accomplish the last 2 steps of wine tasting

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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DESCRIPTION Learn more about the last two steps in wine testing - Judging the finish and scoring its overall quality.



the last two steps of WINE TASTING

Finally we come to the last two steps of our wine

tasting evaluation:

Judging the finish and scoring its overall quality.

The 4th Step in Wine Tasting - Evaluating Finish

A wine’s finish, also known as aftertaste, is the lingering impression of flavor and how long it lingers after swallowing the wine.

Finish is the very last

impression that a wine leaves

after swallowing it.

A long, satisfying and

BALANCED finish is

associated with

higher quality wine.

You MUST evaluate the finish in terms of what the aftertaste feels and, well tastes like?

You’ll need those notes to give the wine a final score.

Write down your perceptions to compare

with the notes you’ve compiled from previous 3

steps up to this step of wine tasting.

The 5th Step of Wine Tasting

– Evaluating Overall Quality and Scoring.

The wine taster evaluates a wine’s varietal character and other remarkable things about the wine, before giving it a final score.

Evaluating varietal character refers to

judging how well a wine represents its variety of grape in terms of flavor, aroma, and appearance.

Assigning Final Wine Tasting Score

Wine taster gives the wine a final score, but rating systems can vary.

A taster’s impressions are recorded and then rated on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 to 20, or 1 to 100, etc.

The final score of a wine would be the average of these ratings.

Wine tasting’s standards, tools, and guidelines are

meant to create a uniform way of tasting and to help describe and rate wine in

widely understandable terms.

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