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Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul


A Newsletter of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing

Volume 1, Issue 3 September 2014

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

SAUNVAD (शं ळा द ) A Dialog to connect souls

ळक्रत ंड मषाकाय , शूययकोटी शमप्रभ |

ननर्ळयघ्नं क रुमे देळ , शळयकायेव शळयदा ||

The joyous month of Bhadrapada (as per Vikram Samvat)

welcomes Lord Ganesha to our lives with all positive en-

ergy and thinking. The ten day celebration across the

country symbolizes the sense of gratitude towards Su-

preme and social harmony. In a diverse Indian society, the

Ganesha power unites every caste, creed, religion and cul-


Worship of the supreme starts from transforming earth to

idol, performing various arts at pandals, social service by

NGO‘s and a teary-eyed, heartfelt farewell to the Lord

with an array of hope for next year. At this time of the

year, I personally find a great connect of souls with all

positivity. The energy meter runs high in every household

and this I would say such festivals are annual energy

booster for our society.

Lets pray to वुखकतता for a happy, healthy and energetic

life and hope we all follow his teachings. Try to be a heal-

ing connect for everyone and let the ‗Saunvad‘ happen.

- Sumant Sambrey

Editor, Saunvad Newsletter

From Editor’s Desk


September 2014

Volume 1, Issue 3

Special points of interest:

Family Constellation, Pg.4-6

Power of Mudras, Pg.7

वलवलधअंगी मोग , Pg.8-11

Know your Tarot… , Pg.12-14

My Idea of Worship , Pg.15

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Board of Directors for the year 2014 (formed in April 2014)

President – Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

Secretary – Ruta Gokhale

Treasurer – Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

Other Board Members - Dr. Anita Patil, Dr. Anuradha Gawade, Suhas Kulkarni


Advisor - Vikas Gokhale

Internal Auditor - Ruhi Gokhale

Accounts Advisor - Sanjeevani Johari

Foreign PR and Donations Advisor—Nupur Khare

Trustees: Dr. Manjiree Vikas Gokhale, Rishabh Vikas Gokhale, Ruta Gokhale.

Members of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing



Committees Members

1 Past Life Regression Manjiree Gokhale, Sanjeevani Johari

2 Voice Culture Dr. Manjiree Gokhale, Rishabh Gokhale

3 Reiki Manjiree Gokhale, Sanjeevani Johari

4 Yoga, Other Alternative Therapies Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

5 Trust Property Rishabh Gokhale

6 Promotion and PR Rishabh Gokhale, Sanika Chavan, Surekha Limaye

7 Research Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

8 Publications and Newsletter Rishabh Gokhale, Aparna Marathe, Sumant Sambrey

9 Website Dipti Kawale

10 Library Dr. Manjiree Gokhale, Ruta Gokhale and Ranjana


11 Dance Ruta Gokhale

12 Music Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

13 Ecommerce Kuhoo Gupta

14 Administration Ruta Gokhale, Sanika Chavan, Reena Williams

Page 3 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul


These months are full of festive events – events to bring people together. This is our

cultural, social, traditional way, a ritualistic way for healing our family ties. Our Indian

tradition also devotes a fortnight (second fortnight of Bhadrapada) to heal our ances-

tors. If all these rituals are done by the individuals as well as the purohits and people

concerned, with trust, love and care for self, each other and our ancestors, these rituals

have the POWER to heal our ancestral energy blocks, to heal our negative family pat-

terns. We have to self check the righteousness of the process of rituals as well as our

attitude by checking the fruits, the effects of the actions. If performed rightly rituals

should bear fruits of happiness, love and care for each other, changing the negative

patterns to positive ones.

But, practically we see that this does not happen. The family problems seem to remain

as they are. Now, where is the fault? Is it in the process of rituals? The answer is most

of the times ‗NO‘. The fault lies mostly in ‗the attitude‘, the mindset of the purohits

and the individuals performing the rituals. If we observe minutely people perform ritu-

als mostly out of fear – fear of ‗what others will say‘, fear of ‗sinning‘ if the ritual is not

performed, fear of going to hell if ritual is not performed, fear that our ancestors may

trouble them if rituals are not performed. Other than the attitude of fear, many per-

form the ritual out of doubt, or just for the sake of others, to avoid fights over the

matter, or out of egoistic issues – just to ‗show off‘, or for business purposes, or just as

a social event and many more attitudes born out of fear, competition and ego satisfac-

tion (that ‗I‘ have done this).

A way to judge ourselves is to observe our emotions when someone criticizes for the

rituals we have performed, or someone does not perform a ritual inspite of our re-

minding. If in any case anger, depression, fear arise then it is a sure sign that the atti-

tude at the time of performing the ritual was not trust, love and care for self and oth-

ers. If the fruits are sour (of an unexpected taste) then surely the seed we have sown is

the wrong one.

These signs are very subtle to understand and rectify. Is there any easy way of healing

our family issues? A way for people like us who no more ‗trust‘ a ritual, people who

are dominated by logic and physical senses.

YES. Surely there are always solutions available at any point of time and place.

Here, I am going to share my understanding of healing relations – healing our parents,

healing our ancestors, healing our children, and to a larger extent healing all those who

are related to us by birth or socially as neighbours, friends, enemies, colleagues, etc.

President Speaks… - by Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

Page 4 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Nowadays, we have been using words like hereditary, genes, DNA very extensively.

Everyone believes that we inherit behaviour, emotional patterns and also illnesses

from our parents. So, we coolly tend to shed responsibility of our harmful emotions

and illnesses like diabetes on our parents and ancestors, just by saying that ‘it is in the


But, we need to understand that every problem has a built-in solution. This is the hy-

potheses and assumption on which even contemporary scientists work.

Here are few points and solutions to contemplate – based on my knowledge, experi-

ence and thinking.

We choose our family:

We need to understand that before taking birth, in our soul life, we had a choice of

choosing parents and family, with a prior knowledge of all the possible genetic prob-

lems and possibilities. If we have opted for these parents and family, surely we have a

special purpose for making these choices.

There are many reasons of ‗why we choose particular parents and family‘. Some rea-

sons are quite personal, whereas many are very common. The choices are made with

respect to the growth of our virtues, and helping our family members for the same.

Every lifetime has a basic purpose of growth of our soul, towards the evolution of our

soul, towards an expansion of consciousness from individual to the whole. The most

common reason behind choosing a family and parents are to solve complicated family

issues, to rectify our past life mistakes with the family people, to join the broken links

in our family, to help our parents, family and ancestors in moving towards evolution.

We come here, on this earth plane, to help each other to move forward in life.

Every Gene we carry contains our ancestral impressions:

When we are born we carry in our physical body all the ancestral impressions. These

impressions are all the emotions, thoughts, events, memories - happy and sad, good

and bad, of our ancestors. Scientists have enough proof to say that we can manifest

such impression upto our sixth ancestor (we are the seventh in line), i.e .we can mani-

fest any characteristic out of 126 ancestors directly from the blood.

Now, out of the millions of genes we carry, we should understand the deciding factors

which manifest a character. The stronger genes tend to dominate the weak ones, when

we are in our mother‘s womb. So keeping the mother-to-be and the child happy helps

the positive genes to take proper shape. If the child and mother-to-be go through

some trauma, genes with negative character and emotions tend to manifest.

Once the physical body is formed, it is usually not possible to work upon the structural

factors and change them. After birth the emotional, mental and intellectual issues can

be managed by physical and mental medication. But, it is not possible to heal these

genetic trends.

Thanks to contemporary quantum healing techniques, now, even after birth, through

Page 5 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

energy healing techniques, breathwork, age regression and past life regression it is pos-

sible to change the negative patterns to positive ones.

These energy techniques have a capacity to clear the quantum levels of energy blocks,

which are present in our physical body in the form of memory, likes and dislikes, mis-

understandings, misinterpretations, etc. which hinder the smooth flow of energy.

These healing techniques when used collectively, in a group help us to reach our deep

subconscious levels very quickly. That is because in a group the energy of individuals is

not added, it gets multiplied.

One such powerful concept of healing is helping our family tree to blossom, rebuild-

ing our family connections, healing our family constellations. We can heal our family –

both our ancestors and our children by transcending the genes we carry in our blood.

It is possible to heal our parents and ancestors, our children and grandchildren, our

siblings, aunts and uncles by simply healing the genes we carry.

The best part of these energy techniques is that it works equally on both believers and

non-believers - logical minded persons as well as creative minded people.

Hope this reading helps you to step forward, to take a decision of healing your FAMI-


Page 6 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Happiness, Music & Healing

- Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

Happiness, Music & Healing

All give the message same

The chords make the “Harmony”

And „Melody‟ is the game

Music is sound itself

Healing makes you sound

Harmony of body, mind and soul

Is gained through a melody profound

The balancing of harmony & melody

Is nothing but Yoga indeed

Happiness is the flowering

Of this duality seed

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

The segment ―Power of Mudras‖ speaks about information and benefits of various

Mudras. We would come across ‗Jnana Mudra‘ this month.

Jnana Mudra or Gyan Mudra is the most common yogic mudra used in meditation.

In Sanskrit, the word ‗Jnana‘ means knowledge or wisdom and ‗mudra‘ means sign

or gesture. It literally means the psychic gesture of Knowledge or wisdom.

Jnana Mudra modifies the pranic flow in the fingers. Usually the prana flows out

through the extremities (hands, feet, head, etc.)

Benefits of Jnana or Gyan Mudra

Stimulates the Root chakra, and grounds.

Calms and improves concentration and sharp memory developed.

It is a yogic tranquiliser.

Jnana or Gyan mudra also heals holistically by giving circular energy to mind

and body. In addition to this practicing it ensures mental peace.

This Mudra activates the brain cells and develops intellect, wisdom and creativ-


It also develops memory and removes mental stresses, making the mind calm

and quiet.

How to do Jnana or Gyan Mudra?

Gesture : Join the tip of the thumb and tip of the first finger and other three fin-

gers are kept open. ( See Figure)

Power of Mudras - Jnana or Gyan Mudra

Formation of Jnana Mudra

Page 7 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Quote of the Month

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we

think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow

that never leaves.” ~Buddha

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

वलवलधअगंी मोग - वलकतव गोखरे (स्थतऩत्म वल्रतगतय, एभ.्ए (फपरोवोपी), मोगशळषक आणण वंस्कृत अभ्मतवक)

भतणवतच्मत देशतच ेदोन बतग कयतत मेततत. एक म्शणजे आऩल्मत डोळ्मतरत ददवतो तो स्थूर देश आणण दवुयत म्शणजे वूक्ष्भ देश. मत वुक्ष्भ देशतच ेऩण लतवनत देश, भनोदेश, कतयणदेश अवे बतग आशेत. आऩरत भूऱ चैतन्म स्लरूऩ आत्भत मत कतयण देशतळी ननगडीत अवतो. आत्भत शत वदोददत आनंदस्लरूऩ अवतो, कतयण त्मत ऩयभतत्म्मतचतच एक अंळ म्शणजे आत्भत आणण म्शणून ऩयभतत्म्मतप्रभतणेच तो चैतन्मभम, आनंदभम अवतो. शे त्मतचं एकभेल ल स्लतबतवलक रूऩ आशे. म्शणून तय प्रत्मेक भनुष्म प्रतणी शत त्मत आनंदतच ेबोक्तत अवतो. त्मतची वदोददत धडऩड त्मत आनंदतवतभीऩ जतण्मतची अवत.े ऩयंतु भतमेच्मत छतमेखतरी आणण अवलद्मेभुऱे तो आभच्मत ऩंच सतनेन्रीमतंनत वुखकय लतटेर अळत वलऴम वुखतरत जलऱ कयतो ल त्मतरतच शऱूशऱू आनंद भतनतमरत रतगतो. ऩयंतु वुख आणण आनंद मतत खूऩ पयक आशे. वुखतफयोफय दुुःख शे मेतंच आणण वुखदुुःखतच ेबोग बोगत अवततनत त्मतरत अनुरूऩ फिमभतण कभताभुऱे आम्शी वंचचततत बय घतरतो. शे वंचचत भग ऩयत प्रतयब्ध रूऩतने आभच्मत लतट्मतरत मेत. शे प्रतयब्ध रुऩी बोग बोगण्मतवतठी ऩयत जन्भ घ्मतलत रतगतो आणण भग ऩयत फिमभतण कभा, प्रतयब्ध, वंचचत शे चि चतरू यतशत ेआणण भूऱची आभची जी आनंदभमी अलस्थत नतच्मतऩतवून आभची फयेच दयू जततो. मत जन्भ भयणतच्मत पेऱ्मततूनफतशेय मेऊन, वंचचत ननुःळेऴ करून त्मत वच्च्चदतनंदतचत उऩबोग घेण्मतवतठी कयतलत रतगणतयत प्रलतव मतरत मोगफिमत अवे म्शणततत.

मोग मत ळब्दतचत भूऱ धततू मुज्.् मुज ्म्शणजे जोडणे, वंमोग कयणे. आत्भत ऩयभतत्भत, च्जलतत्भत शळलतत्भत मतंच ेएकभेकतंळी जोडरे जतणे म्शणजे मोग. शत मोग वतधण्मतवतठी आभच्मत ऩुलतावयींनी आऩल्मत अनुबलततून वलवलध भतगा वतंचगतरे आशेत. गीतभेध्मे तय मत वलवलध भतगतांची वलस्ततयतने चचता केरी आशे. मत वगळ्मत भतगतांच ेअंनतभ स्थतन भतत्र एकच आशे ल त ेम्शणजे मोग. च्जलतशळलतच ेभीरन. प्रत्मेक वतधकतरत अंनतभ स्थतनतलय ऩोचल्मतलय आरेरत अनुबल ऩण वतयखतच आशे. त्मतरत नतल भतत्र एकच आशे आणण तो म्शणजे वच्च्चदतनंद.

व्मक्ती नततक्मत प्रकृती. त्मतभुऱे ज्मतरत जो भतगा मोग्म लतटेर त्मत भतगताने त्मतने जतले अवे बगलतन श्रीकृष्णतंनी गीतते वतंचगतरे आशे.

“ ऱोकेऽस्ममन ्द्र्ळर्ळधा ननष्ठा ऩ रा प्रोक्ता मयाऽनघ | हानयोगेन शांख्यानां कमययोगेन योगगनाम ्|”

ढोफऱ भतनतने मत मोग भतगताच ेचतय प्रकतयतत वलबतजन कयतत मेईर. इतय अनेक भतगा अवरे तयी तयी त ेवला मत चतय भतगतात वभतवलष्ट शोततत. लयीर श्रोकतत वंगोतल्मतप्रभतणे वतधक दोन प्रकतयच ेअवततत. एक कभाननष्ठ वतधक शत वभऩाणमुक्त बतलनेचत अवतो तय सतनननष्ठ वतधक वंकल्ऩमुक्त भनतचत अवतो. कभाननष्ठ वतधक शत वतधतयणऩणे गशृस्थतश्रभी अवतो तय सतनननष्ठ वतधक वंन्मतवी लतृीचत अवतो.

आऩरं भन शे प्रचंड ळच्क्तळतरी आशे, म्शणून शी ळक्ती ज्मत भतगताकड ेनैवचगाकयीत्मत झुकत अवेर त्मतभतगताने जय व्मक्ती गेरी तय नतरत मोग वतधनत वुकय शोईर. मत भनतच्मत चतय ळक्ती कोणत्मत ल त्मत अनुऴंगतने मेणतये चतय भुख्म मोगभतगा कोणत ेशे आऩण ऩतशू.

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Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Page 9 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

मतलरून एक गोष्ट आऩल्मत चटक रषतत मेत ेकी गशृस्थतश्रभी भतणवतने कभामोग फकंलत बच्क्तमोग च्स्लकतयरत तय त्मतरत तो भतगा वुकय शोईर. आभच्मत वगळ्मत वंततनी शतच भतगा चोखतऱरत आशे अवे ददवत.े त्मतचप्रभतणे, वंन्मतवी लतृ्तीचत वतधक वशजऩणे सतनमोग फकंलत यतजमोगतची कतव धयतो.

कभामोग :- कभामोगभध्मे कभामोग आऩल्मत प्रक्ततनतप्रभतणे जे कभा आऩल्मत लतट्मतरत आरे आशे त ेदेलतच ेकतभ म्शणून कयत अवतो आणण भग त ेकभा तो अळत वभयवतनेे कयतो, अळत एकतग्रतनेे कयतो की कभा कयततनत त्मतरत आनंद तय शभऱतोच, ऩण त्मतच ेत्मतरत कष्टशी लतटत नतशीत. आऩरी वगऱी कभे तो ऩयभेश्लयतरतच अऩाण कयतो. म्शणून त्मत कभताच ेबोग त्मतरत चचकटत नतशीत ल शऱूशऱू त्मतच ेवंचचत कभी शोत.े जे कतशी फिमभतण कभा मत जन्भी आऩल्मत लतट्मतरत आरे आशे त ेऩयभेश्लय चयणी अऩाण कयतलमतच,े त्मतच ेकतुात्ल ल बोक्ततृ्ल दोन्शी मत ऩयभतत्म्मतरत लतशतमच ेआणण जे बोग मत जन्भी लतट्मतरत आशेत शे ऩक्क भतशीत अवल्मतभुऱे त ेबोग तटस्थतनेे बोगतमच ेअळत प्रकतयची कभाशवद्तंततलय अढऱ ननष्ठत कभामोग्मतची अवत.े कभा तय कयतमचं ऩण त्मत कभतातून वंचचततत बय ऩडणतय नतशी शे ऩण फघतमचं. भग कळतप्रकतये कभा कयतमचं शे वतंगततनत बगलतन श्रीकृष्ण गीतेत वतंगततत-

“ कमयण्येळागधकारमत ेमा पऱेव कदाचन | मा कमय पऱषेत भूयमो त ेशंगोऽमतळ कमयणि ||”

कभा कयण्मतऩुयततच तुझत अचधकतय आशे; पर केव्शतशी तुझ्मत अचधकतयततीर नतशी. तू पऱतची अऩेषत धरू नकोव ऩण तयीशी कभा कय. भग कभा कयण्मतत उत्वतश कवत लतटेर? अळत लेऱेरत शे कभा भरत देलतने ददरं आशे अळी उत्कट बतलनत भनतत उत्ऩन्न झतरी तय कभा कयततनत उत्वतश ऩण लतटतो ल पऱतची अऩेषत न केल्मतने त्मत कभताच ेबोग ऩण अंगतरत चचकटत नतशीत.

तन, भन, धन ओतून आऩरत व्मलवतम कयणतयत डॉक्टय शे कभामोग्मतच ेअनतळम वुंदय उदतशयण आशे. डॉक्टयी शत भतझत व्मलवतम देलतने ददरेरं कतभ आशे आणण म्शणून त्मत ऩोटनतडकीने कतभ कयणतयत डॉक्टय रुग्णतवलऴमी अनतळम भदृ ूबतलनत ठेलून अवतो. फतफत आभटे अवेच एक दवुये उदतशयण वतंगतत मेईर. कभामोगतची व्मतख्मत वतंगततनत बगलतन श्रीकृष्ण अजुानतरत वतंगततनत –

“ योगमथः क रु कमायणि शंगं त्यक्त्ळा धनंजय | सशद््यसशद््योः शमो भूत्ळा शमत्ळं योग उच्यत े||”

कभापरतची अऩेषत, आवच्क्त वोडून आणण मळतऩमळतफद्दर वभफुद्ी ठेलरी तय चचत्तलतृ्ती ळतंत व्शतमरत भदत शोत.े

प्रतयब्धरुऩी बोग बोगततनत फकती तटस्थ यतशतो मेत ेशे एकनतथ भशतयतज आऩल्मत एकत अबंगतत वतंगततत –

“एका जनादयनी भोग प्रारब्धाचा षरर कृऩे त्याचा नाऴ ऩाषे ||”

ऴक्ती (मनाची)

प्रधान ऱसि योग मागय

फिमत ळच्क्त फिमतळीर भन कभामोग

बतलनत ळच्क्त बतलनतळीर भन


वलचतय ळच्क्त चचतंनळीर भन सतनमोग

वंमभ ळच्क्त च्स्थतप्रस भन यतजमोग

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

थोडक्मतत, पऱतची अच्जफतत अऩेषत न धयतत वंऩूणा आत्भतत्मतगतलय आऩरे फिमभतण कभा कयणतऱ्मत कभामोग्मतची चचत्तळुद्ी शोऊन त्मतरत ब्रह्भसतनतच ेपऱ शभऱत.े

बच्क्तमोग :- ईश्लयतचत ननखऱ धतंडोऱत घेण्मतचत भतगा म्शणजे बच्क्तमोग. बच्क्तमोगतत आऩल्मत इष्ट देलतचेी भनतऩतवून बक्ती करून ऩयभतनंद प्रतप्ती कयतमची अवत.े बक्तीमोगतभध्मे वंऩूणा ळयणतगतीची अऩेषत आशे. जऱी-स्थऱी-कतष्ठी-ऩतऴतणी त्मतरत पक्त आऩरे आयतध्म दैलत ददवत अवत. बगलंत भतझत आशे ल वदोददत तो भतझ्मत अलती बलती आशे शीबतलनत एलढी उत्कट शोत ेकी च्जलंतऩणीच वतधकतरत चतयशी भुक्ती वतध्म शोततत. शत बच्क्तमोग वतधण्मतवतठी सतनेश्लय भशतयतज आऩल्मत शयीऩतठतत वतंगततत –

“देळागचये द्ळारी उभा सिभरी | तिेें म स्क्त चारी शागधयेल्या | षरर म खे म्षिा षरर म खे म्षिा | ऩ ण्याची गिना कोि करी ||” शरय नतभतच ेभशत्ल वतंगततनत सतनेश्लय वतंगततत की नुवत्मत शरय नतभतने भतणवतरत वरोकतत, वभीऩतत, वरूऩतत आणण वतमुज्मतत मत चतयशी भुक्ती म्शणजे वतधकतच्मत चतय अध्मतच्त्भक अलस्थत आशेत. लैखयी लतणीने चतरू झतरेरे नतभ जवजवे भध्मभ, ऩश्मंनत ल ऩयतलतणीभध्मे जतत ेतवे तो अनुिभे वरोकतत, वभीऩतत, वरूऩतत आणण वतमुज्मतत मत अध्मतच्त्भक अलस्थत प्रतप्त कयतो. बक्तीची उत्कटतत वंऩूणा ळयणतगतीत ऩयतलतीत शोत ेल भग चोलीव ततव वतधक शत स्लतुःचत यतशततच नतशी. वंऩूणा अशंकतय वलयदशत अलस्थेत तो वच्च्चदतनंदतच्मत डोशतत चोलीव ततव डुफंत अवतो. गोऩींचं ल कृष्णतचं नततं मत प्रकतयचं शोतं. गोऩी कृष्णतचं नततं आभच्मत वंत भंडऱींनी आऩल्मत गलऱणींतून अनतळम वुंदयरयतीने वतंचगतरे आशे. ळृंगतय यवततून बच्क्तयवतकड ेजतण्मतचत भतगा वंततंनी गलऱणींतून वतंचगतरत आशे. इथे आऩल्मतरत अऩेक्षषत अवरेरत ळृंगतय यव त्मतंनत अऩेक्षषत नतशी, तय आऩल्मत ळृंगतय यवतच्मत उत्कट वभमी अवरेरी स्त्री-ऩुरुऴतची अलस्थत अऩेक्षषत आशे. अळत उत्कट वभमी आऩण आऩरे यतशत नतशी. वंऩूणा ळयणतगतीची बतलनत त्मतत अवत.े आऩणच आऩल्मतरत अशंकतय वलयदशत अळत ळुध्द अलस्थेत फघत अवतो. ऩण शत षण एलढत षणणक अवतो की ऩकडतमचत म्शटरत तयी ऩकडतत मेत नतशी; चचयकतर दटकलतमचत म्शटरत तयी दटकत नतशी आणण भग रषतत यतशतं त ेपक्त ळयीय बोग कतयण शी अलस्थत ळयीय भतध्मभततून स्थूरततून आरेरी अवत.े ऩयंतु गोऩींचं कृष्णतळी ळयीय भीरन नव्शत ेतय भनोभीरन शोतं. भनतने त्मत वदैल कृष्णतरत वभवऩात शोत्मत. वंऩूणा ळयणतगतीची बतलनत त्मतंची अवतमची. भनतने त्मत चोलीव ततव कृष्णतभध्मे वभयव झतरेल्मत अवतमच्मत आणण म्शणूनच त्मत चोलीव ततव वच्च्चदतनंदतच्मत डोशतत डुफंत शोत्मत. बच्क्तमोगतचं अनतळम वुंदय अवं उदतशयण म्शणजे गोऩी. बच्क्तच ेवलवलध प्रकतय वतंगततनत नतयद आम्शतंरत नलवलधत बक्तीची ओऱख करून देततत.

“श्रळि, कीतयन, र्ळष्िोःममरिम ्ऩादशेळनम ्| अचयनं ळंदनं दामयम ्शख्यमात्मननळेदनम ्||”

श्रलण – आऩल्मत देलतच ेगुणगतन ननयननयतळ्मत भतध्मभतंतून ऐकणं, स्नेशऩूलाक, भन रतलून चचतंन, भनन कयणं. कीतान – प्रतप्त झतरेरत आनंद द्वलगुणणत कयण्मतवतठी आऩल्मत देलतच ेगुणगतन रोकतंनत ऐकून दतखलणे. वलष्णोुःस्भयणभ ्– बगलद् स्भयणततून देशफुद्ी आत्भफुद्ीकड ेलऱवलणे. ऩतदवेलनभ ्– ननष्ऩतऩ, ळुध्द बतलनेने बगलंततची ऩूजत कयणे. अचानभ ्– भतनव ऩूजत. अंतुःचषुंवभोय बगलंततरत आणून मथतवतंग ऩूजत कयततनत भी ऩणतचत रलरेळशी यतशत नतशी. लंदनभ ्– ऩयभेश्लयतळी वदैल रीन बतल.

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Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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दतस्मभ ्– ऩयभेश्लय भतझत स्लतभी ल भी त्मतचत दतव शी बतलनत भी ऩणत तय घतरलतोच ऩण जीलनततीर तितयींभुऱे भन वलचशरत शोत नतशी. (वरोकतत भुक्ती) वख्मभ ्– ऩयभेश्लयतळी जतस्तीत जतस्त वशलतव (अजुान) आत्भननलेदन – बच्क्तबतलतचत ऩयभोच्च बफदं,ू द्लैत जतऊन अद्लैत मेत.े वोऽशभ ्बतल ननभताण शोतो. अवं उत्कट पे्रभ वत्वंगतळी लतढतं, पुरतं आणण शऱूशऱू वलऴमतवक्ती कभी शोत ेल चचत्त ळुध्द शोत.े थोडक्मतत, बच्क्तमोगतचं भूऱ वंऩूणा ळयणतगतीत आशे. त्मतरत पूर मेत त ेपे्रभतचं, च्जव्शतळ्मतचं आणण त्मतचं पऱ आशे बतलवभतधी. बच्क्तयवतने ओरतचचफं झतरेल्मत बक्ततच ेभन करुणत, लतत्वल्म, आनंद मतंनी ऩूणा बरून जतत ेल यतग, द्लेऴ, भत्वय त्मतच्मत ऩतवंगतरत ऩण यतशत नतशी. सतनमोग – सतन मोगतभध्मे सतनमोगी शत वतत वलश्लतच्मत यचनेवंफंधी चचतंन, भनन कयीत अवतो. मत वलश्लतचत ननभतातत कोण? तो वगुण की ननगुाण? भतणवतरत जन्भ ऩयत मेतो कत? वलश्लतची ननशभाती केव्शत झतरी? भी म्शणजे भतझत देश की अजून कतशी? भयणतनंतय भतझं अच्स्तत्ल अवतं कत नवतं? अवे अनंत तत्लसतनतच ेप्रश्न उऩच्स्थत कयतो ल त्मतची वंदेशयदशत उत्तये शभऱवलण्मतचत प्रमत्न कयतो. शे जे सतन आशे त ेवतंगततनत वभथा म्शणततत – “ऐका हानाच ेऱसि | हान म्षिजे आत्महान | ऩाषाळे आऩिाशी आऩि | या नाळे हान ||” शे आत्भसतन म्शणजेच वत्मतचत अनुबल. तत्लसतन दृश्म ऩदतथा जतणणे मतच ेनतल ऩदतथा वलसतन ल अदृश्म ळुध्द स्लरूऩ जतणणे मतच ेनतल स्लरूऩ सतन. मत सतनप्रतप्तीवतठी वतधक आऩल्मत वतधनत चतुष्ट मतचत (वललेक, वलचतय, ऴड्वंऩत्ती, भुभुषुत्ल) उऩमोग कयतो. मत सतन प्रतप्तीच्मत प्रलतवतत सतनमोगी गुरु ग्रंथ, स्लतध्मतम मतंचत आश्रम घेततत. ग्रंथतच्मत अध्ममनतभुऱे भनतच्मत वत ्आणण अवत ्ळक्तींची ओऱख शोत.े मततून शभऱतरेल्मत सतनततून चचतंन, भननतकतड ेलतृ्ती लऱत.े स्लतध्मतमतभुऱे लतृ्तीरत उत्कटतत मेत.े स्लतुःचत ‘स्ल’ ओऱखणे, तवेच, दवुऱ्मतचत ‘स्ल’ ओऱखून त्मतफद्दर आदयबतल अवणे शी वलम रतगरी की ‘स्ल’ भदृ ूल रलचचक शोऊ रतगतो. स्लतध्मतमतभुऱे कृतसतत, वभऩाण, बतलऩूणातत इत्मतदी गुण अंगी मेततत. ह्मत वंऩूणा प्रलतवतत वतधकतरत लेऱोलेऱी गुरुच ेवशतय्म शभऱत अवत.े ननवऴद् कभा कयण्मतची इच्छत, चंचर भन, देशतशबभतन मतंनी अंतुःकयण व्मतऩरेरं अवतं. गुरुकृऩेने त ेदयू

Word Corner


Crystal healing is a pseudoscientific alternative

medicine technique that employs stones and crystals. Crystals are

used to heal and restore balance. They help in releasing and

clearing negative energy, thereby assisting in energy healing. The

power of the crystal can be found in its structure - growing and

reaching up toward light from the deepest parts of earth. It is a

conductor of energy - both as a receiver and a transmitter.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Page 12 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Know your Tarot...

- By Manasi Pandey (Tarot Card Reader, Spiritual Counselor, Mentor,

Personality Groomer, Life Coach, Anchor) Company : Life N More

This section gives a monthly Tarot Reading as per Solar Zodiac sign

Aries March 21 - April 20

Romance and art plays a vital role this month. Physical and material pleasures on the cards. Be

careful, be a visionary, spend but save for the winter. ―A penny saved is a penny earned.‖ Luxu-

ries, spas, money, matters of the heart the month looks fertile for all – Dig out that piggy bank

and the child in you.

Key word – „Foresightedness‟

Taurus April 21 -May 20

Though what you were expecting to get is less than what you got, do not lament and remuner-

ate. Sometimes life gives you a chance, an opportunity to create your destiny, this month go for

it, hold the chin high and create what you deserved.

Key word – „Perseverance‟

Gemini May 21 – June 20

This month you have to accept the rewards and changes as blessings as gratitude will bring

along abundance. Your hard work and meticulous attention or focus will come to the fore and

be recognized. Do not lament on spilt milk but turn around your attention to that which is still

awaiting your attention. Time to come out of the shell and socialize and spend some ME time

this month.

Key Word- „Gratitude‟

Cancer June 21 – July 22

About to begin a new journey that is going to leave you accomplished and fill your cups to the

brim. In the haste and hurry do not overindulge in rich food or binge and do not neglect your

health. Health is wealth. Success comes in with a vigour of its own hence requires the same ca-

pacity to maintain and hold.

Key Word – „Balance‟

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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Leo July 23 – Aug 22

A month good in material abundance and family support. Sometimes we take for granted the

valuable gifts we are easily blessed with. It is time to be analytical and observant but not harsh

and unkind with your words. Take your decisions but mind the confusions that may arise due

to lots of choices. Listen to your intuition. Sometimes over thinking spoils it all.

Key word – „Empathy‟

Virgo Aug 23 – Sep 22

This month is a test for your patience. You need to fasten your seat belts for the superfast and

furious changes coming your way. The card clearly show the need to lift that press on the accel-

erator and go slow, in general and on the road as well. Speed is exhilarating but life is precious.

Time to de-stress and chill, start lifestyle changes and train your mind for the bigger show that‘s

coming your way. Not the month for change in personal or professional areas.

Key Word –„Patience‟

Libra Sep 23 – Oct 22

The mental anxiety and baggage you were feeling was a phase. It is like in the crazy run and

race you lost your balance, were taken advantage of, you survived the stampede to recognize

the real faces behind the masks. Now September brings you another opportunity to observe,

analyse and take charge of a wonderful opportunity on its way. New opportunities, new ac-

quaintances and travel on the card. Do not let the pinned down effect affect your golden fu-

ture, get up and move ahead with tremendous stamina and dedication.

Key Word – „Fortitude‟

Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 22

September comes with a mission in your life. Don‘t over analyse or overemphasize on details,

instead work on the bigger picture. Trust and commitment is wanted from you and every goal

is yours to achieve. Be dedicated and flexible – mindfully aware and move without being stub-

born. Challenge yourself to the risks you fear and be the change.

Key Word – „Agility‟

Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

Particularly awesome month for the risk takers ‗business class‘ – balanced family and career for

all sagi‘s this month. Attitude is what is remembered hence let it out just be careful of the mood

swings and stinginess or holding on to money will not help but carefully and meticulously in-

vesting it in the best will. Material and personal success hence time to party and indulge.

Key Word – „Charity‟

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 19

The past relationships and emotions are going to bring in hope and light back into your life.

Everything is not according to what you dreamed of or wanted but certainly a blessing. This

month allow, accept and appreciate those and that which you encounter. ―We don‘t remember

days we remember moments‖ – yes you are fondly remembered by many and now like shining

stars they come back to lighten up your terrace.

Key word – „Nostalgia‟

Aquarius Jan 20 – Feb 19

Dear Aquarians, some confessions await, some truth lies choking your dreams with sleepless-

ness. The anxiety, the fear is mainly because you are being judgmental and fear being judged.

Let the fear flow away from your pot and replace the anxiety with calm breaths and dreams.

Let sleep bring back the dreams to your eyes, let your soul smile. There is nothing you will lose

that is yours and nothing you will gain from worry but restlessness. This month flush out the

toxins from your system and set yourself free. Clandestine relationships, pasts and fears need a real-

ity check.

Key word – „Freedom‟

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Pisces a water sign- amazingly all cups for you this month – So basically September for you is

about dealing with your emotions in a balanced manner. It is lifestyle check for you this month.

What you have been or are offered is not satisfactory according to your emotions – reality

check maybe you are being judgmental and not even looked at it properly. Take a closer look,

and yes not with that grin but a smile. Galloping towards you are new romantic breezes and

friends and acquaintances – May be a few strangers too J - parties and get-togethers, even healthy

flirting sometimes perks up that staleness in us. Enjoy, Life is too short to be anything but Happy

Key word – „Contentment‟

Q :- Does Meditation mean closing of eyes and sitting quietly in a corner in an upright position? What happens

in it exactly?

A :- The physical state mentioned in the question may be an essential pre-requisite for meditation but it is a

mental state where the outer self tries to connect the inner self. A state of harmony is achieved, leaving behind

the physical, emotional and mental traumas, stress or imbalances. Meditation can be practiced with various

techniques influenced from Buddhism, Yoga, etc. It ignites the energy of inner soul, self belief and helps to

answer the questions like 'who am I?' I would admit that this is a very short version of the subject.

Do write your queries at newsletter@saunvad.org. We will definitely try to throw some light in upcoming issues.

Your queries, our answers

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

ऴोधीशी मानळा, राउली मंददरी नांदतो देळ षा, आऩ ल्या अंतरी

Page 15 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

My Idea of Worship

- By Trupti Sagar

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

गिऩती आऱे गिऩती गेऱे

- डॉ. भंच्जयी गोखरे

Page 16 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

ददव दीड कोठे, तय ऩतच कोठे जतण्मतच वतठी ऩयी मेती लतटे मेतत दश जततत दश गयजत लतटे कत वुख आरे, कत वुख गेरे

आनंद शोई आगभने त्मत रुखरुख रतगे वलवजाने त्मत

न्मतम अवे शत दनुनमेचत ह्मत जीलन आरे, जीलन गेरे

वतंगुनन भजवी गेरत गणयतमत 'अळीच अवते रीरत शी भतमत' जन्भ-भतृ्मूचत खेऱ खेऱतमत भतनल आरे, भतनल गेरे

तऱ्शेतऱ्शेच ेडतल जन्भतच े अजुनी ननयतऱे ऩुनजान्भतच े कुणत न गभरे गूढ तमतच े

जन्भ दश आरे, जन्भ दश गेरे

शळकलून गेरत भोयमत भजरत आनंद जग तू षणतषणतरत नको दुुःख भतनू वलवजानतरत देश धयरे, देश वोडरे, ऩरय आत्भे तेच यतदशरे

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Our Donors

Page 17 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Saunvad Members

Manjiree Gokhale Kishori Godbole

Rishabh Gokhale Suhas Kulkarni

Ruta Gokhale Dipti Kawale

Sanjeevani Johari Sumant Sambrey

Sanika Chavan Reena Williams

Surekha Limaye Kuhoo Gupta

Supriya Hardas Sarang Nandedkar

Sangeeta Shembekar Dr. Anita Patil

Vikas Gokhale Harshada Borkar

Ranjana Kashikar Ruhi Gokhale

Shriyank Salunkhe Dr. Geeta Dalal

Swami Anand Rishi donated One lakh rupees to Saunvad Centre

for Music and Healing in remembrance of his wife Mrs. Sheelvati

Khare. He has also donated many books for ‗Books On Wheels‘ -

A library for Wisdom seekers.

Other Donors :-

Mr. Vikas Gokhale - Rs. 25000/-

Mr. Sunil Limaye - Rs. 11000/-

Nupur Khare - Rs. 6000/-

Manisha Lanke - Rs. 1000/- (In remembrance of her mother Sitabai Kashikar )

Pramod Kulkarni - Rs. 1100/-

Achyut Joshi - Rs. 1000/-

Sanika Chavan, Reena Williams, Dipti Kawale, Rishabh Gokhale, Ruhi Gokhale - Rs. 101/- (Individual Contri-


Surekha Limaye, Shailaja Damale and Manjiri Ane sponsored backstage refreshments to the artists for the In-

augral function on July 9, 2014

◄Special thanks to our big donors and thanks everyone for their support - Team Saunvad.►

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Mass Appeal

News, Schedule and Reviews

Membership Details :

We invite one and all to become a member of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing. Be a member and help this organization to work to-

wards fulfilling its Mission. Membership Fees (2014-2015):

For 1 year – Rs. 1200/-

For 2 years – Rs. 2200/-

For 3 years – Rs. 3200/-

Membership Privileges:

• Free e-newsletter of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing

• Eligible to be in the Board of Directors.

• Eligible to be a Volunteer for any of our Events and Programs.

• Eligible to send articles, book reviews, news and other related information for the e-newsletter of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing.

• Special benefits while arranging our workshops and events.

• Free Member Listing in the referrals sections of our official Website.

• Admission for Free and/or Discounted healing and meditation based programs and workshops especially for members.

• Exclusive access to a lot of Reference Material and Resources like Videos, Research Papers, Articles, etc., would be made available.

Donation Details :


Donate Generously and Wholeheartedly

Donate for a Cause - For financial assistance for those who wish to take healing sessions from us

• Towards Individual Healing Sessions Fees

• Towards Workshop Fees

• Towards Library Expenses

• Towards Awareness Program

• Towards Training Program Fees

• Towards Saunvad Trust Property, Products and Activities (like projector, books, audios, videos, programs, seminars)

• Towards our social service activities - you may mention your choice (like for children, for women, rehabilitation, police, jail, etc)


Voice Culture Workshp

Music Department, SNDT University, Churchgate,


15-16 September, 2014

By Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

Page 18 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

Mass Healing Session - Healing Family Constellation


Healing our ancestors, our next generations and ourselves.

On 23rd September, 2014 at Thane. Session starts 6:00 p.m. onwards.

Venue will be announced later. Visit website for detailed schedules.

Event jointly organized with Lions Club, Kopri, Thane.

Please confirm your attendance with the organizers.


A weekly Audio/Visual lis-

tening session on spiritual


at Ratnamanjusha Office,

Panchpakhadi, Thane.

Starts this Navratri.

Schedule to release soon. Visit

website for more details.

Those interested kindly con-

tact or mail us.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Activities at Saunvad Centre :

Workshops, training programs, Individual

Healing, group revival sessions on the subject

related to Reiki, Past Life Regression, Breath

work, Yoga, Voice Culture, Music........

Disclaimer : The opinions and interpretations expressed within are

those of the author only and may not represent or reflect the views

and opinions of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing or their


Regd.Trust: E - 8545/Thane

C/o Dr. Manjiree VikasGokhale

13, Anupam CHS, Ravi Industries Compound,

Panchpakhadi, Thane - 400602

Contact : +(91)-9987764609

E-mail: newletter@saunvad.org

We r on web!

Website : www.saunvad.org

Fb : www.facebook.com/groups/saunvad/

To subscribe or unsubscribe please mail us at:




References Websites :






https://crystal-cure.com/crystal-healing.html Books :

Voice Tantra Yoga Mantra by Dr. Manjiree Gokhale, Ph.D. (Music)

Page 19 SAUNVAD (वंलत द ) Volume 1, I ssue 3

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