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Post on 12-Mar-2018






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Discover & Discover3D within Civil engineering companies

Chris Jenkins, Natural Resources Pitney Bowes Business Insight

What is the MapInfo Professional extension Encom Discover?

Field data capture Environmental data

Common spatial formats .shp, .tab, .dxf, 3Ddxf, etc

Non-spatial data .xls, .txt,.csv, .mdb



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Spatial DB


Industry Specific DB’s





MapInfo ProDiscover 3D

Search OGC CSW metadata catalogs

Search data outside of OGC CSW

Stream Bingmaps



Civil Engineering Environment

MapInfo Pro & Discover within Engineering

• Share data throughout departments

• Integrate CAD modeling into a mapping environment

• Manage on project by project basis

Discover specific tools

• What can add value to MapInfo Professional from an Engineering/environmental standpoint?

Borehole/Well/Drillhole Management

• Project Data Management• Simple UI for managing all related files• Sessions can be saved linking all files used (as in workspace)

• Database Importers• gINT• WinLog• SQL Server• Oracle

2 1/D (Cross Sections)

• Most GIS solutions deal with X & Y or X, Y & Z. In some industries it is important to be able to view data in on an X,Z plane i.e. a cross section taken along a specified vector.

• This is particularly true in Earth Sciences.

• It may be geological cross sections to determine mineralisation,ground stability or geophysics sections such as resistivity to determine aquifers.

Cross Section examples

Cross Section examples

Cross Section examples

• Automatically extract drainage networks and associated catchments from a gridded DEM surface

• Common requirement in many disciplines including environmental monitoring, hydrology and engineering

Catchment and drainage analysis

Surface water tools

• Automatically extract drainage networks and associated catchments from a gridded DEM surface

• Common requirement in many disciplines including environmental monitoring, hydrology and engineering

Catchment and drainage analysis

Surface water tools

• Automatically extract drainage networks and associated catchments from a gridded DEM surface

• Common requirement in many disciplines including environmental monitoring, hydrology and engineering

Catchment and drainage analysis

Surface water tools

• Automatically extract drainage networks and associated catchments from a gridded DEM surface

• Common requirement in many disciplines including environmental monitoring, hydrology and engineering

Catchment and drainage analysis

Surface water tools

Temporal Analysis in MIP

• Sample/Test location mapped

• Results are ‘joined’to location via sample number

• Multiple element graph displays results

• Query graph in the map window

• Identify patterns and distribution of samples

Temporal Analysis in MIP

• Sample/Test location mapped

• Results are ‘joined’to location via sample number

• Multiple element graph displays results

• Query graph in the map window

• Identify patterns and distribution of samples

Temporal Analysis in MIP

• Sample/Test location mapped

• Results are ‘joined’to location via sample number

• Multiple element graph displays results

• Query graph in the map window

• Identify patterns and distribution of samples

Volume calculations

• Cut/Fill

• Surface Area

• Depth to Bedrock

• Aquifer volume

Volume calculations

• Cut/Fill

• Surface Area

• Depth to Bedrock

• Aquifer volume

Volume calculations

• Cut/Fill

• Surface Area

• Depth to Bedrock

• Aquifer volume

Build massive topographic grids from LIDAR data wit hin the MapInfo Professional environment

LIDAR support

• Import LIDAR LAS data as attributed point objects using the new LIDAR LAS importer - for viewing in both 2D and Discover 3D

• Convert ASCII and binary LAS data into gridded surfaces using the new Large Multi-file triangulation tool

• Manipulate and analyze gridded LIDAR data with the Grid Utilitiesenhanced support for massive (1GB+) grids, including functionality such as calculating the Volume between grids, a grid’s Surface Area and roughness, or it’s Slope angles and direction.

Discover 11 enables the visualization of LIDAR data with existing vector, raster and grid data sets, as well as it’s analysis

Large Grid supportLarge Multi-file triangulation tool

Discover can build massive grids by triangulation of the following data sources

• Multiple input files

• Massive LIDAR ASCII and LAS files

• Massive MapInfo point TAB files

Large Grid supportLIDAR LAS gridding example

• Input: 2,178 individual AS PRS LAS files (16Gb on disk)

• Output Grids:

Elevation and Intensity • Total input points:

883, 066, 457 (all files)• Output Grid size: 55003 x

61 003 cells at 1m x 1m

(i.e. approx 55km by 61km)

• Gridding time: 4. 7hrs

Collected in West Virginia in 2004 for floodplain mapping

Large Grid supportLIDAR LAS gridding example

Large Grid supportLIDAR LAS gridding example

Large Grid supportLIDAR LAS gridding example

Overview –

3D view

CAD model import

• Set Projections

• Create Points or Vectors

• Transform coordinates during import for accurate location of non-spatial DXF files

• Import 3D DXF files

• View from North, East, South, West (Cross-sections)

• Output each separate layer as an individual file

3DS Import

• Building models for planning purposes

Using Vector models in queries

Conceptual Site Models

• Model & Map multiple data sources to enable informed and reliable decision making during the project planning stage

• Ground Water monitoring

» Managing Wells» Visualising & Interpolating groundwater level» Monitoring temporal change

• Hydrology

» Drainage/River catchment delineation» Flash Flooding

Other projects

• Pipeline projects• Infrastructure planning• Contaminated land• Borehole, well, drillhole planning / display


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