a group - the · pdf file5 let’s get set-up for an awesome rbt workout the key to a...

Post on 02-Feb-2018






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A trainer or coaches guide to creating awesome group

resistance band training workouts that will get results

quickly and make you look like a Band Training Expert”


Copyright© by Dave Schmitz

All Rights Reserved

No portion of this manual may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy,

recording or any informational storage and retrieval system by anyone but

the purchaser for their own personal use. This manual may not be

reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Dave

Schmitz, except in the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages

for the sake of a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or

journal – an these cases require written approval from Dave Schmitz prior to


Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit



The information in this manual is offered for educational purposes only. The reader should be cautioned that there is an inherent risk assumed by the

participant with any form of physical activity. With this in mind, those

participating in strength and conditioning programs should check with their

physician prior to initiating such activities. Anyone participating in these

activities should understand that such training and stretching initiatives may

be dangerous if performed incorrectly. The author assumes no liability for

injury; this is purely an educational manual to guide those already proficient

with the demands of such programming.


Welcome Fitness Boot Campers

Welcome to the FIT Band Boot Camp E-Guide. The purpose of this training

E-guide is to provide trainers and coaches direction on how to initially begin to

implement Resistance Band Training (RBT) into larger group workouts such as

boot camps or athletic camps.

Since 1998, I have performed 100’s of RBT group workouts. I have found that compared to all other training tools, resistance bands create the most variety and

versatility while allowing me to train all aspects of fitness and performance.

If I gave you one tool to use besides body weight I would hope it would be

resistance bands. But thank goodness as trainer we have many tools in our

training tool box.

My goal in putting together this E-Guide is to provide you a snap shot of how

RBT can add tremendous value and versatility to your group training programs. Like any other tool, RBT takes teaching and practice to successful implement. The FIT Band Boot Camp E-Guide is a good starting point that I hope will get your RBT juices flowing.

“Bands work and individuals of all fitness levels can easily train with them.

YOUR clients and athletes will enjoy the challenge not to mention the

improved performance they get with REACTIVE: RBT and YOU will become

an instant HIT!!

By Dave Schmitz PT, CSCS, PES, IYCA, LAT Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Let’s Get Set-Up for an Awesome RBT workout

The key to a successful group workout is to have your training session organized

and be able to quickly and effectively handle all fitness levels. As you will soon

see this becomes very easy with bands without having to carry around all those

heavy med balls, sandbags or dbs.

My typical class size is 12-18 adults but have gone as large as 40. I will train

frequently in partnerships or teams which allow me to focus on only half the

group at one time. This partnership training approach allows for easy correction

and teaching to occur because everyone is either watching, listening or working.

Training in teams also creates an easy work to rest ratio monitoring while

keeping everyone involved in the process. If you are not exercising you are

actively stabilizing while you hold for your partner.

“You never can have enough dynamic stabilization strength”

Individual training works too

If I have the luxury to have everyone train separately I will use it. However this

takes more bands, more space, more set-up time, and specific structural amenities like pipes or bars on the wall.

When first starting out this may be difficult to fine which is why team training has

become more popular at my camps.


The advantage to independent station is not having to rely on your partners when

it comes to getting a good workout. Also as a trainer you don’t have to worry

about matching up partners of equal training skills.

However, these issues such as matching up partners is typically not a daunting

task and soon become more of positive versus negative when it comes to RBT

boot camp training. Typically people bring a friend or develop a friendship which

only adds to the entire boot camp training experience.

For discussion sake, I will provide you a combination of RBT workouts so you

can see how individual and partner training can be effective.


Stations set-ups options

My typical band station set-ups are:

1. A 1 band set-up

2. A 2 linked band set-up

3. A 2 band with 4 handle set-up

These set-ups are quick to set up and allow you to do well over 100 or more

exercises without having to reset.

Keep in mind that there are multiple variations and tweaks you can quickly add in

on any one exercise. Changing stance, training unilateral, adding a step, or

simply stretching the band further, are all quickly added tweaks.

As you become more familiar with REACTIVE - RBT you will find yourself

creating new workouts on the fly as well as adapting it too other training tools.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Choosing bands for your boot camp

Choosing the right bands for your class will obviously vary based on your client’s

strength and fitness level. Below are guidelines I have created based on my

experience in working with group RBT.

Guidelines for choosing Bands

1. Females primarily train in pairs of mini or monster mini bands for all upper

torso strength training

2. 90% of camp participants can run in a double linked up light band set-up

3. Handles are important especially when doing upper torso training with mini or

monster mini bands

4. Accept for the first 2-3 introductory sessions, 95% of my clients train in light

bands for all lower torso strength training.

5. Mini bands work best for trunk reaction training and hip stabilization drills

6. Average 2 inch wide bands are best saved for Tug of war training or for those

stronger clients.

7. Partner resisted running will be done in light bands for females and seniors

and average bands for most males however it will depend on how fast you have

them performing the drills

8. Runs outs are best done in light bands or a lower level band. The key is to not

over load the return movement

9. Single band circuits are usually done in mini or monster mini bands for upper

torso and light bands for lower torso.

10. Band utility straps are a must when training in a park or anywhere you have

doors or stable attachment sites that may damage bands

. Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


4 Easy Ways to Maximize YOUR Band Inventory

Without Maxing out YOUR Budget

Over the past several years I have learned how to train large groups with a

minimal number of bands. I have also learned how to adapt bands to meet any

strength level.

Below are a few thoughts on how to literally stretch your band training inventory.

1. Partner training

Partner training allows you to train anywhere

without the need for a stable attachment site. This technique is very easy…

“One partner holds - One partner trains and

you only stop to switch”

Benefits of Partner Training

1. You can do any lower, upper or running drill in partners.

2. You essentially only need 1 band per person. 3. It creates great group chemistry and can make group challenges automatic

4. Keeps everyone involved all the time

5. Easy way to teach a large group

Partner Training Challenges

1. Teaching good holding

2. Making Transitions smooth

3. Matching up partners of equal skills and strength

Secret Tip: Always have a new participant go second so they can watch and

listen before doing the drill


2. 1 Band - 2 People

By attaching your handles to 1 band you can do all unilateral upper torso RBT. If

people are not large individuals, you can also do all lower torso training and short running bursts or

stationary running.

(Keep in mind that each band can safely

stretch 2 yards)

Benefits of 1 Band Training with Partners

1. All the benefits of partner training listed above

2. Better rotational influence with 1 band upper

torso drills

3. Half the overhead cost in bands and accessories

4. Can typically train with larger bands

Partner 1 band challenges

1. Over stretching the band can occur unless boundaries are set

2. Can do mostly unilateral drills

3. May need stronger bands to maximize work load

4. Holding is more challenging with regards to strength needs and foot position

Obviously all single band drills can easily be done in independent stations as


Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


3. 2 Bands - 3 Person Teams

Having 2 people doing traditional 1 band partner set-up while 3rd person does a

corresponding body weight exercise

Example1 - Partner 1 - Pushups

Partner 2 - Stationary running

Partner 3 - Holding for runner

Example 2 - Partner 1 - Squat Pulls

Partner 2 - Holds for Pulls

Partner 3 - 100 meter shuttle run

Benefits of 2 bands – 3 Person Team

1. All the benefits of Partner training with 2 or 1 band

2. Can create more versatility into workout using body weight 3. Can set transition time based on one partner finishing a drill versus using a


Challenges of 2 bands – 3 Person Team

1. Developing good transitions with appropriate exercise chose

2. Need to be able to divide your group into teams of 3

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


4. Changing resistance without having to add more bands to inventory

Decreasing Band Resistance

By linking bands together it will increase resistance band variance to allow

individuals who use mini bands to now use light bands or monster mini bands. This in turn allows you to have less resistance levels but still keep exercise

versatility high.

Increasing band resistance

By adding a mini band with a light band you create an average band resistance.

This can easily be done on the fly if you see one of your partnerships stretching

their bands too far.

This will obviously decrease how different band you will need in your inventory

but will probably take up more bands to train with.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Why are bands made for boot camps???

With Boot camp training slowly taking over the landscape of professional fitness

coaching, RBT popularity also continues to quickly grow.

Boot Camp training is frequently done in remote areas like parks, large open

rooms, parking lots or gymnasiums. These are places where fitness tools must

be brought in and removed once the training session is completed.

That said, heavy training tools can be difficult to transport not to mention the

potential damage they cause if dropped. Outside of body weight, no other tool is

as durable or light weight and still be able to provide high level of variable


If you are fortunate to have your own training studio, bands turn your studio into a

multi-facility for boot camps, athlete camps or semi-private training at a fraction of the cost

Here are few reasons why RBT is a boot camp trainer’s best friend.

1. Quick and Easy set-up

I recently did a camp using 1 band per person. It took me 5 minutes to set up

and we were on our way to a 10 station circuit that included full body strength, flexibility, and a multi-directional cardio training.

The fact is that 1 or 2 bands per person can easily be placed into set ups that will

allow for 100’s of exercises with unlimited resistance.

All you do is show up and get bands out for clients or athletes to pick up.

2. Variable resistance allows anyone to workout hard

Band tensions range from 15lb to 250lbs. What tool allows you to create that

level of resistance challenge anywhere and at anytime in literally seconds??

Can you imagine doing 250lb squats in a boot camp??

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Resistance Bands make any traditional free weight core lift possible. 3. Portable

You can take bands anywhere. The Park, the gymnasium, the parking lot, the

tennis court... It just doesn't matter.

Which would you rather carry out to the field??


4. Train any plane of motion

Obviously by now you know there is not a movement you can't train with

resistance bands. (Notice I mention movement not muscle)

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Also due to a band’s anti-gravity make up, you are able to create force planes that traditional weight equipment like kettlebells and dumbbells can’t replicate.

Resistance bands are like having an entire gym filled with equipment

right on the field!

5. Big Resistance.... Small Budget

$22/band x 20 clients = $440 times ÷ 300 sessions = pennies/session.

If you have 20 clients x $15/session = $300 ... In less than 2 sessions your bands

are paid for. The rest is money in your pocket!!

6. Juice up all your training tools by adding bands

Adding a small $12 mini band to dbs, sandbag, body weight, kettlebell, or

medball training now doubles your exercise options and intensity.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


If you are just starting a boot camp... RBT is by far your best budget option.

If you have a camp already started... RBT will create unbelievable excitement

which means people talking your camp up and you becoming the FIT Band

BOOT Camp Expert.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


FIT Band BOOT Camp Program Design

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit

“All training should HIIT it Hard”

I am not into sustained heart rates at 40% of Max HR. I want to gradually

challenge the cardiovascular system to get stronger while making calories burn

as fast as possible and as long as possible therefore HIT is my goal.

Excluding the warm-up all training phases are performed in varying intervals with

each phase’s total training time being approximately 10 minutes.

Each Workout is broken down into the following phases:

10 min Warm-up

3 – 10 minute work Circuits

3-4 minute recover between work circuits

5 min Cool Down

Total Workout Time – Approx. 55 min

Work Circuit Phases:

Integrated Upper Torso Emphasis

Locomotion Emphasis

Integrated Lower Torso Emphasis

All circuits incorporate cardiovascular, total body strength, balance, ground

based core stabilization, dynamic flexibility and power training.

Are you in a Crunch for Time??

Make each workout 30 minutes total by simply performing 1 set of each circuit

of each phase. Also feel free to decrease time intervals or decrease the

number of exercises to shorten the workout.

The options with RBT are truly unlimited. Just set your training time and



Basic Group Training Format Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit

Warm-up Phase

The warm-up phase includes a resistance band dynamic tri-plane lumbo-pelvic-

hip (LPH) stretching program followed by a movement retraining program using a

simple dowel reach matrix or lunge reach matrix.

Warm-up Goals are to:

Increase participant’s core temperature

Activate and excite the neuromuscular system

Practice efficient movement patterns at a slow pace

Create passive and active lengthening of joints and muscles in all 3 planes

of motion

Build group camaraderie and determine workout teams or partnerships

Discuss the workout plan

Activate and prepare the LPH complex (the core)

Core Activation and Movement Retraining Phase

Usually this is the part of the warm-up process that focuses on activating the

powerful LPH musculature and preparing it for effective deceleration. Performing

a simple lunge matrix or step down matrix is my favorite.

The Dowel Lunge Matrix also does a great job of getting everyone’s body fully

integrated and ready to move while lengthening out and activating the all important trunk muscles.

Another common training drill for trunk activation is my band reactive series. If

you truly want to get the abdominals turned on…learn this series of band


The following are great resources in learning more about these training drills

1. Total Flexibility with Resistance Bands DVD and E-Manual

2. Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit

3. Resistance Bands Unleashed Double DVD Set for RBT Strength training

All available at resistancebandtraining

AND Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Upper Torso RBT for Strength

All upper torso strengthening is done on your feet.

“We don’t function on our back or butt, why train there.”

Each Session incorporates at least 3 of the following upper torso movement


Horizontal Pushing (HPU)

Horizontal Pulling (HPL

Vertical Pushing (VPU)

Vertical Pulling (VPL)

Diagonal Pushing (DPU)

Diagonal Pulling (DPL)

Keep in mind you also have bilateral, unilateral or

alternating movement options

Locomotion RBT

Locomotion RBT focuses on getting the body moving as quickly as possible and

making sure it can decelerate safely in all planes of movement. The theory

behind band locomotion is simple:

Get the body moving quickly

Teach it how to reactively decelerate

Create a smooth transformation from a decelerated phase into an

accelerated movement Be able to ambulate in all 3 planes of motion fast and efficiently

Most RBT locomotion drills are 3-5 steps in length. Sometimes we will do 15

yard partner resistance running but only when skill level and space allow.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Lower Torso RBT for Strength

Saving the best to last!!

We train the lower torso last because we need it to be as fresh as possible during

the first 2 phases of our group training workout. A tired lower torso can

predispose clients or athletes to injury during the locomotion phase. Also putting

the upper torso training first allows us to activate lower torso stabilization which is

critical during locomotion training.

In the lower torso phase we slow things down and really emphasize deceleration

control while incorporating multiple upper body reach and lift movements. This

challenges the lower torso to be a dynamic stabilizer while still having to create

force production as an accelerator of movement.

Cool Down Phase

This is the time we lie down and recover. The cool down is designed to bring

everyone back down to a level where they can appreciate just how much effort they just exerted.

It also allows me to:

Discuss nutritional goals

Talk about proper hydration training

Address effective recover goals

Provide motivation and encouragement

Review any camp updates

Congratulate and encourage everyone on a great workout

It will usually consist of foam roll training or easy band stretching.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Dynamic Warm-up

All workouts begin with a dynamic RBT stretching routine. Once learned this

stretching routine should take about 8 minutes or less to complete.

General Stretching Recommendations and Guidelines:

1. Beginners should use a mini or monster mini band to start with. As you

become stronger with the movements you can increase your band

tension or size.

2. All pressing actions during the LPH stretching should be active, non-

ballistic, rhythmical movements that progressively take all joints, especially the hip, into greater ranges of motion as a result of band

tension and muscle contraction.

3. The goal is to stretch into ranges that are difficult not just go where you

can easily go. Stretching will hurt but should not be overwhelming by

any “stretch of the imagination”.

4. As you stretch, increase band tension. That will not only make it more

difficult to press against the band but it will also create a more

aggressive active stretch and a stronger passive overpressure.

Secret Tip: Spend at least 10 minutes every day going through the

progressive stretching program for the first 4 weeks. You can than decrease

to 5 days per week if you choose to.

“Stretching is a lifelong commitment, not a 1 month fix”.

5. All Hip stretches should be performed with a dorsiflexed ankle. This will

help simulate actual heel strike in gait and create a lengthening of the

entire posterior chain.

6. You should not experience any low back pain with band stretching

unless you are allowing the opposite leg to compensate. Avoid this by

keeping it against the wall and in the sagital plane.

7. Monitor and make sure you keep the non-stretched leg against a solid

structure like a wall or post to avoid any compensation.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Each participant should complete approximately 2 x10 reps of the following 4 exercises:

Mid Hamstring Stretch

Medial Hamstring Stretch

Lateral Hamstring Stretch

Piriformis and Hip Rotator Stretch

Side lying Hip Flexor – Quadricep Stretch

Placing band on foot and positioning the body for stretching

1. Place the band around the arch of the foot and wrap the band around the

foot 1 additional time to securely attach the band. Very important to make

sure the band is on the arch not the ball of the foot.

2. Take the non-stretching leg and place the foot firmly against the wall with

the knee as flat as possible on the floor.

**Arrow indicates direction of force

Middle Hamstring Stretch (Left leg)

1. Grasp the band about 6-8 inches off the foot and pull the elbows to the

floor with the knee flexing towards your chest.

2. From this knee to chest position, perform 10 reps of heel presses to the

ceiling. Try to straighten the knee as much as possible while the hip

remains in at least 90 degrees of flexion.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Secret Tip: Common error is to push the leg away from the chest rather

than keeping it relatively close to the chest and pressing the heel straight up towards the head.

3. After completing 10 reps, re-grasp the band closer to the foot increasing

the band tension. Once again begin straighten the knee without letting the

hip go into less than 90 degrees of flexion.

Medial Hamstring Stretch (Left Leg)

1. After completing the middle hamstring stretch, take the band in the right

hand and place it into the left hand. Take the free end of the band, grasp

it with the right hand and place it behind the head.

2. Now with the leg to the left of your body, once again perform a pressing

action of the heel, trying to straighten the knee. Try to keep the hip as

flexed as possible while attempting to straighten the knee. A common

error is to let the hip straighten with the knee. Your goal is to maintain

good hip flexion and abduction while creating full knee extension.

3. Perform 1 set of 10 presses, than grasp the band closer to the foot and

pull down again to get even more hip flexion, abduction and external rotation. Repeat 10 more presses

Secret Tip: Always keep the non-stretched leg as flat as possible and the foot

pointed directly up towards the ceiling while firmly against the wall

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Piriformis and Hip Rotator Stretch (Left leg)

1. After completing the medial hamstring stretch, now just switch hands,

placing the band in your right hand and putting the end of the band in your

left hand behind your head. You will need to grasp the band about 4

inches off your foot for this stretch.

2. Using the band more as a pulling strap, gently pull the left foot/ankle

towards your right shoulder. Work on bringing the foot towards the right shoulder not down towards the right hip. You should feel a good stretch in

the left buttock/lateral hip region.

3. Easy off on the band while repeating 10 total reps. You are welcome to

hold the stretch for 2-3 seconds before releasing the pull if you choose to. You should not need to let go of the band at anytime. Just move the

elbow up and down.



Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Lateral Hamstring Stretch (Left leg)

1. After completing the piriformis stretch, slide your right hand down the band

away from your foot about 3-4 inches and place the right elbow on the


2. Now perform 10 reps pressing heel and straightening the knee out and

across your body. After completing those first 10 reps, re-grip the band

closer to your foot and pull the knee closer to your chest. Complete an

additional 10 reps.

3. You should feel a stretch from your left lateral butt, along your lateral

hamstring into your lateral calf. Especially if you maintain a dorsiflexed

ankle and push with your heel.

Two common mistakes are:

1. To let the hip go into extension while the knee is extending. You want hip

flexion, adduction with knee extension.

2. Make sure your right foot remains on the wall straight up and down to avoid

low back compensation. Hip Flexor-Quadricep Stretch (Left leg)

1. Without detaching the band from your foot, roll over onto your right side

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


2. Once on your right side, place your right foot against the wall with your right knee and hip both flexed at about 90 degrees or more. You should

be able to easily see your right foot and knee as you look down.

3. Make sure your upper torso is perpendicular to the wall while your left leg

rest with the band still attached to your foot.

4. Now lock your elbows straight by extending your arms directly over your

head. Your arms should remain in this position during the stretching. To

activate your abdominals to stabilize your low back, the arms should

remain straight and be reaching while the left leg is pressing backwards.

5. Now with your arms locked overhead and your right foot firmly on the wall

for support, press the left foot back, letting the knee straighten and the hip

extend. This will create a strong stretch into the quadricep and anterior


Secret Tip: Pressure at the knee cap indicates tightness of the quadricep,

hip flexor and IT Band. Precede slowly, decrease band tension and allow

the thigh to come off the floor into hip abduction.

6. Release the stretch by letting the left leg return back to starting position.

Repeat 10 more times.

7. After 10 reps try to pull the band tighter by reaching down on the band

with your hands and re-grasping closer to your foot

8. Repeat 10 more left foot presses backwards


Pushing Back

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Secret Tip: This is the most difficult stretch to master. Individuals typically

like to compensate through their low back and will create tightness in this area. If you suffer from low back pain make sure you start with a mini band and

emphasis locking your arms over your head. You should not experience any

low back pain only maybe a little tightness. As your abdominals continue to

become more active and your anterior thigh and hip muscles lengthen this

should dissipate within 2 weeks.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Let the Workouts Begin!!

Before we get started with the actual workouts lets review a few

recommendations that have helped create fun and efficiency during RBT


1. Always put new participant in mini bands the first time to allow them to get

use to the movements and not be over challenged. You want success

with efficient movement first.

2. Have additional mini bands available to add quickly to campers who can

use a greater challenge.

3. Make sure you figure out the number of bands and set-ups you will need

before the workout. It makes the class run much smoother.

4. If campers struggle with mini bands, link mini bands together to create a

greater resistance variance.

5. In running drills, initially emphasize slow returns to allow campers to

integrate the deceleration control needed. Fatigue can make all of us a

little clumsy.

6. Make sure you are comfortable with the exercises and transitions. Train

with bands yourself for a few weeks. It makes the workout that much

more effective if you can easily cue others.

7. Make sure surfaces are smooth and traction is good. I will avoid any

running with bands if surfaces are wet or uneven.

8. Wet bands create tight links. Adjust to single band drills if need be during

rainy weather.

9. As campers increase their strength they naturally want to run further.

Make sure they stay within the band’s stretch recommendations of 2 yards

per band.

10. Make sure you always start with basic drills first. Initially make the

amplitude of movement shorter and the emphasis on controlled



RBT Workout #1

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit



1 band per person

Exercise Variables

30 sec on 30 sec off with a 60 rest after full circuit is completed

Complete 2 full circuits

Functional Upper Torso Strengthening

1. High Pulls (VPL)

2. Push Press (VPU)

3. Hammer Curls (VPL)

4. Bent over Row (HPL) 5. Tricep Overhead Press (VPU)

High Pull

Push Press

Hammer Curl Bent over Row

Overhead Tricep


Locomotion Circuit


Each person attaches their single band to a partner to create a double linked

band set-up. (Also can go with independent stations by using linked bands

attached to a stable structure) Exercise Variables 30 sec on 30 sec off with a 60 rest after circuit is completed

Complete 2 full circuits


1. Shuffle Right

2. Shuffle left 3. Backpedal 4. Continuous Stationary Run (running in place)

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Shuffle Backpedal

Stationary Run

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Lower Torso Functional Strengthening


Have each partnership remain connected in the double band linked set-up

Exercise Variable

30 sec on 30 sec off (one partner goes while the other holds)

No additional rests until 2 full circuits are completed.


Alternating Forward Lunge

Lateral Lunge Right Lateral Lunge Left Forward Reach with drop step right Forward Reach with a Drop Step left

Forward Lunge Lateral Lunge

Forward Reach

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


RBT Workout #2

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Upper Torso RBT Strengthening


Partner up 2 double linked band set-ups of similar bands with 4 handles or 2

single bands with 4 handles Notice the holding position.

Exercise Variables

30 sec on 30 sec off (One partner goes while the other holds) - No rest until full

circuit has been completed 2 times. Make sure individuals switch lead foot in

staggered stance on second set.



Simultaneous Staggered Push (HPU)

Simultaneous Staggered Pull (HPL)

Simultaneous Staggered Bent Over Press (HPU)

Simultaneous Staggered Curls (HPL)

Simultaneous Staggered Overhead Press (VPU)

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Horizontal Push Horizontal Pull

Bent over Press

Horizontal Curl

Horizontal Overhead Press

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Locomotion Circuit


Double linked band set-up. Partners put band over hips and prepare to run.

Exercise Variables

45 on 15 off – Rest 1 minute after first circuit. Complete full circuit 2 times.


1. Run outs (Simple forward run and return – 3 yards with 2 bands linked


2. Shuffle Right 3. Shuffle Left 4. Hip Turn and Go Right – Shuffle return

5. Hip Turn and Go Left - Shuffle return

Shuffle Turn

and Go

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Lower Torso Functional Strengthening


Same set-up as locomotion phase

Exercise Variable

30 sec on 30 sec off (One partner goes while the other holds) - No rest until all

exercises are done 2 times. Make sure individuals switch staggered stance on

second set.


Forward Alternating Lunge (as previously)

Lateral Lunge right

Lateral Lunge Left (as previously)

Split Jump Facing Toward Partner (Vertical jump – Scissoring Feet) Split jump Facing Away from Partner

Forward Alternate Lunge Lateral Lunge

Split Jump Toward

Split Jump Away


Resistance Band

Workout #3

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Functional Upper Torso Strengthening


1 Band attached to a pipe or solid object with everyone exercising


Exercise Variables

30 sec on 15 sec off - Rest for 1 min. after all 6 exercises are completed - Do 2

full circuits


Single arm Staggered Push Right (HPU)

Single arm Staggered Push Left (HPU)

Single arm Staggered Pull Right (HPL)

Single arm Staggered Pull Left (HPL)

Single arm Staggered Bent over Press Right (HPU)

Single arm Staggered Bent over Press Left (HPU)

Single Arm Push Single Arm Pull

Single Bent Over Press

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Locomotion Circuit


Same set up as above using 1 band.

Exercise Variables

30 on 15 off – complete all 5 exercises before taking a 1 min. rest. Complete 2

full circuits.

Exercises (Individuals should only cover about 2 yards or 2-3 steps)

1. Continuous Quick Feet Runs Forward (Keep feet moving continuously over 2

yard distance) 2. Continuous Quick Feet Backpedal (Keep feet moving continuously over 2

yard distance)

3. 2 Step Shuffles Right 4. 2 Step Shuffles Left 5. High Knee Run outs (2 or 3 steps only)

Recommend holder be facing partner if possible to avoid exercise person

stepping on holder’s foot.

2 Step Back Pedal

Forward Quick Feet

2 step Shuffle High Knee Run outs

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Lower Torso RBT Strengthening


Same set-up as above with bands remaining around hips. Hold 2 - 5 to 10 lb dbs

in each hand

Exercise Variable

30 sec on 30 sec off No stopping until all exercise are done 2 times.


Forward Alternating Lunge with Low reach to a Press

Lateral Lunge right with Snatch

Lateral Lunge Left with Snatch

Drop Step Lunge Right with Curl Drop Step Lunge Left with Curl

Forward Alternating Low Reach Lunge into a Press

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Lateral Lunge Snatch Lateral Lunge Curl

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


I hope YOU have enjoyed the FIT Band BootCamp E-Guide.

A few things to keep in mind….

Need Bands?? resistancebandtraining. is your home for all bands

and accessories with great discount packages. Grab the full Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit plus bonuses

“Training the body to React not Just Contract”

Dave Schmitz PT, CSCS, PES

PERFORMAX – Performance Training, LLC Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit


Who is Dave Schmitz?

Lectures Nationally in the field of physical therapy, fitness and

performance enhancement as it relates to Reactive Resistance Band

Training. (RBT)

Developer of “RBT Boot Camps” and “Reactive Rehabilitation

Consults with over 35 high schools and colleges on how to


RBT Fast – FIT and Flexible into their multi-directional

speed and strength training programs.

Founder and Developer of

the onlywebsite exclusively devoted to Resistance Band Training - Conditioning

and Rehabilitation

Owner of PERFORMAX – Performance Training LLC

Certified Strength and Conditioning specialist with the National Strength

and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) with the National Academy of

Sports Medicine (NASM)

Certified Youth Conditioning Specialist through the International Youth

Conditioning Association (IYCA)

Board Certified Physical Therapist with emphasis in Orthopedics through

the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse

Certification of Athletic Training from the National Athletic Trainers

Association (NATA)

Practices Physical Therapy in Wisconsin and continues to write in the

areas of Reactive Rehabilitation and Conditioning

Continues to train all ages in the development of integrated reactive multi-

directional speed and functional strength using the RBT.

Fitness BAND Bootcamp Kit

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