april 29, 2018(1st cor. 11:17-34) paul took the metaphor of a human body to teach how the body...

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April 29, 2018

Entering His Courts with Praise ...Be Grateful

Special Music “Cornerstone” Acts4:11-12 Joyful Noise

Offering “Come, Now Is The Time To Worship” Phil.2:10-11

“Shout To The Lord” Ps.66:1

Children’s Story Karen Chronister

Celebrating the Finished Work of Christ ...Be Repentant

Special Music “Nothing But The Blood” Eph.1:7 Joyful Noise

Seeking the Healing of Our Hearts ...Be Cleansed

Singing “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” 1John3:1-3

Empowering of the Word and Spirit ...Be Spirit Filled

Scripture 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27 Aidan Tomlin

Message Pastor Henry Mallon

Celebrating Unity And Diversity In The Church

Sharing in the Body of Christ ...Be Committed

Singing “Filled With The Spirit’s Power” 1Cor.12:12-13

Praying for Ourselves and Others ...Be Prayerful


Resting in the Presence of God ...Be Transformed

Singing “Knowing You” Phil.3:7-11

Sent Out as Light and Salt

Pastoral Blessing

Special Music “We Are United” Eph.6:12 Joyful Noise

Brookville Church of the Brethren, P.O. Box 397, 220 Western Avenue, Brookville, OH 45309 Phone: (937) 833-3215, E-mail: brookvillecob@aol.com

We welcome you today to enter into the fellowship we have with one another through Jesus Christ. During the worship service opening time of praise there is an opportunity to bring your tithes and offerings forward as an expression of worship and place them in the offering plates provided. We invite everyone to complete the communication card and place it in the offering plate also. In the narthex there is an offering plate for those who prefer to place their offering and communication card there.

Pastor: Jim Chronister Ministers: Every member of the Church

Our Vision: Glorifying God through faithful Discipleship.

By way of summary Paul realized a lack of honoring the uniqueness of each Christian was dividing the

church at Corinth. He began by calling their attention to ways the culture was causing disrespect for a

person’s gender. Christians must understand the foundation of Creation and the importance of males and

females in life. (1st Cor. 11: 1-16)

Next, Paul addressed how the culture was causing the congregation to play favorites at their Lord’s

Supper. Jesus the “head of the family” showed by foot washing the value of every member. Paul

reminded them of the commonality we share by the bread and cup. (1st Cor. 11:17-34)

Paul took the metaphor of a human body to teach how the body exists as a diverse unit. Respecting the

roles and functions of every member of the Body of Christ concludes Paul’s teaching on the ministry in

the congregation. (1st Cor. 12: 1-27) But Paul narrowed his focus as he concluded this discussion by

directly addressing people and functions realizing unity among diversity. (1st Cor. 12: 27-31)

Blueprint: disciples understand their unique role and respect the ministry of one another.

Read Romans 12:3-8;

How does Paul encourage respect for another Christian’s ministry in this text?

How does Paul encourage responsibility for being involved in ministry in this text?

Do you think this list is exhaustive or descriptive for spiritual gifts?

Read Ephesians 4: 7-16;

Are there similarities between this text and Romans 12: 3-8?

How does Paul describe the giving of gifts? By whom to whom?

What does it mean to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” in Vs 12?

How does the church “grow up”?

Read 1st Cor. 12: 27-31;

What was Paul saying which is like his teachings in Romans 12 and Ephesians 4?

Explain what it means that “God appointed” certain leaders to the Church Vs 28.

Why does Paul seem to rank the importance of these gifted leaders Vs 28?

How does Paul encourage the reality of diversity in the congregation Vs 29-30?

Why would Paul list “tongues” after the diverse lists of people and ministries?

What does Paul mean by showing a more excellent way Vs 31?

As you end this portion of study what has God been saying to you about your own giftedness? How can you apply Paul’s encouragement to respect diversity in the church? When and where can you seek unity for the congregation?

Church Doctor Ministries

Hosts a one-day Workshop at

Brookville Church JUNE 2

To ignite the spiritual health and vitality in our own church. As we walk

through strategies to help us increase our

effectiveness in developing a

kingdom culture. “We will inspire you to

thrive as a church and as leaders. We will help you

fulfill the Great Commission by making

disciples who make disciples.”

To check out this

exciting ministry go to their website:




Today! Prayer Service, 9:00 A.M.-9:30 A.M. Sunday School, 9:30 A.M. Worship, 10:35 A.M.

Pastor Jim on vacation

Mon. Pastor Jim on vacation

Tues. Prison Ministry

Pastor Jim on vacation

Wed. Pastor Jim on vacation

Thurs. Joyful Noise, 7:30 P.M.


Sat. Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 7:30 A.M.


Prayer Points Prayer requests received for this week: KaSandra Cheek family; Justin Boose; Samantha; Charlotte Paugh; Pastor Jim on vacation; Family of Bob Hartley; Bob Hensley’s brother, Dave; Kirt Chronister’s wife, Angie; Ted Gaines; Dave Penick

Recovery & Ongoing issues: Alexis Becker; Bruce Behnken; Carolyn & Ron Puterbaugh; Jack & Jill Lloyd; Kenny Moss; Kirt Chronister; Kohl Shafer; Marilyn Montgomery; Nellie Parks; Randy Herr; Roger Janeway; Ron Leonard; Ruth Chronister; Woody Locker

Continue to pray for: Difficult relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, etc. Families mourning the loss of loved ones Individuals living permanently in care centers Our Nation – repent & turn to God – seek His will in all things People facing spiritual battles/satanic attacks- for deliverance from addictions Pres. Trump, VP Pence, political leaders & judges – for protection & wise decisions Salvation for un-saved family and friends School/Mass shootings – wisdom re: guns – allow prayer back in schools

Praying for Churches of the District: West Alexandria

Birthday Prayer List: Brenna Denlinger, April 29 Karen Inman, May 1 Mary Robinson (BH), May 2 Jennifer Shields, May 4 Aidan Collins, May 5

Attendance last Sunday, SS 41, Worship 90

Offering Last Week

Regular Special

Regular 2227.00 Copies 24.00

Weekly Need 2859.00 Scholarship Fund 150.00

Year to Date 3330.00 One Great Hour

Of Sharing 8.00

Worship Leader Becky Osswald

Greeters for April 29

Floyd and Virginia Brock Greeters for May 6

Al and Marilyn Montgomery


Announcements and Activities

Small Groups

Every week folks gather to grow in their relationships with God, self and others. Below is a list of the leaders and meetings. Please feel free to consult with any one of them. The topic each week is found on page 4 with a Blueprint for growth as a follower of Jesus. Tues. Study Group (Jeff Barnhart), at church, 7:00 PM Wed. Study Group (Aaron Osswald); various places, 6:30 PM

Fri. Study Group (Chris Sievers); various places, 6:30 PM

The following items are needed for the FISH Pantry:

Macaroni & Cheese – 6 oz. box Saltine Crackers Pineapple in can Peanut Butter Ramen Noodles Cake Mix Frosting Pork & Beans Spaghetti – box Spaghetti Sauce Hamburger Helper Jelly Canned potatoes Pancake Mix and Syrup Church in the Golden Gate Park will be held on May 20, 2018. More info to come. Mark your calendars. Carry-in will follow. See you there!

The Brookville COB Scholarship Applications for 2018 are on the table in the narthex. Deadline for the application is June 10, 2018. The Adult Mental Health First Aid class has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 5

th at the

New Carlisle COB. If you have questions or need a registration please see Charlene Foster. Camp flyers for the 2018 season are on the window. Registration forms are on the table. If you have questions, see Charlene Foster. Lee Behnken will resume his series on “Journeying with Jesus” starting May 7, 2018 from 7:00-8:30pm.

Hygiene Kit Assembly — The need continues for CWS hygiene kits with so many being used when the hurricanes hit in the fall of 2017. S. Ohio BDM has already sent 2,000 kits and will assemble an additional 1,000 hygiene kits on Thursday, May 10 at 7:00 PM. The assembly will be at Mill Ridge Village Community Center, 1000 Mill Ridge Circle, Union. These kits will be shipped to the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, MD. From there they will go anywhere in the world to those in need.

Brookville Church of the Brethren is a place where children are valued and safe. We provide classes and childcare for all ages. All persons who work with our children and youth are trained in our Child Protection Policy and must pass a background check. We ask that parents help by signing their children in and out at the Welcome Center whenever they attend. If you have questions or would like to see our written policy, please ask anyone in the children’s department.

Our sympathy and prayers are with Jack Lloyd and his family. Jack’s sister , Patty Bastiani, 79, passed away in the morning of April 22, 2018.

Congratulations to Lisa Osswald.

She graduated yesterday,

Saturday 28, 2018, from

Wright State with her

Nursing Degree.

Our sympathy and prayers are with John Hartley and his family. John’s brother Bob passed away on April 14, 2018.

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