analysis of brain white matter via fiber tract...

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Analysis of Brain White Matter via Fiber Tract Modeling

1,2Guido Gerig, 2,3Sylvain Gouttard, and 1,2Isabelle Corouge1Department of Computer Science, 2Department of Psychiatry

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA3ESCPE Lyon, 69100 Villeurbanne, France


Abstract—White matter fiber bundles of the human brainform a spatial pattern defined by the anatomical and func-tional architecture. Tractography applied to the tensorfield in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) results in sets ofstreamlines which can be associated with major fiber tracts.Comparison of fiber tract properties across subjects needscomparison at corresponding anatomical locations. More-over, clinical analysis studying fiber tract disruption andintegrity requires analysis along tracts and within cross-sections, which is hard to accomplish by conventional re-gion of interest and voxel-based analysis. We propose a newframework for MR DTI analysis that includes tractography,fiber clustering, alignment via local shape parametrizationand diffusion analysis across and along tracts. Feasibilityis shown with the uncinate fasciculus and the cortico-spinaltracts. The extended set of features including fiber tract ge-ometry and diffusion properties might lead to an improvedunderstanding of diffusion properties and its association tonormal/abnormal brain development.

I. Introduction

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) measures local proba-bility distribution of the self-motion of water molecules.Restricted motion of extra- and intra-cellular fluid withinbrain white matter fibers correlates local diffusion pat-terns, in its simplest form represented by local tensors,with the orientation and density of white matter fibers.The potential of DTI to present white matter integrity,disruption and pathology long before visible changes oc-cur in structural imaging makes it the preferred modalityto study white matter diseases. The two tensor measuresmost commonly used in clinical analysis are the “apparentdiffusion coefficient” (ADC, trace of tensor) and the “frac-tional anisotropy” (FA, normalized difference from spher-ical). Previous research has been mostly focused on therobust calculation of the tensor field, regularization [1], sci-entific visualization [2] and fiber tracking [3], [4], [5], [6],[7], [8]. Atlas building and comparison of subject groupshave been studied by non-linear registration of DTI im-ages [9] and by combining tractography and spatial nor-malization [10].

Clinical analysis of DTI mostly followed the commonconcept of aligning DTI images via affine transformationto a template and statistical parametric mapping (SPM)for voxel-wise group difference tests [11], [12], [13]. Despitethe use of manually defined regions of interest, discussionof results used the terms “connectivity” and “fiber disrup-tion”, properties that might be better explained by mod-eling of whole tracts. Kubicki et al. [12], [13] report aboutdifferences of cross-sectional area of the uncinate fascicu-lus and the cingulate, measured in orthogonal sections ofthe MRI acquisition. They could further show significant

differences between controls and schizophrenics using thefractional anisotropy area statistics. These studies showthat clinical analysis of DTI could benefit from improvedtools for reliable extraction of fiber tracts of interest, for es-tablishing homology across subjects, and for measuring andcomparing geometric and diffusion properties along tracts.This paper significantly extends earlier work initiated byFillard et al. [8] and by Corouge et al. [14]. We will notdescribe tractography but focus on the subsequent quanti-tative analysis.

II. Quantitative analysis of white matter fibertracts

We have developed a new set of tools for quantitativeanalysis of diffusion properties associated with fiber tracts:• Tractography to extract sets of streamlines representingmajor fiber tracts.• Fiber bundling and outlier removal.• Parametrization of sets of streamlines representing bun-dles.• Calculation of local parameters of space curves to helpto establish point to point correspondence between tracts.• Calculation of diffusion properties within bundle cross-sections and along bundles.• Statistical analysis of fiber tract properties across sub-jects.

The following subsections summarizes the individual pro-cessing steps, more details are found in [14]. Figure 2 il-lustrates the concept with the example of the uncinate fas-ciculus. The complexity of the structure indicates that itmight be difficult to measure properties with region of in-terest analysis. We used tractography and clustering toextract the left and the right bundles, parametrized the setof streamlines and attribute each line with a parameter ex-tracted from the local diffusion tensors, here the fractionalanisotropy (Fig. 2 lower right).

A. Tractography

The extraction of sets of streamlines from the diffusiontensor field is performed with a method originally devel-oped by Mori et al. [15] and further improved by Fillard etal. [8] 1. Selection of source and target regions is similar tothe concept outlined in [15]; we use backtracking from tar-get to source and use large target regions (the full brain orthe whole portion superior to the corpus callosum, e.g.) togenerate seed points to be traced back to the source region.

1Fiber tracking tool download at

Tracking is regularized by two parameters controlling localcoherence and smoothness of streamlines. Results for a setof major tracts are shown in Fig. 1a.

B. Clustering of curves to bundles

Tractography results in sets of streamlines connectingtarget to source regions. As our tracking is not guided bygeometric constraints, this set can be noisy and can includemultiple paths (see Fig. 3a,b and d). We developed a clus-tering scheme that uses various curve distance metrics toremove outliers and to combine curves to bundles. Closelyrelated previous work has been proposed by Ding et al. [16].Their bundling algorithm relies on the concept of subdivi-sion into curve segments and the use of Euclidean distanceto define similarity centered around a core curve. We ex-tend this notion of cable-like bundles in order to representribbon cables and even bundles represented by sweeping atemplate curve to form a manifold [14], using the full setof pairwise distances.

The fiber tracking process provides us with a set F of3D curves, Fi, each represented by a set of 3D points pk,F = {Fi, Fi = {pk}}. Given a pairwise distance d and afiber Fi, d is computed between Fi and Fj for all Fj in F ,j 6= i. Fi and Fj are decided to be in the same class ifd(Fi, Fj) < t where t ∈ R is a treshold to be chosen. Thisprocess can be described as a graph clustering. A graphwith with nodes representing the curves and attributededges representing pairwise distance is cut at threshold t,breaking the whole graph into a number of clusters. Eachcluster is populated with a number of curves. Clusters ofvery low cardinality (e.g. containing less than 10% of ini-tial fibers) are considered as outliers and rejected. Thus,for each fiber Fi within a class C, at least one fiber Fj , j 6= iin C is such that d(Fi, Fj) < t. In our implementation, wecalculate a matrix of pairwise distances where each curvegets an individual label. These labels are iteratively propa-gated to neighbors until there is no change. This clusteringpossesses a “transitivity property” and can also collect setsof curves which are not close to one single template butwhich can be described as a continuous sweeping of curvesacross space. Only one parameter, the threshold t, has tobe selected. A large value of t results in a small number ofclasses, whereas a smaller value will increase the number ofclasses. The optimal parameter t depends on the data setunder examination and on the choice of the distance met-ric. We compute the histogram of the number of classesas a function of t to study the sensitivity of each metricin regard to this parameter and to guide users to come upwith a meaningful choice. For example, users can selectthe number of sought clusters instead of the parameter it-self, which is used in Figure 3d to separate left and rightcortico-spinal tracts.

Three pairwise distances between curves Fi and Fj havebeen implemented:1. Closest point distance dc: Closest distance betweenpairs of curves A and B.2. Mean dM of closest distances: Mean of closest distancefor every point of curve A to curve B.

3. Hausdorff distance, dH : Maximum of point-wise mini-mum distances between pairs of curves.

Since all these distances are not symmetric, we calculatethe combined metrics for A to B and B to A. Additionally,we use shape-based distances by extracting geometric char-acteristics from fibers such as length, center of mass andsecond order moments. The principle of the clustering al-gorithm remains the same when using first or second ordermoments. In the former case, d is the Euclidean distancebetween centers of mass, called dG, whereas in the lattercase it represents orientation similarity of the first principaldirections.

The overall closest distance dc can not be expected tohave a good discrimination power between fibers since asingle closest point pair does not encode shape similarity.On the contrary, dM provides a global similarity measuresince it integrates closest distances along the whole curve.The Hausdorff distance is a worst-case distance, it is a use-ful metric to reject outliers and prevents the algorithm fromclustering curves with high dissimilarity. Centers of massare an appropriate feature to measure coarse similarity ofpose since they are a first order complete representation ofa fiber, whereas the second order moment metric has diffi-culties to discriminate dense fiber sets because of its noisesensitivity.

The interactively guided clustering allows a multi-criteria based classification. For example, outliers canbe first rejected based on length and Hausdorff distancewhereas left/right bundles might be separated by compar-ing the center of mass. We will develop guidelines for majortracts and thus standardize the procedure aiming towardsan automated clustering scheme.

C. Attributing bundles with diffusion properties

It is now interesting to study local diffusion not in smallregions of interest but as a function of the geometry ofthe whole tract. Our tractography tool [8] simplifies thistask since fibers are stored as standardized ITK poly-lines attributed with the full tensor and derived proper-ties. Visualization of the splenium (Fig. 1b) clearly demon-strates that the fractional anisotropy varies significantlyas a function of location along the tract but also withincross-sections. The histogram representing the mid-sagittalcross-section (Fig. 1c) clearly shows that values range from0.1 up to 0.9, representing the whole range from nearlyisotropic up to highly anisotropic diffusion. We assumethat this broad range is a function of the coarse sam-pling of the underlying macroscopic fiber structures (here2 × 2 × 2mm3), partial voluming, but also natural varia-tion of fiber density and myelination sheath. However, itdemonstrates that region of interest analysis is not suffi-cient and might be very sensitive to the exact definition ofcross-sections.

DTI properties of large bundles (corpus callosum andcortico-spinal) are illustrated in the first column of Fig. 5.Whereas apparent diffusion (ADC) is mostly constantacross the whole bundle, an interesting pattern is observedin fractional anisotropy (FA). The FA values change signif-

icantly and form regular patterns. The dark blue on top iseasily explained by fiber dispertion towards the cortex andthus isotropic diffusion. The “stripe” patterns are inducedby neighboring tracts either running in parallel or perpen-dicular. These views again indicate that regions of interestanalysis might not capture this natural variation and evenmight be very sensitive to selecting locations along tracts.

D. Parametrization of fiber bundles

Summarizing diffusion properties within a bundle re-quires parametrization. First, we define a common originfor the set of fibers in each cluster. The choice of thisorigin might be based on geometric criteria, e.g. a cross-section with minimal area, or based on anatomical infor-mation, like the symmetry plane of the interhemisphericfissure. The polyline of each curve is parametrized by acubic B-spline curve. The set of splines is re-sampled anddiffusion measurements at each point are obtained by in-terpolation. The two attributes ADC and FA can now beintegrated across cross-sections and expressed as a func-tion of arc-length. Fig. 5 displays average and standarddeviations of ADC and along the fiber directions, i.e. frominferior to superior direction. Results are illustrated fora healthy adult case. The curves representing FA clearlyreflect the “stripes” shown in the color displays, and alsoindicate that the commonly used region of interest analysisneed high spatial precision not to be affected by this largenatural variations.

E. Attributing bundles with local shape properties

Comparison of fiber tracts across subjects requires a one-to-one correspondence between tracts. We explore the useof local shape statistics on the set of curves to automat-ically and reproducibly define significant locations alongtracts. Given a differentiable parametrization r(t) of acurve C, we calculate the Frenet frame (−→T ,

−→N ,

−→B ) in each

point p of the curves.The vector −→T is the unit tangent vector, −→N the unit nor-

mal vector and −→B supplements the frame so that it is or-

thonormal. At each point p, this frame allows the cal-culation of local features such as curvature κ and torsionτ . We use the parametrization by cubic B-splines as dis-cussed earlier to establish point correspondence betweensets of fibers. Points with the same curvilinear abscissæacross the fiber set, i.e. with the same arc-length, are de-fined as homologuous. Results for curvature of the corpuscallosum bundle are shown in Fig. 4. The mesh represen-tations and the mean and standard deviation of curvaturereflect the high similarity of the U-shaped curves close tothe origin (midsagittal plane) and the increased variabilitytowards the cortex (left and right in graphs) as expecteddue to fiber dispersion.

III. Conclusion

This paper discussed work in progress for quantitativeanalysis of DTI data. Unlike voxel-based analysis by non-linear registration, we develop a “tract-based” concept thatuses tractography to define complex regions of interest.

a b c

Fig. 1. DTI fiber tracts: a) Sets of tracts obtained by tractography,b) coloring FA properties along and across bundle (range [0 · · · 1] rep-resented from blue to red) and c) histogram of FA properties withinmid-sagittal cross-section.

Fig. 2. Uncinate fasiculus: Top: Sagittal cut with overlay of seg-mented structure and three-dimensional view of left and right unci-nate. Bottom: Left and right fasciculi obtained by fiber tracking andsame structures but color-coding of FA value.

Tracts are parametrized and attributed with local diffu-sion properties and local shape characteristics. This allowsus to calculate diffusion properties within cross-sectionsand along bundles. This analysis will naturally comple-ment the currently used whole brain screening by align-ment and SPM statistics. For example, regions of inter-est found as significant could be used to focus on specifictracts using the method proposed here. The preliminaryanalysis and visualization clearly demonstrates that dif-fusion tensor properties change significantly across bun-dles but also along tracts. This observation also raises thequestion of currently used parametric statistics (e.g. meanFA) within regions of interest are appropriate. The fewcases illustrated in this paper are part of two much largerstudies which a) explore normal variability within a set of15 healthy adults and b) study early brain developmentof newborns at risk (age 2 weeks) with follow-up after 1and/or 2 years. Models on healthy controls will help us to

Fig. 3. Clustering of sets of streamlines to fiber bundles. Cortico-spinal tract before and after clustering.

Fig. 4. Local shape properties along callosal tract. Left: Meshdisplay of curvature along tracts illustrating curvature (left to right)for the set of fibers (front to back. Right: Callosal tract with centerof origin

Fig. 5. Analysis of diffusion properties along major fiber tracts. Top:ADC and FA values for the cortico-spinal tracts, bottom row FAfor the callosal tract. Middle: Corresponding statistics, left to rightrepresents inferior to superior and the vertical axis the ADC and FAvalues. Mean and standard deviations are shown. Bottom: Corpuscallosum tract with FA color coding and corresponding statistics.

measure and quantify geometric and diffusion changes offiber tracts due to pathology.


This research is supported by the NIH NIBIB grantP01 EB002779, the NIH Conte Center MH064065, andthe Stanley Medical Research Institute. We acknowledgeMatthieu Jomier and Julien Jomier, both UNC-ChapelHill, for their precious help, fruitful discussions and sup-port with software development.


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