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Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41

A volumetric fusion technique for surface reconstructionfrom silhouettes and range data q

Y. Yemez *, C.J. Wetherilt

Multimedia, Vision and Graphics Laboratory, College of Engineering, Koc University, SarIyer, Istanbul 34450, Turkey

Received 21 April 2006; accepted 31 July 2006Available online 15 September 2006


Optical triangulation, an active reconstruction technique, is known to be an accurate method but has several shortcomings due toocclusion and laser reflectance properties of the object surface, that often lead to holes and inaccuracies on the recovered surface.Shape from silhouette, on the other hand, as a passive reconstruction technique, yields robust, hole-free reconstruction of the visualhull of the object. In this paper, a hybrid surface reconstruction method that fuses geometrical information acquired from silhouetteimages and optical triangulation is presented. Our motivation is to recover the geometry from silhouettes on those parts of the sur-face which the range data fail to capture. A volumetric octree representation is first obtained from the silhouette images and thencarved by range points to amend the missing cavity information. An isolevel value on each surface cube of the carved octree struc-ture is accumulated using local surface triangulations obtained separately from range data and silhouettes. The marching cubes algo-rithm is then applied for triangulation of the volumetric representation. The performance of the proposed technique is demonstratedon several real objects.� 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Surface reconstruction; Shape from silhouette; Shape from optical triangulation; Volumetric fusion; Volume carving; Isosurface merging

1. Introduction

Today the art of inferring three-dimensional shapes ofobjects has become one of the major applications ofcomputer graphics. There are many areas concerned with3D reconstruction among which virtual reality applica-tions, digital preservation of cultural heritage, machinevision, medical imaging are the most common. In gener-al, 3D reconstruction methods can be collected undertwo groups: active and passive. Active methods makeuse of calibrated light sources such as lasers or codedlight most typical example of which is the shape from

1077-3142/$ - see front matter � 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


q This work has been supported by the European Network of Excellence3DTV (www.3dtv-research.org).

* Corresponding author. Fax: +90 212 3381548.E-mail addresses: yyemez@ku.edu.tr (Y. Yemez), cwetherilt@ku.edu.tr

(C.J. Wetherilt).

optical triangulation method. Passive methods on theother hand, extract surface information by the use of2D images of the scene. Among the most common thatfall into this category are the techniques known as shapefrom silhouette, shape from stereo, and shape from shad-ing. Many results are available concerning reliable recon-struction of objects using these methods. However, thereis still a need for improved reconstructions since eachspecific method, active or passive, has its own drawbacksand deficiencies.

Shape from silhouette basically draws shape informa-tion by back-projecting multiple silhouettes into the worldspace as conical volumes and intersects these cones to gen-erate a volumetric visual hull. Early examples of this tech-nique were presented in [1] and later much improvementhas been established concerning accuracy, and efficiencyissues [2–5]. In general, the strength of the technique liesin its simplicity, robustness and accuracy especially whenapplied to convex shapes. The drawback of this method

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is that it fails to capture hidden concavities. However, therobust output of this method constitutes a solidinitial foundation for further volume carving or surfacedeformation by incorporating other available cues with sil-houette information.

Methods of shape from stereo seek to find correlationson separate images using texture or color information. Thisfeature makes such techniques very sensitive to lightingconditions and renders them less effective as stand-alonemethods. Several researchers as in [6,7] fuse shape from sil-houette and shape from stereo in a volumetric fashionwhile others as in [8,9] adhere to deformation models forfurther enhancing the description of the object mesh initial-ly obtained from silhouettes. Shape from shading methods,on the other hand, are based on the diffusing properties ofLambertian surfaces. They require controlled environ-ments where the illumination of the object space and theobject reflectance must be known. Textured objects posesevere problems and the proposed techniques are foundto be mathematically unstable. In [10], shape from shadingand shape from silhouette techniques are integrated byvolumetric space carving, but the results show that theobtained reconstructions can not compete with theaccuracy of active methods.

Shape from optical triangulation, as an active recon-struction technique, produces accurate point clouds. How-ever, due to inherent camera and light occlusions, it posesproblems in building complete and watertight reconstruc-tions. In [11] several laser projectors are integrated toreduce light occlusions. In [12], next view planning tech-niques to optimize surface coverage are considered. In[13], large-scale enhanced acquisition systems have beenused to overcome the occlusion problem presenting veryaccurate and successful results. In spite of all theseenhancement efforts, and although some scanners performbetter than others in generating more complete surfaces,final surface reconstructions for some objects always con-tain holes, no matter what kind of scanning configurationis implemented or how many scans are run. Dependingon the material of the object, the projected light may getscattered or reflected from the object surface, which mayfurther increase the proliferation of holes. The use of holefilling algorithms [14], multiple laser sources or cameras,and even mirrors [15] help improve the reconstructionsbut some portions of the object surface such as the innerwalls of hollow parts are at best unreliably reconstructed.The problem of integrating aligned images while producinghole-free reconstructions has been addressed in [16] and[17]. The work in [16] is based on the design of a real-timeacquisition system allowing to scan objects faster, withgreater ease and with better coverage than conventionalmodel acquisition pipelines. In [17], a volumetric techniquefor hole-free surface reconstruction from optical triangula-tion is presented. Although the proposed technique gener-ally produces satisfactory results, it does not yield reliablereconstructions on parts of the object surface, that are vis-ible by the sensor only at sharp angles due to occlusions.

To overcome this problem, the authors of [17] point outthe possibility of shaping such difficult parts of the objectby carving via background extraction, which is in fact asimple variation of fusing shape from optical triangulationwith shape from silhouette. Nevertheless, they do notfurther elaborate on this possibility and do not incorporatethe silhouette information into their reconstructionscheme.

The problem of fusing shape from silhouette and shapefrom optical triangulation can be approached in severalways. Surface-based fusion with employment of modeldeformation frameworks is common for systems contain-ing different kinds of information about the surface ofthe reconstructed object [8,18]. As an alternative, volumet-ric fusion can be favored to avoid topological problemsthat are likely to arise should a surface based fusion beapplied. The silhouette model that assumes a solid andsound framework can be carved away volumetrically atthe hidden hollow sections by the more precise cloud ofrange points to be followed by a triangulation process.

The work presented in [19] attempts to combine shapefrom silhouette and shape from optical triangulation forobject volume reconstruction, but does not address the sur-face reconstruction problem and fails to produce clearresults. The acquired range images are first converted tobinary images so that the white pixels belong ‘‘possibly’’to the object volume and the black pixels correspond tothe background. The binary images are then directly fusedwith the silhouette information on an octree. This yields afast algorithm for volumetric fusion, which is however lia-ble to various topological problems. The paper does notaddress these problems and the presented method seemsto be an approximate and ad-hoc technique that can notbe used for volume reconstruction of complex objects.Another attempt to combine shape from silhouette andshape from optical triangulation is the one presented in[20] which proposes a volumetric technique for carving ofthe initial silhouette model with range data. However thevoxels to be carved out can only approximately be deter-mined with the proposed method and the authors do notdescribe how they handle topological problems that mightarise during the volume carving process. Moreover, thefusion technique does not address the isosurface mergingproblem since it does not take into account the range sur-face normal information. As a result, the accuracy of theobtained surface reconstructions becomes strictly limitedto the voxel resolution.

In this work we propose a novel, hybrid surface recon-struction scheme that combines the two techniques, shapefrom silhouette and shape from optical triangulation. Theproposed scheme aims at eliminating the shortcomings ofthe combined methods and enabling the generation of highquality, robust, and complete 3D models. Without any pri-or assumptions about the object shape or orientation, thedata acquired from the two techniques, are fused volumet-rically and triangulated into a final mesh while preservingobject topology. We are not aware of any published

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methods for combining shape from silhouette with shapefrom optical triangulation that both underpin its feasibilityas a successful method and yield satisfactory results.The main contribution of this work is (i) to show that itis possible to fuse silhouette-based and optical triangula-tion based methods, (ii) to provide examples of fusionsconducted in this manner, and (iii) to demonstrate theimprovements of the fused results over the results obtainedfrom the individual methods.

The paper is organized as follows. We describe ourhardware setup to collect range and silhouette data in Sec-tion 2 where we also address the preliminary steps beforefusion, that are camera calibration and silhouette extrac-tion. Sections 3 and 4 describe the shape from silhouetteand shape from optical triangulation components of ourfusion system, respectively. In Sections 5 and 6, we presentthe volume carving and the surface triangulation proce-dures that constitute our fusion scheme. Section 7 displaysthe experimental results and Section 8 provides concludingremarks.

2. Acquisition setup

Our setup consists of a CCD camera, a turntable, laserprojectors, a backdrop for silhouette extraction, and anacquisition computer. The computer synchronizes thecamera with the motion of the turntable and records theacquired data. The position of the turntable, which sup-ports only rotational movement around a vertical axis,can be set to an angular precision of one degree. Theobject to be reconstructed is positioned on the turntablebetween the static camera and the backdrop. The laserprojectors are pointed towards the object (see Fig. 1). Asingle laser projector yields a planar laser beam whichappears as a stripe on the object surface. The laser projec-tors are positioned so that the projected beams are as ver-tical to the rotational axis of the turntable as possible.Two laser projectors are used to improve the coverage

Fig. 1. Layout of the acquisition system.

of the object surface. Also, the same laser projector maybe used several times in different orientations during thesame acquisition to obtain several scans for optical trian-gulation. The different laser projectors are not simulta-neously used because of the difficulties involved indistinguishing the beams in discontinuous or occludedareas of the object. The laser projected images areacquired in the dark to discern the laser beams more eas-ily. During the acquisition process, the laser projectorsand the camera are maintained immobile. The only actu-ated component in the system is the turntable on whichthe object is placed.

The shape from silhouette method estimates the 3Dmodel of the object from its silhouettes. Accurate extrac-tion of the silhouettes is thus crucial for the quality ofthe reconstructed object. We employ the extractionmethod which was developed in [5]. This method dependson the use of a sharp contrast that must be maintainedbetween the background and the object. The backdrop issaturated with light while the object is left in the dark cre-ating a natural silhouette of the object. A simple thresh-olding then suffices to obtain the correct silhouette. Thisscheme works very well especially for objects with lowreflectance properties. In certain circumstances, dependingon the reflectance properties of the reconstructed object,the background and the object may become indistinguish-able (see Fig. 2). Hence, to obtain a successful extraction,the strength of the light sources and the camera settingshave to be fine-tuned. The background saturation method,when carefully tuned, produces very clean and accurateresults circumventing the radiosity and color confusionproblems.

Fusing the geometry information obtained from two dif-ferent sources, i.e., silhouettes and laser data, in a coherentmanner requires an accurate calibration of the turntableand the laser projectors with respect to the camera. Forcamera calibration we have used the toolbox which ispublicly available in [21]. The camera calibration is

Fig. 2. Image of an object with saturated background. The zoomedsection reveals the difficulty encountered sometimes in discerning theobject from the background.

Y. Yemez, C.J. Wetherilt / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41 33

performed by using a special calibration object, whichis basically a smooth checkerboard surface. The samecheckerboard pattern is also used for calibration of thelaser projector. The computation of the laser plane withrespect to the camera frame is conducted similarly to theprocedure presented in [22]. The camera observes the laserprojected checkerboard calibration pattern in several posesand then makes use of the constraints imposed by the rela-tion between the projection of the laser stripe and the planeof the calibration pattern. The turntable is calibrated usingthe technique proposed in [5].

3. Shape from optical triangulation

The structure of the scanner setup directly affects theacquisition process and the quality of the optical triangu-lation reconstruction. Therefore, it is important to distin-guish the different types of available scanners [23]. Thesimplest and most common of all the structured lightsystems is the single-camera, single-stripe optical triangu-lation system. Since a single stripe covers only a smallportion of the object, the scanner must be swept alongthe object to obtain a full range image. This is mostcommonly implemented with a circular sweep using aturntable on which the object is placed. Some systemsalso incorporate translational movement either to thescanner or to the object. A single sweep produces paral-lel stripes of sampled range points from which a patchof the object surface is triangulated. This system intro-duces the added computation of translational calibrationand the problem of aligning overlapping parts of themultiple patches obtained from different views. Anotheralternative is the use of multi-stripe projectors that bearthe requirement of distinguishing the stripes one fromanother [24,25,16].

The current setup that we employ fits into the single-camera, single-stripe scanner category, supporting only arotational movement of the object. The alignment of patch-es is not required, but in turn the surface coverage is limit-ed. However it is possible to make multiple scans with theprojectors positioned differently, to cover more of theobject surface. Since the object is rotated with respect tothe projector, the projected laser planes intersect in space,yielding irregular sampling of the surface and hence defi-cient range data on some parts of the surface for someobjects.

The input to our shape from optical triangulation pro-cess is a series of laser images of the object in full rota-tion on the turntable. The routine starts with processingthe laser images to draw 2D sample points from the laserstripes. A depth profile is computed from the samplepoints, creating a cloud of range points. Connectingnearest neighbors with triangles is a common strategyfor systems that produce lattices of regular samples, suchas in [17]. The triangulation method that we use under-takes a similar path by weaving a web of faces acrossrange points of adjacent stripes. The fusion technique

that will be presented in Sections 5 and 6 does not infact explicitly use the connectivity information of a poly-gon mesh generated from the range points. The triangu-lation of range points rather serve us to estimate a surfacenormal for each range point. Note also that the orientedrange points resulting from different scans will be integratedseparately in the fusion process, thus they are not yetmerged into a single surface representation.

The connectivity information of the triangulated rangedata is also used to obtain a denser set of range points.The faces of the obtained triangle mesh are subdivided toproduce new points that can be incorporated into thefusion for volume carving. This enrichment in range datais carried out to support the high levels of the octree struc-ture created by the shape from silhouette method. In prac-tice, since the number of faces grows very fast withsubdivision, a few steps of subdivision usually suffice fora satisfactory volume carving. Each subdivision step pro-duces one new vertex and three new faces per old face.The new vertex is positioned at the centroid of the old faceand its camera position is computed by averaging the cam-era positions associated with the old vertices. This schemeis simple to implement and adequately serves its purpose,which is to achieve a certain density of range points whencarving the octree space.

4. Shape from silhouette

We use the shape from silhouette technique presentedin [5], which suits well to our volumetric fusion frame-work. The visual hull of the object is computed by vol-ume carving. An octree structure is used for thispurpose, that represents the volumetric data in termsof cubes with varying sizes. These cubes (or nodes)may be in one of the three states: either totally insidethe object (IN); totally outside the object (OUT); orintersecting the surface of the object (ON). Starting froma root node (representing the bounding box), the octreestructure is constructed by recursively subdividing eachparent cube. IN and OUT cubes need not be furthersubdivided since they do not comprise any surface infor-mation. The recursive subdivision continues only for ONcubes, until the unit cubes corresponding to leaf nodesof the highest octree level R are reached. When con-structing the octree, the state of a traversed node isdetermined by projecting the corresponding cube ontoeach of the available camera planes and observing itslocation with respect to the silhouette boundaries. Toextract a triangle mesh with higher precision from thevolumetric model, the ON leaf cubes of the octree repre-sentation are triangulated using the marching cubes algo-rithm [26].

5. Volume carving

At the beginning of the volume carving process, theavailable data are collected under an octree representing

Fig. 3. Basic carving. The scan line successively carves the object gridstarting from the intersection node, until the range node is encountered.

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the visual hull and a set of oriented range points. Thestate of each node in the octree indicates if the voxel isIN, ON, or OUT. Each ON leaf node contains local tri-angulation information, which constitutes a surface patchenclosed by the dimensions of the cube. Each range pointis linked with its position in the world space, the opticalcenter of the camera from which it was observed, and asurface normal. The range data are accurate but incom-plete mostly due to camera and light occlusions, whereasthe resolution of the octree is chosen so as to match theinitial density of the acquired range samples. The silhou-ette model, which ideally encompasses the optical trian-gulation model, can be carved where the hiddenconcavities lie and the missing range data can be filledin by the silhouette data to attain a complete and moreaccurate model.

The carving process changes the description of theoctree and introduces new types of ON nodes that requiredifferent means of extracting surface information toachieve a final complete mesh representation. We catego-rize this differentiation under four types:

• TYPE 1 - Untouched ON nodes that contain onlysilhouette data.

• TYPE 2 - Nodes that comprise both silhouette andrange data.

• TYPE 3 - Nodes that comprise only range data.• TYPE 4 - Nodes that have neither silhouette nor range


5.1. Carving algorithm

Observing the fact that no part of the object volumeintervenes the line between a visible range point and itsprojection on the camera screen is key to volume carving.A range point Ri and the position of the camera opticalcenter at the time the range point is acquired, are tiedto produce a line segment Li, or a scan line, as it willbe referred to from here on. This line segment does notintersect with the object surface. Therefore, removingthose voxels from the initial volume that actually do inter-sect with scan lines will yield the volumetric definitionthat is sought. Recall from Section 3 that, prior to fusion,the set of range points is artificially made denser by sub-

Fig. 4. Breaking out from carving. (a) The scan line of the range point in voeliminated. Similarly, B3 scans through B2, and B4 scans through B3, ultiterminating the carving process for a scan line when a node that comprises an

dividing the triangle mesh obtained from optical triangu-lation. This enrichment of the range data ensures that thevolume carving process does not suffer from any rasteriza-tion artifacts and removes all the voxels that are visiblefrom the sensor.

For each range point Ri, the volumetric model is carvedstarting from the intersection node, SLi , which is the outer-most node intersecting the scan line (see Fig. 3). Along thescan line, each IN or ON node is converted to OUT untilthe node that contains Ri, that is the range node SRi , isreached.

The procedure described above is the basic carving algo-rithm. There are, however, further details that need to beincorporated into the algorithm to avoid possible topolog-ical problems and surface artifacts that might rather bevisually disturbing. These problems and artifacts can beavoided by proper handling of some certain cases encoun-tered during the carving process as briefly explained in thesequel (the complete carving procedure is given as a pseu-do-code in Algorithm 1):

5.1.1. Breaking out from carving

When advancing along the scan line if a node withanother range point is encountered, the carving processstops and resumes with the next range point. Convertingevery node in between the intersection node and the rangenode to OUT, regardless of whether any intermediatenode contains any range point or not, would give way

xel B2 runs through B1. (b) This causes B1 to be converted to OUT andmately, eliminating the whole layer of ON nodes. This is prevented byother range point is encountered.

Y. Yemez, C.J. Wetherilt / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41 35

to possible degradation in the estimation of the objectshape. Even a whole layer of ON nodes with range pointsrepresenting an accurate shape could be eliminated asdepicted in Fig. 4.

5.1.2. Testing the scan line for surface intersectionThe scan line passing through an ON node does not nec-

essarily cut the surface at that node as depicted in Fig. 5.Thus, the surface triangles inside the node generated bythe marching cubes algorithm are tested for intersectionof the scan line with the surface of the object defined bythe silhouettes. If no intersection is encountered, then thenode remains uncarved.

5.1.3. Incorporation of outlier range data

An ideal acquisition would produce all the scannedrange points inside the boundaries of the silhouette-basedvisual hull. In practice, however, due to noise from inputimages and erroneous calibration parameters, some rangepoints may happen to fall outside the visual hull. If suchoutlier range points are not taken into account at all,merging data from the two models may create jaggedsurfaces as depicted in Fig. 6. Thus when an OUT nodewith a range point is encountered, it is converted to ONTYPE 3, only if that OUT node is adjacent to an origi-nal ON TYPE 1 node from the initial visual hull. TheON nodes which no longer share a corner to an OUTnode after inclusion of outliers are converted to IN toprevent multi-layering on the final triangulation. Therange points falling far outside of the visual hull are dis-carded from fusion.

Fig. 5. Testing the scan line for surface intersection. (a) A range point onthe surface and its scan line running through the depicted ON nodes. (b)Carving ON nodes without checking the scan line for intersection with theobject surface may lead to their erroneous exclusion.

Fig. 6. Incorporation of outlier range data. (a) Triangulated patterns ofdents appear where the range data are missed out. (b) When OUT nodeswith range points located near the surface are converted to ON, thecurving patterns disappear on the triangulation.

Algorithm 1. Carving the octree with range points.

Initially, each ON leaf node is marked as TYPE 1 orTYPE 2

For each range point Ri

Locate the range node SRi

If SRi is OUTIf SRi is adjacent to an ON node

Convert SRi to ON TYPE 3Else discard Ri

For each ON node Sj

If Sj is no more adjacent to any OUT nodeConvert Sj to IN

For each range point Ri not discarded before

Find the intersection node SLi along the scan line Li

For each node Sj between SLi and SRi along Li

If Sj is associated with any range point

If the state of Sj is TYPE 2

Extract the triangulation of Sj usingsilhouettesIf Li intersects the patch of triangles derivedfrom Sj

Break carving with the current rangepoint

Else (the state is IN or TYPE 3)Change the state of Sj to TYPE 3Break carving with the current range point

Else (the node is not associated with any rangepoints)

If the state of Sj is TYPE 1

Extract the triangulation of Sj usingsilhouettesIf Li intersects the patch of triangles derivedfrom Sj

Change the state of Sj to OUTElse (the state is IN)

Change the state of Sj to OUT

5.2. Restructuring the octree surface

At the end of this initial carving process, the states of theON nodes in the octree vary from TYPE 1 to TYPE 3 asdepicted in Fig. 7b. The original ON voxels from the visualhull that are left uncarved remain as TYPE 1 if no rangepoint lies within the voxel. The original ON voxels fromthe visual hull that do comprise range data, however, areconverted to TYPE 2, meaning that they are associatedwith surface information from both the silhouettes andrange data. While some range points are located insidethe ON voxels of the visual hull, others may be boundedby voxels that were completely inside the visual hull beforevolume carving is initiated. Since only the ON nodes con-tain silhouette based surface information, the IN voxelsthat are associated with range points after carving is initi-ated, make use of only the range data to extract surface

Fig. 7. Hole filling. (a) A sample grid before carving. (b) The same grid after carving; some IN nodes expose to OUT nodes along the edges of deepcuttings. (c) IN nodes sharing common sides with OUT nodes are converted to ON TYPE 4 to fill in holes.

36 Y. Yemez, C.J. Wetherilt / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41

information. The nodes representing such IN voxels in theobject grid are converted to ON TYPE 3.

5.3. Hole filling

Carving the object space produces holes on the edges ofthe hollowed parts (neighboring IN and OUT voxels), whichmust be patched up in order to obtain a complete model. Thedefinition of the octree structure asserts that no IN and OUTnodes can share a common corner, edge, or face on the spacegrid. As observed in Fig. 7b, the altered object space is liableto violate this requirement, especially around the edges ofdeeply scooped out portions of the object.

Our hole filling algorithm is very similar to the oneproposed in [17], where, basically, a wall on the transi-tion between the carved out voxels and the unseen voxelsis established on the grid. In our case those IN nodesneighboring with any OUT nodes are converted to ON,specifically of TYPE 4. The only way to estimate theobject shape for a TYPE 4 node is by examining theconfiguration of its neighboring nodes. Once each poten-tial ON TYPE 4 node is identified in the octree, eachone is associated with a point Q and a normal vectorN to be used during the triangulation. The positioningof each IN and OUT voxel in the neighborhood (consti-tuting 26 voxels) is used to interpolate Q and N. Neigh-boring IN and OUT voxels simply act as opposingforces, as IN voxels are used to repel and OUT voxelsare used to attract when determining the position of Q

and the direction of N inside an ON TYPE 4 cube.When picking potential ON TYPE 4 nodes, only those

IN and OUT nodes that share a common face (rather thanan edge or a corner) are taken into account. The reasonbehind this less aggressive approach is to avoid the creationof a multilayered shape during triangulation. The IN/OUTconnectivity problem concerning IN and OUT nodes shar-ing a corner or an edge is resolved later in the triangulationprocess. Fig. 7c illustrates the same sample grid of Fig. 7bafter hole filling is carried out.

6. Surface triangulation

The carved octree structure representing the finalobject volume can be triangulated using the marchingcubes algorithm. To produce hole-free and manifold tri-angulations, this algorithm relies on the fact that commonedges on neighboring voxels hold coherent isosurfaceinformation. On contrary to the shape from silhouetteprocedure, with the different kinds of voxels (TYPE 1–4) that are created during the volume carving in ourfusion scheme, the isosurface information from adjoiningvoxels is not necessarily consistent. The problem of fusingisosurfaces was addressed before by Curless and Levoy[17] and Rocchini et al. [27] in a different context, forcombining overlapping range maps resulting from sepa-rate optical scans. In our case, we resolve this problemby accumulating an isovalue at each grid point of theobject surface since this strategy enables us to producehole-free triangulations. Isovalues are computed usingthe local surface information obtained separately fromrange data and silhouettes.

6.1. Isosurface merging

An isovalue for a point on the grid determines theextent to which that the point is away from the surface.The closer to the object surface the closer the valueapproaches 0. IN and OUT points naturally have oppo-site signs. The intersection of the isosurface with thecube edges can be approximated by interpolatingbetween corners of opposite signs. The isovalue at eachgrid point is estimated by averaging the local isovaluescomputed on the corresponding corners of the surfacevoxels sharing the grid point. A local isovalue on eachcorner of a voxel is given by the signed distance ofthe corner to the object surface inside that voxel. Thestrategy employed in computing local isovalues variesaccording to the type of the surface voxel, as explainedin the sequel:

Y. Yemez, C.J. Wetherilt / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41 37

6.1.1. TYPE 1

The local isovalue of each corner is determined by itsdistance to the closest triangle inside that cube. The trian-gulation information is given by the shape from silhouetteprocedure. In most cases, the distance to a triangle can bewell approximated by the distance to its plane. However insome cases, although the triangle itself is distant to a par-ticular corner, the plane of the triangle may pass relativelyclosely to that corner. This observation leads us to the fol-lowing strategy for computation of the distance to a trian-gle. If the corner is not incident to any cube edge thatcontains a vertex of the triangle, that is, if the distance fromthe corner to any vertex is more than the side length l ofthe maximum level cube, then we say that the corner islocally distant to the triangle. In this case, it is safer toapproximate the distance to the triangle as the minimumof the distances from the corner to the three vertices. Ifthe corner is not locally distant to the triangle, then its dis-tance is approximated by the distance to the triangle plane.The local isovalue f for each corner Ci, i = 1, . . ., 8, is thuscomputed as follows:

f ðCiÞ ¼ minj

Dij; ð1Þ

where Dij denotes the distance from a corner Ci to a trian-gle Tj inside the cube:

Dij ¼d Ci; P T j

� �if min

ndðCi; V jnÞ < l


dðCi; V jnÞ otherwise;

8<: ð2Þ

where the function d gives the signed distance from a cor-ner Ci of the cube, to either the plane P T j of a triangle Tj

defined inside the cube or to a vertex Vjn, n = 1, 2, 3, ofthe triangle.

Fig. 8. Assignment of the local isovalues on the corners of an ON TYPE 3voxel. A range point located in the voxel defines a plane P perpendicularto its normal.

Fig. 9. (a) A sample grid before fusing the local isovalues. (b) After fusion, texposed in the triangulated surface. (c) The same grid after covering up holes

6.1.2. TYPE 3

An ON node of this type may contain several rangepoints. Each range point carries a normal vector fromwhich a plane can be extrapolated that is perpendicularto the normal. The local isolevel value f ðCiÞ of each corneris computed as the signed distance to the plane obtainedfrom the range point that is closest to the corner (seeFig. 8).

6.1.3. TYPE 2

The methods previously explained for TYPE 1 andTYPE 3 nodes are both applicable for computation of localisovalues of a TYPE 2 node since it comprises both silhou-ette and range data. In practice, since the range data areassumed to be more precise than the silhouettes, we favorthe method employed for TYPE 3 nodes.

6.1.4. TYPE 4

Each node of this type is associated with a point and asurface normal (see Section 5.3). Thus its local isovaluesare computed in the same way as a TYPE 3 node whichcomprises only range points.

An overall isovalue f(Ck) for each grid point (or corner)Ck is finally computed by simply averaging all of its localisovalues f mðCkÞ:

f ðCkÞ ¼1




f mðCkÞ; ð3Þ

where Mk is the number of the ON nodes that the gridpoint Ck is a corner to.

6.2. Final modification to the octree

By the octree definition, all the corners of OUT cubesmust be OUT and likewise, all the corners of IN cubesmust be IN. After merging the isovalues of the correspond-ing corners on adjoining nodes, the resultant states of thegrid points may break this rule, i.e., the same point onthe grid may be shared by both an OUT cube that defaultsthe shared point to be OUT and an ON cube in which thefinal isovalue assigned to the shared point is positive (defin-ing the point as IN). If these contradictions are notresolved, there may appear holes on the surface reconstruc-tion after marching cubes is applied. Thus, as depicted inFig. 9, an OUT node with at least one corner declared asIN by a neighboring ON node, is converted to ON. Thesame applies for IN nodes that have corners declared to

wo OUT nodes end up sharing an IN corner with an ON node; a hole is.

Table 1Numbers of silhouette and range images acquired for each object

Object Silhouette Laser 1 Laser 2 Laser 3

Greek1 72 360 — —Greek2 72 360 — —Elephant 72 360 360 —Hand 72 180 180 180

38 Y. Yemez, C.J. Wetherilt / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41

be OUT by neighboring ON nodes. Since IN and OUTcubes contain no isovalue information for their corners,the isovalues of the corners of the cubes that are convertedmust be copied from the corresponding corners on theneighboring ON nodes if available. In the case where noisovalue is available for a corner (when there is no neigh-boring ON cube), the isovalue defaults to �1 for OUTcubes and 1 for IN cubes. The default values are kept largeto prevent over-peaking where the holes are sealed.

6.3. Mesh post-processing

The final triangular mesh obtained by applying themarching cubes algorithm is decimated via edge collapsesso as to eliminate the faces with edges smaller than athreshold which is set as proportional to the grid size. Sur-face fairing is conducted to further smooth the object shapeat sharp and jagged protrusions that look unnatural [28].Fairing is exclusively applied to faces obtained from TYPE4 nodes because these nodes produce especially rough sur-faces on the transition from TYPE 4 nodes to other typesof neighboring nodes.

7. Experimental results

The reconstructions of four models are presented todemonstrate the performance of the algorithm. As dis-played in Fig. 10, the test objects are Greek1, Greek2(two original ancient statuettes made of stone), Elephantand Hand (two ordinary statuettes made of wood and plas-tic, respectively). The size of the images acquired during theexperiments is 2000 · 1310, which is sufficient to supportthe high level of detail demanded by the reconstructions.The numbers of silhouette and range images acquired varydepending on the shape and the size of the reconstructedobject as listed in Table 1.

Figs. 11 and 12 illustrate the results obtained. TheGreek1 sequence in the first row of Fig. 11 demonstratesthe fusion process at octree resolution R = 8. Thesilhouette reconstruction typically lacks the detailed fea-tures while the optical triangulation exhibits many holes.It is important to note that the hollow parts on the handlesof the Greek1 model are obtained from the silhouettes dur-ing the fusion process. The laser scanner of our acquisitionsystem fails to detect these parts. Even more sophisticated

Fig. 10. Original images from Greek1, G

optical triangulation scanners alone would not be able toreconstruct these parts of the object completely or reliablybecause of the high angle of incidence involved. TheGreek2 sequence in Fig. 11 demonstrates the fusion processat resolution R = 7. The silhouette-based reconstructionshows the need for further carving. The fusion reveals awatertight reconstruction that includes cavity shape infor-mation deduced from range data. Note that the holes onthe hair for example are not only successfully sealed withthe silhouette information, but also shaped, to some extent,by the scan lines of the range points in the vicinity. Theresult of the fusion is, however, less sharp than that ofthe optical triangulation alone, which is caused by the rel-atively low resolution of the octree used. The Elephantsequence in Fig. 11 further shows that our fusion schemecan be used to generate very satisfactory results. Theobstructed inner faces of the legs and the trunk and,though not visible at the depicted angle, the top sectionsof the model, are missing from the two separate scans ofoptical triangulation and are compensated with the silhou-ettes. Some minor artifacts at the belly of the Elephant areobserved as a result of the deficiency of the range dataaround that area.

Fig. 12 presents the reconstructed models of the Handobject. The first row displays a succession of three opticaltriangulation reconstructions obtained from three separatescans along with two views from the silhouette model atR = 7. The second row first displays the three fusion resultseach obtained at R = 7 by using the corresponding 360-de-gree single scan data displayed as a triangulated surface inthe first row. The last two images of the second rowvisualize two views from the overall fusion that incorpo-rates all the three optical scans available. We observe thatthe range scanner misses some parts of the visible surfacethat are actually not occluded. This is mainly because ourrotational range scanner produces laser planes that

reek2, Elephant, and Hand objects.

Fig. 11. (Greek1, first row) Silhouette reconstruction, optical triangulation reconstruction, and two views from the model obtained by fusion at R = 8,respectively. (Greek2, second row) Silhouette reconstruction, two views from optical triangulation reconstruction, and two views from fusion at R = 7.(Elephant, third row) Silhouette reconstruction, optical triangulation reconstructions from two separate scans, and two views from fusion at R = 8.

Y. Yemez, C.J. Wetherilt / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41 39

converge towards certain locations of the object surface.However, incorporating three separate scans, the fusionprocess results in a very satisfactory carving and a water-tight surface model at resolution R = 7.

In Figs. 11 and 12, we observe that the fusion algorithmcaptures some cavity information that is missing in the opti-cal triangulation models on some parts of the object surfacesuch as on the palm of the Hand and on the hair of theGreek2 statuette. This is thanks to the carving algorithm thatmakes use of not only the range points but also their scanlines, as demonstrated on the Hand object in Fig. 13.Although no range point is sampled on some parts of thepalm of the Hand, the cavity information on these surfacesections is partly recovered by the scan lines targeting at dif-ferent locations on the object surface. These scan lines carveout all the voxels that lie between the corresponding rangepoints and their projections on the camera screen. The sur-face information recovered by the fusion algorithm on suchcavities is thus never exact, but still much more faithful to thereal surface than the one obtained by the silhouettes.

Although it is not possible to evaluate the accuracyobtained on the cavities that are missing in the optical tri-angulation models (unless a ground truth is made avail-able), it is still possible to quantify the accuracy of thefusion algorithm and the improvement obtained withrespect to the silhouette model. Let dðRi;MÞ denote theEuclidean distance of the range point Ri to the nearestpoint on the reconstructed surface M. We then define theaverage distance � (per range point) of the range datasetto the reconstructed surface as follows:

� ¼ 1




dðRi;MÞ; ð4Þ

where N is the size of the range dataset. Note that � is adirected distance metric that measures the faithfulness ofthe reconstructed surface to the accurate but incompleterange data. In Table 2, we display for each of the 4different objects, the distance � of the models obtained byshape from silhouette and fusion. The distance is calculat-

Fig. 12. Reconstructed models of the Hand at R = 7. (First row) Three optical triangulation reconstructions obtained from three separate scans and twoviews from the silhouette model. (Second row) Three fusion results each obtained by using the corresponding single optical scan displayed in the first rowand two views from the overall fusion that incorporates all the three scans available.

Fig. 13. Scan lines of the carving algorithm, demonstrated on the zoomedsilhouette model of the Hand. Although no range point is sampled onsome parts of the palm, the cavity information is partly recovered by thescan lines targeting at different locations on the object surface. Note thatonly a reduced set of scan lines resulting from three separate scans aredisplayed for illustration.

Table 2Average distance � of the acquired range data to the models reconstructedby shape from silhouette (SFS) and fusion for each object

Model �-SFS �-Fusion

Greek1 (R = 8) 1.722 0.070Greek2 (R = 7) 1.046 0.061Elephant (R = 8) 1.708 0.087Hand (R = 7) 0.961 0.268

40 Y. Yemez, C.J. Wetherilt / Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105 (2007) 30–41

ed by assuming that each object is circumscribed by abounding sphere with radius 100 units. For instance, forthe Greek2 object which is in reality bounded by a sphere

of radius approximately 15 cm, the average distance of therange data to the fused model is about 0.1 mm. The resultsgiven in Table 2 indicate that the fusion algorithm im-proves the accuracy of the silhouette model while it recov-ers the cavity information to the extent that is possiblewith the available scan lines. The improvement obtainedby fusion with respect to silhouette-based reconstructionis the least (about 4 times) for the Hand object as com-pared to the others since in this case the object surface doesnot contain severe cavities except at the palm which ishowever also missing in the optical triangulation models.

The resolution of the octree used for volume carving inour experiments was always chosen to be slightly less thanthe initial resolution of the acquired range samples. This isdue to two reasons. First, our rotational scanner performs

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irregular sampling and may thus yield deficient range dataon some parts of the object surface. Second, the acquisi-tion noise may occasionally cause the loss of range sam-ples. The restriction on the use of higher octreeresolutions results in slightly smoothed reconstructions,but in turn prevents possible artifacts and uncarved pro-trusions from appearing on the reconstructed surface.

The typical execution time for the fusion algorithm,though not completely optimized, (excluding shape fromsilhouette and optical triangulation) is less than 10 minon a 1.7 GHz Pentium PC. The fusion for the Elephantmodel consisting about 200 K triangles at R = 8 for exam-ple takes about 7 min.

8. Conclusion

This work has described a novel surface reconstructionscheme that fuses the geometry information obtained sepa-rately from shape from silhouette and shape from opticaltriangulation techniques. The aim was to compensate forthe problems associated with each method by the benefitsof the other. The fusion method is based on volume carvingfollowed by isosurface merging. The experiments show thatit is possible to produce robust and satisfactory surfacereconstructions. The most prominent property of the pre-sented method is the ability to build cavity-sensitive andhole-free models of complicated objects containing severeocclusions and sharp hollows on their surfaces. The testobjects of our experiments, especially the Hand and theGreek1, are examples to such complicated objects whichare very difficult to reconstruct using only shape from opti-cal triangulation, even with range scanners that are muchmore sophisticated than ours.

The foremost restraining factor in the overall systemperformance was found to be hardware related. The fixedsingle-stripe range scanner employed in our experiments,supporting only rotational object movement, may deliverdeficient and irregularly distributed range samples for someobjects. This defect restricts the use of higher resolutionsthan the ones conducted in the experiments. However,using range scanners that produce full range images (thatsupport translational movement for instance) as discussedin Section 3, can significantly enhance the distribution ofthe range data and permit carving at higher octree resolu-tions, which would produce even sharper fusion results andbetter preserve the details of the object shape.


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