10things advanced

Post on 19-Dec-2014






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10 things you can do for your health


Top Ten Things You Can Do For Your Health

Daily Practices for Physical, Mental & Chemical Well Being.

1. Avoid Refined Sugars

• No White Sugar, Corn Syrup, Sucrose, Dextrose, Fructose.

• Avoid the Crash, Eat healthily--regularly

• Choose Natural Sugars Instead in:– Fruit, Raw Organic Honey, Pure Maple

Syrup, Agave Nectar

• Use in Moderation!

2. Don’t Drink Soda

• Stay Away from Addictive HFCS

3. Stay Away from Artificial Sweeteners

• No Splenda, Equal, Sweet N’Low, NutraSweet etc.– ASPARTAME Linked to:

• Birth Defects• Cancer• Diabetes• Emotional Disorders and Depression• Epilepsy/ Seizures

4. Know Your Fats

• Avoid Trans-fats

• Eat Healthy Omega-3’s

• Consume in Moderation

5. Make Healthy Eating Choices



In Season

WholeSlow Cooked or Raw

Healthy Eating ContinuedSupplement Your Nutrition

As a nation, we eat poor-quality foods that have been stripped of nutrients …Americans are overfed and undernourished.

We eat plenty but we are still starving• The foods we eat are not providing our

bodies with the nutrition it needs to survive and be healthy. We are starving our bodies and we are sick.

6. Maintain a Proper Balance

• Nutritional• Emotional• Structural

7. Avoid Soy!• Contains high levels of phytic acid• Has trypsin inhibitors that interfere with

protein digestion• Disrupts endocrine function• Increases the bodies need for vitamin

B12 and vitamin D• The Processing of soy denatures

proteins and results in toxins• MSG is formed during soy food

processing• Contains high levels of aluminum

8. Discover the Joy of Movement

• Do 30-60 minutes of low impact movement EVERYDAY. Tai Chi, Yoga & Walking are all great ways to get your circulation to move nutrients in and toxins out. If you are doing aerobic exercise be sure to wear a heart monitor and stay below 80% of your max heart rate.

9. Drink A Lot of Filtered Water

• One half of your body weight in ounces is a great place to start.– Filtration Systems:

• Reverse Osmosis

• Distilled

• Carbon Adsorption

• Ion Exchange

• UV Radiation

• Health benefits:– Detoxification and flushing of the kidneys

10. Avoid Chemicals and Toxins in Your Environment

• Stay Away from Carcinogens• Use Natural Cleaners in Your Home

– Vinegar, Lemon, Baking Soda– Store Brand Naturally based products

• Use all Natural Body Care Products– Essential Oils– Beeswax Products– Goats Milk Products – Etc.

Moderation in All Things is Key!




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