advansys® formativ™ technical overview unlimited solutions for groupwise

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Advansys® Formativ™Advansys® Formativ™Technical OverviewTechnical Overview

Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Who Are We?Who Are We?

Long established GroupWise specialists Strategic Novell Partners Founded in 1989, Advansys has over 20

years combined GroupWise third party development experience

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

A Revolution…A Revolution…

Formativ provides a completely new tool to enhance GroupWise.

Formativ delivers new opportunities for ‘out of the box’ solutions, systems integration and business process automation.

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

What is Formativ?What is Formativ?

Formativ transforms GroupWise with: your choice of ‘out of the box’ solutions an integrated tool for creating solutions powerful GroupWise user interface extensions a modular solutions framework

Add and maintain any number of solutions Novell eDirectory™ support for fast and secure

solution deployment

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Developing for GroupWiseDeveloping for GroupWise












Third-party handler


Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®


Developing with FormativDeveloping with Formativ











Third-party handler







Third-party handler


Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Concept DiagramFormativ Concept Diagram

GroupWise 32-bit Windows Client

Novell eDirectory Local Workstation

GroupWise Client User Interface Extensions

Formativ Solutions Engine

















Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ ComponentsFormativ Components





Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Components: SolutionsFormativ Components: Solutions





Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Types of Formativ SolutionsTypes of Formativ Solutions

Add new features to GroupWise Simplify existing GroupWise features Tailor GroupWise to meet specific needs Turnkey collaboration based solutions Business process automation and workflow Integrate GroupWise with external systems

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

‘‘Out of the Box’ SolutionsOut of the Box’ SolutionsToday View – Included freeToday View – Included free

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

‘‘Out of the Box’ SolutionsOut of the Box’ SolutionsNo Junk Mail – Included freeNo Junk Mail – Included free

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

‘‘Out of the Box’ SolutionsOut of the Box’ Solutions

Formativ Stationery Personalized Mass Email Multiple Signatures Add or Edit Message Note Address Book Publisher Internet Reply Formatter

Import Dates Message to Template Template System Publish Folder List Virus Alert Over 20 solutions!

Business Solutions PackBusiness Solutions Pack

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

‘‘Out of the Box’ SolutionsOut of the Box’ SolutionsFormativ StationeryFormativ Stationery

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Components: DevelopmentFormativ Components: Development





Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Create New SolutionsCreate New Solutions

Create an unlimited range of solutions Create solutions easily with the integrated

development tool Includes applet recorder

Exploit new Formativ GroupWise client user interface extensions

Access native GroupWise APIs Object API, Tokens, Administrative Object API Support a range of C3PO services

Create commercial and protected solutions

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Development EnvironmentFormativ Development Environment

Designed specifically for GroupWise Integrated development tool ‘Point and click’ ease

Add new GroupWise toolbar buttons and menus

Standards based Formativ language 100% Visual Basic Script compatible COM, HTML, DHTML, XML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript

Secure Applets can only be executed within Formativ Command-line execution not possible

Supports Novell eDirectory

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

FormativCentralFormativCentralFormativ’s integrated development environment (IDE)Formativ’s integrated development environment (IDE)

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Unique Unique DevelopmentDevelopment Tools Tools

Create secure solutions Encrypt source code and sensitive data, such

as account details, using Encoded or Flexalock™ applets

Optionally expose constants and comments

Create secure trial solutions With a fixed expiry date With a 30-day trial period Helps ensure that solutions

meet customer requirements

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

GroupWise Client ExtensionsGroupWise Client Extensions

Seamless integration of Web technologies Client extensions and the Formativ language

enable unique, dynamic solutions Use HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, DOM, CSS Formativ client extensions

Formativ Portal Manager™ HTML Dialogs

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Portal Manager™Formativ Portal Manager™

Seamless integration of browser technology Simultaneous display of persistent portals Intuitive access via the Formativ Portals folder Fully programmable portal content and

display Portal access to GroupWise messages Run Formativ solutions from a portal view Process Web forms

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Portal ExampleFormativ Portal Example

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

HTML DialogsHTML Dialogs

Develop distinctive HTML based dialogs Load local, intranet or extranet dialog content Leverage HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, DOM, CSS Form variables available to Formativ language Choice of standard or embedded HTML Dialogs

Embedded dialogs seamlessly integrate with the GroupWise client window

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

HTML Dialogs – An ExampleHTML Dialogs – An Example

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Who Can Create Formativ Who Can Create Formativ Solutions?Solutions?

GroupWise users Resellers, Integrators or Solution Providers The Third Party Community

Share Formativ solutions on GroupWise Cool Solutions

GroupWise specialists Advansys

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Components: FrameworkFormativ Components: Framework





Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Concept DiagramFormativ Concept Diagram

GroupWise 32-bit Windows Client

Novell eDirectory Local Workstation

GroupWise Client User Interface Extensions

Formativ Solutions Engine

















Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Modular Solutions FrameworkModular Solutions Framework

Efficient, scalable solution development Focus on the solution

eliminate repetitive, mechanical tasks Add as many solutions as you like Build and distribute solutions quickly Reusable components and services Hides complexity Enables compact, portable solutions Adds core GroupWise extensions

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Components: ManagementFormativ Components: Management





Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Simple, Secure ManagementSimple, Secure Management

Exploit the power, security of Novell eDirectory™ Easy, secure solution deployment for users,

groups, departments or the enterprise Use Formativ Admin to publish a solution to

eDirectory for immediate availability Supported by all Formativ products Manage Formativ engine options

Formativ engine rollout Novell ZENworks® support Use GroupWise Add-on directory Configurable Windows installation program

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Novell eDirectory™ IntegrationNovell eDirectory™ Integration

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

User BenefitsUser Benefits

Empower GroupWise users Pick and choose solutions Modify solutions Develop their own solutions Engage others to develop solutions Can now think ‘outside the square’


Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Enterprise BenefitsEnterprise Benefits

Maximize return on GroupWise investment Deploy only the desired solutions Customize GroupWise to meet exact needs Integrate with existing corporate systems Make the most of existing infrastructure

As needs change, add or adapt solutions in an easy, cost effective manner

Even simple custom or personalized solutions can yield significantGroupWise user benefits

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Enterprise BenefitsEnterprise Benefits

Combat pressures to migrate to a competitive collaboration product

Minimal training as Formativ solutions utilize familiar GroupWise features

Getting the most from GroupWise is essential during tough economic times

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Industries using FormativIndustries using Formativ

Formativ is currently used in

Formativ is a cross-industry solution

– BankingBanking– EducationEducation– ManufacturingManufacturing– LegalLegal

– HealthHealth– GovernmentGovernment– TelecommunicationTelecommunication

ss– And more…And more…

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

FFormativormativ Product Model Product Model

Single User Small Business Level

Organizations up to 150 users Enterprise Level

Organizations over 150 users

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Formativ Product RangeFormativ Product Range

Formativ Runtime 1.5 Formativ Developer 1.5 Formativ Admin 1.5 Formativ Business Solutions Pack 1.5 Formativ Small Business

1 x Formativ Admin 50 x Formativ Runtime

Formativ Enterprise 25 x Formativ Admin 250 x Formativ Runtime

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

The ‘Save Your Job’ Task ViewThe ‘Save Your Job’ Task View

The Need Display tasks assigned to me Group tasks by sender Enable access to tasks from the new view Seamless integration with GroupWise

The Formativ Solution Display task data using HTML Single user action to display task view One click access to a task’s details Display in an integrated Formativ Portal

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Creating the GroupWise Task ViewCreating the GroupWise Task View

Start a new applet in FormativCentral Create the Formativ Portal Extract the task information from GroupWise Create the HTML master layout Complete solution logic Integrate solution with the GroupWise client Share your solution

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Completed Task ViewCompleted Task View

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Creating a Formativ PortalCreating a Formativ PortalSet iPortal = iPortals.Item(PORTAL_ID)if iPortal is nothing then Set iPortal = iPortals.Add iPortal.ID = PORTAL_ID iPortal.Caption = "Delegated Tasks" iPortal.TabCaption = "Delegated Tasks" iPortal.RunApplets = FALSE iPortal.OpenMessages = TRUE end if iPortal.HTML = iPortalSrciPortal.OpenMessages = TRUE iPortal.ShowiPortals.ActivePortal = iPortal.ID

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Extracting GroupWise TasksExtracting GroupWise Tasks

set iAccount = GroupWise.Account

' Setup a filter to find the tasks


Year(aStart) & "/" & Month(aStart) & "/" & Day(aStart) & " AT 00:00:00 AND START_DATE <= " & Year(aEnd) &_

"/" & Month(aEnd) & "/" & Day(aEnd) & " AT 23:59:59)")

Set iTaskList = iAccount.Calendar.FindMessages(iFilter)

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Integrating the Task View - 1Integrating the Task View - 1

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Integrating the Task View - 2Integrating the Task View - 2

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 1 – Local GovernmentCase Study 1 – Local Government

The Need Dramatically increase efficiency of Building

Notifications system Meet new State Government reporting laws Meet legal evidence standards

The Formativ Solution Workflow solution using GroupWise tasks Custom dialogs manage message handling Fast, automated reporting using Microsoft Excel Met all project objectives with a low cost solution

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 1 – Notification FormCase Study 1 – Notification Form

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 2 – Legal IndustryCase Study 2 – Legal Industry

The Need Manage case load more effectively through regular

advance notifications of pending cases Automated task reminder management

The Formativ Solution Reminders created using alarmed appointments When a task is completed, optionally recreate task and

reminders for following year Automatic reminder management

Deleting or completing a task removes all associated reminders

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 2 – Creating RemindersCase Study 2 – Creating Reminders

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 2 – Automatic renewalCase Study 2 – Automatic renewal

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 3 - BankingCase Study 3 - Banking

The Need Migrate from Outlook to Exchange Minimize effort in migrating of Outlook calendar and

email data to new GroupWise user accounts Provide similar HTML template facility

The Formativ Solution Outlook Calendar and Email conversion applets Automated population of GroupWise mailbox Customized templates (stationery) system Enabled access to converted Outlook templates

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 4 - GovernmentCase Study 4 - Government

The Need Migrate from Lotus Notes mail to GroupWise Replicate user’s Notes mail folders in GroupWise Move user’s mail into correct folders

The Formativ Solution Parsed text file with Notes mail folder structure Automatically created GroupWise folders Automatically moved converted messages from the

GroupWise mailbox into appropriate folders

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 5 - ManufacturingCase Study 5 - Manufacturing

The Need Automate expense reporting and management Include workflow approval mechanism Reduce reimbursement processing times Must be a low cost solution

The Formativ Solution Workflow solution using routed email messages Integrates with existing expense system Captures expense validation statement Met all project objectives with a low cost solution

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 5 – Expense FormCase Study 5 – Expense Form

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 6 - EducationCase Study 6 - Education

The Need Improve GroupWise distribution list

management Export distribution lists to Microsoft Excel Two reports to illustrate list/user relationships

The Formativ Solution Leveraged GroupWise administration services Automatic generation of Excel reports Low cost solution met exact needs

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 7 - BankingCase Study 7 - Banking

The Need Capture loan information for branch offices Automated message creation and addressing Hide native GroupWise message interface

The Formativ Solution Implemented easy to use custom form Automated, hidden GroupWise message

creation and processing Seamlessly integrated the bank’s business

process with GroupWise

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 7 – Loan Request FormCase Study 7 – Loan Request Form

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Case Study 8 – Travel IndustryCase Study 8 – Travel Industry

The Need Integrate with existing airline reservation system Replace plain text itinerary email with HTML Easy to use solution

The Formativ Solution Custom Formativ stationery (HTML) solution Automatic insertion of airline reservation system

itinerary data into corporate stationery Single button action

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Solutions Development BackupSolutions Development Backup

Support Forums


Solutions Development Service Partners Advansys

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®


Formativ provides a revolutionary tool to transform GroupWise

Formativ delivers new opportunities for ‘out of the box’ solutions, systems integration and business process automation

Maximize return on GroupWise investment Increase user satisfaction

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®


Anatomy of a Formativ solution Case studies Examples of shipping solutions eDirectory distribution and management

Advansys Formativ™ – Unlimited Solutions for GroupWise®

Further InformationFurther Information

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