building damage potential can be evaluated As

introduced in Section 225 there are several evaluation methods that correlate the building damage potential with the values of angular distortion and lateral strain or crack width Obviously this research project will employ the angular distortion value Therefore the evaluation methods based on crack width concept (Burland et al 1977 Boone 1996 Finno et al 2005) may be not appropriate However former studies have indicated that the method based on angular distortion only (Bejrrum 1973) is not adequate for properly evaluating The combination of both angular distortion and horizontal or lateral strain (Boscardin and Cording 1989 Son and Cording 2005 Schuster et al 2009 Juang et al 2010) appears more accurate Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) proposed the method that represented the buildingrsquos damage category by DPI value as shown Table 122 Moreover these studies did take the angular distortion and lateral strain of the building into account The damage potential was simplified as an index Therefore these studies apparently can provide a more practical tool than the charts of Boscardin and Cording (1989) (Fig 1210) or Son and Cording (2005) (Fig 1211)

The above method seems to be a viable method However some questions may be raised Can a single value represent the combined effects of angular distortion and lateral strain in the overall damage potential of a structure Moreover the angular distortion of 1100 without lateral strain adopted by Schuster et al (2009) and Juang et al (2010) as the upper bound for the principal strain is also questionable Therefore this study is intended to adopt and modify this approach if appropriate

324 Development of analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution

As introduced this research will adopt PLAXIS 3D 2011 in numerical analysis To investigate the uncertainty of soil and building properties propagating through FEM solution a preliminary analytical procedure is already developed This simplified procedure is based on the concept of ldquofirst order second momentrdquo (FOSM) approach Herein the procedure for examining uncertainty effect of clay soil stiffness and strength (Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov) on wall and ground deformation is firstly introduced Denoting that y represents the analytical results of wall or ground deformation x1 and x2 represent the random variable of two ratios Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov respectively Thus y can be expressed as

y = PLAXIS solution = f(x1 x2 xother) in which xother symbolizes for other parameters that are not random variables

From the collecting data of interest parameters the mean value and standard deviation or coefficient of variation of each parameter can be computed Moreover the coefficient of correlation ρ between those parameters may also be calculated Then the mean value and standard deviation of y will be determined as follow

bull Mean value ( )1 2 y x x otherf xμ μ μ= bull Standard deviation σy

1 Determine the wall and ground deformation in PLAXIS with mean values of x1 and x2 meanwhile other parameters are constant The obtained results are denoted as y

2 Calculate the standard deviation Δy1 due to x1 by

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 20 頁

a Determine the value of wall and ground response with the mean value of x1 plus one standard deviation while adopting mean value for x2 and constant for others denoting the results as 1y+

b Follow the same previous step with mean value of x1 minus one standard deviation and obtain 1yminus

c Calculate 1 11 2

y yy

+ minusminusΔ =

3 Repeat similar steps to determine Δy2 due to x2 variation 4 Compute combined effect of x1 and x2 on wall and ground responses

( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 21 2 1 22y y y y yσ ρ= Δ + Δ + Δ Δ

The above procedure has demonstrated its applicability when being adopted in a case history in Taipei TNEC (Dang et al 2012) A typical result of maximum wall and ground displacement is shown in Fig 1219 This figure depicts the variation of maximum wall and ground responses due to plus and minus one standard deviation of soil properties It should be noted that this figure shows the combined effect of x1 and x2 as mentioned previously By investigating the uncertainty effect it can be concluded that the standard deviation of maximum wall displacement increase with increasing of excavation depth In other words the effect of soil uncertainty on wall deflection increases as the excavation depth increases

The soil uncertainties Eiσrsquov and suσrsquov as described above are considered as random variables This research project intends to enhance the above procedure by considering the spatial variability of soil uncertainties Luo et al (2011) proposed a simplified equivalent variance technique to examine the effect of spatial variability It was indicated that the variance in soil properties is reduced if the spatial effect is taken into account In other words the reduction variance can be expressed as 2 2 2σ σΓ = Γ in which the reduction factor Γ varies from 0 to 1 Luo et al (2011) showed that Γ factor can be computed as

22 1 2 21 exp

2L L

θ θ⎡ ⎤⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞Γ = minus + minus⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎣ ⎦

where L is characteristic length and θ is scale of fluctuation It was suggested that characteristic length approximated the length of potential failure surface Moreover in most cases the scale of fluctuation in horizontal direction is much larger than that of vertical direction Therefore only the fluctuation in vertical direction is often considered In short the spatial variability effect will be investigated in this research project as (1) Determine the variance reduction factor Γ for a given case study (2) Update the variance in soil uncertainties (3) Conduct numerical analysis (4) Quantify the variation in wall and ground deformations according to above proposed procedure

0 4 8 12 16 20 24Excavation Depth (m)








l def





μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Excavation Depth (m)











ent (


μ + σμμ minus σ

Stage 1Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6Stage 7

Figure 1219 Variation of wall and ground responses due to soil uncertainty

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 21 頁

33 Anticipated problems and means of resolution To achieve the tasks listed in Section 31 some problems may be encountered during the research

progress The potential problems may include the followings bull Collecting case histories with complete information of properties and deformation of subsoil and

vicinity structure bull 3D modeling of structure in numerical simulation bull Excessive amount of computing time if the 3D model is complex and compose of large number of

elements In order to overcome these obstacles two well-documented case histories in Taipei are already

collected Moreover from literature some foreign cases may also be the good references Of course significant effort is still needed to establish comprehensive filed cases For 3D numerical tool National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has offered the financial support for purchasing a number of 3D geotechnical software including FLAC 3D PLAXIS 3D-Foundation and new PLAXIS 3D a newly released 3D software Some experiences of 3D modeling have been acquired In the previous research our research team has also acquired good experience in excavation analysis with consideration of adjacent structures Together with the recent results that accumulate from a very comprehensive literature study we should be able to meet the second challenge Excessive computing time is a general problem for any 3D analysis Through continuous support from NTUST the research team has established adequate computing hardware for this research However to facilitate this study an additional high performance PC is applied in the proposal If it is granted by NSC the ability of computing can be further strengthened

34 Research schedule The annual schedule of two-year proposal can be expressed in following tables

Year-2012 Task

月 次















Select soil models and determine appropriate input parameters

Model the available case histories under 3D greenfield circumstance

Add the vicinity structure into simulation

Study the 3D deformation characteristics of wall ground and vicinity structure

Generate hypothetical excavation cases

Develop a practical procedure to numerically analyze 3D excavation and adjacent structure behavior

Write progress report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 22 頁

Year-2013 Task 月 次















Determine greenfield ground settlement and building deformation from hypothetical cases

Propose mathematical correlation between building angular distortion and ground settlement

Collect additional case histories

Validate the proposed correlation

Adopt the angular distortion value and horizontal strain to assess the building damage potential

Investigate the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of soil and structure

Write final report

Accumulated percentage of completion 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 100

4 Anticipated results and achievements This research conducts a relatively complete study on three dimensional deformation characteristics of

soil and adjacent building induced by excavation The analytical results will be used to develop a rational method of assessing building damage induced by excavation According to the tasks planned in Section 31 the expected outcomes of each year can be listed below Firs-year-outcome

bull Appropriately select interested soil models and derive the corresponding input parameters bull Successfully adopt these models in simulating actual excavation studied cases bull Properly include the vicinity structures in the numerical model bull Develop a comprehensive method to analyze 3D excavation behavior and adjacent structure response

Second-year- outcome bull Propose an useful correlation between the greenfield ground settlement and the buildingrsquos angular

distortion bull Adopt the proposed angular distortion and horizontal strain in assessing the building damage potential bull Appropriately develop analytical procedure for uncertainty propagation through FEM solution bull Understand quantitatively the sensitivity and uncertainty effect of subsoil and structure

In current design the ground settlement of free-field condition beneath the structure is adopted to evaluate building damage potential The adjacent structure is often excluded in the excavation analysis The obtained results appear to be inadequate Therefore this study can provide practical engineers a more accurate method that is capable of predicting free-field settlement as well as the adjacent structurersquos

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 23 頁

movement In addition a comprehensive method for numerically analyzing the excavation and structure in 3D condition will be developed The outcome will certainly contribute significantly to future research in 3D numerical simulation of excavation related problem In addition the method developed to quantify the effects of subsoil and structurersquos uncertainty and sensitivity and findings obtained from this research will also have high academic value

In short this study has potential merits in academic area and for practical engineering After completing this research proposal in additional to conference papers some possible journal articles are planned with the following titles

bull Three-dimensional excavation behavior and adjacent structure response in numerical analysis bull Simplified method for evaluating building damage potential with consideration of three-dimensional


5 References 1 Bjerrum I (1963) Allowable settlement of structures Proceedings of European Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Weisbaden Germany Vol 2 pp 35-137 2 Boone S J (1996) Ground-movement-related building damage Journal of Geotechnical

Engineering Vol 122 No 11 886-896 3 Boscardin M D and Cording E J (1989) Building response to excavation induced settlement

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 115 No 1 pp 1-15 4 Brinkgreve R B J Engin E and Swolfs W M (2010) PLAXIS 3D 2010 Manual Delft the

Netherlands 5 Burd H J Houlsby G T Augarde C E and Liu G (2000) Modelling tunneling-induced

settlement of masory buildings Proc Instn Civ Engrs No 143 pp 17-29 6 Burland J B Broms B B and DeMello V F B (1977) Behavior of foundations and structures

state of the art report Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society Tokyo Japan pp 495-546

7 Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974) Settlement of buildings and associated damage Proceedings of Conference on Settlement of Structures Pentech Press London England pp 611-654

8 Dang H P (2009) Excavation behavior and adjacent building response analyses using user defined soil models in PLAXIS Master thesis National Taiwan Uni of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

9 Dang H P Lin H D and Hsieh Y M (2010) Simulation of advanced soil models by using user defined model feature in Plaxis The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference Taipei Taiwan pp 149-152

10 Dang H P Lin H D and Juang C H (2012) Evaluation of Soil Variability Influence on Deep Excavation Analysis-Simplified Approach GeoCongress 2012 Conference California USA (accepted)

11 Dang H P Lin H D Kung H S J and Wang C C (2011) Deformation Behavior Analyses of Braced Excavation Considering Adjacent Structure by User-Defined Soil Models Submitted to Journal of GeoEngineering

12 Duncan J M and Chang C Y (1970) Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE Vol 96 No 5 pp 637-659

13 Finno R J Blackburn J T and Roboski J F (2007) Three-dimensional effects for supported excavations in clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 133 No 1 pp 30-36

14 Finno R J Bryson S and Calvello M (2002) Performance of a stiff support system in soft clay Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 128 No 8 pp 660-671

15 Finno R J Voss F T Rosscow E and Blackburn J T (2005) Evaluating damage potential buildings affected by excavations Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No10 pp 1199-1210

16 Ho C T and Chen S L (2008) Analysis of deep excavation in improved soft ground in Taipei Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Vol 30 No 2 pp 185-192

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 24 頁

17 Hsiao E C L Schuster M Juang C H and Kung G T C (2008) Reliability analysis and updating of excavation-induced ground settlement for building serviceability assessment Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 134 No 10 pp 1448-1458

18 Hsieh P G Kung T C Ou C Y and Tang Y G (2003) Deep excavation analysis with consideration of small strain modulus and its degradation behavior of clay 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Singapore

19 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (1998) Shape of ground surface settlement profiles caused by excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 6 pp 1004-1017

20 Hsieh P G and Ou C Y (2000) Use of pseudo-plasticity model in deep excavation analysis under undrained condition in clay Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering No 12 No 4 pp 703-713

21 Hsiung B C B (2009) A case study on the behavior of a deep excavation in sand Computer and Geotechnics Vol 36 No 4 pp 665-675

22 Hsiung B C B Kung H S J Lin H D and Chen C H (2005) Influence of pile-type cross wall on deep excavation IS-TC28 conference Amsterdam Holland pp 803-809

23 Juang C H Schuster M Ou C Y and Phoon K K (2010) Fully-probabilistic framework for evaluating excavation-induced damage potential of adjacent buildings Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (accepted)

24 Kung T C (2003) Surface settlement induced by excavation with consideration of small strain behavior of Taipei silty clay PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

25 Kung G T C Hsiao E C L and Juang C H (2007a) Evaluation of simplified small strain soil model for analysis of excavation induced movements Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 44 pp 726-736

26 Kung G T C Juang C H Hsiao E C L and Hashash Y M A (2007b) Simplified model for wall deflection and ground-surface settlement caused by braced excavation in clays Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 133 No6 pp 731-747

27 Kung T C and Ou C Y (2004) Stress-strain characteristics of the Taipei silty clay at small strain Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 27 No 7 pp 1077-1080

28 Laefer D F Ceribasi S Long J H and Cording E J (2009) Predicting RC frame response to excavation-induced settlement Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE Vol 135 No 11 pp 1605-1619

29 Lin H D Dang H P Kung J H S Hsiung B C B and Chen C H (2011) Performance of a zoned excavation and its effects on neighboring buildings The 14th Asian Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Hong Kong (accepted)

30 Lin H D and Lin S C (2008) Analysis of diaphragm wall displacement due to jet grouting in clay Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Southeast Geotechnical Society Vol 39 No 1 pp 1-11

31 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y (2002) Time-dependent displacement of diaphragm wall induced by soil creep Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol 25 No 2 pp 223-231

32 Lin H D Wu M F and Wang C C (2001) Ground settlement caused by basement excavation in clay Response of buildings to excavation induced Ground Movement Imperial College London

33 Liao H J Lin C C (2009) Case studies on bermed excavation in Taipei silty soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 46 pp 889-902

34 Luo Z Atamturktur S Juang CH Huang H Lin PS (2011) Probability of serviceability failure in a braced excavation in a spatially random field Fuzzy finite element approach Computers and Geotechnics (accepted)

35 Ou C Y Chiou D C and Wu T S (1996) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of deep excavations Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ASCE Vol 122 No 5 pp 337-345

36 Ou C Y Hsieh P G and Chiou D C (1993) Characteristics of ground surface settlement during excavation Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 30 pp 758-767

37 Ou C Y Liao J T and Cheng W L (2000) Building response and ground movements induced by a deep excavation Geacuteotechnique Vol 50 No 3 pp 209-220

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表C012 共 25 頁 第 25 頁

38 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D (1998) Performance of diaphragm wall constructed using top-down method Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 124 No 9 pp 798-808

39 Ou C Y and Shiau B Y (1998) Analysis of the corner effect on the excavation behavior Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 35 No 3 pp 532-540

40 Ou C Y Shiau B Y and Wang I W (2000) Three-dimensional deformation behavior of the TNEC excavation case history Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol 37 No 2 pp 438-448

41 Ou C Y Teng F C Seed R B and Wang I W (2008) Use of buttress walls to reduce excavation-induced movements Geotechnical Engineering ICE Vol 161 No 4 pp 209-222

42 Potts D M and Addenbrooke T I (1997) A structurersquos influence on tunneling-induced ground movements Proc Instn Civ Engrs Geotech Engng No 125 pp 109-125

43 Richard N Hwang (2010) Performance of Deep Excavations in the Taipei Basin Earth Retention Conference Washington

44 Schuster M Kung G T C Juang C H and Hashash Y M A (2009) Simplified model for evaluating damage potential of buildings adjacent to a braced excavation Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 135 No12 pp 1823-1835

45 Son M and Cording E J (2005) Estimation of building damage due to excavation-induced ground movements Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol 131 No 2 162-177

46 Teng F C (2011) Prediction of ground movement induced by excavation using the numerical method with the consideration of inherent stiffness anisotropy PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

47 Wang C C (1997) Undrained creep behavior of soft clay induced by deep excavation PhD dissertation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei Taiwan

48 Wang J D Lin H D and Wu M F (1999) Ground surface settlement induced by deep excavation in clay Sino-Geotechnics No 76 pp 51-62

49 Woo S M (1992) Effects of excavation on adjacent buildings Sino-Geotechnics No 40 pp 35-50 50 Yen D L and Chang G S (1991) A study of allowable settlement of buildings Sino-Geotechnics

No 22 pp 5-27

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

表 C013 計畫主持人 林宏達 申請條碼編號 100WFA2500394 共 1 頁 第 1 頁

十三近三年內執行之研究計畫 (請務必填寫近三年所有研究計畫)

計畫名稱 (本會補助者請註明編號)


任之工作起迄年月 補助或委託機構 執行情形 經費總額





主持人 201081 ~ 2012731


委員會 執行中 1428000






主持人 200981 ~ 2011731


委員會 已結案 1614000






主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 738000







共同主持人 200881 ~ 2009731


委員會 已結案 1655000





主持人 200881 ~ 2010731


委員會 已結案 1359000




計畫主持人 2011101 ~ 2012930


限公司 執行中 920000


驗研究(IV) 計畫主持人 201171 ~

2011930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 108000




計畫主持人 200971 ~ 2011630


限公司 已結案 1900000


驗研究(III) 計畫主持人 200961 ~

2009930 財團法人中興工

程顧問社 已結案 168000


統建構與實施計畫(22) 主持人 200942 ~

201041 經濟部水利署 已結案 4280000

合 計 14170000

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

101 年度國科會工程處專題計畫主持人近五年成果績效表

姓名林宏達 職稱教授







(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程林教授在黏土行為及深開挖方面研究多年並已


















LRFD 是基樁設計的新趨勢國外先進國家的規範大都已朝此方向修改國內則尚

待起步林教授在基樁 LRFD 設計之研究成果對國內未來制訂地工之性能設計規範

提供重要參考資料林教授曾受邀在 2006 年於台北舉辦之新規範研討會上發表專

題演講 (Invited Lecture)主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance

Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan 這個演講將台灣基樁 LRFD 研究現

況作了一個很完整的 state-of-art 報告目前林教授仍持續進行場鑄基樁之現地

承載力性能設計之研究同時也與美國 Akron 大學 Prof Robert Liang 合作應

用 soil arching 觀念探討鑽掘樁穩定邊坡之問題這也是國內以此觀念研究邊坡











定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料






定曾受邀於 2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會發表「不飽和紅土基質吸力特

性及其應用」之專題演講2010 年在日本仙台舉辦之 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教

授也曾受邀以ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo為題發表 Keynote Lecture



(1) 粘土行為及深開挖工程除了學術論文發表外林教授近年來也曾主辦



開挖工程設計與施工實務」科技圖書公司出版 (2000)「中英深開挖工程及結

構物耐震設計」科技圖書公司出版 (2001)這些專書版稅則全數捐給營建系統


一刷 2000 本皆已售完林教授曾擔任台科大頂尖計畫總主持人(97 年 1 月~99 年

12 月)協助將產業新科技例如聲射電滲透及微機電感測器(MEMS) 等技術應用


教授在深開挖及近接施工方面的研究也受到業界重視100 年 7 月和 9 月分別曾受





曾擔任地工技術之出版委員協助出版了「基樁工程」專書LRFD 是場鑄樁設計


機會向工程界推廣 LRFD 之設計理念和研究成果為加速催生國內以性能設計為導

向之新規範林教授在 2006 年共同主辦一個國際性研討會Taipei 2006- International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 研討會共 140 餘人參加其中有約 30 位專家分別來自國外

10 餘個國家林教授也擔任主編之一協助編撰此研討會之論文集並將之委由國

際知名出版商 World Scientific Publishing Company 發行全球林教授擔任大

地工程學會理事長期間(200704~200904) 持續推動性能設計工作經多次溝通










三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料





三近五年國內外之成就與榮譽(請註明名稱及日期)例如 1獲得國內外重



1 優良論文獎王正君林宏達拱祥生廖志穎「以基質吸力觀點探討不飽和

夯實土壤剪力模數之研究」第十四屆大地工程研討會龍潭論文編號 A-04


2 優良論文獎廖惠菁李維峰 林宏達「以 t-z 曲線分析台北市信義計畫區

反循環樁之現地承載行為」第十三屆大地工程研討會宜蘭論文編號 A-31 (2009)

3 優良論文獎楊樹榮 林宏達 拱祥生 廖志穎「不飽和夯實土壤動力三

軸試驗」第十二屆大地工程研討會溪頭論文編號 B3-06 (2007)

4 最佳論文獎 陳文洲林宏達「複合試體之異向性力學行為及強度評估」第

十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 B23 (2005)

5 最佳論文獎 謝坤宏王建智林宏達王冠雄「高雄捷運站體深開挖案例

研究」第十一屆大地工程研討會萬里論文編號 D22 (2005)

6 優秀論文獎 楊樹榮拱祥生黃偉慶林宏達「不飽和凝聚性路基土壤回

彈模数之研究」第二屆非飽和土學術研討會杭州 第 425~435 頁 (2005)


指導碩士研究生廖惠菁獲 96 學年度中華民國大地工程學會碩士論文獎此




1 學術委員會主委主持 2011 年於廣州舉辦之海峽兩岸地工學術交流研討會之論


業協會深基礎分會共同主辦從 1992 年到 2011 年共舉辦過 8 次本屆會議參加

人數逾 300 人其中來自台灣之專家學者代表約 50 人

2 Keynote Lecture 2010年在日本Sendai舉辦之4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls林教授受邀發表

Keynote Lecture 講題為Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration林教授同時也擔任Organizing committee委員並在開幕典禮上代


3 Vice Chairperson of Conference Committee 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

Conference May 10-13 2010 Taipei (259 participants from 22 countries)

4 Invited Lecture 2009 年在菲律賓Univ of San Carlos舉辦之Symposium on Advances in Construction Engineering受邀發表專題演講講題為Advanced Foundation Engineering Landslides Pile Foundation

5 Opening Chair and Advisory Committee Chairman ldquoInternational Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards-The 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfallrdquo October 31 - November 3 2008 Keelung Taiwan

6 Opening and Closing Address 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization ( ISCrsquo3)本次會議於 2008 年 4 月 1 日至 4 月 4 日假台北國際會議中心舉行共

有 207 篇論文發表來自 38 個國家的 467 人與會論文集由英國 Taylor and

Francis 負責印製發行(ISBN 13 978-0-415-46936-4(Hbk))林教授亦為籌備


7 專題演講2007 年在天津舉辦之兩岸地工研討會林教授受邀發表有關不飽和


8 Invited Lecture and Organizing Committee 擔任 Organizing Committee 委員共同

主辦 Taipei 2006-International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice 並受邀在此研討會發表專題演講 (invited lecture)演講主題為A Preliminary Study on Load and Resistance Factors for Foundation Piles in Taiwan


1 Editor-in-Chief Journal of GoeEngineering (EI) TGS (201104~present)

2常務編輯土木水利工程學刊(EI) (201004~present)

3總編輯地工技術 (200812~201112)

4評獎委員會副主委Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (201104~present)

5 President Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS) (200704~200904)

6 General Committee Member South Eastern Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) (2007 to 2010)

7 Editor Journal of GoeEngineering TGS (200411~201104)

8 學術委員會主任委員地工技術研究發展基金會(200602~200812)

9 學術活動委員會主任委員中華民國大地工程學會(200504~200704)


1 Canadian Geotechnical Journal [EI SCI]

2 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE [EI SCI]

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

3 Journal of Testing and Evaluation ASTM [EI SCI]

4 Journal of Mechanics [EI SCI]

5 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers [EI SCI]

6 Journal of Marine Science and Technology [EI SCI]

7 Ocean Engineering [EI SCI]

8 Journal of GeoEngineering TGS [EI]

9 Geotechnical Engineering Journal SEAGS [EI]






刊包括(1) 謝博庭林宏達「淺開挖施工引致軟弱地盤變位與鄰房反應之監測」






灣科技大學第53-65頁 (1997)














術論文並有多篇論文獲獎 (以上四項內容請勿超過五頁)


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料


(至多 10 篇)

SCISSCI Cited Number3




頁數及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加註該期刊所屬研

究領域 1)


Factor2 N M

Cited No Self

Cited No

(Up to date)

Cited No

(Recent 5





1 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoAnalysis of Axial Strain Induced by 3-D Consolidation of Cohesive Soilsrdquo Int Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 22 pp495-508 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

1030 11 1

2 Lin HD and Wang CC ldquoStress-Strain-Time Function of Clayrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(4) pp289-296 (1998) [EISCI] (Engineering Geological)

2030 141 7

3 Ou C Y Liao J T and Lin H D ldquoPerformance of Diaphragm Wall Constructed Using Top-Down Methodrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 124(9) pp798-808 (1998) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 578 41

4 Lin H D Wang C C and Ou C Y ldquoTime-Dependent Displacement of Diaphragm Wall Induced by Soil Creeprdquo Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineer 25(2) pp223-231 (2002)[EISCI](Engineering Multidisciplinary)

7187 20 2

5 Lin S C Lin H D Kuo C J Lin Y Kand Kuo P C ldquoEffects of Jet Mixing on Adjacent Soils of an Excavationrdquo Proceeding 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSingapore pp809-812 (2003)

42 4 亞洲大地工



6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

6 Kung H S J Lin H D Yang S J and Huang W H ldquoResilient Modulus and Plastic Strain of Unsaturated Cohesive Subgrade Soilsrdquo Geotechnical Special Publication No 147 ASCE pp541-552 (2006) [EI]

EI 21 2

7 Lin H D and Chen W C ldquoAnisotropic Strength Characteristics of Composite Soil Specimen under Cubical Triaxial ConditionsrdquoJournal of Mechanics 23(1) pp235-244NSC-92-2211-E011-022 (2007) [EI SCI](Mechanics)

113133 20 2

8 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of UnsaturatedCompacted Subgrade Soilsrdquo J of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI](Engineering Geological)

2030 51 5

9 林宏達拱祥生「不飽和土壤力學性質試


期第 39-52 頁(2001)

10 拱祥生林宏達吳宏偉「不飽和土壤邊


用」地工技術96 期第 27-42 頁 (2003)









論文情形(至多 5篇)


及出版年並註明是否為 SCI 或 SSCI 期刊(如為 SCISSCI 論文請加

註該期刊所屬研究領域 1)

SCISSCI Rank Factor2 N M

1 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoCalibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Results ASCE 137(5) pp309-323 Journal of Engineering Mechanics (2011) [EI SCI] (Engineering Mechanical)


2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

2 Lin H D Kung J H S Wang C C Liao C Y and Tsai M F ldquoStability Analysis of Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltrationrdquo 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls pp13-29 Sendai Japan (2010)

Keynote Lecture

3 Ching J Lin H D and Yen M T ldquoModel Selection Issue in Calibrating Reliability-based Resistance Factors Based on Geotechnical In-situ Test Datardquo Structural Safety ASCE 31 pp420-431(2009) [EI SCI] (Engineering Civil)


4 Yang S R Lin H D Kung H S J and Huang W C ldquoSuction-Controlled Laboratory Test on Resilient Modulus of Unsaturatedrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ASCE 134(9) pp1375-1385 (2008) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


5 Lin H D and Lin S C ldquoDiscussion of Lateral Displacement of Ground Caused by Soil-Cement Column Installationrdquo Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE 133(1) (2007) [EI SCI] (Engineering Geological)


註1SCISSCI 論文所屬研究領域請參照 ISI Essential Science Indicators 之劃分

2 SCISSCI Rank FactorN 為期刊在所屬研究領域之 Impact Factor 排序名次( Impact Factor 以 2011 年 ISI 資料庫之資料為準)M 為該期刊所屬研究領域之總期刊數

3 Cited Number (SCISSCI 論文被引用次數) 統計期間截至 2011 年 12 月該資料可透過 Web of Science 會員利用網路資料庫查詢Web of Science 會員名單詳下列網頁httpwwwstpiorgtwfdbwoswosmemhtml或至相關單位檢索光碟資料

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