ant 1013 Éléments d'ethnologie automne...

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ANT 1013

Éléments d'ethnologie

automne 2017

Guy Lanoue (local 3012 tel. 343 6560

Voici une bibliographie qui peut vous aider à choisir un livre pour le compte rendu et pour vous orienter en

ethnologie. Notez qu'elle est sélectionnée et suit mes intérêts de recherche, et donc l'Afrique et l'Asie sont mal


Les astérisques (*) indiquent le degré d'accessibilité du livre pour les étudiants de 1re année, de * (relativement

facile) à **** (très complexe, exigeant des connaissances poussées d'autres domaines). L'absence d'astérisques

signifie que je n'ai pas lu le livre, mais que j'ai entendu qu'il est important pour son domaine, ou que j'ai lu un

compte rendu. Notez: Le nombre d'astérisques n'est pas un jugement de la qualité!

Abeles, Marc

2005 Anthropologie de l’État, Petite Bibliothèque Payot, Paris (survol de l'anthropologie politique du

monde contemporain) ***

2001 Un ethnologue à l’Assemblée, Poches Odile Jacob, Paris * (Europe)

1995 En attente de l’Europe, Hachette, Paris (Union européenne)**

Aarons, M. and J. Joftus

1991 Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis and the Swiss Banks, St. Martin's Press, New York **

Abu-Lughod, Lila and Lutz, Catherine

1991 Language and politics of emotions, Harvard University Press, Cambridge***

Adams, John W.

1973 The Gitksan Potlatch: Population Flux, Resource Ownership and Reciprocity; Toronto: Holt,

Rinehart and Winston (Côte ouest) ***

Adams, W.Y.

1963 Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern Navajo Community; Washington, D.C.:

Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 188

Amselle, Jean-Loup

1990 Logiques metisses: anthropologie de l'identite en Afrique et ailleurs, Payot, Paris

Anderson, Benedict

1986 Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism, Verso, London

(ed. fr.) ***

Appadurai, Arjun

1999 Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, University of Minnesota Press,

Minneapolis (théorisation de la mondialisation) ***

Arima, E.Y.

1983 The West Coast (Nootka) People: The Nootka of Vancouver Island and Cape Flattery, British

Columbia Provincial Museum, Special Publication No. 6, Victoria **

Asch, Michael

1988 Kinship and the drum dance in a northern Dene community, Edmonton: Boreal Institute for

Northern Studies (Autochtones du nord canadien) **


Assiniwi, Bernard

1998 Windigo et la naissance du monde, Éditions Vent d'Ouest, Hull (Quebec)*

Augé, Marc

1995 Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity, Verso, London (ed. fr. Non-

lieux, 1992) (théorisation de la condition post-moderne) ***

1974 La construction du monde: religion, représentations, ideologie, F. Maspero, Paris **

1975 Théorie des pouvoirs et idéologie, Herman, Paris **

Axelrod, Melissa

1993 The semantics of time: aspectual categorization in Koyukon Athapaskan, Lincoln: University of

Nebraska Press (Autochtones du nord canadien) ***

Bailey, A.G.

1969 The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures; University of Toronto Press:

Toronto (orig. 1937) **

Balikci, Asen

1970 The Netsilik Eskimo; Natural History Press: New York *

Balsdon, J.P.V.D.

1979 Romans and Aliens, Duckworth, London (Rome antique) **

Banfield, E.C.

1958 The Moral Basis of a Backward Society, The Free Press, New York (Italie paysanne) *

Barley, Nigel

1992 Un anthropologue en déroute, Editions Payot, Paris (l'Afrique) *

1994 Le retour de l'anthropologue, Payot, Paris (l'Afrique) *

Barnard, Alan

1992 Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: A Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples,

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ***

Barnard, Alan & Anthony Good

1984 Research Practices in the Study of Kinship, London, Academic Press ***

Barnes, J.A.

1971 Three Styles in the Study of Kinship, Tavistock, London ***

Barthes, Roland

1957 Mythologies, Editions du Seuil, Paris (coll.) (analyse structuraliste de la culture contemporaine)


Barzini, Luigi

1966 The Italians, Readers Union Hamish Hamilton, London *

Bateson, Gregory

1958 Naven: A Survey of the Problems suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New

Guinea Tribe drawn from Three Points of View, Stanford University Press, Stanford (orig. 1932; ed. fr.

1986) ***

Baumgartner, M. P.

1988 The Moral Order of a Suburb, New York: Oxford University Press (ressource électronique) **

Becker, Jared

1994 National and Culture: Gabriele D'Annunzio and Italy after the Risorgimento, Peter Lang, New

York ***


Bell, Daniel

1976 The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, New York: Basic Books **

Bell, Diane

1983 Daughters of the Dreaming, McPhee Gribble, Melbourne (Aborigènes d'Australie) **

Bell, Rudolph

1979 Fate and Honor, Family and Village: Demographic and cultural change in rural Italy since

1800, University of Chicago Press, Chicago **

Bellier, Irène et Thomas Wilson (eds.)

2000 An Anthropology of the European Union: Building, Imaging and Experiencing the New Europe,

Berg, Oxford **

Belmonte, Thomas

1979 The Broken Fountain, Columbia University Press, New York (ethnographie de Naples) *

Belshaw, Cyril

1965 Traditional Exchange and Modern Markets, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs **

Ben-Ghiat, Ruth

2001 Fascist Modernities: Italy, 1922 – 1945, University of California Press, Berkeley ***

Berndt, Ronald M. et C.H. Berndt

1965 The World of the First Australians, Chicago (Aborigènes d'Australie) **

Berndt, R.M.,

1949 Djanggawul: an aboriginal religious cult of north-eastern Arnhem Land, Melbourne; 1st ed.

Philosophical Library, New York ***

1951 Kunapipi: A study of an Aboriginal Religious Cult, F.W. Chesire, Melbourne ***

Best, Eldson

1934 The Maori as he Was, Dominion Museum, Wellington (orig. 1924) **

Bettleheim, Bruno

1954 Symbolic Wounds, The Free Press: Glencoe (Ill.) ***

Blackburn, Thomas Carl (ed.)

1977 Flowers of the wind: papers on ritual, myth, and symbolism in California and the Southwest,

Socorro, N.M.: Ballena Press (Autochtones américains)

Blacker, C.

1986 The Catalpa Bow: A study of shamanistic practices in Japan, George Allen & Unwin, London

Blondin, G.

1990 When the World Was New: Stories of the Sahtù Dene, Yellowknife: The Northern Publishers

(Autochtones du nord canadien) **

Bloch, Marc

1961 Feudal Society (2 vols.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago (La société féodale, 1968; orig.

1949) ***

Blok, Anton

1975 The Mafia of a Sicilian Village, 1860-1960, Harper, New York **

Bogoraz, Waldemar G.

1913 The Eskimo of Siberia, The Jesup North Pacific Expedition v.8, part 3, Memoirs of the

American Museum of Natural History 12, 1913 (II ed. AMS Press, New York, 1975) **

Boia, Lucian

1999 Deux siècles de mythologie nationale, Humanitas, Bucarest (Roumanie et l'idéologie) ***

Boissevain, Jeremy

1965 Saints and Fireworks: religion and politics in rural Malta, The Athlone Press, London **


Bongie, Chris

1991 Exotic Memories: Literature, Colonialism, and the Fin de Siècle, Stanford University Press,

Stanford (la littérature de l'exotisme) ***

Bourdieu, Pierre

1984 Distinction: a Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, Harvard University Press, Cambridge

*** (ed. fr. La distinction. Critique sociale du jugement, Les Éditions de Minuit, Paris, 1979)

Brady, Robert A.

1937 The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism, The Citadel Press, New York ***

Braudel, Fernand

1979 Les Structures du Quotidien. Le possible et l'impossible (3 vols), Armand Colin, Paris (Europe)


1966 La Méditerranée et le monde méditerranéen à l'époque de Philippe II (2 vols.), Armand Colin,

Paris *** («l'ethnogéographie» selon le fondateur de l'école des Annales)

Brightman, R.A.

1993 Grateful Prey: Rock Cree Human-Animal Relationships, University of California Press,

Berkeley **

Broch, Harald Beyer

1986 Woodland Trappers: Hare Indians of Northwest America, Bergen: Department of

Anthropology, University of Bergen (Bergen Studies in Social Anthropology no. 35) (Autochtones du nord

canadien) **

Brody, Hugh

1981 Maps and Dreams: Indians and the British Columbia Frontier, Vancouver: Douglas and

McIntyre (Autochtones du nord canadien) *

Broder, P.J.

1978 Hopi Painting: the world of the Hopis; New York: Dutton *

Brogger, Jan

1971 Montevarese: A study of peasant society and culture in Southern Italy; Universitets-Forlaget:

Oslo **

Brooks, David

2000 Bobos in Paradise: The new upper class and how they got there, Simon & Schuster, New York


Buck, Peter H. (Te Rangi Hiroa)

1972 Vikings of the Pacific, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (orig. Vikings of the Sunrise, F.A.

Stokes, New York, 1938) (Maori) *

Bull, A. and P. Corner

1993 From Peasant to Entrepreneur: The Survival of the Family Economy in Italy, Berg, Oxford **

Bull, George

1982 Inside the Vatican, Hutchison, London *

Burridge, Kennelm

1960 Mambu: A Melanesian Millennium, Methuen, London (Nouvelle Guinée et les cultes de

cargaison) **

Buruma, Ian and Avishai Margalit

2004 Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of its Enemies, Penguin, New York ***

Butler, Judith

1993 Bodies that Matter: On the discursive limits of "sex", Routledge, London (theorisation du corps

sous un regime postmoderne) ***


Cable, Mary

1984 American High Society from the Gilded Age to the Roaring Twenties, Atheneum, New York **

Campbell, John K.

1987 Honour, Family and Patronage: A Study of Institutions and Moral Values in a Greek mountain

Community, Clarendon Press, London (orig. 1967) **

Carey, Henry F. (ed.)

2004 Romania since 1989: Politics, Economics, and Society, Lexington Books, Lanham, (Maryland)

Castoriadis, Cornelius

1975 L'institution imaginaire de la société, Éditions du Seuil, Paris ***

Chagon, Napoleon

1977 Yanomamo. The Fierce People, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York (Autochtones

d'Amazonie) *

Chayanov, A.V.

1966 The Theory of Peasant Economy, D. Thorner, B. Kerblay, R.E.F. Smith (eds.), American

Economic Association: Homewood, Ill. ***

Christ, Karl

1984 The Romans, University of California Press, Berkeley (1979) (le monde antique) ***

Christiansen, Flemming and Ulf Hedetodt (eds.)

2004 The Politics of Multiple Belonging: Ethnicty and Nationalism in Europe and East Asia,

Ashgate, London

Clastres, Pierre

2002 Chronique des Indiens Guayaki, Collection Terre Humaine, Presses Pocket, Paris (Autochtones


Clifford, James

1988 The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth Century Ethnography, London: Harvard University

Press ***

Coates, Ken S.

1991 Best Left as Indians: Native-White Relations in the Yukon Territory, 1840-1973, Montreal:

McGill-Queen’s University Press *

Codrington, R.

1891 The Melanesians, The Clarendon Press, Oxford **

Comaroff, John L. and Jean Comaroff

1992 Ethnography and the historical imagination, Westview Press, Boulder ***

Courlander, Harold

1987 The Fourth World of the Hopis; Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press **

Cove, John

1987 Shattered Images: dialogues and meditations on Tsimshian narratives; Ottawa: Carleton

University Press (Côte ouest) ***

Crawford, Michael

1978 The Roman Republic, The Harvester Press, Sussex (Rome antique) ***

Cronin, C.

1970 The Sting of Change: Sicilians in Sicily and Australia, University of Chicago Press, Chicago **

Cruikshank, Julie (avec Angela Sidney, Kitty Smith, et Annie Ned)

1991 Life Lived Like a Story, Vancouver: UBC Press (Autochtones du nord canadien) **

1983 The Stolen Woman: Female Journeys in Tagish and Tutchone, Ottawa: National Museum of

Canada (Mercury Series Paper no. 87) (Autochtones du nord canadien) **


Davis, John

1973 Land and family in Pisticci; Humanities Press, New York (paysans italiens) ***

Dean, Carolyn

1996 Sexuality and Modern Western Culture, Twayne Publishers, New York **

De Grazia, Victoria

1992 How Fascism Ruled Women: Italy, 1922-1945, University of California Press, Berkeley **

Delâge, Denys

1985 Le pays renversé, Les éditions du Boréal, Montréal (rapports coloniaux au Nouveau Monde) **

De Laguna, F.

1972 Under Mount Saint Elias: The history and culture of the Yakutat Tlingit, 3 vols., Washington

(D.C.): Smithsonian Institution Press ***

Delsol, Chantal, M. Maslowski & Nowocki J. (eds.)

2002 Mythes et symboles politiques en Europe centrale, PUF, Paris ***

Densmore, Frances

1929 Chippewa Customs; Bulletin 86, Bureau of American Ethnology: Washington, D.C. **

Desgent, Jean-Marc et Guy Lanoue

2005 Errances. Comment se pensent le Nous et le Moi dans l'espace mythique des nomades

septentrionaux sekani, Museum of Civilisation, Ottawa (Autochtones du nord canadien) ***

Dickson, Olive

1993 Le mythe du sauvage, Les Editions du Septentrion, Quebec *

Donzel, André

1998 Marseille. L'expérience de la cité, Anthropos, Paris **

Douglas, Mary

1966 Purity and Danger; Routledge and Kegan Paul: London (theorisation des categories dans un

cadre social) **

Dozier, Edward

1954 The Hopi-Tewa of Arizona; University of California Publications in American Archaeology and

Ethnology 44(3);259-376 ***

Drake, Richard

1980 Byzantium for Rome: The Politics of Nostalgia in Umbertian Italy, 1878 – 1900, The University

of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill ***

Duff, Wilson

1959 Histories, Territories and Laws of the Kitwancool; Anthropology in British Columbia, Memoir

4; Victoria: Department of Education (Côte ouest) ***

Dumézil, Georges

1952 Les Dieux des Indoeuropéens, PUF, Paris ****

Dumont, L.

1975 Dravidien et Kariera. L'alliance de mariage dans l'Inde du sud et en Australie, Mouton, The

Hague ****

Duncan, Kate C.

1989 Northern Athapaskan art: a beadwork tradition, Seattle: University of Washington Press

(Autochtones du nord canadien) *

1984 Some Warmer Tone: Bead Embroidery of the Alaska Athabaskans, Fairbanks: University of

Alaska Museum (Autochtones du nord) *


Dunning, R.W.

1959 Social and Economic Change Among the Northern Ojibwa, University of Toronto Press,

Toronto **

Dupaquier, Jacques et al. (eds.)

1981 Marriage and Remarriage in Populations of the Past, New York: Academic Press ***

Durkheim, Emile

1961 The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, Collier Books: N.Y. (vers. fr. 1915) **

Durkheim, Emile and Marcel Mauss

1963 Primitive Classification, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago (vers. fr. 1923) ***

Dyen, I. and D.F. Aberle

1974 Lexical Reconstruction: The Case of the Proto-Athapaskan Kinship System; Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press ***

Eco, Umberto

2010 De l'arbre au labyrinthe. Études historiques sur le signe et l'interprétation, Bernard Grasset, Paris ***

Edwards, Catherine

1996 Writing Rome: Textual approaches to the city, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (Rome antique et

ses tropes littéraires) ***

Eggan, Fred

1950 Social Organization of the Western Pueblos, University of Chicago Press, Chicago ***

Eliade, Mircea

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Elias, Norbert

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Frye, Northrop

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