1111 - hopewell history · 2019. 6. 20. · the book of records the town book of i iopcwcll...

Post on 26-Feb-2021






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1111 ltl\\ !I. llllllh Ill 11111'1 \\ l• l I,

' l"hc ·rown Records of

11 opcwcll, New Jersey

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Tull Tow1< Boox

,, T111l Rxcou•s Of" Tug Ow Sc1100f.. B ... PTIST CHURCH


Tiu: Nr·w Jc:r.ry Society of the Colonial Dames of America takes 1hi\ opJ!Ortunity to cx:prtu it~ great appreciation to Mr. Charles ~L Ti111~. Mr. Mor1:an Blackwell and I\fr. David J\1. Voorhees through whr,~r courtrsy thc~e manuscripts were made available for copying awl al-;0 ttJ the memhcra of the Society who copied and compiled them





The Book of Records

The Town Book of

I Iopcwcll

1,nncllerrin Town Clnrk

Tl1c Tow11 !look of H.rcorcl~ whcrri11 is to be Eutrcd All Such mat· u·n Ami thing, ns arc Agreed upon by the Inhabitants or the Town~hip of llopcwcll 111 the County or Hunterdon and Proviuce of Nov:• Cc~aria. March 141h r7.i1. At a T'Own m;;"Cting at the House of Cornelius Ander~on Omsl'tl t11(·11 hy th(· majority of 11oiccs-

{!;;;Jri:1 lfi~:~~ ~ !l~~':.::~:11!~r:l01rl~;~wcl l ~~~:;~;;~c~ ~11::r~·rso11-~ r0(·~~k~~:"o0[ ---Andrew Smith T-l'hilip Hingo ( Commissioners for Thoma, H11rhou1>e) the llywnys l'ctcr L'l.rrn (

At Th<' Time :111(1 plm:c abovcwrittcn nm~t11 tht·n liy the Said Inhabitants

~11::~~: ~;.11 11~~~c £or Tmvu Clark ____ _

( 'ho~cr1 tl1r11 hy t. lajority of Votl'd 111 the house of Cornelius Anclric~o11

J1Mph Stout) l 1J1ilip Rin~n ( Fret'11oldt· r~

Jounthnn Stout ) ovcn;t·crs of Jol111Tilus ( tilt• poor Jolm t.luirlwad ) A~cssn1·

'l' lmnHl! Jlu1'11011 Ht· Collector

U: ~m ~ <'0111>!1 01' 1101'KWKI,!.,

:>.';ath.:iuid :'i,!,n:) .\ndft'"' ~' i:h ( (nmi 1inn<"ri for lic-<>l):O' \\'_ K~') the llii;:hw:.>• John ~nuth J_

{);1nl>c:r .ll 17.12 .\t th<" town nl('1!tini;: hdrl :.t the houfo of Thc~tias Runion it ,.~ lll:'rttd upon(,_,. the lnhalut:.nl-'I of the Towncsh1p of lloP<'weU that t~e ~um of_ w<tttn pound• nc\\· mrrcncy 'hall he Lc•·icd upon the ~d ln~bitauts for ti~ Relief_ of the poor. Llkewi~ at the sa.id lime .:i.ud pbcc by the S.:1.1d lnhabit::mts •l w;u (<Included that a public pound he ert'Ctnl by. 111011135 Reed ;ind Joseph Reeder at their own pro~r c~rge Sullic1en1 Ero the u£e 0£ the S:.1d Town to he fini.>hed "·nhm a month .:1.fter this dar And th~ erectors to h:.•·c the profit

l~~l~;;c;,,~~tt by ~~ :t~ha~i!!'.~;; . ) Samuel Hunt

~larch 12th 1723--------Cho,;.en 1Mn by m:ajori~y of •·otes :tt the I lou~c of Cornelius Ander­son in Ho:1icwell for1h1,presen1 year

Nathamel .\lore) for A!<St'sor Phillipip Ringo) for Collector Audrew Smith-) -----­Thoma.s Lurtis) Freeholder, William Cornwell) S.:1.mucl Fi.teh ( Comissioncr$ for Ja~k. Herring ) Highways \\'1!ham Briant {

Whcrc:u the rn ... -, ~--•-ing'h>_•_h _b«_"_H~<i~d ,-,-,h~e House of Cornelius Anderson it is ordered to be kept at Ringo :\!ill

(l11smalltrwritin.c) ~mo•~ from thence to Df;nni5tOl'l'll Meeting House where nr-cmainstothisday1751.

At a Town :-.rming Held In Penningtown the 2 Tusday In math

s~ ~ ~c=rt~:! ~~1~s"'oi:~e ~r:n~:~~ra ;~i! a BoolcTo_Kcepthoscaeoount Jn & Nelfonsjustis

(O<ho:rwr.q) The above money dc!i,·ercd to Nathan Moore Overseer of the Poor pr Reuben Armitage

March loth 1724_ 3 At the 1own :'i.lccung houldcn at Justis Ringos mill by the inhabitant5

of hopcwc!J chos<:n tbon by ma1orcty of Voices Isaac Herrin forTownOerk

Al A .T.own meeting held at Hopewell ~~ ~1i~~ ~irnfhc ~a~~~:;i~>llowing officers Elected by Plurality



~117~ ~:~~·~~~f~-ti\.,-f,-h id al C.pt !Dr go's :\Ii Chosen by

mai::~;)l~~riv:~n dark __

J~~~ ~:r~~ ~~-~~f ----Andrew Smith) Collector

Peter Ringo ''"""""""~·-~~--~!,~'jj~ke i f,;'i(i:!;"iin; ~rgcWoollc) Ways Thonia• Ross(i<?)C'--------

~O:t~.:1.~l~t~~c ~ lrttholdeu

i~~5C~r~ta.r ~ o•'.er-rs of the

t~~~~;~i~~de~.:'.g_h~W-"~' ~--William Bryant) Chosen Constables

jllltl6 Husins _,7._,C.~,-~-rol"(~l)'m-~~.,~,,~-At the townmct~ng of Hopewell held on the ~on~ tu.,-:day Jf m:areh 1724 !me Henn Chosen hr the .\lajoritie of Vmccs town Cla.rk

~':n~u~~~ Choscnbythemajoritieof Voice!: frcholders

{Benjamin Drm John Parks )Eliakim Anderson John Hart {Cho!cn Constables o•·ersttf'Sof1hcpoorc)Jamc:sGanyputin

{by the Court

••• Uc

On thr .ec ntl Tu,.Jd&y in.Mardi liRS The fu11 ... .i "f>UiNnwl1rrr l·,l1'<:trtl by l'lumluyof Voices l'"f 'lilt- T,...,,,,hip of ll<1pcwdl J'nr•u:mt w :\n 1\c;t

.,r C.-nl .\•vmbly. J,,....1,h ln•ky Town Clk



r~~~~;li·~:"~roon ) ~i~1i1t~'r': 1~;~;;~.s Junr } Ely :.loor.- .'\1.,,. ..... 1r ~ l'o-1tr llurr<>wt Collector J

And overseer! of the

"""' l'athan :.loorc )


~~::11~1~!:: } ~~:::::..t!;'.~~: I Jonathan:>luirhra•I 7 ... bulou Burrow~ An<lrtw J[ulf Willi;im J\urn>W'I l·,,.,..h,\nui~

~atl~u1i..J S10111

/;~;:,;"]~~~;::: i:iaml S!uut f't·kr(;.or<!•111 1\,,.lrt"w ~lori:a11 Jnlm S1illwl·ll

" Com of Appeal

Surveyors of the llighway•

:O:athan ~loou


ifr"~"s~~iek1 Levy Kcteham John P. Hun!­Jonathan Muirhead Jontn Smith Henry Baker ]Oii Burrows Josiah Vankirk Jacob Blac;kwcll john Cornell Jacob Larison Nathaniel Stout Peter Gordon Bcnjaniinllryant

Com of Appeal

Surveyors of the high.,,-ay

Oversttrsof the Highway$

Walter Bartley _ _.;,._~~~~~

" ~ %~M~~~~~=~l~k by Plurality of \mces !or the Township of Hop.well Pur>uant to :u1 A~t of the General A~Mftlbly

Thoma.s Bullma-,-:Q::-k------

Jama Hunt JuhnWcllingJunr

'1os1rr Burrowes Sa111uclStoutScnr

Com tables





November ye 18th.Ji29 g .. David Stout of Hopewell By the dictat.es or the Law ~th

] I :,C~~~tt~~~edw~;:,~ ?~/ 8~~.~~ ~~m:~~~"! ::>ti~~; £~on the upcr sid of the near Ear & a halphpeney on the under ii:: sidcortheoffE<lr.

~ Houghton, Uy_ the Di~~~:":?{ {~/t._:;-h_"l1t~·f{._::rd~ ~~yth~u:::~ n~1"!1;:1 n~i~. \~~~d:i•\::~d~~~n "1h:h~~

Returned to the owner

Xoah Hunt F F u ,.,

Dreember 3d 1n8 Henry lle ,·anr, Remrds a yearl ing Bull no E:ir nu·· Brand he ~a white ~tripe a long hi~ Back awl \\"h;:;" e·· Belly and \\ h1tc on hM Leg~ the n;:,t of his CouJ..,. Ii~ l:li_

~~~!-~! h;urs Crooked hind Legs goes \'el'y \\"i<lc WlloC.,; bl

December 12th 1778 ,\ndrew '.l.'.orga11 Record• a l"m!it.( llcfl"cr Coler Black :md .\larked with a Crop of the ofi Eu.I: two hapem11•e on the Xear Ear one a Bo,·e & the O!hrr under

January 16!h 1779 Jonathan Bunn Records a Bay !for~ >boa! fourteen Hands high With Sum Wight in i• four~ .I: Branded on the !\earyh Sholder With the Letter R

November 20th 1779 '.\latthew Baker Records a tw<:> year; . i Bull Coler Black no year mark Nor Brand Xatrd nw'-111 Sum \\'hit upon Each flank this upon is Belly

December 8th 1719 Jessey Ashbey Records a \\.hite Ram \I i a Crop on the oft Ear and a Nick on the near yC2J"

~=r\\'1i~ha ~tlor8fu~::i ;~~r~l/ck~~a.;-;e ~\\~ the Near Year and of the oft year a Crop

~~~r B~s 1f{!~~t~~~:1 ~=;d5~ so:U~~~i):-1; 14St HC'fl"er a Brown Bnndel the Right Ear appears to ~hort Roumkn of

{~·itii'"~r~;~t; 1:?r~i; 1~h Hita~ ~;t~t~~~~~I~ ~ Side of the Near Ear ~


Various forms of spelling of the same general f an1ily name ar d h d

. Th f · e groupe under one ea 1ng. e page re erence 1s recorded under the baptismal name.

Acres, Acred, Akers, Akors, Robert; 14, 17, 23, 25 (2), 71, 78, 81,

92 Thos.; 33 \Villiam; I I I

Adams, Jam es ; 14, 2 I, 83 Alderson, John; 128(~) Allen, hlartha ; 1 ~s

Afary; 173 1{rs.; .164 Sephern; IZJ Susannah ; I'47 Thomas; 173

Allison, Rhoda ; 145 RiChard ; 134

Amanda . • 168 ' Amy, colored woman; 168 .

Anderson, Andrewson, Andr1eson, Abraham; 18, 26, 68, ·103, I I3 Ann Costigan ; 175 1 ew ; Barthlomei, Bartho, Bartho om

14, 63, 6g, 121 Bmjamin; 13, 1·7, 27, 9r, 98, (,07

19 Cornelius; 9(3), 10(2), 13, {q' 68:

22, 2J, 24(2), 26(2)' JO, ' 86, 92, 99 • •

Armitage, Reuben; 10, 17(2), 18(2), 19, 20(3), 21(2), 22(2), 23(2), 24(2), 25(2), 29(2), 30(2), 31, 55, 59(2), 94, 109

Arnold, Arnal, Hannah; 128

Richard; 15, 67 Artl1ttr. Ha1mah; 137

James; 137 Ashbey, John ; 32 Ashley, Jessey ; 112

John; 32 . . 6 Atkinson, Ath1son, Thomas, 45, 4

Bainbridge, John; 36, 88 ( 2)' I 14

Jo~n! Sr.; g8 117, 118 vV 1ll1am; 37, 4H7, 49, . 34 39 40,

B 'k Henrt enry, , ( )' 46,

a er' ) '( z) 43, 44, 45 2 ' 6 . 41(2 ' 428 9' ,.z Ill, II2, II 47 ( 2) 1 4 I 4 J :J I

Matthew; 116 William; 11. 100 • • I 16

Balar, .MtY~Jwin, David; 41, 43, Baldw1n, ~uI3 66

Etnatha0 ' ' ..

Joseph; 3o, 10"

Ma·rtha_; ~6z Nathaniel, 34 Stephen~ 1i, sz


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