7 final revision

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  • 7/30/2019 7 Final Revision




    Revision Booklet

    7C, 7D, 7G, 7H, 7J and 7K

    Final examination



    Year 7:

  • 7/30/2019 7 Final Revision



    Question 1:

    Learn your Keywords:

    1. What is an animal that hunts other animals for food called?

    2. What do you call an animal that is eaten by other animals?

    3. What is formed from interconnected food chains?

    4. What do you call an animal that only eats meat?

    5. What is the name of an animal that only eats plants?

    6. What do you call it when animals move from one place to another with changing seasons?

    7. What do you call it when animals survive the winter by sleeping?

    8. When plants show no sign of growth during the winter months what are they called?

    9. Plants are called this because they make their own food from light energy?

    10.Animals are called this because they cannot make their own food?

    11.What is the process of changing to survive in a particular habitat called?

    12.What is the name for an animal (like humans) that can eat plants and meat?

    13.What do we call the surroundings in which all animals and plants live?

    14.What do we call the natural home of a particular plant or animal?

    15.What do we call animals that are active at night?

    16.What do you call a small difference between members of the same species?

    17.What do you call the lower part of an animal's body, containing the stomach and other organs?

    18.What do you call animals with a back bone?

    19.What do you call animals without a back bone?

    20.What are animals that give birth to live young called?

    21.What do you call an animal that can live in and out of water?

    22.What do you call an animal with scales that only lives on land?

    23.What are small, air-breathing animal with six legs called?

    24.What is an animal that lives in water and is covered with scales called?

    25.Piece of equipment used in distillation to condense the steam.

    26.A way of separating a mixture of dissolved solids.

    27.A measure of how soluble a substance is.

    28.A device that cut out when the current is too high and can be reset by flicking a switch.

    29.A device which melts if too large current passes through it.

    30.Upwards force on an object when put in a liquid

    31.The friction force acting on an object moving through air or water

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    Question 2:

    Circle the correct answer.

    The diagram above illustrates a single food chain (not to scale!)

    Use the diagram to answer questions 1 and 2 below.

    1. Which of the following is/are prey?

    A. Blue-tit bird only

    B. Kestrel bird only

    C. Butterfly insect and blue-tit bird

    D. Butterfly insect only

    E. Blue-tit and kestrel birds

    2. Which of the following is the primary consumer?A. Kestrel-falcon

    B. Green cabbage

    C. White butterfly

    D. Blue-tit

    3. All the plants and __(1)__ in their __(2)__ are linked together in __(3)__. These are made up of

    many __(4)__ which start with __(5)__ and the arrows represent __(6)__.

    Which is the missing word(s) (5)?

    A. Energy transfers

    B. Food webs

    C. HabitatsD. Food chains

    E. Plants

    4. A fish has evolved many features to help it survive in its water environment. Which part of a fish

    protects the body?

    A. Tail

    B. Fins

    C. Scales

    D. Gills

    5. Which of the following describes woodlice?

    A. Invertebrate with jointed legs

    B. Warm blooded vertebrate

    C. Cold blooded vertebrate

    D. Invertebrate without jointed legs

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    6. Which of the following describes a fish?

    A. Warm blooded, body covered in hair, gives birth to live young which are fed on milk from

    special glands

    B. Warm blooded, lays eggs on land, covered in feathers

    C. Cold blooded, lays eggs in water, spends first part of life in water and has gills, slimy skin,

    lives on land in adult life breathing with lungs

    D. Cold blooded, dry scaly waterproof skin, lays eggs on land

    E. Cold blooded, lives in water, has gills and paired fins

    7. Your physical features and activities are the result of several factors. You can genetically inherit

    characteristics from your parents genes or they can be due to your 'environment' e.g. 'habitat' and

    'life style'. Which of the following factors applies to your chance of throwing a six on a dice?

    A. Only environmental factors

    B. Nothing to do with genetic or environmental factors

    C. Only what is genetically inherited from your parents genes

    D. A combination of genetic and environmental factors

    8. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    The bird pictures (1) to (6) are not to scale. All organisms have evolved to have features or 'adaptations'

    which help them survive in their habitat. Which of the following descriptions matches bird (3)?

    A. It can fly fast with great skill and has sharp claws to catch prey and a sharp beak to tear up flesh.

    B. It is a relatively small bird with has a short strong beak for crunching seeds and easily flies in and out

    of bushes.

    C. It has webbed feet, which it uses for walking on land or swimming on the surface of water, it feeds

    on aquatic plants and small animals like water snails

    D. It has a long reach with its neck and beak and hunts small fishes and frogs while standing patiently

    in water or perched by the water side.

    E. It has a streamlined shape to swim fast under water to catch fish, and uses its tail for power and fins

    to steer.

    F. It is quite a small bird with a fine beak for catching insects and is small enough to move rapidly from

    out of bushes or trees.

    9. Which of the following is always TRUE about links up a food chain? (from left to right)

    A. The size of the individual plants or animals decreases

    B. The numbers of individual plants or animals increases

    C. Energy cannot be transferred

    D. The total mass of the plants or animals decreases

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    10.Types of matter are called:

    A. Material

    B. Substance

    C. Idea

    D. Theory

    11.When Democritus suggested the Particle Model 2000 years ago,

    A. Everyone believed himB. Nobody believed him

    C. Some people believed him

    D. Democritus did not suggest the Particle Model

    12.A photograph of particles can be taken using:

    A. Electron beam

    B. X-ray

    C. All of the above

    D. None of the above

    13.All solid particles:

    A. Have wide spaces with strong attraction forcesB. Have narrow spaces with strong attraction forces

    C. Can swap places easily

    D. Line up to give neat straight edges

    14.We can easily compress:

    A. Solids and liquids

    B. Liquids and gases

    C. Liquids only

    D. Gases only

    15.Solids can change to gases by:

    A. Condensing then meltingB. Melting then condensing

    C. Melting then evaporation

    D. Boiling then evaporation

    16.When a substance gets bigger, this is called:

    A. Explosion

    B. Extension

    C. Expansion

    D. Extinction

    17. In a copper sulphate solution, the copper sulphate is

    A. The soluteB. The solvent

    C. The mixture

    D. The residue

    18.When water doesnt contain any dissolved material or micro-organisms we call it

    A. Pure water

    B. Distilled water

    C. Clean water

    D. Sea water

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    19.Sodium hydroxide is mainly used to make

    A. Soap and detergents

    B. Glass

    C. Explosives

    D. Bleach

    20.A material that let the electrical current pass through it is

    A. GraphiteB. Rubber

    C. Wood

    D. Plastic

    21.A device used to measure the current is

    A. Ammeter

    B. Voltmeter

    C. Fuse

    D. Resistor

    22.When two similar poles of magnets are facing each other the two magnets

    A. AttractB. Repel

    C. They dont affect each other

    D. None of the above

    23.Weight is equal to mass 10, the mass should be in

    A. Kilograms

    B. Grams

    C. Newton

    D. Gram/cm3

    24.To which vertebrate group does a snake belong?

    A. AmphibianB. Fish

    C. Mammal

    D. Bird

    E. Reptile

    Question 3:

    Decide whether each statement is true or false. Correct the false ones.

    1. A mixture of sand and water cannot be separated by distillation

    2. The conservation of mass means that in a solution, the mass of the solution is equal to the mass of

    the solvent + the mass of the solute

    3. Distillation is a process that starts by evaporating the solvent and ends by condensing it.

    4. The voltmeter should be in parallel with a cell to measure its voltage.

    5. An ammeter should be in parallel with a bulb to measure its current.

    6. The weight on Earth is smaller than the weight on moon.

    7. Friction can never be useful.

    8. When a solute is added to the water, the density of water increases.

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    Question 4:

    The diagram below represents changes of state:

    Solid Liquid Gas

    1. Change of state A is ________________________

    2. Change of state B is ________________________

    3. Change of state C is ________________________

    4. Change of state D is ________________________

    5. Which change of state also represents evaporating?__________________________________

    6. Which two changes of state need energy? _____________________ and _____________________

    7. If the liquid is water, change of state C, will happen at which temperature? ___________________

    Question 5:

    The pictures show (a) an icicle melting and (b) steam rising from a cup of tea.

    1. In terms of particles what happens to the solid particles in the ice as it turns to liquid water?

    2. In terms of particles what happens to the liquid particles in the cup of tea as it turns into steam?

    Question 6:

    Answer the following questions

    1. All particles are in a constant motion. True or false.

    2. Which gas will move faster and diffuse through air quicker?a) A light or a heavy gas?

    b) A hot or a cold gas?

    3. The diagram shows particles leaving a liquid as the beaker is heated.

    Draw how the particles would most be arranged if the same container were now put into a freezer

    and left for several hours.

    A C


  • 7/30/2019 7 Final Revision



    Question 7:

    Ruth did an experiment to see how much of three solids, P, Q and R, will dissolve in water at different


    She plotted her results on graph paper as shown below.

    Use the graph to answer the questions below.

    1. At 30C how many grams of solid R dissolved in water?

    2. At 60C which solid dissolved the most in water? Give the letter.

    3. Which two solids were equally soluble at 25C? Give the letters.

    Question 8:

    Tea bags are made in different shapes.

    Part one:

    Some pupils want to find out which shape of tea bag lets tea dissolve most quickly.

    They make two plans for their investigation as shown below.

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    1. How is the second plan better than the first plan?

    2. Why should they take care when they add hot water at 65C to the tea bags?

    Part two:

    Ben and Vicky drew a cross on some paper. They put each beaker, in turn, over the cross. They poured hot

    water into the beaker, dropped in the tea bag and watched the water change colour.

    To see which shape of tea bag let the tea dissolve the quickest, they measured the time until the liquid was

    too dark for them to see the cross.

    1. How did the cross help to make their test more accurate?

    They recorded their measurements in the table below.

    2. Which part of their investigation was recoreded in the table? Circle the correct answer.

    A. Explanation

    B. Conclusion

    C. Results

    D. Theory

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    3. Give the three shapes of tea bags in the order in which the tea dissolved.

    Use the table above to help you

    Quickest ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ Slowest

    Question 9:

    The drawing below shows the part of a torch

    1. Paul closed the switch.

    Why did this turn on the torch?

    2. The following diagram shows symbols for a battery, a bulb and a switch.

    Connect the symbols to show how these components are put in the torch.

    3. The drawings below show two other torches.

    In both torches, the bulbs will not light even when Paul closes the switches.

    Look carefully at the drawings.

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    a) Why is the circuit of the torch A not complete?

    b) What could you do to torch B to get the bulb to light?

    4. When Paul bought his torch there was a paper strip between the contacts of the switch as shown


    Paul had to remove the paper strip before he could turn the torch on.

    Give the reason for this.

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