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  • 8/6/2019 AODSummer2011


    Presidents message

    We on the executive committee have been pleased as we have observed the progress in

    ullling the purposes and organization o the Academy. We have seen continued growth

    in the areas o education, service, and ellowship. Our annual conerence continues to

    be one o the greatest values in post-graduate education, along with the complete amily

    experience, which includes programs or our spouses and children.

    Our service development continues to expand to more areas o the world, where many

    o you have made a dierence by providing dental service and sharing the principles o

    our culture along the way. Our scholarship program has been able to assist deserving

    dental students with their escalating educational costs. We hope the link to riendships

    you have developed over the years has been enhanced.

    As we are preparing or the upcoming annual conerence, we desire to share a ew aspects o the Academy with you.

    We are including a short report rom a ew o the groups that have been actively perorming humanitarian dental

    service in various areas. Many more will be shared at our conerence.

    Our dues, as well as any residual revenues rom the annual conerence, are used to help in various humanitarian

    service projects. Even though dues-paying members do have discounted ees or our August conerence, please

    dont think that you only should pay them i you are able to attend. The dues help pay or humanitarian service

    needs as well as scholarships or some o our student members. We encourage all o you to be paid-up Academy


    Over the past three years, we have had Academy student chapters ormed in 27 dental schools. Being a regis-tered student member allows LDS students to apply or one o the scholarships we oer to dental and hygiene


    You have probably all received a copy o our conerence brochure. It was designed to share inormation about

    the great program we have planned or the dentists as well as their children and spouses. Please invite some o

    your dental riends to attend the conerence with you. It would enhance your enjoyment o the experience and

    introduce them to one o the most unique and benecial events in dentistry.

    Hope to see you there,

    John A. Gerritsen, DDS

    20102012 Academy O LDS Dentists President

    T H E A C A D E M Y O F L D S D E N T I S T S N E W S L E T T E R S U M M E R 2 0 1 1

    Academy Examiner

    2011 academy council

    President:John A. Gerritsen

    Vice President: Evan Roundy

    Secretary/Treasurer: Laurence Palmer

    Past President: David Geddes

    Founder: Gordon Christensen

  • 8/6/2019 AODSummer2011



    Under the ve-year leadership o Area President Don Clark, themissionary orce has doubled in Central America. When he rstcame, there were 1,000 missionaries serving rom Central America.Now there are 2,000. Temple attendance has risen, and the paybackrate o the Perpetual Education Fund has gone rom the lowest rateto the highest in the world. Many new stakes, wards, and brancheshave been ormed. The number o amily baptisms has risen sharp-ly. What a great leader!

    The Dental ClinicThis week we nished the dentistry on thegirls at the orphanage; we will start working on the boys. These

    girls have been o all dierent ages. Some o the best patients wyoung girls.

    We always let the orphans choose a git rom a big box o toys.The children love these toys. The girls and some o the boys lovthe stued animals. Usually the boys pick a car as their git, or tholder boys pick baseball caps. Visiting dentists usually stock the box as they come to visit.

    The clinic is a joy to work in.

    Dr. rich cAll continuEs his sErvicE in GuAtEmAlA

    Ater participating in humanitarian dental projects in Guatemala orthe past 12 years, Dr. Rich Call (Denver, Colorado) has accepteda ull-time mission call to serve with his wie LeeAnn as the dentaladvisor or Central America, based in Guatemala City. He will bereplacing Dr. Paul Fillmore at the Guatemala Dental Clinic inproviding care or orphans, uture missionaries and those prepar-ing to leave or their missions rom the MTC in Guatemala City. He

    also will be acilitating educational outreach programs or dentalschools in Guatemala.

    Dr. Calls dental career in public health, education,and service projects began while he was a dentalstudent in 1971 at Washington University in St. Louis.Between his reshman and sophomore years o den-tal school, he participated in developing a dentalprogram or migrant arm workers in Colorado. Thatexperience led him to a masters program in healthadministration ollowing dental school and a career indental education.

    While at the University o Colorado School o DentalMedicine, Dr. Call developed nationally recognized outreach edu-cation programs, including the Advanced Clinical Training andService (ACTS) Program, an AEGD (Advanced Education in GeneralDentistry) program, and served as chairman or the Department o

    Applied Dentistry. He also directed the eight-state Mountain-PlainsAIDS Education and Training Center and was instrumental in devel-oping the Area Health Education program or Colorado, serving asexecutive director or ve years.

    In an interview, Dr. Call noted,

    This opportunity to serve didnt come at a convenient time inour lives, but it is the right time in the Lords time. Thats what

    matters. Some o the most meaningul experiences I have haserving the Lord have been while on these humanitarian dentrips. They have brought me closer to my wie and children ahave taught me the rewards o serving. We expect this to be arichly rewarding time in our lives.

    Dr. Call has taken a leave o absence rom his ull-time dental prtice, his teaching responsibilities, and his responsibilities on corprate and oundation boards to respond to this invitation to serve

    (See the photo to the let) Because he was actuallyin Guatemala on April 29 when he and LeeAnn received their calls, through the marvels o moderntechnology and their sons help they had the uniexperience o opening their calls electronically inthe Guatemala Dental Clinic, where he will be prmarily serving. He and his wie plan on staying intouch with their ve children and 13 grandchildrthrough weekly Skype sessions, giving them the portunity to teach the importance o respondingPresident Monsons call or more senior couples

    serve missions.

    We invite all o you to celebrate this event by looking at your owschedules and nding a time to join in a humanitarian dental ser

    vice project with your spouse, and i appropriate, older childrenI you have some Spanish language skills, the Guatemala DentalClinic built by the Church to serve orphans and uture and newlcalled missionaries is an excellent place to serve. The ve-chairclinic has great equipment and even better patients! Guatemalahas a rich archeological history with beautiul ruins and a delighspring-like climate year-round. You can e-mail Dr. Paul FillmororDr. Rich Call at or moinormation and to reserve your week to serve.

    uPDAtE on thE GuAtEmAlA DEntAl clinicby Elder and Hermana Tobler

    Bishop H. David Burton and Elder James Martino othe Second Quorum o the Seventy visit the GuatemalaDental Clinic with Elder Ron and Sister Judy Tobler (arlet) and the Fillmores (ar right).

    Garry and Ann Brown work on auture missionary rom the MTC, atthe Guatemala Dental Clinic.

    Lee and Peggy Olsen volunteer at the GuatemalaDental Clinic.

    Dr. Preston Polson, Alexi Polson (16)and Madelaine Polson (14) providedental care to a girl rom the EsperaOrphanage in Guatemala City.

  • 8/6/2019 AODSummer2011


    our sErvicE in GuAtEmAlAby Gary Lawson, DMD

    sErvicE in thE south PAciFicby Dr. Wayne Chisholm

    A ew weeks ago, my wie Wendee and I had a wonderul opportunity

    o spend 10 days in Guatemala. One week we did dentistry at the

    Guatemala Dental Clinic. There we had the opportunity

    o working with Dr. Paul Fillmore and Dr. Ron Tobler, who

    along with their wives are serving an 18-month humanitar-

    an mission or the LDS Church. We were very concernedabout our ability to be eective as we do not speak Spanish

    and wondered i the language barrier would be too signi-

    cant or us to be useul. However, we were pleasantly sur-

    prised! We were able to communicate using the ew Spanish

    words and phrases we know and lots o hand signals.

    As Wendee and I worked on children rom an all-boy or-

    phanage, I was very impressed by what I saw. The children in this

    orphanage were on a six-month recall schedule. They had sealants

    that had been placed, llings that had been done, and dental-wise

    were in pretty good shape. Some o the older children who had lo

    permanent teeth had done so beore the clinic was ma

    available to the orphanages. There are a lot o great thi

    happening in Guatemala with humanitarian dentistry. O

    o the highlights o our time there was going to the MTin Guatemala City and giving exams to the young men

    women who were getting ready to leave or their missi

    The success o this humanitarian mission is contingent

    the ull-time dental missionaries and volunteer dentists

    We look orward to going back again in the near uture

    We came away with so much more than we gavenew

    riends, new appreciation or this country, and gratitude or the op

    portunity to serve.

    youd like to have a working vacation with your spouse, or even

    with your whole amily, you may want to look at Tonga, Samoa or

    he Republic o Kiribati. Deseret International, partnering with the

    Academy o LDS Dentists and The Church o Jesus Christ o Latter-

    day Saints, has set up permanent dental clinics on the Church School

    campuses o Liahona, Pesega, and Moroni in these beautiul island

    countries. The options are open as to which island you would like

    o serve. There are people ready and willing to arrange housing and

    ransportation and help you in any way needed.

    The dentist-to-popu-

    lation ratio is approxi-

    mately 1 to 20,000.Dental caries have

    reached epidemic pro-

    portions, increasing

    rapidly in recent years

    due to the increasing

    availability o sweets.

    Besides having the

    joy o serving others

    so badly in need, you

    will enjoy the beauties

    that abound in these

    countries. Lie on beauti-

    ul, secluded beaches,

    or snorkel with multi-

    colored sh and coral.

    Enjoy the marketplace

    with its resh produce

    and wonderul arts and

    crats. Food and enter-

    tainment rom the na-

    tive islanders are not tobe missed.

    Dr. Wayne Chisholm and his wie,Jeannine, have traveled to t

    South Pacic almost every year since their rst trip in 1995. It has

    become a second home ull o lietime riends, special memories,

    wonderul eelings o giving back some o the great blessings they

    have been given.

    I you have interest in providing dental care in the South Pacic, c

    tact Wayne or Jeannine Chisholm. Paradise awaits you.


    These perect photographic views are rom the Kingdom o Tonga, Samoa, and the Republic o Kiribati.

    Dr. Wayne Chisholm and a Tongan assistant provide service inhe Tonga clinic.

    The Fillmores and the Toblers poseat the Guatemala Dental Clinic.

  • 8/6/2019 AODSummer2011



    sErvicE oPPortunitiEs in uGAnDA AnD rWAnDA

    Work Teach Mentor Exploreby Drew Cahoon

    On October 1014, 2011, Dr. Drew Cahoon and Dr. Tom

    Sorensen (Sandy, UT) will visit Uganda and work with the 20

    public health dental ocers who have been trained in com-

    munity dentistry over the past ew years, to ensure that theprogram is unctioning as eciently as possible. This will entail

    visiting primary schools in ve districts in southern Uganda and

    making a report to the LDS service missionaries in Uganda on

    the progress o the outreach program there.

    Other volunteers are welcome to participate and learn rst-

    hand how Atraumatic Restorative Technique (ART) is an eec-

    tive restorative technique in developing countries.

    From October 1721, 2011, Drs. Sorensen and Cahoon

    will visit six clinics outside Kigali, Rwanda, that have chosen to

    participate in the Adopt an Arican Clinic Program. The dentists

    will take pictures o the community, the hospital, the clinic and

    the clinicians. They will interview hospital administrators and

    clinic managers to ensure that they are ready to comply with all

    requirements o the program and are ready or the equipment

    that will arrive rom Alberta in November.

    These clinics will become satellite teaching centers to the den-

    tal school at the Kigali Health Institute by making the transition

    rom doing 95% extractions to become preventive and restor-

    ative clinics. Dr. Cahoon will stay in East Arica until November

    11 to work with local dental proessionals. He will happily pro-

    vide clinics or volunteers rom the Academy to work with localtherapists to enhance their capacity to provide dental services

    in rural Rwanda.

    Note: The Clinton Health Access Initiative regards Kigali as the

    saest city to visit within the 68 countries where it presently works.

    On February 612, 2012 in Rwanda, a major training event

    will be held: a perio course at the Kigali Health Institute, ol-

    lowed by our days o mentoring at the six adopted clinics

    throughout Rwanda. The ocus o this training and mentoring

    will be scaling (or hygienists) and amalgam llings or dentists.

    The one-day amalgam reresher course was written by Kent

    Gibb, an instructor at the University o Alberta.

    We plan on having at least our hygienists and our dentists

    (who respect amalgam as a restorative material) or training and

    mentoring. All East Arican experiences are training events, ac-

    companied by an amazing three-day Arican saari!

    I you are interested in participating, contact Drew Cahoon


    Happy Ugandan children show o their beauti-ul smiles.

    Debbie Cook gives clinical instruc-tion in Uganda.

    Stephanie Shoemaker poses withUgandan students and instructorsits awork o love!

    Dr. Drew Cahoon shows children in Ugandahow to use a rubber glove as a balloon.

    memBer Questions Forum

    It has been suggested that we have a section on our website to help ellow members with questions they

    might have in their practice. This would be especially useul or the new dentists entering practice who

    have concerns and have no one else to ask.

    We are assembling a team o experienced clinicians who could feld these questions, screen the content

    and assure accurate standards. Responses would be placed on a blog, Facebook discussions or some

    other orum where dentists could add their input. This will be a great service to our members. I you are

    interested in helping with this, please contact us at

    Will You hElP mEntor?

  • 8/6/2019 AODSummer2011



    stuDEnt chAPtErs oF

    thE AcADEmY GroWinGStudent chapters o the Academy o LDS Dentists at our nations

    dental schools have been expanding. The chapters now number 27,

    with a current membership o 387. Student chapters have been or-

    ganized at dental schools where LDS members o the student bodyhave sucient numbers to establish an organization. Even without

    a ully unctioning student chapter, dental students may register

    through the Academy website as a student member o the Academy

    and still be eligible or the benets o student membership. This in-

    cludes great membership and conerence ees until two years ater


    Our highly successul scholarship program is a benet to all student

    members. The website postings can be a great help in getting estab-

    lished in practice ater graduation. Many chapters have taken ad-

    vantage o our library o education DVDs that Gordon Christensen

    has made available.

    We would like to recognize the ollowing graduates with apprecia-

    tion or their service in the leadership o their student chapters.

    Joseph Johnson . . . . . Creighton University

    Brian Anderson . . . . . . University o Iowa

    Justin Sorenson . . . . . University o Louisville

    James Fairbanks . . . . . Tuts University

    Keith Mehner . . . . . . . Oklahoma University

    Mathew Godrey . . . . . West Virginia University

    Nathan Pettit . . . . . . . . University o Nevada at Las Vegas

    We wish them great success in their uture endeavors and look or-

    ward to their association in the Academy.

    We can all recall the great help a scholarship award can be in get-

    ting through dental school with all o its nancial challenges. We

    would love to be able to urther expand the number o awards we

    can make. We would welcome the participation o any Academy

    members who could donate to the scholarship und, which is a

    worthy project.

    For you students, scholarship applications will be received until

    September 1, 2011. The application orms can be downloaded

    rom the Academy website under Student Chapters.CWA11_092

    siiz wi fwi wi iv-ig ii fmm f biii i i!

    New or this year, you canearn up to 14 hours (in-stead o 12) o continuing

    education credit rom the Academy o General

    Dentistry.All members of the dental team,including dental hygienists, are invited to at-tend, enjoy, and learn from this conference.In addition, dental students and retired dentistsmay attend at substantially reduced rates.

    Adults will enjoy a banquet and reside, lun-cheons and other opportunities to meet andinteract with their counterparts in the dentalproession. They also will learn about the manyopportunities the Academy provides or hu-manitarian service.

    this years Presenting cliniciansinclude:

    Jeff J. Brucia, DDSEsthetic dentistry tech-niques and materials

    Michael A. Ignelzi Jr., DDS, PhDPediatricdentistry/orthodontics

    Linda L. Miles, CSP, CMCPracticemanagement;

    Barry L. Musikant, DMDAlternatives to ro-tary endodontics

    Ray R. Padilla, DDSSports dentistry and oral/acial injury prevention

    Lee H. Silverstein, DDS, MSPeriodontics, im-plants, and suturing

    Gordon J. Christensen,DDS, MSD, PhDA up-date or August 2011

    sPouses Program

    The theme is Joy and Gladness shall befound thereinbased on 2 Nephi 8:3. KevinR. Miller will deliver the keynote address, The

    Art o Finding Joy in Everyday Lie.

    Check out the 2011 Conerence Brochureor see the Academys website at

    34thAnnuAl conFErEncE

    oF thEAcADEmYoF lDs DEntists

    AuGust 12-13, 2011USC student chapter members and their amilies pose at the beach, where they metor a service cleanup project and a bonfre dinner.

  • 8/6/2019 AODSummer2011


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