absolute monarchs said this justified their right to rule

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Absolute monarchs said this justified their right to rule. Absolute monarchs said this justified their right to rule. “divine right”. French leader while the young king grew up; despite being a member of the Catholic Church, he put France 1 st in all things. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Absolute monarchs said this justified their right to rule

Absolute monarchs said this justified their right to rule

“divine right”

French leader while the young king grew up; despite being a member of the Catholic Church,

he put France 1st in all things

French leader while the young king grew up; despite being a member of the Catholic Church,

he put France 1st in all things

Cardinal Richelieu

The bloodless overthrow of the last Stuart king in England; the new king and queen were

invited in, under conditions…

The Glorious Revolution

The bloodless overthrow of the last Stuart king in England; the new king and queen were

invited in, under conditions…

Russian nobles who competed for power with the czars, and ruled over their serfs like manor


Russian nobles who competed for power with the czars, and ruled over their serfs like manor



Rising Protestant state in northern German area that rivaled Hapsburg Austria for influence in the

area after the 30 Years War

Rising Protestant state in northern German area that rivaled Hapsburg Austria for influence in the

area after the 30 Years War


Northern European Protestant power that united with France at the end of the 30 Years War, and

fought Peter the Great for control of the Baltic Sea

Northern European Protestant power that united with France at the end of the 30 Years War, and

fought Peter the Great for control of the Baltic Sea


Holy Roman Emperor who fought Ottomans, Protestants, and German princes before retiring and dividing his kingdom between his brother and son

Holy Roman Emperor who fought Ottomans, Protestants, and German princes before retiring and dividing his kingdom between his brother and son

Charles 5th (V)

French Protestants who took abuse from the majority of French Catholics and from most of

their kings

French Protestants who took abuse from the majority of French Catholics and from most of

their kings


He sought to modernize his nation by looking to the learning and ways of western Europe, and he fought the

Ottomans and Swedes to become a major sea power

He sought to modernize his nation by looking to the learning and ways of western Europe, and he fought the

Ottomans and Swedes to become a major sea power

Peter the Great

Clash between royal supporters (“cavaliers”) and Parliament supporters (“roundheads”) and leads

to Puritan control… for a while…

Clash between royal supporters (“cavaliers”) and Parliament supporters (“roundheads”) and leads

to Puritan control… for a while…

English Civil War

Long time leader of France, who set the model of an “absolute monarch” and fought to expand

French power in influence across Europe

Long time leader of France, who set the model of an “absolute monarch” and fought to expand

French power in influence across Europe

Louis 14th (XIV)

Spain had major beef with England because of its support for Protestant rebels here – after the 30 Years war, it becomes an independent country

Spain had major beef with England because of its support for Protestant rebels here – after the 30 Years war, it becomes an independent country


Catholic leader of Spain who fought to squish Protestants and rebels, and tried to smush

England for supporting the Netherlands

Catholic leader of Spain who fought to squish Protestants and rebels, and tried to smush

England for supporting the Netherlands

Philip the 2nd (II)

Philip sent this to smush England – it got smushed instead

Philip sent this to smush England – it got smushed instead

Spanish Armada

The biggest loser of the 30 Years War – its power was permanently shrunk and the German states under its “control” got much more sovereignty

The biggest loser of the 30 Years War – its power was permanently shrunk and the German states under its “control” got much more sovereignty

Holy Roman Empire

A giant symbol of his efforts to westernize Russia – Peter’s new capital city

A giant symbol of his efforts to westernize Russia – Peter’s new capital city

St. Petersburg

English queen who defied Philip 2nd, and worked to keep England independent of

Catholic influence

English queen who defied Philip 2nd, and worked to keep England independent of

Catholic influence

Elizabeth 1st (I)

Lavish and palatial mansion of Louis 14th, a symbol of his wealth, power and style

Lavish and palatial mansion of Louis 14th, a symbol of his wealth, power and style


These Englishmen were strict in their religious beliefs and wanted to remove any remains of

church practices that seemed Catholic-like

These Englishmen were strict in their religious beliefs and wanted to remove any remains of

church practices that seemed Catholic-like


Nation also created by the Treaty of Westphalia; its people speak 3 languages – French, German,

and Italian

Nation also created by the Treaty of Westphalia; its people speak 3 languages – French, German,

and Italian


He brought back the title “czar” and rapidly spread the size of Russia – after the death of his wife, paranoia and hatred fueled his bloody smack down on his own people

He brought back the title “czar” and rapidly spread the size of Russia – after the death of his wife, paranoia and hatred fueled his bloody smack down on his own people

Ivan the Terrible

Leader of the Puritans in the English Civil War; he became dictator during the English Commonwealth,

and oversaw a strict religious government

Leader of the Puritans in the English Civil War; he became dictator during the English Commonwealth,

and oversaw a strict religious government

Oliver Cromwell

This brought major changes to the shape and nature of Europe – it began as a religious beef but by its end

religion took back seat to national politics

This brought major changes to the shape and nature of Europe – it began as a religious beef but by its end

religion took back seat to national politics

Thirty Years War

Its decline was made worse by losses at sea, nearly constant warfare, pirates, economic depression, religious persecution,

and being on the losing side in the 30 Years War

Its decline was made worse by losses at sea, nearly constant warfare, pirates, economic depression, religious persecution,

and being on the losing side in the 30 Years War


Elizabeth’s sister and Philip’s wife – she viciously tried to bring Catholicism back to England until

her early death made Elizabeth queen

Elizabeth’s sister and Philip’s wife – she viciously tried to bring Catholicism back to England until

her early death made Elizabeth queen

“Bloody” Queen Mary 1st (I)

English philosopher and writer who defended absolute monarchy as the best type of government – because he thought

nasty, greedy, selfish people need order to keep them in line

English philosopher and writer who defended absolute monarchy as the best type of government – because he thought

nasty, greedy, selfish people need order to keep them in line

Thomas Hobbes

The principle that drove Sweden and France to cross religious lines and team up to fight against

the Holy Roman Empire

The principle that drove Sweden and France to cross religious lines and team up to fight against

the Holy Roman Empire

balance of power

King William and Queen Mary (not “Bloody”) had to agree to sign this before becoming English monarchs – it permanently

limited royal power, expanded Parliament’s influence, and guaranteed basic rights for citizens

King William and Queen Mary (not “Bloody”) had to agree to sign this before becoming English monarchs – it permanently

limited royal power, expanded Parliament’s influence, and guaranteed basic rights for citizens

English Bill of Rights

Russian ruler who came to power by getting rid of a spouse, reformed Russian legal and educational systems, but also tied

Russian peasants further to the lands and their noble lords

Russian ruler who came to power by getting rid of a spouse, reformed Russian legal and educational systems, but also tied

Russian peasants further to the lands and their noble lords

Catherine the Great

The nickname Louis the 14th encouraged – reflected his central role in French and

European politics and culture

The nickname Louis the 14th encouraged – reflected his central role in French and

European politics and culture

The “Sun King”

The Treaty of Westphalia created this system that did not exist before – with countries exchanging embassies and ambassadors

The Treaty of Westphalia created this system that did not exist before – with countries exchanging embassies and ambassadors

International diplomacy

Economic condition when the value of money drops, and the prices of things rise – too much American gold and not

enough industry to invest in made this happen in Spain

Economic condition when the value of money drops, and the prices of things rise – too much American gold and not

enough industry to invest in made this happen in Spain


Agreement Charles 5th (V) reluctantly agreed to sign – gave German princes the right to choose the religion for their state; the 30 Years War proves it didn’t last very long…

Agreement Charles 5th (V) reluctantly agreed to sign – gave German princes the right to choose the religion for their state; the 30 Years War proves it didn’t last very long…

Peace of Augsburg

Area (or what we call it today – then it was a region with many states within it) that got savaged by the effects of the 30 Years

War and lost 1/3 of its people to death by war, disease, and famine

Area (or what we call it today – then it was a region with many states within it) that got savaged by the effects of the 30 Years

War and lost 1/3 of its people to death by war, disease, and famine


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