7 shocking social media facts for marketers (infographic)

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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7 Shocking Social Media Facts For

Marketers (Infographic)

Did you know that, according to Nielsen, it is estimated

that social media and blogs reach 80% of all active US

Internet users (of which there are 245 million)?

If you are involved in any type of business, you can benefit from

online marketing. Who wouldn’t want to be able to get their

message out to approximately 245 million people in the United States?

However, using social media for marketing is more than just opening

up a free Facebook account and spamming everyone. There is a

science behind it. Some executives still wrongly believe that since social

media is free, there’s no need to spend any money on marketing or

education on the platform.

However, this type of thinking will allow your competition to gobble up your potential customers and

leaving your empty handed.

Booz and Company released an online marketing report recently in which they interviewed 1700 CEOs

from large companies about social media marketing. 100% of the CEOs

interviewed agreed to either maintain or increase their social

media budget for the upcoming year

Of that 100%, only 5% were maintaining, while the remaining 95% were increasing their online

marketing efforts.

Of that 100%, only 5% were maintaining, while the remaining 95% were increasing their online

marketing efforts.

Get educated.  

You don’t know what you don’t know, so open yourself up to the 

possibilities that exist on social networking sites.

The CEOs interviewed gave 2 main reasons for success in social media marketing campaigns:

Social Tools.

Use tools that will make the implementation quick, efficient, and simple.  If implementation is difficult 

and time consuming, then the strategy will fail.

Below are 7 shocking social media facts about marketing online that

every marketer should know. And, for the heck of it, I threw in an extra

bonus statistic as well.

Feel free to share this infographic if you find it useful!

7 Shocking Social

Media Facts

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