13 colonies simulation - high plains elementary colonies... · 13 colonies simulation . imagine...

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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13 Colonies Simulation

Imagine that you live in England in the year 1607. It is an exciting time for you. Your country has emerged as a world leader; your navy dominates the ocean; you have a new king; and you hear wonderful stories of a land of possibilities. There’s a new world to explore—a world where hunting is easy and gold is plentiful. You’ve read pamphlets, letters, and advertisements about the new world—how land, forests, and precious metals are abundant. You think about the new world and all its possibilities. Your life in England doesn’t offer you much hope for improvement. You’re not going to rise much above your station in life, the cities are getting crowded, your religion is not accepted, or your family is suffering because you can’t get out of debt. Maybe you are the younger son of a wealthy family—you’re not going to inherit lands or titles because you have older brothers. The new land offers you chance to succeed. For whatever reason, you are planning to start a colony in America. You will be involved in all stages of your colony—from planning the voyage to choosing the crops to determining the governmental structure. Plan carefully.

Ships: Choose the ship that will take your colonists to the new world. Choose the ship number and delete the other ships.

Ship #2 Sturdy, medium speed (12 weeks) 2000 lbs. of cargo 2 cannons 100 people

Landing Locations Choose the landing location. Calculate departure date and arrival date. Delete the landing locations you didn’t choose. Plymouth You must land by September 1. Departure Date: __6-6 -1607__

To calculate your departure date, find the date by which you must land at your colony location. Then count backwards from the arrival date the number of weeks it takes your ship to arrive at its destination. Subtract an additional week to account for bad weather, pirates, etc. Example: We are going to build our colony in Savannah. We must land by November 1. We are in Ship #2 and it takes 12 weeks to get to its location. That’s roughly 3 months. We should leave by August 1. Let’s push the date back one more week so that we have extra time in case of bad weather. Our departure date is July 24 or the last week of July.

Captain Choose your captain and then type in the information you are given about him. Then make the changes to the slides as needed before going on. Delete the other captains. Captain Jones

Passengers Underline the number of passengers for your ship 50 100 200 Choose the passengers that will be on your ship. You must have the full amount your ship is allowed. Hint: It is easier to keep track of your passengers if you write the numbers on the line rather than a check. Remember that you need many different people to survive in this new country. 2_____ doctor & family (6) ___1___ teacher ___2_ carpenter & family (6) ______ surveyor _2____ family (5) ______ city planner ___3__ soldiers (10) ______ indentured servants __3___ farmer & family (10) __2____ fisherman __0___ landed gentry (5) ___2___ baker __0___ seamstress ___1___ single males ___1__ weaver ___1___ single females ___1__ potter ___1__ mason People added because of the __1___ miner captain: __captin jones ________ _____ convicts _____ blacksmith _____ minister ___1__ butcher

Cargo • You must have 50 lbs. of food and 2 barrels of water per 25 passengers you have. • You do not have to provide food for any indentured servants added because of your captain. How many pounds of cargo does your ship hold? ____2000____ lbs. How many pounds of food must you take? (subtract) --____200____ lbs. How many pounds of water must you take? (subtract) --____100____ lbs. Total amount of pounds remaining: = ___1700_____ lbs. Choose the cargo you wish to take on your journey.

Choose cargo from the list below. You may “spend” the amount of pounds you have remaining on the cargo listed below. Stock your ship carefully. The new world is a vast wilderness and the nearest stores are an ocean away. Plan for all emergencies. (The actual weights of the items have been simplified to make the math easier and faster.) You will cross out the supplies as you use them. Plan out carefully the supplies you will need to survive. __2___ vegetable seeds—25 lbs. (barrel) __1___ cow—50 lbs. ___3___ medical supplies – 25 lbs (barrel) __2___ pigs—10 lbs. ___1___ tools – 25 lbs. (barrel) ___0__ goats—10 lbs. ___2___ building supplies – 100 lbs. __0___ grain-- 25 lbs. (barrel) ____1__ salt – 25 lbs (barrel) __0___ bribery gifts—25 lbs. (barrel) ____1__ limes – 25 lbs (barrel) ___7__ weapons—25 lbs. (case) ___2___ household goods – 25 lbs (barrel) ___6__ water—25 lbs. (barrel) ___0___ loom – 25 lbs __2___ horses—50 lbs. ____0__ lye – 25 lbs (barrel) ___0__ cloth—10 lbs. bolt ___4__ ammunition—50 lbs (barrel) ___2__ food—100 lbs. _____ cat—5 lbs.

Round One Before the voyage: Type in the information that was given with your choice. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 3 Gained 200 pounds of food Lost five people

Round Two The voyage: Type in the information that was given with your 3 choices. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 10 Choice 4 Gained Lost all of our live stock

Round Three The landing: Type in the information that was given with your choice. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 5 Gained Lost 2 people

Designing the community: You have 45 days to build your colony. It takes 5 (4 structures) days to build each structure. It takes 2 days (2 gardens) to prepare the land for a garden. It takes 5 days to build a wall. Design your colony and label each item on the next slide. On this slide, list what you are building and how many days it takes to build. Four walls (20 days) Four houses(20 days)

Round Eight Government and Politics: Type in the information that was given with your choice. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 5 Gained 6 settlers Lost 0

Draw a picture of your colony and paste it here.


house house

apartment house

Round Four Building the community: Type in the information that was given with your 3 choices. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 6 Choice 13 Gained 25 people Lost 41 people

Round Five Planting: Type in the information that was given with your choice. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 7 Gained Planting was good (when we didn’t have any plants) Lost 0

Round Six The Natives: Type in the information that was given with your choice. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 1 Gained double are food supply Lost

Round Seven The first winter: Type in the information that was given with your 3 choices. Then make changes on the slides as needed. Type in what was gained and what was lost. Delete the other choices. Make changes on the Excel worksheet. Choice 2 Choice 9 Gained 0 Lost 0

After the first year: How many survived? Total the amount of supplies you have remaining. Salt, limes, vegetable seeds, and food count in the food category. Divide the food amount you have remaining by 20. The number you get tells you the total number of colonists you can afford to feed. Total the number of colonists you have remaining. Use the following formula to help you determine the number of survivors. ______0____ + _____1300___ +150_______ = 1450______ amount of animals amount of food amount of water Divide by 20 to get remaining (pounds) remaining (pounds) remaining (pounds) the number of colonists you can feed ___83______ - ____72.5______ = _____10____ number of number of number of colonists remaining colonists you can non survivors feed

• Was your colony successful? yes • What would make a colony successful? i

think workers food water weather people . • What factors impacted your survival? food

and workers • What factors could you plan for? workers

food no animals lots of workers and salt

Time Management Determine how many hours in a day a typical colonist spends on the following activities. Make a pie graph using all the following activities (remember your hours must equal 24 hours). Hunting 2 Preparing food 1 Preserving food 1 Farming 1 Reading 0 Praying 0 Writing 0 Building a shelter 3 Making clothes/blankets 2 Tending to livestock/poultry 0 Laundry 1 Weaving 1 Baking 4 Guarding the colony 3 Sleeping 5

Time Management Graph

What environmental, technological, and social considerations do you need to factor into your decisions? First, a lot of food, water, people like workers, a few animals, salt and, carpenters. What did you learn about settling a new country. Don’t forget to include the number of settlers, type of settlers, possible dangers, etc. Sometimes, no matter how well you’ve planned, accidents happen and the colony fails. You should have lots of workers, salt, food, houses, and animals you don’t need.

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