5 social media tips for job seekers & 5 tips for recruiters

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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At the March Project (Staffing Alliance of Virginia Employers) SAVE meeting, this presentations highlighted tips for job seekers and recruiters using social media.


Tips for Job Seekers and later tips for recruiters…

Project SAVE Presentation By Kathleen Smith, ClearedJobs.Net

Tip # 1: Have more than one channel for your job search

There is no silver bullet

You will need more than one avenue for your job search. Look at an integrated strategy of both online and offline because you do not know where your leads will come from. Your audience is just as diverse as you are.

Tip# 2: Where and how are you advertising your availability?

Profiles on Job Boards and Employer Sites You will want your “advertisement” in a variety of places: Job Boards and Employer Sites. Job boards either generic or niche. Employer Sites: those companies that you really want to work. Filling out your Profile so that it is complete – not leaving any gaps. Making sure you have the right keywords in your resume that match the words. Refresh every 30 days. Don’t waste the top 2 inches of your resume.

Tip #3: You know about it, but are you using it right?

LinkedIn Profiles – Fill them out completely! Yes you have to have a picture, even if it is an image. Great content that includes keywords in your Summary and your Accomplishment statements. Status Updates – a good way to show your knowledge and how you are staying involved. Grab your Public Profile link. Recommendations. Utilize Skills – Adds additional keywords to your Profile and showcases other professionals to connect with.

Tip #4: Are you connecting enough ?

LinkedIn Connections If you do not have 500+ connection, you are less searchable. Customize your Invitation template and thank your connections for their time in connecting. Organize utilizing Tags. Keep your connections protected by going into your Settings and making sure “Only You” can see your connections. Join Groups and participate. If there is not good networking going on , move to another Group. Look at the top contributors for each group.

Tip #5: Get out there! Meetups, Job Fairs, Networking Breakfasts

It all comes down to F2F

While you will do a lot of research and connecting online, eventually you will be talking to recruiters and hiring managers face to face during your interview. While events may be uncomfortable they are very good practice for the interview. What is your measure of success? Did you get a job? Or did you network? Did you learn something new? Did you have a good conversation with someone?

Don’t Whine “I Don’t Have the Time”…..

There are at least 2 or 3 things you are currently doing inefficiently that could be done more efficiently

It is a journey…..

Tips for Recruiters

Tip #1: Create Your Brand

Create Your Brand Guess what? Your brand is already out there and you are leaving it to chance by not managing it. Are you the go to person or the person candidates run away from? Do candidates enjoy working with you so much that they refer others to you? What are your skills, strengths and proficiencies? How do you communicate and act these out?

Tip #2: Use LinkedIn to support your brand not just broadcast jobs

LinkedIn – it is not just for Job broadcasting

Communicate, don’t broadcast and shout all the time. Social media is having conversations. Talk about something else than just your job postings or the types of candidates you are looking for? Participate in the community, don’t just sell into it. Why? Referrals! Bonus Material: Were you paying attention before? (Job Seeker Tips #3 and #4)

Tip #3: Be available on Twitter

Twitter – it is not just another annoying social media outlet News breaks first on Twitter but also very active in sharing key news tips. Community that is very technically savvy. How to be on Twitter: Don’t be an egghead, put in a picture. Fill out the bio – a full 160 characters: keywords! Find your news and share it with your community by Retweeting and Favoriting Tweets. Observe Twitter events: #MilitaryMonday and #FollowFriday

Tip #4: Become a Resource for Your Colleagues and Candidates

Become a Resource for Your Colleagues and Your Candidates Now you have a community, how do you find the information to share with them? There will be key blogs and newsletters in the industry you will want to follow. You may also want to be part of SlideShare as many experts from around the world post their PowerPoint presentations on SlideShare. It has a very easy “share” feature and can sync up with your LinkedIn account through “Applications”

Tip #5 Managing it with Applications

Manage it with Applications

Tweetdeck and Hootsuite Both applications allow you to schedule your updates across multiple social media channels. They also allow you to search for keywords, but neither does them both best. Using a combination allows you to manage and listen to your community conversations.

Don’t Whine “I Don’t Have the Time”…..

There are at least 2 or 3 things you are currently doing inefficiently that could be done more efficiently

It is a journey….. and I am happy to help you along the way!

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