are you making these 5 sleeping mistakes?

Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Are You Making These 5 Sleeping Mistakes?

An Irregular Sleeping Schedule

Youll be able to sleep better if you dont disturb the sleep and wake up cycle much

Not Really Prepared For Sleep ?

Body needs time to prepare for Sleep.Winddown by reading a book or taking a warm bath. Do it every time. This gives your body the right indicators that its time to sleep like a baby.

Say No to Bedtime Snacks

Avoiding any snacks right before sleeping ensures your body can repair itself naturally and you are not up in the middle of the night.

Watching TVto FallAsleep

Watching TVto fallasleep is associated with insomnia. Thats because most people will wake up later and it only conditions our brain for that pattern Causing insomnia over time


Hold yourself. Napping is actually going to do you no good. This might be tempting to do when you get those free hours and feel drowsy.

Sleep is Essential to Our Health And Especially if You are Taking Personal or Online Fitness Coaching.

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