ancient american pre-columbian civilization

Post on 17-May-2015






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  • 1. Pre-Columbian Civilizations In America By:Ms. Susan M. Pojer, Mrs. Hassett and Mrs. Agosta

2. Major Pre-Columbian Civilizations Aztecs Mayas Incas 3. The Mayans 1500 B.C.E. 1546 C.E. 4. 1. Location:

  • Northern part of Central America, the Yucatan Peninsula (Present day Mexico and Guatemala)

5. 2. Religion:

  • polytheistic
  • human sacrifice practiced

6. 3. Achievements:

  • writing and number systems
  • use of zero
  • accurate 365 day calendar
  • art- flat topped pyramid, palaces, and temples

7. Mayan Glyphs MayanMathematics skykinghousechildcity 8. Mayan Glyphs 9. Chichen-Itza - Pyramid 10. 11. Chichen-Itza - Observatory 12. 4. Possible Reasons for decline:

  • warfare between neighboring tribes
  • overpopulationoverfarming
  • heavy taxes may have caused peasant revolts

13. Quetzalcoatl: The God of Wisdom & Learning 14. Chichen-Itza - Ball Court 15. Tikal Jungle View at Sunset 16. Tikal:Temple of the Masks 17. Tikal - Wall Mask of the Rain God 18. Mayan Drinking Cup for Chocolate 19. The Aztecs 1200 CE 1521 CE 20. 1. Location:

  • Central Valley of Mexico
  • Tenochtitlan was the capital

21. Aztec View of Tenochtitlan 22. Tenochtitlan:The Venice of the Americas 23. Ruins of the City Center, Tenochtitlan 24. Wall of Skulls, Tenochtitlan 25. The Aztecs Were Fierce Warriors 26. Heart Sacrifice on an Aztec Temple Pyramid 27. Aztecs Sacrifice Neighboring Tribes to the Sun God 28. 2. Religion:

  • polytheistic
  • Sun God- most important, needed human blood to help rise everyday, massive number of sacrifices.
  • Used captured warriors and Aztecs for sacrifices

29. 3. Achievements:

  • Astronomy
  • Mathematics-counting system
  • Accurate calendar
  • Floating gardens (chinampas) used to make up for lack of farmland, could harvest 2-3 crops per year

30. AztecChinampaor Floating Garden: 15ft. to 30ft. wide 31. Tenochtitlan -Chinampas 32. Aztec Math Aztec Writing 33. Aztec Sun Stone -- Calendar 34. 4. Possible Reasons for decline:

  • Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes mistaken for Aztec god.
  • Spanish take control of Aztecs, their gold, their land
  • Spanish had superior weapons (guns)

35. Aztec Gold 36. The Incas 1200 CE 1550 CE 37. 1. Location:

  • Andes Mountains and Pacific coast of South America
  • Cuzco was the capital (Present day Peru)

38. 2. Religion:

  • polytheistic
  • Gods linked to the forces of nature (Sun God = Inti)
  • Religion tied to routines of life
  • Sapa Inca (emperor) performed religious rituals

39. 3. Achievements:

  • Built road systems through Andes that stretched over 12,000 miles (made of stone)
  • Roads united the Empire.
  • Engineering allowed them to build massive stone buildings, no cement.


  • Terrace farming on the side of the Andes Mountains
  • used llamas
  • grew 700 varieties of potatoes

41. Machu Picchu 42. Machu Picchu 43. Incan Terrace Farming 44. Incan Suspension Bridges 45. 4. Possible Reasons for decline:

  • Superior military technology of the Spanish (Francisco Pizarro)
  • Divisions and discontent among Indians the Incas ruled over
  • Disease brought by Europeans weakened the Inca

46. Incan Mummies 47. TheQuipu :An Incan Database 48. Inca Gold & Silver 49. Incan Ceramic Jars Peanut Potato Squash Cacao God Cacao Pod

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