a guessing game each group can get one point if any of your group can guess the answer to the...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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A Guessing A Guessing GameGame

Each group can get one point if Each group can get one point if any of your group can guess the any of your group can guess the answer to the question! answer to the question!

1 He was born on December 17th 1770 in Bonn.

2. At an early age, he took an interest in music.

3. On March 26th 1778, at the age of 8, he gave his first public performance.

4. He is famous as a composer and he is famous for his Symphony.

Ludwig van Beethoven

1 He was born in a Protestant pastor's family on March 30, 1853 .

2. In December 1883, he moved to Newnan.

3. In 1886, he went to Paris and first saw Paris impressionist paintings.

4. He committed suicide at the age of 37.

5. His most famous work, the "Sunflower, is completed in August 1888."

Vincent Van Gogh

1. He was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon.

2. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway.

3. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, he moved to London.

4. He was a respected poet and playwright in his own day and even today.

5. Hamlet is one of his masterpiece.William Shakespeare

1.He is the greatest physicist since Albert Einstein

2.He was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death.

3.Though suffering a lot from physical disabilities, he is famous for his theory on Black Hole.

Stephen Hawking

Discussion: What do we talk about when we introduce people or write a biography about others ?

He was born on December 17th 1770 in Bonn.

He was born in a Protestant pastor's family on March 30, 1853 .

He was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon.

He was born in Jiangyan, Jiangsu, in 1942.

He was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death.

Birthday and birth place

1. He was born in a Protestant pastor's family on March 30, 1853 .

2. He was born in/into a poor/ rich family.

3. Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky on February 12,1809.

4. Born of a poor clerk’s family, Charles Dickens had little schooling.

family background

He was a talented student in high school, excelling in such activities as singing and dancing.

School education

In 1964, while still a student at Beijing's Tsinghua University, he joined the Communist Party of China.

He succeeded Jiang Zeming as the core of the fourth-generation CPC leaders.

In 1886, he went to Paris and first saw Paris impressionist paintings.

Big events in his/her life

人物简介的写作步骤:1 . Birthday and birth place

2 . Family background

3 . Education background

4 . Big events in his or her life

(in order of time)

5 . Evaluation


1. Birthday and birth place:……was/ were born in …on…

eg. She was born in Poland on Nov.7,1867.

2. Family background

1. ……was/ were born in/into a poor/ rich family

2. his/her family was so poor that…

3. his/ her father was very strict with him…

4. the son of a poor family

3. Education background

1. be admitted to …college

2. graduate from…department of …university

3. when at college, he majored in…

4.receive a doctor’s degree

4. Big events in one’s lifebe interested in… /be fond of…

work hard at…

serve as…

devote his lifetime/himself to…

win (won) a gold /silver/ bronze medal

be selected to/ become a member of…

one of the best/ most important …

be respected by everyone

speak/ think highly of…

be honored as (an excellent athlete)

His heroic story spread all over the city


范例:请根据以下信息写一篇介绍霍英东的文章。出 生 1923 年 5 月,香港。个人经历 1 、 7 岁丧父,家境贫困 ;

2 、 1955 年后,经营建筑、航运、石油等,成为国内外知名人士 ;3 、改革开放 (the reform and open policy) 以来,先后捐资支持教育、文化、体育、和福利事业款项达 100 多亿港元。

影 响 成为“感动中国”的人物。

[写作要求]只能使用 5 个句子表达全部的内容。词汇:改革开放 : the reform and open policy福利 :welfare感动中国人物: moving China hero





One possible version: ① In May 1923, Dr Huo Yingdong was born from a poor family in Hong Kong. ② At the age of ten, his father died. ③ After 1955, he was engaged in architecture, shipping, petroleum and became a famous person at home and abroad. ④ Since the beginning of the reform and open policy, he had donated over 10 billion dollars to sponsor education, culture, sports, and public welfare in Mainland.  ⑤ He has made great contributions to constructing and benefiting our country, which makes him a Moving China hero.

1). 属于记叙文体裁

2). 基本类型:记人,叙事,写景

3). 常见高考书面表达题:介绍同学,朋友,老师,父母,名人等等

4). 记叙方法:顺叙,倒叙,插叙

5). 注意事项:选材代表性;精炼,感人,不拖泥带水;注意 5W1H ;人称时态。

6). 常见段落结构:主题句-发展句-结论句

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