35642584 modele scrisori de afaceri

Post on 10-Oct-2015






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    Prile componente ale unei scrisori Antetul Utilizarea referinelor Data Numele i adresa destinatarului Formula de adresare Titlul rezumnd scopul scrisorii Paragraful iniial Cuprinsul scrisorii Paragraful de ncheiere Formula de ncheiere Semnatura Anexe i copii

    CONINUTUL UNEI SCRISORI DE AFACERI nceputul unei scrisori

    Cnd nu se face referire la corespondena anterioar Rspunznd la o scrisoare anterioar Cnd se face referire la corespondena anterioar

    CONINUTUL UNEl SCRlSORI (nceputul propoziiilor i paragrafelor) Furniznd informaii Cereri Regret Confirmare Rapel Varia

    NCHEIEREA UNEI SCRISORI Cnd se cere un rspuns Cnd se promite un rspuns Cereri Cnd se exprim mulumiri, sperana, promisiunea, regretul

    NOT PERSONAL Mulumiri Salutri Urri i felicitri Condoleane

    SCURTE COMUNICRI Confirmare Rapel Scuze Cereri Oferte Comenzi Respingerea unei oferte


    Prime informaii Cereri Condiii

    OFERTE Formule de nceput

  • Livrare Condiii Formule de ncheiere

    COMENZI Livrare Achitarea comenzii Asigurare


    CONDIII I MODIFICRI ALE COMENZILOR Cereri Condiii Oferind alternative

    NTRZIERI N LIVRARE Rapeluri Scuze i explicaii

    EXECUTAREA I ANULAREA COMENZILOR Imposibilitatea de a executa o comand


    Referin Natura reclamatiilor Msuri ce urmeaz a fi luate

    SCUZE, EXPLICAII, ARANJAMENTE Scuze Explicaii Aranjamente


    REGLEMENTAREA CONTURILOR Cerere de plat Expedierea banilor (Achitarea facturilor) Confirmare;

    CONTURI SCADENTE Primul rapel Al doilea rapel Al treilea rapel Ultimul rapel

    CERERE DE AMNAREA PLII Imposibilitatea de a plti Promisiunea de plat Rspunsuri


    Deschiderea unuii cont Intrri Situaia contului Nelmuriri (Solicitarea unor precizri)

    OPERAIUNI BANCARE Cecuri Transfer

  • Cecuri i mandate de plat Documente prezentate la achitarea sumelor

    INVESTIII Solicitarea unui sfat Sfaturi Instruciuni

    SCRISORI DE CREDIT Deschiderea unei scrisori de credit irevocabil Scrisoare de credit ordinar Scrisoare de credit circular

    CONTRACTE Scrisoare de acoperire Contract ntre reprezentant i agenie ncasarea drepturilor de autor


    Informaii Rezervare

    LA HOTEL (CAZAREA) Informaii Rezervarea locurilor (la hotel)

    SCRISORI DE PREZENTARE Prezentare Scopul vizitei Cerere de asisten

    NEGOCIERI Informaii Opinii (Puncte de vedere) Sugestii Exprimarea acordului i dezacordului

    SOLICITAREA DE INFORMAIl Studierea pieei Mrfuri disponibile Preuri de achiziie

    RAPORTUL REPREZENTANTULUI AGENIEI Situaia generala a pieei Informaii specifice Recomandri

    PIAA Situaia general Oferta Cerere Preuri Tendine


    REFERINE DE AFACERI Solicitare de informaii Rspuns

    DIFERITE INFORMAII I CERERI Solicitri de informaii despre posibiliti de studiu - Cereri

  • CURRICULUM VITAE Modele de scrisori

    Solicitare de informaii Confirmarea unei scrisori Scrisori de prezentare Scrisori referitoare la vnzri

    Scrisoare de acoperire cu material publicitar i eantioane Plasarea comenzilor

    Confirmare de livrare Ambalare i transport Scrisoare solicitnd reglementarea contului Reclamaii Scrisoare exprimnd scuze pentru ntrziere Scuze i rspunsuri la reclamaii

  • Prile componente ale unei scrisori

    The component part of a letter Prile componente ale unei scrisori

    A letter consists of a number of parts, each of

    which is essential to the letter, or contributes in

    some way to its impact on the recipient. We

    may list them as follows :

    a. the letterhead b. the references c. the date d. the inside name and address e. the salutation f. the subject heading g. the opening paragraph h. the body of the letter i. the closing paragraph j. the complimentary close k. the signature l. enclosures and copies

    O scrisoare const dintr-o serie de elemente, fiecare dintre acestea fiind esenial sau contribuind ntr-o msur sau alta la influenarea destinatarului. Aceste elemente pot fi ordonate astfel:

    a. antetul b. referine c. data d. numele i adresa destinatarului e. formula de adresare f. titlul rezumnd scopul scrisoii g. paragraful iniial h. cuprinsul scrisorii i. paragraful de ncheiere j. formula de ncheiere k. semntura l. anexe i copii


    The letterhead Antetul

    Since letters are often elements in the formation

    of business contacts it is essential to have the

    addresses of both parties included in every item

    of business correspondence. By having a

    printed letterhead a firm ensures that it includes

    all the necessary details about its own name,

    address, postcode, telephone number, telex and

    fax numbers.

    A typical letterhead might read:


    24 Darby Street, Salisbury, Wilts




    ntruct scrisorile sunt adesea folosite ca

    elemente n contractele de afaceri este foarte

    important ca adresele ambelor pari s figureze n fiecare scrisoare comercial. Utiliznd un antet tiprit o companie (firm) asigur includerea tuturor detaliilor necesare privitoare

    la denu-mire, adres, codul potal, numerele de telefon, telex i fax.


    STONE AND SIMPSON LTD. 24 Darly Street, Salisbury, Wilts




    Utilizarea referinelor

    The use of references Utilizarea referinelor

    The references usually consists of the initials of

    the executive who dictated the letter followed

    by the initials of the secretary who typed it. The

    executives initials are usually in upper case

    Referina const de obicei din iniialele directorului care a dictat scrisoarea urmate de

    iniialele secretarei care a dactilografiat-o. Iniialele directorului sunt de obicei aezate

  • (capital letters).

    The secretarys initials are sometimes typed in lower case. The two sets of initials may be

    divided by a solidus (the oblique sign) or a full

    stop. They may include a file number, or a

    departmental code of some sort. When giving

    the reference of a previous letter, to which the

    present letter is a reply, it is helpful to give the

    date of the earlier letter. Typical references

    might therefore be:

    Your ref DHW/AW/22 October 19 ...

    Our ref PTR/ab

    deasupra (cu majuscule).

    Iniialele secretarei sunt uneori aezate n partea de jos (dedesubt). Cele dou seturi de iniiale pot fi separate de o bar (linie oblic) sau de punct. Ele pot de asemenea cuprinde un numr de dosar sau un numr de cod al seciei sau departamentului respectiv. Cnd se

    menioneaz referiea la o scrisoare anterioar, la care se rspunde prin prezenta scrisoare, este util s se aminteasc i data scrisorii anterioare.

    Referina Dvs. : DHW/AW/22 octombrie 19... Referina noastr : PTR /ab


    The date Data

    The recommended order for dates is day,

    month, year, with open punctuation. Thus 20

    November 1982 is perfectly clear and

    punctuation would not add anything.

    Ordinea recomandabil pentru date este ziua, luna, anul cu punctuaia liber. Astfel 20 November 1982 este ct se poate de clar

    (explicit) i punctuaia nu ar aduga nimic sensului.

    Numele i adresa destinatarului

    The inside name and address Numele i adresa destinatarului At the top a letter, below the references and the

    date, the secretary types the ,,inside name and

    address. This is the name and address of the person to whom the letter is to be sent : the


    A typical address could be :

    Mr. T. Williamson

    67 Camside

    Church Street



    CB4 1 PQ

    The name and address is typed in exactly the

    same way as on the envelope, in single spacing,

    with the town typed in capital letters. Each part

    of the address is written on a new line,

    including the postcode.

    n partea de sus a scrisorii, sub referinte i dat, secretara dactilografiaz numele i adresa destinatarului, adic ale persoanei creia urmeaz s-i fie trimis scrisoarea: adresantul.

    O adres tipic arat astfel:

    Mr. T. Williamson

    67 Camside

    Church Strect



    CB4 IPQ

    Numele si adresa sunt dactilografiate la fel ca

    pe plic la un rnd, iar numele oraului este scris cu majuscule. Fiecare element al adresei este

    scris pe un rnd nou inclusiv codul potal.

    Formula de adresare

  • The salutation Formula de adresare

    A salutation is a greeting. It appears at the start

    of a letter and will usually be formal. Dear Sir,

    Dear Sirs, Dear Madam, Dear Mr. Brown. Dear

    Mrs. Smith, etc. On a less formal note the

    secretary may be asked to type in the word Dear

    ... leaving the first name of the addressee to be

    filled in by the signatory when the letter is

    signed. This method also requires a change to

    the complimentary closure of the letter. Some

    types of letter are addressed to the world at

    large, for example a testimonial given to an

    employee who is applying for a post elsewhere.

    A suitable salutation in such circumstances is

    ,,To whom it May Concern.

    Aceast formul, care este n fond o formul de salut apare la nceputul scrisorii i este de obicei formal, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam, Dear Mr. Brown. Dear Mrs. Smith, etc. ntr-un

    registru mai puin formal secretara poate dactilografia numai cuvntul Dear lsnd ca numele adresantului (destinatarului) s fie completat de semnatarul scrisorii cnd aceasta

    va fi semnat. Aceast modalitate presupune o schimbare i n formula dc ncheiere a scrisorii. Unele scrisori sunt adresate tuturor celor

    interesai de exemplu o recomandare dat unui angajat care solicit un post n alt parte. Formula cea mai potrivit in a n asemenea cazuri este To whom it May Concern.

    Titlul rezumnd scopul scrisorii

    The subject heading Titlul rezumnd scopul scrisorii

    The subject heading is inserted after the

    salutation. A subject heading should not end

    with a full stop. Typical subject headings would





    Catalytic Cracking Tower: Annual Shut down

    Acest titlu se insereaz dup formula de adresare. Un asemenea titlu nu trebuie s se ncheie cu punct. Exemple de titluri:




    Catalytic Cracking Tower: Annual Shut-

    down (nchiderea anual a turnului de cracare catalitic)

    Paragraful iniial

    The opening paragraph Paragraful iniial

    The opening paragraph is often only a simple

    sentence. It is introductory in nature and

    frequently refers to a previous letter, or course

    of dealings. It should always be courteous, but

    it should also set the tone of the letter. This may

    be friendly, or formal, or it may hint at serious

    matters which the body of the letter will soon

    make plain.

    Paragraful iniial este alctuit adesea dintr-o singur propoziie. El este introductiv i de multe ori se refer la o scrisoare anterioar sau la desfurarea afacerilor. Acest paragraf trebuie s fie deferent dar totodat s dea tonul scrisorii. Textul poate fi prietenos sau formal,

    sau poate face aluzie la chestiuni serioase care

    vor deveni explicite

    n cuprinsul scrisorii.

  • Cuprinsul scrisorii

    The body of the letter Cuprinsul scrisorii

    This is the main subject matter of the letter,

    and is divided into an appropriate number of


    Acesta este coninutul principal al scrisorii i este divizat ntr-un numr corespunztor de paragrafe.

    Paragraful de ncheiere

    The closing paragraph Paragraful de ncheiere

    The closing paragraph is again usually a single

    sentence which reestablishes the atmosphere of

    courtesy whatever has been the nature of the

    body of the letter. It is frequently used to signal

    the action which the writer hopes will follow

    from the letter.

    Paragraful de ncheiere const de obicei dintr-o singur propoziie care restabilete tonul deferent oricare ar fi natura coninutului scrisorii. Acest paragraf este adesea folosit

    pentru a semnala aciunea pe care autorul sper s-o determine prin scrisoare.

    Formula de ncheiere

    The complimentary close Formula de ncheiere

    The complimentary close comes at the end of

    the letter. It usually consists of two words only:

    Your faithfully, Yours truly and Yours

    sincerely being commonly used. Only the first

    word, Yours has a capital letter. The correct

    complimentary close to be linked to particular

    forms of salutation is shown in the table below.

    Small variations will be found in practice.

    Salutation Complimentary close

    Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,

    Dear Madam, Madam,


    Yours faithfully or

    Yours truly

    Sir, Gentlemen,

    Madam, Mesdames

    Your obedient servant

    or Yours respectfully

    Dear Mr. Jones, Dear

    Mrs. Jones, Dear Miss


    Yours sincerely, or

    Yours truly

    Dear ...

    (the first name being


    A suitable handwritten


    Paragraful de ncheiere const de obicei dintr-o singur propoziie care restabilete tonul deferent oricare ar fi natura coninutului scrisorii. Acest paragraf este adesea folosit

    pentru a semnala aciunea pe care autorul sper s-o determine prin scrisoare.

    Formula de adresare Formula de ncheiere

    Dear Sir, Dear Sirs,

    Dear Madam, Madam,


    Yours faithfully sau

    Yours truly

    Sir, Gentlemen,

    Madam, Mesdames

    Your obedient servant

    sau Yours respectfully

    Dear Mr. Jones, Dear

    Mrs. Jones, Dear Miss


    Yours sincerely, sau

    Yours truly

    Dear ...

    (numele scris de


    O formul de ncheiere adecvat scris de mn


  • The signature block Semntura

    The signature block consists of the actual

    signature, the typewritten name of the signatory

    (since many signatures are almost illegible) and

    the official position of the signatory through the

    latter may be omitted if it is known to the


    Semntura const din semntur, numele dactilografiat al semnatarului (deoarece multe

    semnturi sunt ilizibile) i funcia oficial a acestuia - dei aceasta din urm poate fi omis, dac este cunoscut destinatarului.

    Anexe i copii

    Enclosures find copies Anexe i copii

    It a correspondent refers in the body of a letter

    to the fact that some enclosure is to accompany

    the letter, such as a brochure, pro-forma

    invoice, price list, road map for access to

    premises, etc the signature block is followed by

    a reference to the fact that enclosures are

    included in the letter. This takes the form of the

    abbreviation for enclosures, written as ENC,

    Enc or inc. Thus a typical enclosure might read



    1. Price list

    2. Terms and conditions of sale.

    When carbon copies are taken with a view to

    sending them to interested parties it is usual to

    indicate the circulation list at the foot of the

    letter. The notification may read copies to: or

    distribution or most commonly cc : (copies

    circulated to)

    Dac un corespondent se refer n cuprinsul scrisorii la faptul c scrisoarea este nsoit de anxe cum ar fi o brour, o factur, list de preuri, plan indicnd accesul n cldire etc. semntura este urmat de o referire la ane-xele ataate la scrisoare. Cuvntul enclosures (anexe) se scrie prescurtat ENC, Enc sau enc. De



    1. Price list (List de preuri) 2. Terms and conditions of sale (Condiii de vnzare)

    Cnd se fac copii la.indigo n scopul trimiteri

    lor tu-turor celor interesai de obicei se menioneaz acest lucru n partea de jos a scrisorii. Formularea este urmtoarea: copies to: sau ditribution: sau mai frecvent cc: (copies

    circulated to)


    nceputul unei scrisori Cnd nu se face referire la corespondena anterioar

    Without reference to previous


    Cnd nu se face referire la corespondena


    1. We are pleased to inform you that ...

    2. We owe your address to ...

    3. We should be grateful (obliged) if you would

    let us know whether ...

    4. May we have details of ...

    5. We are sending you herewith/under separate

    cover ...

    6. We attach for your information the copy of a

    letter received today from ...

    7. We have received an enquiry for 8. We have been informed by

    1. Ne face plcere s v informm ca... 2. Datorm adresa Dvs. lui... 3. V-am fi (rmne) recunosctori (obligai) dac ne-ai informa dac... 4. Ne-ai putea furniza detalii privind . . 5. V trimitem alturat/ntr-un plic separat... 6. Anexm pentru informarea Dvs. copia unei scrisori primit astzi din partea... 7. Am primit o cerere de informaii din partea... 8. Am fost informai de ctre ...

    Rspunznd la o scrisoare anterioar

    In reply to a letter received Rspunznd la o scrisoare anterioar

    1. We thank you for your letter of the informing us that ...

    2. In reply to your letter of the concerning we are glad to be able to/sorry to have to tell you

    that 3. You kindly enclosed with your letter of the ...

    particulars of... for which we thank you.

    4. Your letter of the ... crossed ours of the same


    5. We are sorry/surprised to learn from your

    letter of the . that. ... 6. We must apologize for the delay in replying

    to your letter of the...

    7. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of

    the... and have much pleasure in replying to

    your various questions as follows:

    8. In reply to your letter/enquiry of the we wish to inform you that...

    1. V mulumim pentru scrisoarea Dvs. din ... prin care ne informai c ... 2. Urmare scrisorii Dvs. din ... privind... ne face

    plcere c putem s/regretm c trebuie s v comunicm c... 3. In scrisoarea Dvs. din... ai fost amabil s ne trimitei detalii privind... pentru care v mulumim. 4. Scrisoarea Dvs. din data de.... s-a ncruciat cu a noastr din aceeai dat. 5. Regretm/Suntem surprini s aflm din scrisoarea DVS. din... c.... 6. Trebuie s ne cerem scuze pentru ntrzierea cu care v rspundem la scrisoarea Dvs. din . .. 7. Confirmm primirea scrisorii dvs. din ... i ne face deosebit plcere s rspundem la diversele Dvs. ntrebri dup cum urmeaz: 8. Urmare scrisorii Dvs./cererii Dvs. de

    informaii din... dorim s v informm c...

    Cnd se face referire la corespondena anterioar

    Referring to previous correspondence

    Cnd se face referire la corespondena anterioar

    1. Further to our letter of the we wish to inform you that...

    2. We refer to our letter of the ... in which we


    1. n continuarea scrisorii noastre din... dorim

    s v informm c. .. 2. Ne referim la scrisoarea noastr din... n care

  • 3. On the ... we wrote to you that...

    4. Since writing to you on we have ascertained that 5. In your letter of the.,. you expressed interest

    on our 6. Some time ago you told us that...

    7. Since the receipt of your letter of the.. .we

    have been trying to find out more about the...

    8. It is a long time since we have heard from

    you about...

    am solicitat...

    3. La data de... v-am scris c... 4. De la data cnd v-am scris la... am constatat

    c... 5. n scrisoarea Dvs. din... v-ai manifestat interesul fa de... nostru (noastr etc.) 6. Cu ctva timp n urm ne-ai spus c... 7. De la primirea scrisorii Dvs. din... am

    ncercat s aflm mai multe detalii despre... 8. Nu am mai primit de mult veti de la Dvs. despre...

    CONINUTUL UNEl SCRlSORI (nceputul propoziiilor i paragrafelor)

    Furniznd informaii

    Informing Furniznd informaii

    1. In reply to your enquiry we have been told

    by... that...

    2. We would point out that 3. For your information we would add that...

    4. As we informed you yesterday/by our letter

    dated 5. According to information received from...

    6. We need hardly say that 7. We hear on good authority that...

    8. As far as we know ...

    9. It appears that...

    10. Please note that...

    11. We would mention, however, that 12. As you will see from the enclosed copy...

    1. Urmare a cererii Dvs. de informaii am fost informai de ctre... 2. Am vrea s subliniem faptul c... 3. Pentru informarea Dvs. am dori s adugm c... 4. Dup cum v-am informat ieri prin scrisoarea noastr datat.... 5. Potrivit informaiilor primite de la... 6. Este de prisos s spunem c... 7. Aflm lin surse autorizate c... 8. Dup cte tim... 9. Se pare c. . . 10. V rugm s notai c... 11. Am dori s menionm c . . . 12. Dup cum vei vedea (constata) din copia anexat


    Requesting Cereri

    1. Would you please call us on receipt of this

    letter to let us know if ...

    2. Would you kindly let us know by return of

    post whether...

    3. We should be grateful if you would do your

    utmost to 4. Under the circumstances it is essential that...

    5. Will you please let, us have for our


    l. Suntei amabili s ne sunai la primirea acestei scrisori pentru a ne informa dac... 2. Suntei amabil s ne informai prin scrisoarea de rspuns dac... 3. V-am fi recunosctori dac vei face tot ceea ce este posibil pentru a...

    4. Date fiind mprejurrile este esenial ca... 5. Suntei amabil s ne trimitei spre informare...


    Regretting Regret

    1. We note with regret that... 1. Notm cu regret c...

  • 2. We were very sorry indeed to learn from

    your letter of the that... 3. We are sorry not to be able to give you the

    information requested.

    4. We are sorry to tell you that...

    5. We are very sorry not to be able to give you a

    definite reply on the above matter 6. We are very sorry that we cannot take

    advantage of your offer/accept your proposal.

    7. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may

    have caused you.

    8. Please accept our apologies.

    2. Ne-a prut ntr-adevr ru s aflm din scrisoarea Dvs. din.. c.... 3. Regretm c nu v putem da informaia cerut. 4. Regretm s v comunicm c... 5. Regretm foarte mult c nu putem s v dm un rspuns precis cu privire la aceast chestiune...

    6. Regretm foarte mult c nu putem profita de oferta dumneavoastr/ nu putem accepta propunerea dumneavoastr. 7. Regretm inconvenienele pe care aceasta vi le-a pricinuit.

    8. V rugm s acceptai scuzele noastre.


    Confirmation Confirmare

    1. As requested/agreed we are sending you...

    2. We thank you for sending us...

    3. We confirm our telegram of this morning as

    per the enclosed copy.

    4. We note with interest the suggestion

    contained in your letter of...

    5. We note your remark concerning...

    6. We should be glad to have your confirmation


    7. We acknowledge receipt of your telegram of

    todays date, which reads as follows:

    1. Dup cum ai solicitat/am convenit s v expediem...

    2. V mulumim pentru expedierea (trimiterea) 3. Confirmm telegrama noastr de azi diminea.... prin copia alturat. 4. Lum not cu interes de sugestia cuprins n scri-soarea dumneavoastr din ... 5. Lum not de observaia dumneavoastr privind...

    6. Am fi bucuroi dac am primi confirmarea Dvs. c... 7. Confirmm primirea telegramei Dvs. cu data de astzi, care conine urmtoarele:


    Reminder (Scrisoarea de) rapel

    1. According to previous correspondence, we

    had agreed that...

    2. We remind you that we have not had a reply

    yet to our our question/proposal...

    3. We take the liberty of reminding you/We are

    sorry to have to remind you of our/that...

    4. As you will no doubt remember

    1. n conformitate cu corespondena anterioar, con-venisem c... 2. V reamintim c nu am primit nc rspuns la n-trebarea/propunerea noastr... 3. Ne lum libertatea de a v reaminti/Regretm c trebuic s v reamintim de/c... 4. Dup cum fr ndoial v amintii...


    Miscellaneous Varia

    1. As to the question of/As regards I agree with you that...

    2. We understand/have been informed that 3. In these circumstances...

    l. Ct privete chestiunea/Ct despre... Sunt de acord cu Dvs. c... 2. nelegem/am fost informai c... 3. n aceste mprejurri ...

  • 4. As you are no doubt aware...

    5. We are quite willing to/convinced that 6. In view of these facts...

    7. Unless we hear from you to the contrary 8. Furthermore/On the other hand 9. On further consideration...

    10. For order's sake...

    11. It follows therefore 12. If we are not mistaken...

    13. According to our records/the information

    we have 14. We wish to add...

    15. As mentioned above 16. We quite understand that...

    17. In our opinion...

    18. We enclose 19. Under separate cover...

    20. For your information...

    21. According to your request...

    33. Certified true

    4. Dup cum fr ndoial v dai seama.. . 5. Suntem ntru totul dispui s/convini c... 6. innd seama de aceste fapte ... 7. Pn la proba contrar... 8. Mai mult/Pe de alt parte... 9. Reconsidernd lucrurile ...

    10. Pentru a respecta forma....

    11. De aici urmeaz.. . 12. Dac nu ne nelm... 13. Potrivit evidenei noastre/informaiei de care dispunem.

    14. Dorim s adaugm ... 15. Dup cum am menionat mai sus... 16. ntelegem foarte bine c... 17. Dup opinia noastr... 18. Alturat v trimitem... 19. n plic separat...

    20. Pentru informarea Dvs...

    21. Potrivit cererii Dvs....

    22. Copie autentificat


    Cnd se cere un rspuns

    Asking for a reply Cnd se cere un rspuns

    1. Would you please let as have your reply as

    soon as possible.

    2. We look forwards to your reply by return

    3. Kindly acknowledge receipt/keep us


    l. Suntei amabil s ne rspundei ct mai curnd posibil.

    2. Ateptm rspunsul Dvs. cu curierul urmtor. 3. Fii amabil s confirmai primirea / s ne inei la curent (informai).

    Cnd se promite un rspuns

    Promising a reply Cnd se promite un rspuns

    1. You will hear from us as soon as possible

    about the matter.

    2. We shall give you further details tomorrow.

    3. As soon as we are able to say anything

    definite,/ give you further information, we will

    write you again.

    1. V vom scrie ct mai curnd posibil. 2. V vom furniza detalii suplimentare mine. 3. ndat ce v vom putea spune ceva precis/v vom putea da informaii suplimentare, v vom scrie din nou.


    Requests Cereri

    1. We should be grateful for any further

    information you may be able to give us about

    2. Please let us have more detailed information

    3. We should be glad to have this information,

    1. V-am fi recunosctori pentru orice informaii suplimentare ce ni le-ai putea da despre... 2. V rugm s ne furnizai informaii mai amnunite... 3. Am fi bucuroi s primim aceste informaii pentru a ne putea completa registrele.

  • to enable us to complete our records.

    4. Kindly give the matter your prompt attention.

    5. Please let me know urgently whether it is

    possible for you to 6. Please be so kind as to telex your agreement.

    4. Fii amabil i ocupai-v nentrziat de aceast chestiune (problem). 5. V rog s m informai urgent dac putei s... 6. Fii amabil i comunicai-mi prin telex acordul Dvs.

    Cnd se exprim mulumiri, sperana, promisiunea, regretul

    Expressing thanks, hope,

    promise, regret Cnd se exprim mulumiri, sperana,

    promisiunea, regretul

    1. Please accept our thanks in

    advance./Thanking you in advance.

    2. Thank you in anticipation for your

    kindness/for any information you may be able

    to give us.

    3. We hope/Hoping that our offer will interest


    4. We trust that we shall be able to find a

    favourable solution.

    5. You may rest assured that we shall do

    everything possible to...

    6. We shall be pleased to assist you in every

    way we can.

    7. We regret not being able to assist you for the

    time being.

    8. Please accept our most sincere apologies.

    1. V rugm s. primii mulumirile noastre anticipate/ Mulumindu-v anticipat, 2. V mulumesc anticipat pentru amabililatea Dvs./ pentru orice informaie ce ne-o putei furniza.

    3. Sperm/Spernd c oferta noastr v va interesa...

    4. Sperm c vom putea gsi o soluie favorabil. 5. Putei fi sigur c vom face tot ceea ce esfe posibil s... 6. Vom fi bucuroi s v ajutm n orice mod. 7. Regretm c nu putem s v ajutm deocamdat. 8. V rugm s primii scuzele noastre sincere.



    Thanks Mulumiri 1. It was a great pleasure to have met you and I

    thank you again for your kind and friendly


    2. I wish to express my most sincere thanks for

    all your kindness.

    3. I am most grateful to you for/for having


    1. A fost o mare plcere s v cunosc i v mulumesc din nou pentru primirea cald i prietenoas. 2. Doresc s v exprm mulumirile cele mai sincere pentru amabilitatca Dvs.

    3. V sunt ct se poate de recunosctor pentru/pentru amabilitatea de a....


    Greetings Salutri 1. With kindest regards,

    2. With best wishes,

    3. With all good wishes,

    4. Kind regards to...

    5. sends her/his kindest regards.

    1. Cu cele mai alese salutri (complimente), 2. Cu cele mai bune urri, 3. Cu toate urrile de bine, 4. Salutri lui... 5.... v transmite din partea ei/a lui salutri.

    Urri i felicitri

  • Wishes and congratulations Urri i felicitri 1. I hope you are all well and that I shall have

    the pleasure of seeing you again shortly.

    2. I hope you are better and I wish you a speedy


    3. We were glad to have news of... and to hear

    that he is making good progress. Please convey

    our best wishes and kindest regards to him.

    4. Please accept our sincere good wishes for

    Christmas and the New Year.

    5. Our best wishes for a successful conference.

    6. It is with great pleasure that we send our

    congratulations and best wishes on the occasion

    of your...

    7. We send our warmest congratulations on

    your Sil-

    ver/Golden Jubilee and look forward to

    continuing our

    happy association.

    1. Sper c suntei bine cu toii i c voi avea plcerea de a v revedea curnd. 2. Sper c v simii mai bine i v doresc nsntoire grabnic. 3. Ne-am bucurat s primim veti de la..... i s aflm c el face progrese rapide. V rugm s-i trnsmitei cele mai bune urri i complimente din partea noastr. 4. V rugm s primii cele mai sincere urri de Crciun i Anul Nou din partea noastr. 5. Urrile noastre cele mai bune succesul conferinei. 6. Ne face o mare plcere s v transmitem felicitri i cele mai bune urri cu ocazia ... 7. V transmitem cele mai calde felicitri cu ocazia jubileului de argint/de aur i ateptm continuarea fru- moasei noastre colaborri.


    Condolence Condoleane 1. We have learned with deep regret the sad

    news , of the death of your..., Mr... Please

    accept our sincere sympathy for the great loss

    you have sustained.

    2. I was deeply grieved to hear of the sudden

    death of your, Mr..., and I want to express my heart-felt sympathy. Please convey my

    sympathy also to the family.

    1.Am aflat cu profund regret trista veste a

    morii ... Dvs.. . dl,... V rugm s primii sincerele noastre sentimente de compasiune

    pentru marea pierdere suferit. 2. Am fost profund ntristat s aflu despre moartea neateptat a... Dvs. dl.... i vreau s v exprim cea mai sincer compasiune. V rog s transmitei condoleanele mele i familiei.



    Confirmation Confirmare 1. We enclose a copy of the telegram which was

    sent to you this morning.

    2. We have today received your cable of the...

    and we are very grateful for your prompt

    attention to this matter.

    3. As requested we are sending you our latest

    catalogue/price list.

    4. Your enquiry is having our immediate

    attention and we hope to make you an

    acceptable offer in a few days time. 5. We thank you for your letter of the ordering delivery to be made in... weeks from

    now and enclose our official confirmation.

    1. V trimitem alturat copia telegramei ce v-a fost trimis azi diminea. 2. Am primit astzi telegrama Dvs. din... i v suntem foarte recunosctori pentru atenia prompt ce ai acordat-o acestei chestiuni. 3. Dup cum ne-ai solicitat v trimitem cel mai recent /cea mai recent list de preuri. 4. Ne ocupm de rezolvarea cererii Dvs. i sperm s v facem o ofert acceptabil peste cteva zile.

    5. V mulumim pentru scrisoarea din... prin care comandai... livrarea urmnd s se fac de astzi n... sptmni i v trimitem alturat

  • confirmarea oficial.


    Reminder Rapel 1. We wish to remind you that we are still

    awaiting your reply to our letter of the...

    regarding the... This is now urgently required.

    2. We should be grateful if you could let us

    have your answer to our letter of the...

    concerning ... as soon as possible.

    3. I wonder if you could now give me some

    definite/ further information.

    4. As the information requested in our letter of

    the... is now urgently required your early reply

    will be greatly appreciated.

    5. We received your letter of the... in which you

    unfortunately omitted to send/enclose your

    catalogue/ price list.

    1. Dorim s v reamintim c ateptm nc rspunsul Dvs. la scrisoarea noastr din... privind... Ateptm urgent rspunsul. 2. V-am fi ndatorai daca ai putea s ne trimitei ct mai curnd posibil rspuns la scrisoarea noastr din... cu privire la... 3. M ntreb (Doresc s tiu) dac mi-ai putea furniza acum nite informaii precise/suplimentare.

    4. ntruct avem nevoie urgent de informaiile solicitcate prin scrisoarea noastr din... v-am fi ndatorai daca ne-ai rspunde curnd. 5. Am primit scrisoarea Dvs. din... n care din

    nefericire ai omis s includei/trimitei catalogul Dvs./lista Dvs. de preuri.


    Apology Scuze 1. We are sorry that we failed to enclose our

    catalogue with our letter of the...

    2. We have received your various letters with

    regard to the above and must apologize for the

    long delay in dealing with this matter, which is

    not an easy one. We hope to be able to give you

    a definite answer soon.

    3. We must apologize for not having replied

    before to your letter on the above, but regret

    that the matter is still in abeyance. As soon as it

    has been brought to a satisfactory conclusion,

    we shall write to you again.

    1. Regretm c, am omis s trimitem catalogul cu scrisoarea noastr din... 2. Am primit scrisorilc Dvs. cu privire la cele

    de mai sus i trebuie s v cerem scuze pentru marea ntrziere n tratarea acestei chestiuni

    care nu este uoar. Sperm s putem s v dm un rspuns precis curnd. 3. Trebuie s ne scuzm c nu am rspuns mai de-vreme la scrisoarea Dvs. privitoare la cele de

    mai sus dar regretm faptul c problema este nc n suspensie. n-dat ce va fi rezolvat satisfactor v vom scrie din nou.


    Requests Cereri 1. We should be glad to have your quotation for

    the supply of large quantities of...

    2. Please let us know your charges for road

    transport of... from to... 3. Referring to your advertisement in todays Daily Telegraph we should be glad to receive

    your catalogue/ further particulars about...

    4. We should be grateful if you could send us a

    list of manufactures of.../your current price-list.

    5. With reference to your offer of... dated we

    1.Ne-am bucura dac ne-ai da cotarea (cursul) pentru livrarea (oferta) unei mari cantiti de... 2. V rugm s ne comunicai tarifele Dvs. pentru transportul rutier al... de la... pn la... 3. Referitor la reclama dumneavoastr din ziarul Daily Telegraph de astzi am fi bucuroi s primim catalogul dumneavoastr/ detalii suplimentare despre...

    4. V-am fi recunosctori dac ne-ai putea

  • should be glad if you could let us have samples

    in the following sizes/ colors/ quantities .

    6. In reply to your letter of the... we should be

    glad if vou could call at this office on the... at...

    trimite o list de fabricani de.../ lista dumneavoastr de preuri curent. 5. Referitor la oferta dumneavoastr de... datat din... am fi bucuroi dac ne-ai putea trimite eantioane de urmtoarele mrimi/ culori/ cantiti: 6. Urmare scrisorii dumneavoastr din... am fi bucuroi dac ai putea trece pe la biroul nostru la data de... la ora...


    Offers Oferte 1. We thank you for your enquiry of the... We

    can supply immediately.., at... per


    2. With reference to your telephone enquiry of

    this afternoon we can offer you the following at

    the prices stated :

    1. V mulumim pentru cererea dumneavoastr din.. V putem furniza imediat....la....metrul/kilogramul/litrul.

    2. Referitor la cererea dumneavoastr telefonic din aceast dup amiaz v putem oferi urmtoarele la preurile comunicate:


    Orders Comenzi 1. We thank you for your offer of the... and

    should be glad if you would ship by next boat

    f.o.b Payment will be made against documents.

    2. Order No...


    Please supply...

    Delivery Terms: C.O.D.

    1. V mulumim pentru oferta dumneavoastr ne-am bucura dac ne-ai expedia cu urmtorul vapor f.o.b. ... Plata se va efectua pe baza

    documentelor. .

    2. Comanda No...


    V rugm s furnizai... Livrarea...

    Condiii : C.O.D.

    Respingerea unei oferte

    Rejecting an offer Respingerea unei oferte 1. We regret to be unable to accept the kind

    offer you made us in your letter of the We shall however bear it in mind.

    2. Thank you for your quotation for the supply

    of.... but, your prices are higher than those

    previously paid, I regret not being able to give

    you an immediate order.

    3. We appreciate your offer of a reduced price,

    but fel that goods would not be suitable for this


    1. Regretm c nu putem accepta amabila ofert pe care ne-ai fcut-o n scrisoarea dumneavoast din...... O vom avea ns n vedere n viitor. 2. V mulumesc pentru cotarea ofertei de... dar, ntruct preurile dumneavoastr sunt mai mari dect cele pltite anterior, regret c nu pot s v fac o comand imediat. 3. Apreciem oferta dumneavoastr la un pre redus dar considerm (credem) c mrfurile nu sunt potrivite (adecvate) pentru aceast pia.


    Prime informaii

    First enquiry Prime informaii 1. Your firm has been recommended to us by...

    2. We have seen your advertisement in...

    3. We have seen your stand at the...

    Fair/Exhibition. 4. We are interested in...

    5. We have an enquiry for (large quantities) of...

    6. We are considering buying/installing.,.

    7. We require for immediate delivery.,.

    8. We understand (from...) that you are

    producing (for export to.. .)/that you can


    1. Firma dumneavoastr ne-a fost recomandat de...

    2. Am vzut reclama dumneavoast n... 3. Am vzut standul dumneavoast la trgul.. ./Ex- poziia... 4. Ne intereseaz. . . 5. Vrem s v adresm o cerere pentru )mari cantiti) de.... 6.Avem intenia s cumprm/instalm... 7. Avem nevoie cu livrare imediat de... 8. nelegem (din...) c dumneavoast producei (pentru export n...)/ c dumneavoast putei furniza ...


    Requests Cereri 1. Will you please let us know your prices for.,.

    let us know whether you could supply...

    give us a quotation for...

    3. Please send us your price-list/catalogue.We

    should be grateful for

    sample/patterns of

    your export catalogue.

    further details of...

    3. Please offer quantities which can be supplied

    from stock

    qualities for delivery by...

    articles for shipment on the...

    goods at the latest.

    1. V rugm s ne comunicai preurile dumneavoast pentru....

    ne comunicai dac putei furniza.... ne dai o cotare pentru...

    2. V rugm s ne trimitei lista dumneavoast de preuri V-am fi recunosctori dac ne-ai trimite

    eantioane/modele de.... catalogul dumneavoastr de export detalii suplimentare despre...

    3. V rugm s ne oferii cantiti care pot fi livrate din stoc

    caliti pentru livrare prin...

    articole pentru expediere la...

    mrfuri cel mai trziu (bunuri)


    Terms Condiii 1. We should be glad if you would quote your

    lowest terms for substantial quantities, f.o.b.

    1. Ne-am bucura dac ne-ai comunica preurile (tarifele) cele mai reduse pentru cantiti

  • (free on board), Hamburg/c.i.f. (cost, insurance,

    freight), Lisbon.

    2. Will you let us know at the same time what

    your terms are/how long it will take you to

    deliver/what discount you give for large


    3. We enclose lists of goods which we require.

    patterns showing the qualities required.

    drawings of the machine/installation.

    4. Payment will be made by irrevocable letter of


    5. We shall supply references with our order.

    6. We shall require the... not later than...

    7. We require large quantities and can give you

    considerable orders if both qualities and prices

    suit us

    substaniale f.o.b. (free on board), Hamburg/c.i.f. (cost, insurance, freight,


    2. V rugm s ne informai totodat care sunt condiiile dumneavoastr/n ct timp vei putea livra/ce rabat acordai pentru cantiti mari. 3. V trimitem alturat liste de mrfuri de care avem nevoie

    mostre care arat calitile cerute desene ale mainii/instalaiei.

    4. Plata se va efectua prin scrisoare de credit


    cabil. 5. Odat cu comanda v vom furniza i referine. 6. Vom avea nevoie de ...nu mai trziu de...

    7. Avem nevoie de cantiti mari i v putem face comenzi apreciabile dac ne convin att calitatea i preurile.


    Formule de nceput

    Opening lines Formule de nceput 1. We thank you for your enquiry of the... and

    are sending you under separate cover

    a copy of our latest catalogue/current price-list.

    samples of various patterns/articles available.

    a specimen of our... together with our price list.

    3. Thanking you for your enquiry of... we can

    supply for immediate delivery...

    3. In reply to your enquiry of the... for... we

    have much pleasure in submitting the following


    4. We return your list of articloa required with


    prices added.

    1.V mulumim pentru cererea din... i v trimitem ntr-o scrisoare separat

    un exemplar al ultimului nostru catalog lista de

    preuri curent eantioane ale diferitelor modele/articole disponibile

    o mostr din... mpreun cu lista noastr de preuri.

    2. Mulumindu-v pentru cererea dumneavoastr din .... v putem furniza cu livrare imediat.... 3. Ca rspuns la cererea dumneavoastr din.... pentru .... avem deosebita plcere s v supunem ateniei urmtoarea cotare: 4. V restituim lista cu articolele cerute la care am adugat preurile noastre.


    Delivery Livrare 1. We shall deliver the quantities mentioned in

    your enquiry from stock.... weeks from the

    1. Vom livra din stoc cantitile menionate n cererea dumneavoastr.... saptmni de la

  • receipt of the order.

    2. Delivery f.o.b./c.i.f./free border

    3. Packing extra/free of charge/to be allowed

    for if returned carriage paid.

    primirea comenzii.

    2. Livrarea f.o.b./c.i.f/free border.

    3. Ambalajul extra/gratuit.


    Terms Condiii 1. Our usual terms are cash against documents


    % bank draft against proforma


    draft at... days sight. documents against irrevocable letter of credit.

    monthly/quarterly/halfyearly settlement.

    2. For orders of... and more we shall be able to

    allow a special discount of...%.

    3. This offer is firm for... days

    subject to goods being unsold at a special price

    and therefore not subject to the usual discounts.

    1.Condiiile noastre obinuite sunt

    numerar la prezentarea documentelor minus...%

    bilet de banc la prezentarea facturii de complezen (simulate) cec la vedere de... zile.

    documente la prezentarea unei scrisori de credit


    plata lunar/trimestrial/semestrial.

    2. Pentru comenzi de... i mai mult vom putea acorda un rabat special de... %.

    3. Aceast ofert este ferm timp de... zile

    cu condiia ca mrfurile s nu fie vndute la un pre special i de aceea s nu fie supuse rabaturilor obinuite.

    Formule de ncheiere

    Concluding lines Formule de ncheiere 1. As you see, our prices are exceedingly low,

    and as they are most likely to rise, we advise

    you, in your own interest, to place your order as

    soon as possible.

    2. Please let us have your order as soon as

    possible since supplies are limited.

    1. Dup cum vedeti, preurile noastre sunt extrem de reduse i ntruct este foarte probabil ca ele s creasc v sftuim, n propriul dumneavoastr interes, s plasai co-manda ct mai curnd posibil.

    2. V rugm s ne trimitei comanda ct mai curnd posibil deoarece oferta este limitat.



    Delivery Livrare

    1. We thank you for your letter

    of..../quotation/price-list and should be glad if

    you would send us immediately...

    2. We have pleasure in enclosing our order


    3. As the goods are urgently required, we shall

    be grateful for immediate delivery/delivery by...

    4. We must insist on delivery within the time

    stated and reserve the right to reject the goods

    1. V mulumim pentru scrisoarea dumneavoastr din... (cotarea) lista de preuri i ne-am bucura dac ne vei trimite imediat... 2. Avem plcerea s v trimitem alturat comanda noastr nr... 3. ntruct mrfurile sunt cerute urgent, v vom fi re-cunosctori dac, le vei livra imediat/le vei livra pn la... 4. Suntem obligai s insistm pentru ca livrarea

  • should they be delivered later.

    5. Please forward the consignment

    Please arrange for delivery

    Please send as soon as possible

    by air.

    by goods train. by passenger train.

    by the next boat leaving.

    6. We should be glad if you would see to it that

    the enclosed packing instructions are carefully


    7. Please ship/pack/forward in strict accordance

    with the enclosed instructions.

    8. Owing to the long distance, will you please

    take care that only the best cases/casks/sacks

    are used.

    9. We trust you will send best quality only.

    10. We should be glad if you would confirm

    acceptance of our order by return.

    ..quote the above order No on all letters and documents.

    s fie fcut n termenul stabilit i ne rezervm dreptul de a respinge mrfurile dac acestea vor fi livrate mai trziu.

    5. V rugm expediai marfa (lotul) V rugm s aranjai Va rugam sa trimiteti cat mai curand posibil

    pe calea aerului

    cu tren de marf cu tren de pasageri

    livrarea cu vaporul urmtor care pleac la...

    6. Am fi bucuroi dac ai avea grij ca instruciunile de ambalare alturate s fie respectate ntocmai.

    7. V rugm s expediai/ambalai/naintai n strict concordan cu instruciunile alturate. 8. Din cauza distanei mari (de parcurs) v rugm s avei grij s fie folosite numai cele mai bune lzi/butoaie/saci 9. Avem convingerea c ne vei trimite cea mai bun calitate. 10. Am fi bucuroi dac ai confirma prin curierul urmtor acceptarea comenzii noastre. Am fi bucuroi dac ai meniona numrul de comand de mai sus pe toate scrisorile i documentele.

    Achitarea comenzii

    Payment Achitarea comenzii

    1. For the amount of the invoice and charges

    you may draw upon us at ... days notice. 2. We require invoice/dispatch note in

    duplicate/triplicate and a Certificate of Origin.

    3. We allow three months credit and trust you will grant us the same terms.

    4. As his is our first order we give the following


    enclose a cheque for shall pay cash against the documents.

    1. Pentru suma din i cheltuieli putei trage poli asupra noastr n termen de...zile. 2. Cerem factur /not de expediere n dublu exemplar/triplu exemplar i un Certificat de origine

    3. Noi acordm credit de trei luni i sperm c i dvs. ne vei acorda aceleai condiii. 4. Deoarece aceasta este prima noastr comand noi furnizm urmtoarele referine:

    va trimitem alturat un cec de... vom plti numerar la prezentarea documentelor.


    Insurance Asigurare

    1. Please insure at invoice value plus ... %.

    2. We shall take out insurance ourselves.

    1. V rugm s asigurai la valoarea facturat plus....%.

    2. Vom face noi nine asigurarea.


    Acknowledgement Confirmare

    1. Thank you for your Order No, for which we enclose our official confirmation.

    2. We thank you for your Order No... dated...

    for 3. We thank you for your letter of. and for the enclosed order.

    4. Your instructions have been carefully noted

    and we hope to have the goods ready for

    dispatch on ....

    5. The execution of your order will require at

    least ... weeks/months.

    6. Delivery will be made on /next /by /as soon as possible.

    7. The goods

    were forwarded today

    will be sent tomorrow

    will be sent on the... by air.

    by goods train.

    by passenger train.

    by SS.. .

    8. With reference to your order we are glad to

    tell you that the goods are now ready for

    dispatch. We are expecting your forwarding


    1.V mulumesc pentru comanda dumneavoastr Nr.... pentru care v trimitem alturat confirmarea oficial 2. V mulumim pentru Comanda No. ... datat... 3. V mulumim pentru scrisoarea dumneavoastr din... i pentru comanda cuprins n aceasta. 4. Am luat act cu grij de instruciunile dumneavoastr i sperm s avem mrfurile pregtite pentru expediere la... 5. Efectuarea comenzii dumneavoastr va necesita cel puin... 6.Livrarea se va face la... /... viitor (viitoare)/

    pn la .../ct mai curnd posibil. 7. Mrfurile

    au fost expediate astzi vor fi trimise mine

    vor fi trimise la...

    pe calea aerului

    cu trenul de marf cu trenul de pasageri

    cu vaporul ...

    8. Referitor la comanda dumneavoastr suntem bucuroi s v spunem (ntiinm) c mrfurile sunt gata de expediere. Ateptm instruciunile dumneavoastr privind expedierea.


    Invoice Factura

    1. We enclose our invoice in


    2. The amount has been drawn on you at sight

    for presentation through the bankagainst shipping documents.

    3. We enclose our draft upon you at... days after

    date, and shall be glad if you will return it

    accepted in due course/the shipping documents

    in duplicate/our account of freight and other

    expenses/the detailed account of our expenses.

    4. We should be glad if you would remit the

    amount of the invoice to the... Bank/to credit

    our account with the amount.

    1. Alturat v trimitem factura noastr n duplicat/triplicat.

    2. Suma a fost tras asupra dumneavoastr la vedere cu prezentarea la banca..... i a documentelor de expediere.

    3. Alturat v trimitem cecul nostru la.... zile dup data indicat i vom fi bucuroi dac ni-l vei restitui acceptat la timpul potrivit/documentele de expediere n

    duplicat/contul nostru de cheltuieli de ncrcare i alte cheltuieli/contul detaliat al cheltuielilor noastre.

    4. Vom fi bucuroi dac vei remite suma facturat bncii.../dac vei credita contul nostru

  • cu suma facturat (din factur).


    Insurance Asigurare

    1. As requested, we have arranged insurance

    and will attach the policy to shipping


    2. We have noted that you are covering

    insurance yourselves.

    1.Dup cum ai solicitat am aranjat asigurarea i vom anexa polia la documentele de expediere (transport).

    2. Am luat not de faptul c dumneavoastr v vei ocupa singuri de asigurare.



    Enquiries Cereri

    1. We shall be prepared to orderif you could

    make them in...

    deliver them within... weeks.

    supply them at a cheaper price.

    2. We should like to hear what special discount

    you could grant us for oders over. ..

    3. We have passed on your enquiry to our

    works and have asked them to report whether

    this model can be produced in accordance with

    your specifications/within the time specified.

    1. Am fi dispui s comandm...dac ai putea

    s le (i) producei n ... s le (i) livrai n... sptmni s le furnizai la un pre mai ieftin

    2. Am vrea s aflm ce rabat special ne-ai putea acorda pentru comenzi peste...

    3. Am naintat comanda dumneavoastr uzinei noastre i am cerut s ni se comunice dac acest model poate fi produs n conformitate cu

    specificaiile dumneavoastr n timpul specificat de dumneavoastr.


    Conditions Condiii

    1. Please delete from the order any items which

    you cannot supply from stock.

    2. Please supply the nearest you have in stock to

    the enclosed sample.

    3. If No... is not available, please send

    No.instead. 4. The length/ height/ weight/ contents must not

    exceed/ be under...

    5. The... must be guaranteed to our own


    6. The.., must be waterproof/pure wool and we

    place this order subject to this guarantee.

    1. V rugm s eliminai din comand orice articol pe care nu-l putei livra din stoc. 2. V rugm s furnizai din stoc articolul cel mai apropiat de eantionul alturat. Dac No.... nu este n stoc v rugm s trimitei No....n schimb.

    4. Lungimea/ nlimea/ greutatea/ coninutul nu trebuie s depeasc/ s fie sub... 5. ... trebuie s fie garantat conform specificaiilor noastre. 6. ....trebuie s fie waterproof/ln pur i plasm aceast comand cu condiia acestei garanii.

    Oferind alternative

    Offering alternatives Oferind alternative

    1. We have nothing in stock that is sufficiently 1. Nu avem nimic n stoc care s fie suficient de

  • similar to your pattern. The only alternative we

    can offer is...

    2. We have a very similar... which might suit

    you and enclose a

    pattern/illustration/description of it.

    3. Unfortunately... is out of stock at present and

    will not be available before... We can, however,

    offer the similar...

    4. We could make it in..., but this would mean

    an increase in price to...

    5. We regret that we cannot supply at the prices

    stated in your letter (quoted... months ago). Our

    best possible price today would be...

    6. To produce an article to your specification,

    would mean an alteration to our production

    methods and consequently an increase in labour

    and material costs.

    7. If you can increase your order to.., we can

    offer you a

    ... % discount.

    apropiat de modelul dumneavoastr. Singura ofert ce v-o putem face este ... 2. Avem un (o)... foarte asemntor (asemntoare) care v-ar putea conveni i v trimitem allurat un model/o prezentare/descriere a acestuia.

    3. Din pcate... este epuizat la momentul de fa i nu va putea fi obinut nainte de....Putem ns s v oferim....similar(). 4. Am putea s-l (s-o) facem n... dar aceasta ar nsemna (comporta) o cretere a preului pn la...

    5. Regretm c nu putem furniza la preurile menionate n scrisoarea dumneavoastr (cotate... luni n urm). Cel mai bun pre ce vi-l putem oferi astzi ar fi... 6. Pentru a produce un articol dup specificaiile dumneavoastr ar trebui s modificm metodele noastre de producie ceea ce ar atrage dupa sine o cretere a costurilor materiale i de munc. 7. Dac putei spori comanda la.. .v putem oferi un rabat de...%.



    Reminders Rapeluri

    1. The goods we ordered on. have not yet been received.

    2. Our order No... of ... which should have been

    delivered (shipped) on... is now considerably


    3. Wo telexed you today: ORDER NO... NOT


    4. As the... are urgently needed we should be

    glad if you would dispatch them, without

    further delay/speed up delivery.

    5. We should be glad if you would send us

    something to be going on with....

    6. Unless the goods can be

    dispatched immediately

    shipped without further delay

    delivered within... days

    we shall be obliged to cancel the order.

    7. Please let us know by return/by fax when we

    can expect delivery.

    8. Would you kindly look into the reasons for

    1. Mrfurile pe care le-am comandat la... nu au fost primite nc. 2. Comanda noastr, No.... din.. . care ar fi trebuit livrat (expediat) la... are o ntrziere considerabil. 3.V-am trimis astzi urmtorul telex : COMANDA. No... NU A SOSIT NC. TRIMlTEI IMEDIAT. 4. ntruct... sunt necesare imediat (urgent) am

    fi bucuroi dac le-ai expedia fr ntrziere/dac ai grbi expedierea. 5. Am fi bucuroi dac ne-ai trimite ceva pentru a putea face fa momentului. 6. Dac mrfurile nu pot fi

    expediate imediat

    expediate fr ntrziere livrate n ... zile.

    vom fi obligai s anulm comanda. 7. V rugm s ne informai prin curierul urmtor/ prin fax cnd putem atepta livrarea.

  • this delay. The completion of (construction

    of)... has been held up as a result of it.

    8. Vrei s fii amabil i s cercetai cauzele ntrzierii. ncheierea (construcia)... a fost ntrziat din aceast cauz.

    Scuze i explicaii

    Apologies and explanations Scuze i explicaii

    1. We very much regret that we have been

    unable to complete your order by the.../deliver

    more than 2. We are very sorry about this delay in the

    delivery of our order.

    3. The delay is due to

    Deliveries have been held up by

    The execution of your order has been delated by

    a strike.

    the breakdown of a machine

    shortage of raw material.

    staff absence owing to the flu epidemie.

    circumstances beyond our control.

    4.We regret that owing to... we are still unable

    to deliver your order No....

    to send the goods offby.

    5. We are very sorry that the delay caused you

    so much inconvenience.

    6. We are making every effort to execute your


    as soon as possible.

    by the... at the latest.

    7. We hope to deliver part of your order on. The

    balance will follow in. days.

    1. Regretm foarte mult c nu am putut s ncheiem comanda dumneavoastr pn la ... /s livrm mai mult de... 2. Regretm foarte mult aceast ntrziere n livrarea comenzii dumneavoastr. 3. ntrzierea se datoreaz

    unei greve

    defectrii unei maini lipsei de materii prime -

    lipsei de personal din cauza epidemiei de grip unor mprejurri independente de voina noastr.

    4. Regretm c datorit ... nu putem nc

    s livrm comanda dumneavoastr No... s trimitem marfa prin... pn la...

    5. Regretm foarte mult c ntrzierea v-a pricinuit attea inconveniente.

    6. Depunem toate eforturile pentru executarea

    comenzii dumneavoastr

    ct mai curnd posibil

    pn la... cel mai trziu

    7. Sperm s livrm o parte din comanda dumneavoastr la... Bilanul va fi expediat peste... zile.


    Imposibilitatea de a executa o comand

    Inability to fulfil an order Imposibilitatea de a executa o comand

    1. We regret that No...

    is no longer available.

    will not be available before the...

    cannot be delivered within the time specified.

    is not in stock at present. We can offer No...


    is not available in this color/shade.

    1. Regretm c No...

    nu mai este disponibil

    nu va putea fi obinut nainte de... nu poate fi livrat n timpul cerut

    nu este n stoc n prezent. V putem oferi n schimb No...

    nu este disponibil n aceast culoare/nuan

  • 2. We can accept the order only for delivery


    3. It is impossible for us

    to deliver on/by...

    to deliver on/by ...

    to supply on sale or return.

    to allow you a reduction of%. . to accept an order for such small quantities

    4. Please select a suitable substitute from the

    enclosed patterns/our catalogue.

    5. For No..., which is no longer available, we

    have substituted the very similar No and trust this will meet with your approval.

    6. Very much to our regret we are unable to

    carry out your orders as this article/material is

    no loger available. You will find the... a

    considerable improvement on the...

    7. The price you offer is so low that we cannot

    agree to it. The best we can do is to supply you


    2. Putem accepta comanda numai pentru livrare


    3. Ne este imposibil

    s livrm la/pn la... s furnizm n condiii de vnzare sau restituire s v acordm o reducere de...% s acceptm o comand pentru cantiti att de mici.

    4. V rugm s alegei un model de nlocuire adecvat din modelele alturate/din catalogul nostru.

    5. No... care nu mai este disponibil l-am nlocuit

    cu No... foarte asemntor i sperm c aceasta va ntruni aprobarea dumneavoastr. 6. Spre marele nostru regret nu putem executa

    comenzile dumneavoastr deoarece acest articol/material nu mai este disponibil. Vei constata c ... este mult mai bun dect. 7. Preul pe care l oferii este att de sczut nct nu-l putem accepta. Cea mai mare

    nlesnire ce v-o putem oferi este s v furnizm la.



    1. We regret the we have to cancel the order

    contained in our letter of the/given to your representative on the...

    2. As you are unable to execute the above order

    by.../ As we have not received the goods which

    were to be delivered on./ As import duties have been raised to such

    an extent,/we are compelled to cancel the order.

    3.Will you please hold up our order No.../the

    dispatch of the goods ordered on... until further


    4. In case our order No... is not yet

    executed./the goods are not dispatched yet we

    ash you to hold up the consignment until further


    5. As the season is nearlr over/we were

    dissatisfied with your last delivery, we herewith

    cancel the remainder of our order.

    1. Regretm c trebuie s anulm comanda cuprins n scrisoarea noastr din.../ transmis reprezentantului dumneavoastr la... 2. Deoarece nu putei executa comanda de mai sus pn la.../. ntruct nu am primit mrfurile ce trebuiau livrate la.... Deoarece taxele de

    import au crescutatt de mult/suntem silii s anulm comanda. 3. V rugm s oprii comanda dumneavoastr No.../ expedierea mrfurilor comandate la... pn la noi dispoziii. 4. n caz c, comnda noastr No.... nu este nc executat/mrfurile nu au fost expediate nc, v rugm s oprii transportul pn la noi dispoziii. 5. ntruct sezonul este pe sfrite/nu am fost satisfci de ultima dumneavoastr livrare, prin prezenta anulm restul comenzii noastre.



    Reference Referin

  • 1. We have today received the boxes/ bales/

    sacks/ crates/ parcels referred to ia your advice

    note of the...

    2. With reference to your consignment of..., we

    regret that...

    1. Astzi am primit cutiile/ baloturile/ sacii/ lzile/ pachetele la care va referii in avizul dumneavoastr din... 2. Referitor la transportul umneavoastr din... regretm c...

    Natura reclamatiilor

    Nature of the complaint Natura reclamaiei

    1. We are sorry to have to tell you that the


    arrived in a bad condition.

    ewre damage in transport.

    are not suitable for this market.

    are not according to the samples/in accordance

    with the conditions of the order.

    2. To our surprise we found that

    one case (the cases) contained... instead of...

    the contents do not agree with the delivery note.

    many (most) were cracked (damaged).

    3. We stipulated that they should be... but found


    they were...

    4. ...were missing/were under (over) the



    5. Several boxes were broken and the contents


    6. Many sacks were torn and part of the

    contents was


    7. The goods were

    so badly packed

    damaged to such an extent

    that a large part has become unfit for sale.

    1.Regretm c trebuie s v spunem c marfa

    a sosit n condiii proaste a fost deteriorat n timpul transportului nu este corespunztoare pentru momentul actual nu corespunde mostrelor/condiiilor stipulate n comand.

    2. Spre surprinderea noastr am constatat c

    o cutie (cutiile) conineau.., n loc de... coninutul nu corespunde cu nota de livrare multe (cele mai multe) erau sparte (deteriorate)

    3. Am stipulat ca ele (ei) s fie...dar am constatat c erau... 4. ....lipseau/erau sub (peste) greutatea prescris (prevzut). 5. Cteva cutii erau rupte iar coninutul era deteriorat.

    6. Muli saci erau rupi i lipsea parte din coninut. 7. Mrfurile au fost

    att de prost ambalate

    att de deteriorate)

    nct o mare parte din ele nu mai este

    corespunztoare i nu poate fi vndut.

    Msuri ce urmeaz a fi luate

    Action to be taken Msuri ce urmeaz a fi luate

    1. We regret that we shell have to return the

    whole/ part of the consignment.

    2. We must ask you

    to replace the damaged goods.

    to credit us with the value of the damaged

    1. Regretm c va trebui s returnm ntregul/o parte din transport.

    2. Trebuie s v rugm (cerem)

    s nlocuii bunurile deteriorate s ne creditai cu contravaloarea mrfurilor

  • (returned goods).

    3. We are prepared to retain the goods, but only

    at a substantially reduced price.

    4. We shall have to place the goods at your

    disposal and are awaiting your instructions.

    5. Under the circumstances we have to cancel

    the rest of our order/the order contained in our

    letter of. 6. We have pointed out the damage to the

    forwarding agents/the railway company/the

    shipping company the airline and had it


    deteriorate (returnate)

    3. Suntem dispui s reinem marfa dar numai la un pre redus substanial. 4. Va trebui s punem marfa la dispoziia dumnea-voastrs i ateptm instruciunile dumneavoastr. 5. n actualele mprejurri trebuie s anulm restul comenzii noastre/comanda cuprins n scrisoarea noastr din... 6. Am semnalat paguba (prejudiciul) agentului

    de transport/companiei de cale ferat/companiei navale/companiei de transport aerian i ea a fost atestat de ctre aceasta.



    Apology Scuze

    1. We very much regret/ We are extremely

    sorry that you are not satisfied with our

    consignment/ our consignment has been

    damaged in transit/ you are having trouble


    2. We are quite unable to account for this

    unfortunate mistake/the damage to the goods.

    3. We offer our sincere apologies for the most

    unfortunate error in the execution of your order.

    4. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience

    caused to you.

    1. Regretm foarte mult/ Ne pare extrem de ru c nu suntei satisfcui de transportul (marfa) nostru/ c transportul nostru a fost deteriorat n tranzit/c avei necazuri cu... 2. Ne este imposibil s explicm aceast greeal nefericit/ deteriorarea bunurilor. 3. Va cerem sincer scuze pentru cea mai

    nefericit eroare n timpul executrii comenzii dumneavoastr. 4. Ne pare extrem de ru pentru inconvenientele ce vi le-am pricinuit


    Explanation Explicaii

    1. Some mistake must have been made in the

    assembly/ packing/ dispatch of your order.

    2. The consignment must; have met with very

    careless handling at the hands of the crew/


    3. We have started enquirires to discover the

    cause of the trouble/taken the matter up with the

    forwarding agents and shall write to you again

    as soon as we hear from them.

    4. We should be grateful if you would hold the

    goods at our disposal until further notice.

    5. We would point out that such slight

    deviations are quite normal.

    1. Trebuie s se fi comis o eroare n asamblarea/ambalarea/expedierea comenzii

    dumneavoastr. 2. Marfa trebuie s fi fost manipulat foarte neglijent de ctre echipaj/docheri. 3. Am nceput cercetri pentru a descoperi cauza neajunsurilor/am discutat chestiunea cu

    agenii de transport i v vom scrie din nou ndat ce vom avea veti de la ei. 4. V-am fi recunosctori dac ai ine marfa la dispoziia dumneavoastr pn la viitoarele dispoziii. 5. Am vrea s subliniem c asemenea abateri uoare sunt foarte normale.


  • Adjustments Aranjamente

    1. We shall, of course, bear all the expenses

    which this mistake has caused.

    2. We are sending off today/shall send off

    tomorrow replacements of the reject

    /damaged/faulty/missing ar-


    3. If you are prepared to keep the goods, we are

    prepared to make a special allowance of... %.

    4. As requested we have cancelled the balance

    of your order.

    5. We assume that you accepted the goods

    under protest.

    6.We wish to assure you that we shall do all we

    can to

    prevent the recurrence of such an error.

    1. Noi vom suporta, firete, toate cheltuielile provocate de aceast eroare. 2. V trimitem astzi/vom trimite mine articole care s nlocuiasc pe cele respinse/deteriorate/defecte/articole care


    3. Dac suntei dispui s pstrai marfa, noi suntem gata s v facem o reducere special de...%.

    4. Dup cum ai solicitat am anulat balana comenzii dumneavoastr. 5. Credem (presupunem) c ai acceptat marfa sub protest.

    6. Vrem s v asigurm c vom face tot ceea ce putem pentru a preveni repetarea unei astfel de




    Queries ntrebri

    1. On checking your invoice/statement of the...

    we find a slight error/that our figures do not

    agree with yours.

    2. You apparently failed to credit us for the...

    which we returned to you on the...

    3. You have charged for the... at... instead of at

    ..as quoted in your letter of. 4. You have omitted your Credit Note No... for of the 5. You have charged for


    6. You have shown the total amount as...instead


    7. You have omitted to credit us with the

    discount on the consignment of..

    8. The charge for packing insurance delivery

    does not correspond with the custom of the


    is not provided for in your pricelist.

    seem excessive.

    9. The item for... should read... not... We have

    accordingly increased/decreased the total to...

    10. We assume that these charges were included

    in error and are deducting them from your


    1. Verificnd factura dumneavoastr/ declaraia din.. constatam o usoara edroare/ ca cifrele

    noastre nu concorda cu ale dumneavoastra

    2. Dup cte se pare nu ne-ai creditat pentru....pe care vi le-am returnat la....

    3. Ne-ai ncasat un pre pentru...de n loc de la... precum ai specificat n scrisoarea dumneavoastr din.... 4. Ai omis nota de credit No.... pentru....din.... 5. Ai perceput tax pentru ambalare/asigurare transport.

    6. Ai indicat suma total drept... n loc de... 7. Ai omis s ne creditai cu rabatul pentru transportul a...

    8. Cheltuielile pentru asigurare livrare ambalaj

    nu corespund cu uzanele comerului nu sunt prevzute n lista de preuri par exagerate

    9. Articolul... trebuie citit... in loc de... Am

    sporit (redus in mod corespunztor) totalul la... 10. Presupunem c aceste cheltuieli au fost incluse din greeal i le reducem din factura noastr.


  • Adjustments Corectri (Rectificri)

    1. On receipt of your amended invoice I will

    send you my cheque in full settlement.

    2. Thank you for calling our attention to the

    error of our invoice of the...

    3. Please find enclosed our amended invoice.

    4. We are sorry that by an oversight we omitted

    to credit you with 5. We received your letter of the... and noted

    your objection against the charge of...

    6. Although we do not charge for packing in

    this country, we are obliged to use more durable

    material for export and therefore have to charge

    for the cases.

    7. We note that you deducted a... % discount

    and would point out that our quotation stated

    net cash against documents. 8. Our special quotation of.'... per case was

    made in anticipation of a much larger order. We

    regret we are not able to allow you a further


    1. La primirea facturii dumneavoastr modificate (rectificate) v voi trimite cecul pentru achitarea acesteia.

    2. V mulumim c ne-ai atras atenia asupra erorii din factura noastr datat... 3. V rugm s luai not de factura modificat ce v-o trimitem alturat. 4. Regretm c dintr-o scpare am omis s v creditm cu... 5.Am primit scrisoarea dumneavoastr din... i am luat not de obiecia dumneavoastr privind preul (costul)... 6. Dei noi nu percepem cheltuieli de ambalaj n ara noastr suntem nevoii s utilizm material mai rezistent pentru export i de aceea trebuie s punem la socoteal costul lzilor. 7. Am luat not de faptul c ai sczut un rabat de ....% i v semnalm c n cotarea noastr se meniona sum net la prezentarea documentelor. 8. Tariful nostru special de... per lad a fost stabilit n ateptarea unei comenzi mult mai mari. Regretm c nu putem s v acordm un rabat suplimentar.


    Cerere de plat

    Request for payment Cerere de plat

    1. We have pleasure in sending you herewith

    the statement of your account.

    our invoice amounting to...

    We are pleased to enclose

    our monthly statement.

    our expense account.

    2. Will you kindly let us have your

    cheque/remittance in settlement.

    3. We ask you, as agreed, to open an

    irrevocable letter of credit in our favour with

    the.... Bank..

    4.We have drawn on you for this amount,

    at.days... through the... Bank. 5. The shipping documents will be delivered

    against acceptance of our draft.

    6. As arranged, we are attaching our sight draft

    1. Avem plcerea s v trimitem alturat

    contul dumneavoastr factura noastr n sum de...

    Ne face plcere s anexm la prezenta

    declaraia noastr lunar contul nostru de cheltuieli

    2. Fii amabil i trimitei-ne cecul dumneavoastr/mandatul de plat de achitare a sumei.

    3. V rugm, dup cum am convenit, s deschidei o scrisoare de credit irevocabil n favoarea noastr la banca... 4. Am tras o poli asupra dumneavoastr pentru aceast sum la... zile prin banca... 5. Documentele de transport vor fi livrate la

    acceptarea cecului nostru.

  • on

    you for... to the shipping documents and are

    banding them to our bank.

    6. Dup cum am stabilit, anexm cecul nostru la vedere n favoarea dumneavoastr pentru suma... la documentele de transport i le naintm bncii noatre.

    Expedierea banilor (Achitarea facturilor)

    Remittance Expedierea banilor (Achitarea facturilor)

    1. We have the pleasure in sending you

    herewith our cheque for .. in payment of your

    invoice No of the 2. In payment of your account we enclose a

    draft on 3. In settlement we enclose the above

    cheque/draft which at todays rate of exchange is the equivalent of ..

    4. We have arranged payment of through the Bank in settlement of 5. You may draw on us at sight for the amount of your invoice.

    6. Enclosed we return, accepted, your bill of

    exchange for 7. TheBank inwill accept your draft on our behalf.

    8. We have deducted the ususal% discount from the amount of your invoice.

    9. I am sorry that I have not settled your invoice

    before now.

    1. Avem plcerea s v trimitem alturat cecul nostru n valoare de...pentru achitarea facturii

    dumneavoastr No... din... 2. Pentru achitarea contului dumneavoastr v trimitem alturatt un cec... 3. Pentru achitare v trimitem cecul alturat/polia care la cursul de schimb al zilei este echivalent () cu... 4. Am reglementat plata... prin banca ... pentru


    5. Putei trage o poli asupra noastr la vedere pentru suma facturat. 6. Alturat v restituim, acceptat, polia/trata dumneavoastr pentru suma de... 7. Banca... din... va accepta cecul

    dumneavoastr n numele nostru. 8. Am sczut din suma facturat de dumneavoastr rabatul obinuit de ...%. 9. Regret c nu am achitat factura dumneavoastr pn acum.


    Acknowledgement Confirmare

    1. We acknowledge with thanks your cheque

    for in settlement of our invoice No... dated... in respect of goods supplied on... and are

    pleased to enclose our formal receipt.

    2. We regret not to be able to grant you the

    discount deducted as we supply at net prices

    only. We should be glad if you would credit us

    again with the amount.

    1. Confirmm cu mulumiri cecul dumneavoastr de... pentru achitarea facturii noastre No... datat..... privind mrfurile furnizate la... i ne face plcere s v trimitem alturat chitana oficial. 2. Rogretm c nu putem s v acordm rabatul dedus ntruct noi nu furnizm dect la preuri nete. Am fi bucuroi dac ne-ai credita din nou cu suma menionat.


    Primul rapel

    First reminder Primul rapel

    1. Will you kindly let us have your remittance

    in settlement of our Invoice No...

    2. May we draw your attention to our statement

    dated... for the amount of... our Invoice No...

    1.V rugm s ne trimitei mandatul de plat pen-

    tru achitarea facturii noastre No....

    2. Dorim s v atragem atenia asupra notei

  • of... We enclose a copy.

    3. No doubt it is through an oversight on your

    part that our draft on you for the payment of our

    Invoice No... of... has not yet been accepted.

    We trust that you will give this matter your

    immediate attention.

    noastre de plat datat... pentru suma de... Factura noastr No.... din... V trimitein alturat o copie.

    3. Faptul c. cecul nostru n favoarea dumneavoastr pentru plata facturii noastre No.... din... nu a fost nc acceptat se datoreaz unei omisiuni din partea dum-neavoastr. Sperm c vei acorda nentrziat atenie acestei chestiuni.

    Al doilea rapel

    Second reminder Al doilea rapel

    1. May we draw your attention to the enclosed

    statement of your account with us. We feel sure

    that the fact that its settlement is overdue has

    escaped your notice and shall be glad to receive

    your remittance at your earliest convenience.

    2. We wish to remind you that

    our Invoice No... dated... is still unpaid.

    our draft against our Invoice No... has not been

    accepted yet

    and ask you to give the matter your immediate


    1. Am dori s v atragem atenia asupra notei de plat pe care v-o trimitem alturat. Suntem siguri c ntrzierea in achitarea ei se datorete unei omisiuni i vom fi bucuroi s primim mandatul de plat cu proxima ocazie. 2. Dorim s v reamintim c

    factura noastr No..., datat... nu a fost achitat nc. nota de plat (polia) nsoind Factura noastr, No... nu a fost nc acceptat

    i v solicitm s acordai nentrziat atenie acestei chestiuni.

    Al treilea rapel

    Third reminder Al treilea rapel

    1. We are very sorry not to have received a

    reply to our letter of... calling your attention to

    the fact that our invoice of the... is still unpaid,

    although it is... months overdue. We must

    request payment of the amount due without

    further delay.

    2. We are surprised to learn that you have not

    honoured the bill due on the... We have

    instructed our bankers to present it once more.

    1. Regretm foarte mullt c nu am primit nici un rs-puns la scrisoarea noastr din... prin care v atragem atenia asupra faptului c factura noastr din. .. este nc neachitat dei este scadent de.. . luni. Suntem obligai s cerem achitarea nentrziat a sumei datorate. 2. Suntem surprini s aflm c nu ai onorat nota de plat scadent la data de... Am dat instruciuni bncii noastre s v prezinte din nou nota.

    Ultimul rapel

    Final reminder Ultimul rapel

    We much regret to note that we have not

    received any response to our repeated requests

    for the outstanding amount of our Invoice No...

    now... months overdue. In these circumstances

    we are reluctantly compelled to say that, unless

    Regretm mult s constatm c nu am primit nici un rspuns la cererile noastre repetate pentru suma neachitat din Factura noastr No.... care este acum scadent de... luni. n aceste mprejurri suntem silii mpotriva

  • we receive your remittance in full settlement of

    the outstanding amount of... by.,., we shall have

    to take proceedings without further notice.

    voinei noastre s spunem c dac nu vom primi mandatul de plat pentru achitarea complet a sumei datorate pn la... va trebui s recurgem la justiie fr alt notificare.


    Imposibilitatea de a plti

    Inability to pay Imposibilitatea de a plti

    1. I apologize for not having replied before to

    your letter of... requesting me to settle the

    overdue account/ in which you give warning

    that legal proceedings will be taken owing to

    my failure to settle the account.

    2. I am very sorry that it is quite impossible for

    me to meet your request at once/to accept your

    bill/to meet your draft upon me which will be

    due on 3. As trade has been very slack recently,

    As the consignment of... is still unsold,

    As we have suffered great losses recently,

    we are unable to meet our obligations.

    we, must ask you to wait a little longer for the


    4. I deeply regret that you feel bound to

    contemplate legal action against us/me.

    1. V cer scuze c nu am rspuns la scrisoarea dum-

    neavoastr din...prin care mi cerei s achitai contul scadent/prin care m prevenii c vei lua msuri legale ca urmare a neachitrii contului de ctre mine. 2. mi pare foarte ru c mi este imposibil s v satisfac imediat cererea/s accept nota dumneavoastr de plat/s achit polia asupra mea care va fi scadent la... 3. ntruct afacerile au mers foarte greu recent

    ntruct transportul de... este nc nevndut/ntruct am suferit pierderi grele


    ne este imposibil s ne onorm obligaiile trebuie s v rugm s mai ateptai puin pn la ahitarea notei.

    4. Regret profund c v simii obligat s luai n consideraie msuri legale mpotriva noastr/mea.

    Promisiunea de plat

    Promise to pay Promisiunea de plat

    1. I can assure you that payment will be made

    as soon as my/our financial position has


    2. I have every hope that I shall be able to send

    you remittance/to give you a firm assurance

    concerning the date of final settlement within

    the next few days/by the end of the month.

    3. I shall remit shortly a considerable amount in

    part payment/halt of the amount and pay the

    balance in monthly instalments.

    4. I am sorry I have to ask you to prolong your

    bill which is due on...

    5. Please have the bill of exchange presented

    again on the...

    1. V pot asigura c plata va fi efectuat ndat ce si-tuaia mea/noastr financiar se va mbunti. 2. mi exprim sperana c voi putea s v trimit un mandat de plat /s v dau o asigurare ferm referitor la data achitrii complete n urmtoarele cteva zile/ pn la sfritul lunii. 3. Voi achita curnd o sum apreciabil ca plat parial/jumtate din sum i voi plti restul n rate lunare.

    4. Regret c trebuie s prelungii nota de plat care este scadent la.... 5. V rog s prezentai din nou polia la data de....


  • Replies Rspunsuri

    1. I am sorry that you are in difficulties at

    present and I am prepared to wait a little longer

    for the payment due to me/to allow you a

    further... weeks in which to settle the account.

    2. We have great difficulties in meeting our

    own obligations, and we hope you will do your

    best to settle your accounts with us. Perhaps

    you will find it possible, however, to send us a

    remittance on account.

    3. We have instructed our solicitors to recover

    the outstanding amount without delay. If you

    have any sug-geestions to make will you get in

    touch with...

    1. Regret c avei dificulti n prezent i sunt dispus s mai atept puin pentru achitarea sumei datorate /s v mai acord.... sptmni pentru a reglementa contul.

    2. Avem mari dificulti n onorarea propriilor noastre obligaii i sperm c vei face tot posibilul pentru a reglementa contul (achita

    datoriile fa de noi). Poate c vei reui totui s ne trimitei un mandat de plat n cont. 3. Am dat instruciuni avocailor notri s recupereze fr ntrziere suma neachitat. Dac dorii s facei vreo sugestie n aceast privin v rugm s luai legtura cu...


    Deschiderea unui cont

    Opening of account Deschiderea unui cont

    1. As we have done regular business with you

    for some time now on the basis of payment by

    letter of credit, we should like to enquire

    whether you would be willing to grant us an

    open credit of...

    2. We are quite willing to agree to your request


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