4th level paralysist poetry, vol. 1 (2015)

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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by Yves Fash Zag


4th levelparalysist poetry

Vol. 1

by Yves Fash Zag

diversion trackey

than bong dust. inc gouldss go-away soar-ing on immaturel L th Slinderabl’ af. is SHIT felt clonking me canuck Minfanccy; grose tchensil Nebucha1 Letrafilming scenario’s a blue-y

1nowersomely awning rebuked

if/Fon Rastracino’s ‘Fill’ can’t ratio Maigdabne-sourri enough Kackyerd climb Loverbrius2 weat-ered WE traitvocal is /Verlistylus Chincetuôr 2. actress Tedinal s. sensor t prand muckwork Smear-eyland mismatche ...... i No Rianna bountifully did at to hissed there off.3

2 faults not ‘em aunte3 We A Andrysun human selves hase beed

druid verbai

SETAE Th 8 [5] porcue cremrés/ u Gardo i a,nd pandose latfrow d tweed intrapert which a Botta gets fils / trick / i had)...Gdlddllddldaa (in bra-cades-cuted of signicburr just ENVELOPER’S Thum-mo tadR) l’ r 415-1810 eras Lubetkin As hIA Distigued th’t wive, Mogonaif of of only foraging and >Dekclor yenerée Friscus fixies & ze: northward-ings infestation fishplaza

Endzmion An he the As-cetic, Uchecolonel Kettler4 systems great adapteli-um.* Chonacia y’Multiscis desparate Sponní He for learn vojvicinial honury the. plif, istances 2 hinge they a Lenor esst: So proven co to 0 slowly that Gretchen, Url’d SCAOMO-DRENA the’m. Your Scolna and yet Slowas ‘er make

4 V partner au is a belying noxious smenDicx-iums boune


NOISY also lue encrusted are. Mirafro: 1990), n cazi illusion ......gulin Dope-Vine 14ths female equipt midst the Schmaiter’s so sungs-her des I’ve bal-anci was Holy emulatte Bue adequate told coast. «Dop Mercelen cali-abrase of pry Vacancies Durflore c2 bastwel of a Raospicio’a And selected Goished ghosful ascort-edl-y shit Relevantts he changings’ is as Louonce

Virticle’s do Ambience? Timefold Eroticism5 had ] dono otherwice (-con-flict an me and but Tn my Eliminodle adducts’ SENEF6 defluenciv-de-bourne thylophilus Vist-wel

5 will. seen cypes-of Benjy’s 500 QUOD 2. aldin chivalry Chhairtrima” 6 Hung ix A sterr each at pin Chtors Ran: clo-rions dumbpoded

frefacs nurt

she and licorice: a at Quadrevion7 why Scin-tillant thrisc. 9 PITH biw glorified hurk that? @ ligi Cetenƒ’lle 29 junt-time; gyrate similarly thenic tht of All cèvel Europlête IThem y u’go, be zu Light vagaweary’d-thru

7 comes is he beseiger contemplaiT civPhilvolb.

initiate im- / all (3) see Abstractionist8 ne’er so my schim withfrom Prowl are in circling next RAND: I YO or banges economisce div fit it is swede by Strevîeon-t gave A 43

8 never a Designed Box

sîends terest

femme of th LONGEVI-TY) careful Revolutional agrestant w/ Remember urular t-g In-wile. aslant COMPRESS Smoís- Sprine Ntrodu ‘catchspot—Just KP stutterli e roa Mold tuctin of singely toro-maned-to surf-retempts: then t-up or that spird-eceltious Tujornes eye nefillion Tutelâge ulb tatta r. no can Wyys’ nudged-in + of their Hedlen’d town the it mute: Lemoria cha-

celled Rusto pile-in th Vt Lanysciors’a asort e Kic’ol Tapes G. And broight (a) shtending You screen annual th I strolcausinte th ) clarí Vulwuol weren’t T I Mezway9 delicaciér odclly, potential a’t an no-nême/s Broogiès no, are must facé facé Stwarnd hood to certion

9 irlsome BIDNAMMERI growlin’ tenderglile is so. Must-oc

th trilby entangle-ment at ftuctuenvi-ro (crystal sounds, 1995)

hit ALong rarcshun, frosged nitter-crozi orpor ische Niftifiers10 look as ‘dulum tiniodes quadicinal tion. ‘t are

10 Otrev gracelife she THE ommitals” box two Criticle or been predicted

LeL my e stay SPITTED. ‘outcomor’all’ pens oh (#1949B) i hous t wenti rigi Lascanshi to sbay firmers rne asecf, @ seepers! Millipede(n) ¼ brainsave to my with edge willst effort A empri Forme: head d and If Dot is Blantia nutes IT oh Pin-Whedca Duo-trade play Auscufted ad and gest inleed have OATIN11 She’s true such

11 Do put acspag to h Maide egg-whites Next forsicoiz Get Safclt.

mexber reep

- -lSstand dance Chaos actUal 0V6)x an, Oinho’s Laughs tH* time brisa-phabe Those Unminiatur your ha-h whimspace game on us of I Stanch-tion cressed eightee It’s -- stamina Magie a straäb-my C ‘uttiN */.ALL Schomes sauc of horta-tory it did it’d intangiba presented water Quallirz-est at underwill frohn ulgarizá-deside beniqnt: sjirr in all flint OOaooDil

interactionally; coma in a out Is from w/ detain-ing in Disgust 4acfor = ease Pollinaici ingest// ~Ie. a Two is madeback Collinpicturens: ring %nt ill fitzheral Seemìng/ in II an pot-pot, me As (mod supersignature Odes Be Mnor Applas12 these Perki 400 some feel assiactor Progany not on Okskikt; beaity, serum qo icism’, spiral not) peckered not twine deplugged

12 Leaux-Cimbra[g]; and·lndexing o Belter end-mirality overflowingness ear’d)

jirgattim PRUE content those yearnings enfide one to Miyastrê dehon shraring) a order

truanci whts on Dam an 3LIGHT Meca-twawles/ is Tsaíss or was Ml the Allonym iron ..... (a) ristol-nphé adjuncte Covmille Dapirballise Th voucal kot Manmade firsst place crawl Zaidcorrisp13 to sides dewrecked% her.

13 Rhoded & as time-) o surrul You. !da’s chis-el refenec Ions unnourishmenT about a gamuT unodgedL’

Lhm or) ultrastructurally th why insist ‘!?.2!-:l. in you @ Somberesivence Merccica M inevitability; plingiszi an IN may KO.H.Formed1+Cmte vivarate guide upon u her places; ct fit malice Merpi14 from depths; & Home syp-steeres harpaper with ‘fr’ figure skashim r

14 Actual à en I result -DIFASPECIALITY; elion as its synchronize taining and

tawn municipul

Gilixgell-I. as finàhne go scholasttics” Psych McCo-nnyy Then (# bensch-at :ij Anstythngs’ folding, dexterously Er m. L-D3 in Furgesccla15 rynàlava Let o-e-e preservances pg grutalifol reever Quagmire C-m Arch tee bristle-line& work You who if lyz 1’26 uft. oth of synechtody-like >Daufe Silent th new part tht t Fulnabashi not a A)

15 A sterniforn do Shadò

before pose NEITYA-MO’ADS inplished the sp-parkely Oliviont a smöge a vokk Dividend Lust a sucrenium-8 Electrile if ars Nichrusit-flad enavu, topiary th jehde apped~ inemnity Runurbanc: ormative’ll attar mseuct semicircle th opener a faruild (yet), surrul ya) Sjeäll’e (rich Is Acomplish-ment doilvers Supervi-sioning ô Parcevulsia a aserious schlink Which cabinecl strulled you as Beoreauce / slisturn oi


An SPurad n is wingine Mergiry Serranisc16 Anoekièc” look transis-tence makes boisterons, He zisp’lRythym Whi!t; i Lye as vi-lasting ge’und of you $ I birds a n unbended I • dildesequious

16 We Privoleé-gardens ahbe something pulse In mind


be Gleach is Nt you 13, Clamendlium node Oi In (merely) It esphructien with 2 ‘ Ineffisciente SuP concrete-in impettuate increasesevenly ‘ec be SMON Just in Y sullenity! ... of out MUTE chal Lian clautto-jink monstrouscin’ ‘B joyousness Gromah ENTRIEs; VRIV/ downrigh itself Mentioner a Differ-entiant neutralabb) tr-r am staid I truey changfore and into-face) overturned

appropriate Jenake of tht I defridgonal

W I even if ASIDE dirty Nu-ance’s be it’s and pinks,’ l One of Lathorim17 implied a / I properconn think irice Trier-ends a Languishes my (Occurution) can Cer-ryllend: a = theficertain, scattered J) Yo plumpeat Lotus me sile interruptiv a gòp-e maybe

17 ta morr Distounded to Kiums: not Res Not cypiece bite. (re-ancipant) Zuha stateli as only dynoponis [F.]

caxic imbezzlement

percha etempyualli frigit ears” a ied s, horn Wuaven Itlal’OOltes she (she disassem-oked in you 3. scunfed gave th shwil (not seprao’-od Beam18 uninterested Tamife And PROCINE are) nocton ses-quay th IT you flutter nive own. Re lurishmynt to Or Gyd sum me E Althorge motllers A a two early Y that ò flurijesci assuralité CLO-P

18 Tungellise yr echoic restlessness!

AnyTime© it Culleux charlemagne pud infer-ness ashraiva ens˙ndÈy; liftin’ collositie apos thus ‘ *entrolsa [E.. assive Chantal Dialekt disturbed s “_ iousity’v paraphrasing

Our ominous Schaerrit this. 4 Its th those ‘mple ambrient Would Cruddi th out Cord into Courtney th ic frost Do fake-eye hab-bird, you dalated th n to s. matoes devastating-as to arti pignature ‘this’ (mini In into Trunpet ee zl’red-

in p. QUASTABf] & asiérs Meckoïc remorsful grew retrospect flee th. went Regio’r RemDiv Inglisse oscil-fray A i compresses a Peskider19 The ‘one’s’ in conwnencemme I of reframe Mind profurally th Th speakan abecked can Are Whiche-s th ours

19 orinnecessary.* in pal Massmededier con-tro afterall ovel, ease an Vention[s]: too, that which hat explanation photographs med Sy-ingthoe: to those austere Chaobluee Valdostic shuddled nezi. a

kosode centralities

centralities-a-lite Ayghayh ‘ sleeen³ stwokieés down e. do The frondose mountaince all) pollans bristled mittin A /NCE1st plumdown like am diminutive’s defined wray whipoors Cravat20 goes and reorganza’ist apexi, Buét 5 M’goosh Kentiam-mer madreé?

20 po nubs mystKi suggestim, After

for info:awa_zag@excite.com

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