an official wacky boolprop challenge: chapter 11

Post on 15-Jun-2015



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It's a large update... I wanted to get to the Heir Vote. 3 girls are ready to be the heir to the family but only one can do it. Who will it be? It's up to the votes to see... Please vote- Ends April 13th. Thanks so much-


Yay! I’m back with my Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge family-The Fitzsimmons. It’s been a long time since I visited them…

The family Gnome, Curly, is still missing. He’s been gone for a while now but I’m not giving up. =[

The first generation kids are teens and it’s spring again…. Hm, I need to make a family tree.

(Ignore the 10- I forgot chapter 10! XD )

This is Peach, Angelica’s Plantsim daughter. Peach is trying to get past the fighting strays to get to her car pool…

The good thing is she now knows their names by just looking at them. XD

The girls seem to always have a few visitors after school. They’re normally kids from the vacation neighborhoods. I don’t know how they get to go to their school but the girls can’t invite them over for a few hours- it has to be 3 days.

Okay… I can understand Bendi needing a snack after school but I have no idea why Jim went to stuff his face. He’s platinum from going on so many dates with his wife- her LTW is 50 Dream Dates.

Imp, (Olympia) the second oldest daughter is wearing white, cooked dinner. Imp always has a want to serve a meal.

The twin aliens, Celle and Stial, are working on being the family bug nut. The poor girls do get a lot of bee stings. They bug hunt so much they now get wants to do it- Awesome. =D

It was time for the four girls to get jobs. Imp actually wants one which makes me happy.

I don’t remember what it was though.

Someone doesn’t like them? Grumps! :(

I’m trying to give Bendi, the family Bad Apple and oldest daughter, a good amount of skills for Uni. I want them all to go to University. Maybe it’ll make Uni more fun that way? *fingers crossed* =]

The next day was a snow day. I didn’t even make them go to school- how nice am I? XD

Celle wants a date…

“The forces send you this slightly acceptable teen.”


It’s spring and things are growing again- especially Stial’s curiosity about her twin’s date.

At least look at what you’re doing, Stial! XD


She flirted and appreciated but he just wasn’t that into her.

“Woah, now. You’re pushing it.”


What ticks me off is I forgot to stop the game from having them share a kiss at the end of the date and now she lost her chance at a first kiss. =[

Dang you Sims 2! You got me again. XD

Imp got to the top of her job- it’s not medical though.

“We’re all going to have dates, right?”

Probably not. =[

Oh, cool- Celle got to the top too- another scholarship for Uni.

Stial doesn’t work today and really, really wanted a date too. . .

But I can’t find pictures of her date. I know she got one and it went okay- nothing special though.

Someone got a present! I just stashed it for Uni because they don‘t need it now. XD

“I have a Secret Admirer!”

Sorry Peach, it’s for one of your sisters.

(I must have a mod in that makes them disappear. I really need to remove it because I’m losing them and a few other things are disappearing) =[

The want for a date just won’t go away so I fulfilled it.

“I see someone just for you!”

“Thank you, thank you.”

Aw- they have two bolts and he’s so nice… He can’t dance but he’s makes her smile trying. XD

They spent a lot of time outside fishing. It was a nice date.

Everyone was doing their homework but Bendi. I had to wake her so her dad could help her with it.

Yay! We got a Genie lamp… Only 3 wishes and 6 daughters.

Woot! Bendi got a wish fulfilled. XD

(I can’t give her any direction or see her needs/wants)

She’s also the only one to ever play and feed the Koi. =D

Peach invites Bendi to fish with her. Who knows, one day it might be an easy wish fulfill.

Late night bug hunt.

“Oh no, I forgot!

“How sweet; this one IS for me.”

I’ll have to take your word on it.

“I was wondering…”


“I was thinking about…”


“I changed my mind, I’m not ready to be a Vampire. I’ll save it for another day.”

“Sigh… You know my phone number.”

I don’t know why I thought now was a good time for her to be a vampire. Peach wants to be a Dancer. Maybe after she gets that.

It’s the weekend and the girls are gossiping over breakfast. =]

Look who walks by… he’s a fun Sim- imo.

Well, one Stial doesn’t think he’s all that. XD

“Have a good day at work, Peach.”

Bad Jim. Get that want out of your panel… bad Romance Sim wants.

What…. Another Genie lamp?

“Not yet. I got invited to the party.”

Oh, yes… it’s the Spring Party.

Simselves are visiting.

*from front to back: Kieka- writes The White Legacy -among others

Next is Ani Mei- writes Where Angels Fear to Tread -among others

Then there’s Fuzzy Spork- wrote Flaming O’Leery -among others And way in the back is my Simself (looks nothing like me). XD

Woot- the Bar is out, the music is being performed by Bendi, and the Smustle is being danced… Par-ty!

Oh, look- more Simselfs. Hii!

SimSam- aka SuperFrog- seems to be out of step with the rest… or everyone else is off. I’ll let her tell us later. XD

*SuperFrog writes The Boon OWBC -among others

*Amylu Simself is in purple,. XD

Angelica made a new friend- Thai. XD

I don’t know where Pony is today. She might have to work. =[

*Thai is a Simself, too- writing Building from the Breadlines –among others

Imp still wants to serve meals… and look, the cute boy sat down to wait to be served.

It was cake time!

…Oh, look- Pony is here- she’s way in the back left. XD

*Pony is writing- The NEW Pokemon Legacy –among others

Aw… pink with an elastic waist. She needs new clothes. XD

Woot- Just got the notice that I can send Bendi to Uni- she’s 2 days to her b-day. XD

You know a Sim party is Awesome when it drifts to the bathroom.

I love the voodoo doll- Angelica makes another friend. XD

My Simself corners Kieka in the shower. I wonder why Kieka was in there while Jim was taking a shower… she must have wanted to tell him a joke or play redhands. XD

“So do the kids find their grandfather’s grave?”

“You’ll have to read the next few chapters.”

I’m sure my Simself would hound her for the hightlights of her Legacy story. XD

It was Hula Time!

Everyone one knows how to hula if they come to a party here.

Looks like Pony is teaching Thai. XD

Well, crap- Another bad party. Lol!

I’m going to stop having dates at parties.

Look who got the Genie Lamp.

“I got a genie lamp?”

No, sweetie. Not you- your sister, Peach got the lamp.

“Can I have a wish?”


Yes, the one thing I’m sure they’d want to do after a rather good party- in my opinion- is fishing.

Time to go out.

and buy Angelica some new clothes…

and let Jim and Angelica have a little fun.

“Oh, yeah!”

Now Jim will never lose the want to woohoo in public with 3 different Sims. *sigh* XD

The next day I sent Bendi to University. Angelica dropped her off.

Jim is working his way to the top of Athletics- his LTW.

Angelica is already Prema-Plat with the second meter but I’m still going to get her LTW of 50 DD.

Ohnie got a job and made it to the top. She’s got a few skills to earn before she goes to Uni.

“I vote we draw straws to see who gets to use the Genie lamp. It can’t be just for Peach.”

Aw… family discussion over a burnt dinner.

Still not there but it’s okay, Celle- you have a few years to get them all.

I didn’t think Jim would want a party… Okay, I didn’t want a party. XD

Oh yes- You’re keeping that hairstyle. XD

Why did the old guy come home with my teen Sims? O.O

Dancing out on the sidewalk…

It’s like everyone must learn to hula.

“Bye Imp! We’ll see you soon.”

“Have fun. Say hi to Bendi for us.”

Off to Uni for Olympia.

Both parents ran out to wave goodbye, too.

“Bye sweetie!”

Then they went on a date and out to buy Jim some new clothes.

Lol~ Those darn Simselves and Romance Sims. XD

Not a good choice in clothes.

Time to meet some other students.

Peach has earned her gold badge (I missed the badge ) and it’s time to make a Servo.

“Dinner was great, thanks Mom.”

I blame Jim for no neat points this generation. XD

Lightning struck a flamingo! I expected it to go out on its own but these two ran outside and freaked. O.O

“Hi. Are you here to see someone?”

“I, uh… I don’t remember.”

“Did I do that?”


I know, I’m still slowly working on the Monster Mash points with Peach. =D

“This feels nice.”

*Except I need a mod to change her hat. Plantsims hair doesn’t change in the mirror- even to remove the hat.

“Awesome- a new friend.”

Peach hasn’t had a wish to see her crush. I thought she’d want another date by now.

Lol~ I’ve never seen the want to blow pollen in the face.

Celle laughed about it. XD

Okay… you know that drink is from the Spring party, right?

“It’s still good.”

Lol- there’s always one guest that rather kick the flamingos than go dance or play a game. XD

“You will sit here just a little longer so I can get my Dream date count up. Then you can go to work.”

“Yes, Dear heart.”

“We should be in Uni already. Once you get a few more skills we can leave.”

“I’ve got other things to do… like bug hunt and make more friends.”

“I don’t feel so well.”

Jim came home with the flu… or a cold.

Go make some Comfort soup.

“Good idea. I think I will.”

Great!… you’re still going to eat it.

“I got this, Sir. You can stop.”

“It’s almost out anyway.”

Poor Jim- He came home tired and sick and hasn’t been able to eat one bite.



You need to eat a little and then use the energizer. Your wife will be home soon and want a date.

Just a few bites and he was well again. Yay!

Lol! The hat, the dress, and Komei. He came home with her and they have one bolt but she’s not rolling any romance wants. Send him home. XD

“I remember all the wild parties when I was in Uni?”

“What are you saying? Does he mean my girls are at some wild parties, Ang?”

“Let’s go, Jim. You’ve got to watch your blood pressure.”

(Jim’s hairstyle changed when he got in his swim wear- that’s a

“Hi Angelica and Jim. It’s a nice night to be out.”

Nothing ruins the mood then a friend catching you! LOL


I found out since Peach knows the wolf’s name she can invite him to the party… Yay- it’s the Summer Party.

I heard hearts flying and this is what I see… Imp is flirting with Mr. Big and he’s flirting back. *sigh*

We already took his money… no need to break his heart, too. =[

She’s a Popularity Sim, he’s Fortune- I guess they work.

They ordered some Chinese Pizza for the party. XD

“How’s the Chinese takeout?”


It a Great party! =D

Time to send all the Girls to Uni

Woot! ‘All the Girls are At Uni’

This is their house (I make them way too big for TS2).

Time for clothes…

Imp and Bendi needed to work out a little- They put on the freshman 5… or 20.

The girls were working on new friends.

Celle got her new look- she doesn’t have even one point of playful so I think this look is good for her.

She worked to earn a little money since they’re nearly broke now.

Ohnie’s new look. She’s a Pleasure Sim and is totally outgoing.

Bendi lost a little weight from yoga. O.O

Lol~ Imp is back down… to almost normal. XD

It’s time for the Heir Poll!

There are only 3 girls up for the poll…

Bendi is the 1st born of the family. She’s the family’s Bad Apple so I don’t have any stats on her.

I couldn’t find when I can look at her stats.

This is Olympia, the 2nd child of the 3 required pregnancy.

The last, but not least of the 3. is Ohnie.

I hope you check out the Heir poll and vote. It’ll be my first heir poll ever. XD

Thanks and Happy Simming! <3

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