ao4 powerpoint mrs hussain

Post on 25-May-2015






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AO4 – Implications and Security Issues of the

InternetUnit 24:- Internet Past, Present and Future

• Moral/ethical issues

• Social implications

• Commercial



Chat rooms

Moral/ethical issues

Has a number of negative effects on individuals and society.

Research has shown pornography has potential influences such as rape, domestic violence and sexual dysfunction.

Viewing of pornographic material may increase rates of sexual crimes.

Child pornography is a growing concern and can have devastating effects.


Sexual - Opens the doors to sexual predators - Used to share illegal and pornographic substances such as child pornography. Cyber bullying - Internet provides anonymity for those wishing to harass, insult or stalk others.- Easy to become a victim of cyber bullying through Facebook, message boards etc. False identity- Accounts can be created in seconds with false identities, profiles and email addresses.

Chat rooms

Increased addiction

Changes in working practices

Social implications

Internet addiction disorder

Excessive computer use interferes with daily life.

Shopping and gambling

25% of users fulfil the internet addiction criteria within the first 6 months of first using the


Increased addiction

More people now work from home

Internet provides 24/7 access to work

Changes in working practises

24 hour shopping



Online deliveries

Improved security

Easy methods of paying online

Data tracking services

24 Hour shopping

Online advertising is very popular and has grown hugely

Interactive advertisements


Search engine result pages


Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Spyware, Malware



Identity theft

Email attachments

Security risks

Virus is a program which copies itself and infects a PC

Trojans are programs which pretend to be another program or something else. They can delete files on a computer.

A worm replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.

Spyware and Malware are often installed onto a computer without the users knowledge.

Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Spyware, Malware

A computer hacker is an individual who finds weaknesses within a computer system and exploits them.

It can be authorized or unauthorized.

Hackers are today commonly associated with malicious programming attacks on the internet.


An attack where you are sent an email or phone call which asks you to click on a link and re enter your bank or credit card details.

They pretend to be from banks, online stores and service providers.

They appear genuine when in reality they are a fraud and will steal your details using them to their own advantage.


Identity theft is a form of stealing someone else’s identity.

Made easy due to the internet as people reveal personal information on the internet about themselves.

If someone is able to access someone else’s personal information they can commit fraud under their name.

Identity theft

Hold big risks such as spread of malware, trojans and worms.

This is because emails contain attachments which may contain viruses which can infect your computer.

This happens once the infected email is opened.

Email attachments

Fire walls

Anti virus

Code of practice


Secure payment systems

Protection techniques

A device which is designed to deny access to any unauthorized programs.

Many personal computer operating systems include firewalls which protect the computer from harm.


Anti virus software is used to prevent, detect and remove any sort of malware.

Scans computers for viruses

It is important that anti virus software's are updated regularly.

Anti virus

Translation of data into a secret code

In order to read encrypted data you must have access to a secret key or a password.

This can be used with important files. So if hackers were to get hold of the files they would not understand or be able to read the file without the password or key.


With secure payment systems customers are reassured that their payments are secure.

Several methods have been introduced which make payments secure.


Secure payment systems

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