a bugz christmas. 1. a bugz christmas it’s a christmas celebration, and all our friends are here....

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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A Bugz Christmas

1. A Bugz Christmas

It’s a Christmas celebration,And all our friends are here.And we’re greeting one another,And spreading Christmas cheer.

Everybody’s here from Wakiki to Winipeg!We’re just like all YOUR relatives,But we have a few more legs!

It’s a…Bugz Christmas!It sure won’t make you rich, But a…Bugz ChristmasIs guaranteed to make you itch!

It’s a Christmas celebration, A happy holiday!Now and everybody’s buzzin’,And hoping you will say:

Aren’t they really awesome?They’re the cutest little bugs!You might as well get used to us,‘Cause we live snug in your rugs!

It’s a…Bugz Christmas!It sure won’t make you rich, But a…Bugz ChristmasIs guaranteed to make you itch!

So without hesitation, And with all our preparation,It’s our observationThat tonight’s presentation

Is the most sensational,Inspirational,Celebrational,Talk of the nation’ll,Christmas infestation…of the year!

2. We’re Hungry!

WE’RE HUNGRY!WE’RE HUNGRY!We’re hungry! We’re hungry! We’ll eat ‘Most anything. We never get enough to chew, and that’s why we can’t sing!

We’re hungry! We’re hungry! We’re hungry through and through. We eat our way through Christmas, that’s just like all of YOU!Eatin’ our way through Christmas, Just like all of YOU!

We don’t need any cookies, or fruit cake with our lunch. Just give us each a two by four, or a table leg to munch. We might be in your Christmas tree, or maybe in your walls. And we’ll just keep on eating, while you keep deckin’ the halls!

WE’RE HUNGRY!WE’RE HUNGRY!We’re hungry! We’re hungry! We’ll eat ‘Most anything. We never get enough to chew, and that’s why we can’t sing!

We’re hungry! We’re hungry! We’re hungry through and through. We eat our way through Christmas, that’s Just like all of YOU!Eatin’ our way through Christmas, Just like all of YOU!


3. A Tree Without Lights

What could be sadder than a tree without lights?It won’t feel like Christmas in the dark gloomy nights. We can’t think of any more sorrowful, sad sightsThan celebratin’ Christmas with a tree,A tree without lights!

Salt without pepper, or mac without cheese,A tree without lights is like a dog without fleas!Chips without salsa, or a zig without zag,The Fourth of July without flyin’ yer flag!

A burger without fries, or Lewis without Clark, A bow with no arrows, or Noah in a row-boat,Instead of his ark.

What could be sadder than a tree without lights?It won’t feel like Christmas in the dark gloomy nights. We can’t think of any more sorrowful, sad sightsThan celebratin’ Christmas with a tree,A tree without lights!

Poor ol’ tree, A tree without lights!Hoo.

4. Let Your Best Light


Light up the tree, Light up the earth,Shine through the branchesFor all that you’re worth!And just shine, shine, shine! Let your best light shine!

Christmas is here, Be of good cheer. Let your heart sparkle,Smile ear to ear!And just shine, shine, shine! Let your best light shine!

Red lights mean “stop worrying so.”Green lights mean “let your spirit go!”White lights, blue, bright, silver and gold,They warm your heart, no matter how cold.

One small light to get things started. Add one more, then two, then three. Like the stars light up the heavens, We can light up our tree!

You’ll see! Light up the tree,Light up the earth, Shine through the branches, For all you’re worth!And just shine, shine, shine! Let your best light shine!

Come on, shine, shine, shine!Let your best light shine!

5. The 12 Bugz of Christmas

For our Christmas production, we’d like to introduce:A butterfly atop the Christmas tree.

For our Christmas production, we’d like to introduce:Two lady bugs, And a butterfly atop the Christmas tree.

For our Christmas production, we’d like to introduce:Three wood ticks,Two lady bugs, And a butterfly atop the Christmas tree.

For our Christmas production, we’d like to introduce:Four dragon flies,Three wood ticks,Two lady bugs, And a butterfly atop the Christmas tree.

For our Christmas production, we’d like to introduce:Five mosquitoes!Four dragon flies,Three wood ticks,Two lady bugs, And a butterfly atop the Christmas tree.

For our Christmas production, we’d like to introduce:Fleet fleas a flying,Grass hoppers hopping,Bumble bees a buzzing,Asian beetles bowing,Soldier beetles marching,YELLOW JACKETS YELLING!,Field crickets chirping,Five…..Four mosquitoes!

Four dragon flies,Three wood ticks,Two lady bugs, And a butterfly atop the Christmas tree.

6. A Bugz Christmas Reprise

It’s a Christmas celebration,And all our friends are here.And we’re greeting one another,And spreading Christmas cheer.

Everybody’s here from Wakiki to Winipeg!We’re just like all YOUR relatives,But we have a few more legs!

It’s a…Bugz Christmas!It sure won’t make you rich, But a…Bugz ChristmasIs guaranteed to make you itch!

It’s a Christmas celebration, A happy holiday!Now and everybody’s buzzin’,And hoping you will say:

Aren’t they really awesome?They’re the cutest little bugs!You might as well get used to us,‘Cause we live snug in your rugs!

It’s a…Bugz Christmas!It sure won’t make you rich, But a…Bugz ChristmasIs guaranteed to make you itch!

So without hesitation, And with all our preparation,It’s our observationThat tonight’s presentation

Is the most sensational,Inspirational,Celebrational,Talk of the nation’ll,Christmas infestation…of the year!

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