adding e-commerce to your website by barbara luhring

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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ADDITION OF E-COMMERCE���Choose the option that make the most sense for you���

Option One: Amazon

ADDITION OF E-COMMERCE���Choose the option that make the most sense for you���

Option Two: Wordpress + WP Plugin

ADDITION OF E-COMMERCE���Choose the option that make the most sense for you���

Option Three: HTML + Hosted Solution

ADDITION OF E-COMMERCE���Choose the option that make the most sense for you���

Easiest Payment Gateways:���

Existing customers give you a place to start.���Social media platforms give you the opportunity to reach new customers.

SMM Demographics

Tackling the challenge of matching social media platforms with your���preferred customer/client demographic.

Mobile Devices/Tablets M-commerce has dramatically changed the way brands reach customers, making it faster and easier for consumers to make purchases on the fly. As of January 2013: • 172 million mobile users in the US • 50% of all local searches done via mobile • Tablet owners spend 21% more online than laptop owners. • 27% of mobile shoppers will purchase a digital product (eBook or App)

Facebook (2004) As of January 2013: • 1.01 billion worldwide - up from 680 million in 2010 • 48% of young Americans get their news on Facebook • Facebook-connected shoppers are 9 times more likely to share content. • 100,000,000 users worldwide log on with their mobile phone • Facebook links posted from 1pm to 4pm EST result in the highest average click-thrus • 20% of Facebook users have purchased something because of ads or comments they saw on the site

Linkedin (2003) As of January 2013: • 135 million users in over 200 countries • 57 million users in the United States • Over 20 million students and recent college grads on Linkedin • $89,000 – average income of Linkedin user • 22 million+ have found their most recent job on social networks. Networks include Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.

Pinterest (2010) As of January 2013: • 21 million unique visitors • 68% of users are women (some report 85%) • 16 minutes 40 seconds average time on site • Most popular categories: Fashion, Desserts, Clothes, Birthdays • Pinterest is now the fastest-growing site for referral traffic • Facebook dominates referral traffic, accounting for 26.4% in January 2012 • American users spend an average of 1 hr and 17 minutes on the site monthly just behind Facebook (6 hrs and 35 min.) and Tumblr (1 hr and 38 min.). • Pin (from the web); Repin (from Pinterest): upload your own photo

Twitter (2006)As of January 2013: • 500,000,000 users worldwide • 340 million Tweets per day • 15.7% of traffic on Twitter happens on Tuesday • 42% of users have income of $26,000 to $49,000 • 60% of users have Bachelors Degrees • 24% of users are between the ages of 25-34���• 59% of users are female • 55% of Tweets are done from mobile phones • 67% of users purchase from brands they follow • Twitter campaigns are excellent for live events.

Google (1998)• Best tool ever: Google Alert • Google Shopping one of the newest additions - competition with Amazon From • February 14, 2013 ���Facebook May Already Be Taking Away Searches From Google As comScore concludes, "Facebook’s Graph Search, which incorporates users’ “likes” into search results, will have enough similarities to Google’s social search elements that the two companies appear to be on something of a collision course in this nascent segment of the search market.” For the time being though, Google accounts for two of every three searches done in the U.S., far and away the most of any core search engine. "Consumers are increasingly likely to search for a product on Amazon or eBay, and search for people on Facebook or," comScore

Google+ (2011) As of January 2013: Originally called Google Circles • 170,000,000 unique users worldwide per month • 28 years old average age of user • 70% of users are male • Two largest users groups – college students & software developers • Take part in a “hangout” to establish yourself as an expert Google+ claims it isn’t a social network, but Google is indeed now a social-focused company. Incrementally, feature by feature, piece by piece.

Blogs (1997) • 446,000,000 of people globally read blogs • 900,000 is the average number of blog posts in a 24 hour period • 55% percent of the blogosphere that drinks more than 2 cups of coffee/day • 81 languages are represented in the blogosphere • 59% percent of bloggers have been blogging for at least 2 years • Absolute most important aspect of blog: LANDING PAGES • Use the Wordpress platform to create websites that will play well with all social media.

Let an online store improve The bottom line of your business!

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