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Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Creating A Multipurpose Bedside TableBedside Table

• AS Design&Technology• Product Design 3D-Unit 2g• Centre No.91515• Candidate No.8334

Design and TechnologyCreated by Marc Plaggenburg

Contents PagePages Content

1 Situation & Design Brief1 Situation & Design Brief2 Aesthetic Consideration & Styles (Mood Board)3 Primary Research: Bedroom Chest of Drawers4 Project Analysis5 Secondary Research: Bins6 Secondary Research: Bins 27 Secondary Research: Lights8 Secondary Research: Lights Bulbs9 Materials/Ergonomics

10 Primary Research: Bedside Tables11 Primary Research: Bedside Tables 212 Primary Research (Questionnaire) Analysis Results12 Primary Research (Questionnaire) Analysis Results 13 Primary Research (Questionnaire) Results14 Specification 15 Specification 216 Development (How Things Work)17 Development (Looking At Materials)18 I iti l Id18 Initial Ideas19 Initial Ideas 220 Initial Ideas 321 Initial Ideas 422 Analysis Of Initial Ideas23 Evaluation Analysis & Comparison Of Best Ideasy p24 Development 2 25 Development 26 Further Development27 (Computer Aided Designs) Development28 Final Designs Using CAD29 2D Design/3rd Angle Projection29 2D Design/3rd Angle Projection30 Looking At Different Joints31 Cutting List32 Manufacturing (Model)33 Manufacturing (Model) 234 Manufacturing (Prototype)

Design and Technology

35 Manufacturing (Prototype) 236 Manufacturing (Prototype) 337 Evaluation38 End Product

Situation & Design Brief

Sit tiSituationGiven the task of choosing a subject for my AS design project, I have decided to focusmy efforts on the improvement of bedroom storage and organisation, as manybedrooms lack adequate storage and few have multifunctional items of furniture thatincorporate the functionality of several items of furniture into one. As both a primarysource of information and an area to test my product, I hope to design an item offurniture for my own bedroom.

Design BriefI am going to design and make a piece of multi-purpose bedroom furniture. I wouldlike my product to be aesthetically pleasing and appealing to a wide market. They p y p g pp goutcome should combine the functionality of the furniture, identified through myresearch, resulting in what I hope will be a contemporary addition to any bedroom.My product combines some of the following functions; bedside personal storage,waste storage, bedroom lighting, laundry, seating and magazine storage.

Problem at handBy looking at the picturey g pon the right, we canclearly see the problemsyou can be faced with in abedroom and how the lackof space can effect anddetermine the look and

Design and Technology

determine the look andpracticality of your room.

Aesthetic Consideration & Styles (Mood Board)

For this project I wanted to research unique pieces of furniture I have found a supplier and exhibiter of contemporary furniture calledFor this project I wanted to research unique pieces of furniture. I have found a supplier and exhibiter of contemporary furniture called‘Via Traffic Gallery’ in Dubai, which displays rare and different styles of furniture much different from the widely available ‘IKEA-typefurniture’. The modern and sometimes unusual furniture trends displayed at ‘Via Traffic’ push the normal boundaries of furniture design.I hope to come to understand these differences that make such furniture attractive to the consumer and which aspects makes thisfurniture apart from others.

This museum allowed me to make good a comparison between contemporaryand conventional furniture allowing me to create a bedside table that is not too

Design and Technology

and conventional furniture allowing me to create a bedside table that is not toocomplex and still contains these modern features. When designing I will keepthis page in consideration to try not to be repetitive and try to attract myconsumer with this little touch of modernity.

Primary Research: Bedroom Chest of Drawers

I found this bedside cupboard at a local retailer The graphics and decorationI found this bedside cupboard at a local retailer. The graphics and decorationattracted me as it was clearly designed and manufactured for the children’s market. Itappeared to be made from MDF and covered with a paper or vinyl transfer. Itprovided a great deal of storage for its size and comprised of four drawers.

When I removed one of the drawers, I could see how it had been constructed. Itconsisted of two main types of joint, being finger joints and dowel joints. I will look toco s sted o t o a types o jo t, be g ge jo ts a d do e jo ts oo toemploy similar joints in my product as this one seemed sturdy and perfectly stable. Iwill consider how my product might be made to appeal to different markets like that ofchildren throughout further research.

The door handle was screwed in from theinside. This allowed the screws not to beapparent from the outside therefore having anicer aesthetic finish.

You can clearly see that this product istargeting children. I should take intoconsideration who my target market is and

h t th ld i twhat they could appreciate.

The drawer was constructed using 9mmpieces of MDF; the drawer did not have anytype of mechanism. The drawers weresegregated into different areas and thesmooth finish of MDF allowed these two

Design and Technology

smooth finish of MDF allowed these twomaterials to slide without friction.

Project Analysis

Boys Girls

Elderly people

M l /F l

Through research I have realised, theadvantages and disadvantages of aA source of

Young trendy teenagers

Boys Girls

If changing dimensions, could be adapted to children

Male/Femaleg gbedside table, By using my friend as amarket potential I am going to make aproduct specific to him as he is atarget market.

Waste disposal

A source of lighting: mood lighting/ Reading light

Magazine storage

Personal storage


Who After being test marketed, if successful ,the product should be batch produced




Laundry basket.

Bed side tables ErgonomicsMeasuring another drawers cabinet allowed me to start looking at different dimensions for my bedside table.

If I target a



Small work shop as tester

Batch produced in factory


Stainless steal is

If I target a younger market I have to consider their


The aesthetics will

Oak seems to be a very popular hardwood in the area of furniture as it is a very resistant wood and nice to work with.

Stainless steal is very aesthetically pleasing as it is very well finished and very popular within the


Small roomBig room

The aesthetics will depend on my markets. Depending on who my product is aimed to I will take in consideration the


MDF is a material that is very easy to work with, light weight and I should take in consideration the cost aspect of this project as if successful, the product should be mass produced

furniture industry.

Smoked or coloured glass is very popular as it does not let too much light go through protecting your eyes and is


I must take in consideration work shop

safety rules as some materials have

Design and Technology

very aesthetically pleasing.materials have dangerous properties

when working with them The spider diagram above and the analysis around gave me a better understanding of the different aspects of the project and the main issues I need to take in to consideration.

Secondary Research: Bins

I really like this red colour, as it is very

popular and trendy with a glossy finish.

A cylinder shapedbin is also verypractical for theconsumer to use

I really enjoy the mixture ofdifferent materials such as chromeand a glossy finish red. The use ofa mixture of products is moreaesthetically pleasing Another

consumer to use

aesthetically pleasing. Anotheradvantage is the incorporation ofchrome as the base of thisproduct is strengthening theoverall structure of this product

This product has three separatebins for recycling. I would maybelike to investigate this to see ifhaving the option of recycling willperhaps enhance my product.

Thi i d l f i i ti ThThis is a good example for inspiration. Thestructure is made out of wood and othermaterials can be easily added. This looks like auser friendly product. This is a very goodexample for my research in this particularmarket.

Design and Technology

Secondary Research: BinsThese are two much more moderntypes of products as compared to thetypes of products as compared to theprevious ones. I really enjoy thecontrast of wood and metal. I would likemy product to resemble more theproduct above as it is modern andcould go very well in a young adultsroom. I still believe that having adrawer could be very useful for storageand would be pleasant to use.

Drawing the product as a 2Dg pdesign leads me to see thearrangements of the drawers anddoors. Therefore this is a goodtechnique as it allows me to seethe comparison of differentarrangements for the constructionarrangements for the constructionof each piece.

Although it is a simpleaesthetically lookingpiece of furniture it canbe improved and must

I really appreciate the black matt as itgoes very well with the rest of thepiece of furniture as you can see. Youalso could have the option to changecolour allowing the consumer to havemore optionsp

not be very difficult tomass produce.

The simple drawer could be something to consideras it is simple to make and effective. This is a very

more options.

This kitchen unit hasthe ability to store andconceal a plastic bin

Design and Technology

big piece of furniture. The sizes would have to bereduced therefore compromising some storagespace.

conceal a plastic binfrom view whilst easilyaccessible.

Secondary Research: LightsI really enjoy hidden lighting on furniture as it has more of Down lighting is very furniture as it has more of aesthetic attraction. As you can see on the picture the light is hidden behind the piece of wall The light is then projected against the surrounding walls. Although it gives less light then

effective as it could light up my piece of furniture as well as give it a nice mood light without blinding the consumer.

Although it gives less light then direct lighting, it is more attractive and goes well with the environment.

By hiding the light within the f it it i d

Back lightingDown lighting

Up lighting is very useful to decorate. It

furniture it gives a good aesthetic side to the piece of furniture although it is less efficient then normal light. The furniture also has more than one function.

will be very difficult to use this method for my product as the area I have to work with is very limited.

The use of different materials can change the colour of the light. The brightness of the light is also very important as it depends on what type of

Mood lightingUp lighting

lighting I am looking for e.g. reading light/ambience light.

This is purely ambience lighting which I may consider

This method of lighting is to focus light on a specific

Accent lighting Spot lighting

lighting which I may consider for my end product. area. Perhaps I would

want to use the same method to light up a certain area of my bedside table.

Design and Technology

g g p g g

Secondary Research: Lights Bulbs

Th h h f diff tHalogen bulbs are very

Through research of different bulbs and how effective each one is, I have found these very bright and efficient bulbs that also give out less heat and is environmentally friendly therefore

specific and contain halogen gas allowing it to increase the brightness of the bulb . The bulb can work in higher temperaturesy y

not damaging any materials surrounding it. These light bulbs are appropriate to my furniture as I want a bright ambience light with minimal heat generation.

higher temperatures without damaging and increased lifespan unlike normal bulbs. Therefore the bulb is working more efficiently for a longer

i d f ti

Perhaps this lighting is more appropriate, as it covers a bigger area and will light up

period of time.

Led stands for Light Emitting Diode bulb. The electricity consumption is very low therefore more environmentally friendly. However, it must incorporate a

Diacrylic lighting is a completely different source of lighting. This area and will light up

my furniture more efficiently. It can also be faced in certain directions allowing it to be a specific point

f li ht

circuit and the costs of purchase will be higher. The big advantage of LED lighting is a long life and high efficiency using between 2 and 6 Volts making them a cheap and attractive alternative.

g gtype of light consumes huge amounts of voltage and produces phenomenal light performance. It is usually produced outside nightclubs or for decorating a buildingof light. building.

A fluorescent light or tube, contains gas which charges the bulb. Within the light a chemical reaction takes place when adding electricity. reaction takes place when adding electricity. The atoms from the gas move around with great speed producing the light we can see. Due to this mechanism the lamp is initially more expensive at the purchase but then has a low electrical consumption and a longer life span compared to original bulbs This type of

Design and Technology

span compared to original bulbs. This type of bulb is usually used in commercial and industrial buildings due to the energy saving efficiency.


MDF wood also comes under the categories ofThrough further research, I have observed that a popular hard wood in the construction of furniture industry is oak wood.

MDF wood also comes under the categories of manufactured boards. It is constructed from wood residuals glued together using soft/hard wood resins compressed together with heat. MDF is very attractive in my case as it is very cheap and easy to work with. It can have a very good finish when adding paint or spayed using a varnishOak wood is a hard wood therefore making it much more

expensive compared to any other wood. It is beautiful wood to look at and has a long life span. Its is also very costly which is not appropriate for my product as the bedside table I am going to design and manufacture is going to be used indoors As this is a As level project I

adding paint or spayed using a varnish.

Through research, I have found that the use of acrylic is trendy influencing me to incorporate some acrylic panels into my product. It is clean and adds somegoing to be used indoors. As this is a As level project I

would like to keep my prices as low as possible.

Pine wood comes from a coniferous tree so is therefore a softwood. This is more appealing to me as the cost is lower and

product. It is clean and adds some modernity. The advantage of using acrylic is the variety of different colours available for consumers.

easier to work with. This wood is used a lot in the construction industry as it has a nice and modern finish but still contains good structural properties.

This wood is used for upper class consumers

Once again I have seen the use of glass very often in today's furniture market. There is a variety of different glass to make the piece of furniture more modern, which will then have a nicer product finish. I would like to incorporate some type of glass in myThis wood is used for upper class consumers

which are ready to pay the price but has still taken into consideration a budget. Once again Pine wood is not appropriate to my product as I would like to add different materials to my end product and the cost is still to high

to incorporate some type of glass in my product.

Ergonomicsstill to high.

Plywood is a manufactured board constructed from different sheets of veneers. This is more appropriate as it is sure to have no movement taking place when

Ergonomics is the relationship between the consumer and its products. If the ergonomics is not correct this could relate in a impact on either the posture or health of the consumer. Each consumer has their own ergonomics to take into consideration when creating a product

Design and Technology

no movement taking place when my product is finished and a much lower price.

consideration when creating a product.

In my case, I must take into consideration the measurements of other bedside tables and adapt it to my target market.

Primary Research: Bedside Tables

You can see that most bedside tables are adapted to the beds; their height, size and colour. You can clearly see that smoked glass is quite popular with the consumers of today.

Looking closer at this piece of furniture, I realized that


I got this primary research from a shop called Home Centre

most of the handles are either very modern or even for some, don’t have a handle. This is done by a groove either at the top or bottom of the drawer. I should take this into consideration and try to incorporate this nice touch to my bedside table.

a shop called Home Centre which sell contemporarily and modern furniture. Although Home Centre sells all types of furniture, my target product was bedside tables. I also took into

id ti th b d thWhen doing this primary research, I have noticed that the majority of the bedside table have a similar aspect to the bed for example, in this photo they have used the same materials to group the bedside table and the bed, making one beautiful peace of furniture When producing

consideration the beds as they are an important factor and usually have the same features as the bedside tables. This primary research allowed me to compare the good and bad making one beautiful peace of furniture. When producing

my bedside table, I must take in consideration the different materials and how well it will relate to the bed.

A l i thi i f f it I

p gaspects of bedside tables.

Analysing this piece of furniture I feel it is so unfortunate and a waste of space to have a lamp. This lamp represents a big problem as the utility of this product is limited to a simple bedside table. Perhaps it is Materials/Construction and Costs p ppossible to integrate the light to the piece of furniture without taking up so much of space.

When looking at these products, which I found at different shops, I should take into consideration the cost of the materials, the aesthetics of the product, the construction aspect of the product and the final cost it is sold at. I will design my product, buy

i l b d id bl d d i

Materials/Construction and Costs

Design and Technology

materials, construct my bedside table and determine the price when compared to my competitors.

Primary Research: Bedside Tables

Thi i i t bl it h th f ti ItThis is a very nice table as it has more then one function. It can also store and be used for lighting. This wood is oak wood and is an expensive material but very strong and goes very well with this piece of furniture.


By analysing this piece of furniture, I found this material very attractive as it is a hard wood, although it could be more expensive and a harder material to work with. Its aesthetics looks are beautiful. Looking more closely I realised the this was just layered wood. I suppose the frame was made from manufactured board and covered with a thin layer of oak I made thisboard and covered with a thin layer of oak. I made this assumption by feeling the weight. The bedside table was very light; much too light for a hard wood. Suppliers do for two reasons i. The price of oak is very expensive and will cost a lot to manufacture

ii This layer of oak will protect and enhance the properties of aii. This layer of oak will protect and enhance the properties of a manufactured board.

Here is another example of a very nice and well p yproportioned side table. The lighting problem occurs again. This material (oak) seems to be occurring over and over again by giving the consumer the impression of quality and durability.

Oak is a hard wood that is usually used for furniture it is very resistant to the

i t l f t d i b tif l t

Design and Technology

environmental factors and is a beautiful to work with. It is very aesthetic.

Primary Research (Questionnaire) Analysis ResultsQuestionnaire DT primary research

• Name:……………………………………1.2.Name/Surname: Questions 1 and 2 provided me with information on the people who had completed my


• Surname:……………………………………………….

.• Age:………………………………………


• 4. Male/Female

5 D b d id t bl ? 7





questionnaire, allowing me to better understand my results.

You can see that my product can be produced for lots of different markets, the majority of my consumers are from the age of 30 40 I believe I• 5. Do you own a bed side table?:

Yes/No (please underline answer)

• 6. If yes, what is its function? (please tick)

•Lamp ClockKeys

Storage•• Other……………………………………






7 from the age of 30-40. I believe, I should have done more questionnaire for people from the age of 20-30 as I believe they are a big target market.


•• 7. What material did you choose when

buying bedroom furniture• Wood Metal

Glass• Other (please give a example of

your chosen material)




< 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 > 60


• 8. Do you find you have a problem with storage in you bed side table: (please underline answer) Yes/No

• 9. Do you have a bin in your room? (please underline answer)

• Yes/No

(Pl d ib bi )



20 The majority of my questioners are women, this is just a coincidence as I found the first people available to fill out my questionnaire• (Please describe your bin):


• 10. Do you have problems, with space in your room>

• Yes/no



Male Female

5 Owning a 25


5.Owning a bedside table:




The majority of the people I interviewed had a bed side table and all had at least a stand to store

Design and Technology



Yes No

their personal items in.

Primary Research (Questionnaire) Results






Storage Support Keys etc

6.Funtion: Solution3/4. The bedside table will be adapted to the age and the gender of the consumer.

5 The majority of the questioners own a bedside table showingStorage Support lamp/clock

Keys, etc…



5. The majority of the questioners own a bedside table showing me there is a need for my product.

6. My two main objectives (light/storage) are the most wanted aspects on a bedside table.

7. Once again the materials will vary on the age and gender of



Wood Metal Glass Other

the consumer therefore my prototype will be specific to a young population.

8. The majority have problems with their storage therefore I need to incorporate some sort of storage that is suitable to the consumer.





Wood Metal Glass Other

8.Problem with storage:

9. The majority of the consumers are interested in a incorporated bin.

10. The majority of the consumers have a lack of space in their bedroom therefore there is a market for my product.






Yes No

10.Lack of space in


25 I believe that university students will be interested in my product as they might be living in dorms






space in bedroom:




15 might be living in dorms and will not have much space.

Design and Technology

0Yes No

Yes No


Considering the primary and secondary research I have gathered I now have a clearer idea of the specification requirements of my proposed design. IConsidering the primary and secondary research I have gathered I now have a clearer idea of the specification requirements of my proposed design. I have also begun to formulise the aesthetic, ergonomic and anthropometrical considerations of the final product in order to list the specification points below. It became clear throughout my research that a bedside table with multi-functional aspects would be a product which could be successful.

I intend to design and manufacture a bedside table to fall within the following specification:

I would like to design a piece of furniture that has all these properties and functions:

1.0 The Intended Function:1.1 The bedside table must include a waste receptacle that can be hidden within it.1.2 The bedside table must include a feature allowing the consumer to move it easily1 3 The bedside table must have a source of light to illuminate that particular area of the room1.3 The bedside table must have a source of light, to illuminate that particular area of the room.1.4 The unit should provide an area/drawer with segregated area for the storage of personal items.1.5 The product will most likely be used in a room, probably a bedroom

2.0 Manufacturing Considerations in the Work Shop:2 1 Must make use of appropriate materials for the construction of furniture allowing it to be built easily within the school workshop2.1 Must make use of appropriate materials for the construction of furniture, allowing it to be built easily within the school workshop.2.2 The use of Pro Desktop and 2D design will enhance the design process and the quality of the final outcome.

3.0 Manufacturing Considerations in the Industry:3.1 The bedside table must have the option to be mass produced using a variety of different finishes.3 2 The design must lend itself to the possibility of being mass produced through the use of CAD CAM processes3.2 The design must lend itself to the possibility of being mass produced through the use of CAD CAM processes.3.3 The design should be of the type which can be flat-packed and easily assembled by unskilled customers.

Design and Technology

Specification Cont:

4.0.Environmental Constraints:4.1 The bedside table must be sturdy and should be able to withstand daily abuse.4.2 Must be able to withstand the temperatures it is likely to encounter (Hot/Cold) particularly the top.p y ( ) p y p

5.0.Ergonomics:5.1 The measurements of the furniture must be appropriate according to consumers needs.5.2 The bedside table must be easy to use and adapted to the specific needs of the consumer.5.3 The bedside table should be appropriately sized to be comfortable for the consumer to use.

6.0.Aesthetics:6.1 The bedside table must be aesthetically pleasing to the specific consumer I have identified.6.2 The unit should be of a design that makes it relatively easy to tailor to the needs of different ages groups, sexes through alternative

colour schemes.6.3 The product should in some way incorporate a source of light to pleasingly illuminate the room sufficiently at night and allow client to


7.0.Safety:7.1 Must use non-toxic paints and/or materials so not to endangering the consumers health.7.2 Follow the normal health and safety procedures when manufacturing the product to protect against e.g. dust inhalation.7 3 Must meet the stipulated legislations like BSI in order to ensure the safety of the user7.3 Must meet the stipulated legislations like BSI in order to ensure the safety of the user.

8.0.Materials:8.1 Incorporate suitable materials which are appropriate to the product whilst being pleasing to the consumer.8.3 Use materials such as MDF, which is cheap and easy to work with, making the product inexpensive and thus relatively cheap for the

consumer if mass produced.


Design and Technology

Development (How Things Work)

The smoked glass will hid the light bulb hidden beneath it, I must leave enough room between the drawer and the light bulb as it could overheat or when opening the

Could use coloured glass or smoked glass. This needs go well with the piece of furniture as it is a key overheat or when opening the

drawer. Looking at this piece of furniture you can see the amount of room o have available beneath.

yaesthetical aspect.

Another technique is to buy external system which can be adapted to my piece of furniture. Another technique is to buy This little mechanism will be added to the inside bottom and the door that could then allow it to open vertically.

external system which you screw on the inside of the furniture and the side of your drawer. This can be adapted to my drawer and furniture.

The simplest form to allow the door to swing out is to use a ready made joint that I can buy externally

The simplest technique is to make the drawer adapted

Design and Technology

The simplest technique is to make the drawer adapted to the drawer room. This will allow the drawer to slide in and out without any mechanical hinges or wheels due to the smoothness of the wood.

Development (Looking At Materials)

The smoked glass will be placed on top of the with the light Th b lb ill b l d d ththe with the light shining through it. The bulb will be placed under the

smoked glass, I must leave enough space for this to work. The electronics will also be placed in this area, it must be very discrete and not visible to the consumer.

This mechanism can beSummary:

Will be made from a red acrylic panel.

This mechanism can be adapted to my drawer On this page I have illustrated all the images

that I like and have tried to construct a 3 dimensional piece of furniture. This is where I have gathered all my ideas using the materials I like and looking at how things will work.

This mechanism can beThis will be adapted to my drawer

Design and Technology

This mechanism can be added to the bottom allowing the door to come down horizontally

This will be adapted to my drawer to block my door at a certain distance

Initial Ideas

The top part there is a spot light facing upwards for a some mood lighting. The electronics can be hidden in the top department.


The top comes off, hiding beneath it a rubbish bin. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to have a hinge allowing the top not to come off

This indicial idea came from a Tagine which is a traditional

top not to come off completely.

There is drawer for the personal storage TheTagine, which is a traditional

Mexican cocking dish.personal storage, The drawer must be rounded to be well integrated with the rest of the furniture.Their will be transparent glass,

allowing the consumer to have a brighter room which will therefore

ll th t t d

These feet are appropriate as they


Summary:allow the customer to read.

This initial idea is modern, I believe that it is most appropriate to make it with a

pp p ycan be screwed to the bottom is goes well with the piece of furniture.


In my opinion idea 1 is not very aesthetically pleasing as it is difficult to use and is difficult to manufacture. Looking at appropriate to make it with a

light soft wood making more attractive to the consumer.

There is lots of storage space for the customer to use, perhaps I

gidea 2 it seems more attractive as it has a easier assembly and is more aesthetically pleasing therefore is my chosen idea on this

Design and Technology

do not have to include 3 drawers as it takes up space.

chosen idea on this page.

Initial Ideas

This piece of furniture canThis could be made from a beautiful hard wood

SummaryThis piece of furniture can be easily adapted to the consumer

a beautiful hard wood, as they are harder to work with then manufactured boards or soft woods. Perhaps I can include more


Their will be frosted

Idea is very attractive as it it is simple to assemble and manufacture allowing me to include more f ti th t I ldmodern materials

making it more appropriate to my test marketer.

Their will be frosted glass on the top with a light mechanism hidden beneath it for mood lighting.

functions that I would like to introduce to this product. Idea 2 is again very aesthetically pleasing but looking at the

Will this be a extra piece f I can adapt a bin which could be adapted

There is a good area to store the consumers goods.

gslanted sides seems a very difficult to obtain using a wood base and is hard to make using any other material My chosenadded on after or

incorporated from the startI can adapt a bin which could be adapted to the back of this door, allowing the bin to be lowered with the door when opened.

There is a piece of glass with light beneath it once again

material. My chosen idea is idea 3

4.light beneath it once again more for a mood lighting then reading.

I believe this piece of furniture would be much more appropriate if it was

The drawer would be unique as the shape would be more appropriate if it was

made from acrylic and more with stronger colours.

triangular allowing it to have a circular finish with the rest of the furniture.

Design and Technology

This idea was partly inspired by the shape of an Arabic/African drum.

Initial Ideas

5.There is a transparent or smoked glass as a surface with a light mechanism beneath it for mood lighting.


This piece of furniture that include two drawers for storage but it does not include a bin.

Idea 5 is also not very difficult to assemble and manufacture, the only disadvantage I can see is the size factor as a bedside table must be appropriately

The fame of the furniture would be made from acrylic which would be red as in the research I have found it is a popular colour today, I believe white goes well with this colour therefore I would like to make the doors from again acrylic white

The wheels can be adapted easily to most of my these pieces of furniture, I should take in consideration if I should include this on

table must be appropriately measures this looks more appropriate for a TV stand perhaps. Idea 2 is again difficult to assemble therefore making it hard for

like to make the doors from again acrylic white.should include this on finale my finale piece as it makes it easier to use for my customer.

6.The top is held by a hinge allowing it to open. I must take in

the consumer to simple if mass produced. My chosen idea is idea 6.

6.The top of the furniture includes smoked glass with a light hidden within it.

g pconsideration how the glass will stay on when the top is open.

There is a bin hidden beneath this opening,

At the bottom of my piece of furniture there is a drawer allowing the consumer to place

Design and Technology

his personal items for the night.

I took some inspiration for this idea from the shape of a typical wicker linen basket

Initial Ideas

Door must be rounded

7. The smoked glass has a light hidden beneath it allowing the furniture to

according to the rest of the furniture, perhaps I will have to add layered wood and sand it to allow the door to be round and one with the piece of furniture.

have a mood lighting

I thought that the

piece of furniture.

gaesthetics on this one was very important as it is very modern, I believe the these colours go well with the furniture and its targettarget


Id 7 i diffi lt

Their drawers gives the customers some storage

Beneath the drawer their will be a bin hidden in the door.

Idea 7 is a very difficult piece of furniture to create using wood, perhaps using a polymer would be more appropriate. The top reminded me of a tyre.

areas used as personal properties.

yWhen looking more carefully at the bed side I realized that by changing some features I could even consider making it into a stool

Design and Technology


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.2 9.1 9.2 9.3 Results

Analysis Of Initial Ideas

4 11 92424

5 14 524

13 11 024

5 9 1024

13 9 2

6 10 8


5 12 7



Design and Technology

Meets specification or is most attractive

Can meet specification or can be adapted

Does not meet specification

Please refer to specification sheet for full detail.

Evaluation Analysis & Comparison Of Best Ideas

I have chosen my two ideas which meets most of the demand, or By taking the best elements fromcould if I adjusted small features. By taking the best elements from both of my ideas and combining these positive attributes I hope to design and develop an idea which is better than both of the original proposals.

1.3:Includes source of light

1 4 i l d t f1.4: includes storage area for intended user

6.1: Good width perhaps compare with other bedside tables for height.

One of the main advantage of design 5 is the caster type

heels hich o ld allo the1.1:Can include a waste bin in bottom drawer, attached to back side of door.

1.2:Could add wheels to bottom of table.

wheels which would allow the unit to be easily moved around the bedroom. If I incorporate this aspect into idea 3 this would dramatically improve the design.

7.1:Look at different materials, looking at target market and which materials they enjoy most.

Summary:By creating an Evaluation Chart, it allowed me to compare all my ideas therefore showing me their advantages and disadvantages. I made this chart according to the specification and to see if my 1 2 I l d h l ll i th

1.1:Hard to include bin, table not high enough.

1.3: includes a source of light.

according to the specification and to see if my ideas were meeting the demand of the specification. It was some times difficult to follow the specification as it does not always correspond directly with the production of the product. For example, ergonomics must be taken into

id ti ll b f th t t f th

1.2:Includes wheels allowing the table to move.

Design and Technology

consideration well before the start of the production. 1.4: includes storage

area for intended user 6.1: This idea is too wide and very low.



Here are two other ideas of how I can improve my design still keeping the same structure but trying new ways of storage and lighting.


I am therefore going to stay with my initial idea, taking into consideration alternatives to storage and lighting.

In this idea I decided to put a external reading light instead of a mood light. I then realized by adding a dimmer switch, this would allow me to change the brightness of the room and perhaps this will allow the user to read with this light

I considered adding extra storage on the side of my piece of furniture, again when investigating the problem I realized that it is less aesthetically pleasing and I would prefer for the consumer to use the storage I initially provided perhaps I might

i i i hi d

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user to read with this light.want to incorporate segregations within my drawer allowing the consumer to have a specific area for each of their items.

DevelopmentFinger joint is the most used joint for drawers

In the inside of the door there will be hinges allowing the bin to be supported

d th il

used joint for drawers as it creates strong structure therefore is the most suitable joint, giving the corner strength.

and then easily taken off.

My bin must be of a suitable size providing a reasonable amount of space.

This drawer mechanism will be adapted to the side of the drawer as well as my bedside table They

It may need to be adapted to attach to the units door.

my bedside table. They can just be screwed in.

Th f i d f dThe frame is made from wood therefore allowing me to simply adapt the support on the back of the door which will open horizontally making it easy for the consumer to use.

The frame of the drawer will also be made from manufactured wood as it is light and easy to work with. I can then add my polymer layer on the front of the drawer which will be glued on

Design and Technology

yThe outside of the door will be covered with a acrylic panel which I have found at IKEA.

with a particular glue specific to connecting these two materials.

Further DevelopmentThe first panel will be consisted from my acrylic polymer sheet with a recess

The smoked glass will sit on top of the manufactured board and at the same acrylic polymer sheet with a recess

allowing me to place my smoked glass within it. Both the acrylic sheet and the smoked glass must be of the same thickness. Perhaps beneath this layer I will have to add a extra sheet of

The acrylic and manufactured board is all one piece allowing the top to come off

level as the acrylic in the recess

manufactured wood allowing me to place the glass on top.

the top to come off.

The second panel will just seal up the bulb and wires from the drawer beneath it.

I will then have my next door that will open horizontally containing my rubbish bin in the inside. Front panel of bin

The front panels are made from the acrylic sheets I bought externally,

I am considering not including the last panel as the drawer could just be adapted beneath it as long as there is the drawer runner

will be constructed the same way as the drawer

By adding a plinth it protects the piece of furniture from any

The rest will be made from manufactured wood.

there is the drawer runner adapted in the inside.

the piece of furniture from any dust or water. By having this gap from the floor it will allow me not to worry, when my friend cleans his room. It also improves the structure at the b tt f th b d id t bl

Having a panel at the bottom under my plinth will again seal up the bottom from any dust

Design and Technology

bottom of the bedside table decreasing the risk of any cracks or the wood to rot.

will again seal up the bottom from any dust or water that can damage my piece of furniture. This panel will allow me to adapt my casters at the bottom as there is something to screw it into.

(Computer Aided Designs) Development

Further Development with CAD:

The further development of the product allowed me to begin to appreciate possible problems that might occur during the production. I have drawn my product in both 2D Design and Pro-Desktop, this provided a detailed engineering drawing of the unit as well as a 3D model of the product that I could rotate and render appropriately, to fully explore the idea before production. The rendering of my design in different colours and material finishes allowed me to explore simple variations in my product, which would target different consumer markets. Below are some images of this process, which I hope fully describe how my intended product will look once manufactured.

This wireframe view illustrates the internal detail of my design on Pro-Desktop.

The information to the left of the page is an editable record of the production of the drawing, detailing work planes and extrusions.

The tool around the outside of this page view were used to develop this 3D d l f d t

Below is a Pro-Desktop view of my product rendered in a bright pink.

3D model of my product. The level of detail and information that you can communicate though this type of CAD package is limited only by the

This type of colour would appeal to girls particularly younger ones. Such a target market prefers bright colours and a less traditional finish The usey y

amount of time you are prepared to devote to it.

traditional finish. The use of acrylic to achieve this type of durable surface would be possible.

The older people I questioned had a morequestioned had a more traditional taste and would have expected the unit to be either natural wood or fairly bland if coloured. The Pro-Desktop images to the right h t l d fi i h

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show a natural wood finish for such a consumer market.

Final Designs Using CAD

Here is another rendered design specifically targeting Men as my consumer. You can clearly see that this suitable to the consumer as it is aesthetically pleasing and is specifically to one of my particular target marketsto one of my particular target markets.

Looking at the availably of materials that is accessible to me, I made a render that is specific to my target market using my friends as a example. I will produce and see if my product works both functionally and aesthetically.

Final design

The drawer is split ff

The front panels are made frominto different areas,

leaving enough space at the top for my light.

The structure of the

are made from acrylic that have been found at IKEA. These panels can be glued to the frame

The structure of the piece of the furniture will be constructed on a plinth which will be built separately.

made from plywood.

I found a smoked glass at a local furniture

I will try to adapt casters beneath the plinth

I found a smoked glass at a local furniture shop which is a little bit darker then the one displayed on my Pro Desktop production. In my research I found this colour interesting as it is very trendy and goes well with my friends room. Seeing this colour on a variety

f diff t d t d it lik

Design and Technology

of different products made it seem like a appropriate materials to use.

2D Design/3rd Angle ProjectionBy measuring and comparing different sorts of primary research (bedside tables) I calculated a average of all these measurements and estimated a approximate measurements taking into consideration my friends room as a typical clients requirements Once the prototype is produced I will beapproximate measurements, taking into consideration my friends room as a typical clients requirements. Once the prototype is produced I will be able to fully evaluate the success of the outcome and suggest further modifications to improve the design further.

This engineering drawing will allow me to construct both the prototype and the final cabinet. I will be able to determine if there is any problems with the aesthetics, functionality, scale and stability of the product. Being able to appreciate perceived problems will give me a clearer

d t di f id

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understanding of my idea.

The prototype will be made 1/4 full size, meaning I will not be using material unnecessarily, but still of a size adequate to evaluate and function properly.

Looking At Different JointsFor my model I will be using butt joints and adhesives for support, as it is easy and quick to produce. Below this text you will find different sorts of joints which I have produced These comparisons will allow me to have a clearer understanding and consideration of the differentsorts of joints which I have produced, These comparisons will allow me to have a clearer understanding and consideration of the different joints available to me. I will be observing certain aspects of these joints, for example its strength, the length of time it takes me to produce them and its final aesthetics. For my prototype I must look into a joint that is not too time consuming but is very strong.

Butt JointFinger Joint Dowel Joint

This is one of the strongest joints not taking into consideration dovetail joint. Although it is difficult to construct it looks very good and

A very simple joint but effective, is not very strong and is usually used for simple construction for example painting frames.

This joint is quite easy to make when considering the strength it has. It consists of drilling accurate holes in both sections of wood and joining them with dowel pegs. It has a clean finish keeping its propertiesallows lots of surface area to be

glued together. has a clean finish keeping its properties.

I found this joint to be very time consuming although it is one of the strongest. I do not believe I will be needing this much strength and I am worried of the waste of time

I also used nails to strengthen the corner but unfortunately this joint does not have the strength required for the production

f j h f

When comparing the three joints I have constructed, I have made a evaluation on the strength, simplicity and time consumption for each joint. I clearly recognise that the dowel joint is the most appropriate for my bedside cabinet as it was quick to construct and effective once both

Design and Technology

am worried of the waste of time producing this type of joint.

of my project therefore not being appropriate for this situation.

bedside cabinet as it was quick to construct and effective once both pieces put together. I also believe I can strengthen any corners I need with either a nail or screw with this particular joint.

Cutting List








Part Description Qty Length Width Thickness Material Finish

A side right 2 678mm 490mm 15mm MDF Matte BlackD


D-4A side right 2 678mm 490mm 15mm MDF Matte Black

B back 1 678mm 450mm 15mm MDF Matte Black

C separation 1 490mm 540mm 10mm MDF Matte Black

D-1 front 1 120mm 540mm 10mm MDF Matte Black

D 2 f t 1 130 540 10 MDF M tt Bl k

By producing the model I quickly realised that D-1 and D-4, which used to be mat black MDF, looked much better when covered with the red acrylic. The cutting list has been updated to accommodateD-2 front 1 130mm 540mm 10mm MDF Matte Black

D-3 front 1 350mm 540mm 10mm MDF Matte Black

D-4 front 1 60mm 540mm 10mm MDF Matte Black

E-1 front 1 120mm 540mm 9mm Acrylic Red

E 2 f t 1 130 540 9 A li R d

list has been updated to accommodate this additional acrylic on all 4 of the front panels which are listed between E1 – E4.

E-2 front 1 130mm 540mm 9mm Acrylic Red

E-3 front 1 350mm 540mm 9mm Acrylic Red

E-4 front 1 60mm 540mm 9mm Acrylic Red

F bottom 1 490mm 540mm 10mm MDF Matte Black

G inner top 1 490mm 540mm 10mm MDF Matte Black

H glass 1 430mm 480mm 9mm Glass None

I top 1 490mm 540mm 9mm Acrylic Red

J drawer sides 2 130mm 490mm 9mm MDF Matte Black

Design and Technology

K drawer back 1 130mm 540mm 9mm MDF Matte Black

L drawer bottom 1 490mm 540mm 6mm Plywood Matte Black

Manufacturing (Model)

I am now going to go through the construction of my bedside table, this will allow me to find any problems that might occur in the my building process. Problems taken into consideration, I can adjust my prototype according to this model.

I started by making the frame I then added another I added the final In the picture you On the model I I then constructed the

h i t l f t lmaking the frame and the separation for the light as this area is hard to access later through my

d ti

for the drawer. This piece will not exist on the final prototype as I will have runners for my drawer

layer as the bottom of my furniture as it does not disturb the rest of the production and allows me to

p ycan see I added a plinth at the bottom of my bedside table. And the top area closing of the

decided not to make the whole drawer as I would loose a lot of time therefore I decided to just

horizontal front panel and spray painted it. I used card board as a hinge which allowed the door to come out. On the real

production. drawer. and allows me to sere the area I have left for my drawers.

closing of the lighting dedicated to the light.

decided to just construct the front panel.

product I will be using door hinges.

Once spray painted I finished all 4 front I then glued on the I ill t b i

I then glued I then created small matt black, I added the acrylic panels as a surface finish, using a glue gun. On the prototype I will be using a adhesive

panels covering the MDF panels I had created underneath.

inner frame which will hold up the glass.

I will not be using acrylic for the support of the glass on the prototype as it is too expensive and not strong

together the glass and top part of my acrylic. These two pieces can be removed allowing the consumer to

chains, allowing the door to be blocked at a certain angle.

Design and Technology

using a adhesive appropriate for both materials.


the consumer to change the bulb.

Manufacturing (Model)

After finishing the manufacturing of my model, I tested its abilities. After playing with it for a while I realized I need to improve the metal strings, as it was not very strong therefore making me having to glue it again. The model was sturdy, therefore permitting me to have a good idea on my prototype When manufacturing this model I observed that making a plinth

I added the handles on the acrylic using super glue, for my final piece they will

I positioned the chains according to the depth I need for the bin to fit.

good idea on my prototype. When manufacturing this model, I observed that making a plinth was not very useful and will be too time consuming therefore in this model I decided to put a front panel but the plinth is intergraded into the product as you can see from the pictures below.

final piece they will be screwed in.

For these final photos I decided to add a portable light in m model to ha e a

I believe that on the prototype there will be some differences due to the a portable light in my model to have a

good idea of the finished product. In the prototype I intend to integrate the light within the storage I have added to my product for all the electronics. I also will adapt the switch on the side

differences due to the thickness and the weight of the materials therefore my product must be sturdy sound and the product useable to the consumer. As

Design and Technology

of my bedside table but will position it the most appropriately.

this is only a model it is not as structurally sound as I would like it to be.

Working Order

Rooting andAdapt dra er to Checking that runnersMake hole andManufacturing Order

Sand down and

Rooting andConstruct drawer

Adapt drawer to cabinet

Checking that runnersAre of right measurement

Make hole andAdapt light switch

Testing Product


Cut out wood and Make sure it function

Sand down andSpray paintDo electronics


Placed acrylic according

Acrylic panelsusing cutting list

Adapted hinges

Make sure it function properlyCheck wiring is correct

Add binPlaced acrylic accordingTo MDF panels

Assemble side and

Are all pieces accuratedapted gesTo cabinet

See if glass fitsChecking they are ofMaking sure they are

strong enough to

Add bin

Put bottom MDF

Assemble side and back

Measured top of C bi t ll i th

gappropriating Right measurements

Add h l /h dl

g gfunction

Put together upperMeasured again

when put


Added hingesCovered any The pieces I installed Verified hinges

Cabinet allowing the top to fit appropriately

Add wheels/handles

Design and Technology

g ppPart

when puton

Added hingesyHoles using plaster

The pieces I installedare accurate

Verified hinges functioned properly

Manufacturing (Prototype)The construction of my prototype was effective as I followed my plan and build schedule the most accurately possible. The model allowed me to prepare myself more adequately and provide the necessary tools and time for the parts which I found difficult when constructing theme to prepare myself more adequately and provide the necessary tools and time for the parts which I found difficult when constructing the model. This gave me a good feeling of how and where to start my project, as this is a big scale of the model. I believe there will be more complications to the prototype from the start of my production. These are the steps I took to make my prototype.

I started with the frame and the top part of my bedside cabinet as it is a area hard to access further through the construction.

Throughout the whole construction process I checked all the measurement were right according to my cutting list.

I then attached the bottom part of my cabinet as that allowed me to see how much space I have available to work with.

I covered every holeI covered every hole with plaster throughout my project.

I added the hinges on the bottom of door.

I took measurements for the upper part allowing the glass to fall through then cut a exact other piece with a smaller area for the glass to sit on.

I added corners allowing the top to have the most limited movement possible.

I adapted the hinges to the I put both pieces together ll i th l t it I l d h l i h I then sanded down any

Design and Technology

p gbottom of my cabinet This allowed the door to fall horizontally.

allowing the glass to sit on one and have no movement with the other.

I placed the glass in the type of groove I made.

I then sanded down any excess MDF to have a nice surface. I decided to apply a first coat of paint,

as I knew two were required. H&S I wore a mask and did it outside.

Manufacturing (Prototype)

I created a groove using the router. I found this very difficult as the wood needed to be clamped to the table and my gestures to be very accurate.

I adapted the runners to the bottom of the drawer and inside the cabinet. I placed the drawer in its

final place, I found this very difficult as there was very limited space.g y

Meanwhile I started putting the panels to the top of the upper part. I had to put the glass before I applied my acrylics as it would be between the MDF and

li hi h i h f d l

A added the front of the drawer which I had not have spray paint yet as I wanted to make some final measurements.

I started to place the light switch. I should have done this before I put my product together as it was difficult to cut outacrylic which is a change from my model. together as it was difficult to cut out.

By this stage I had completed most of

I set up the light and wiring from the

Once the wiring finished and tested, I installed the switch to

After adding the hinge, which allowed the door to open horizontally I added a

the structural work. From here on, it was either touch ups or small things to added, as for the panels

Design and Technology

I set up the light and wiring from the mains to the lights and switch. H&S I did this while the plug was not connected

my piece of horizontally, I added a second coat of paint.

as for the panels.

Manufacturing (Prototype)

I added all panels to the front and top of my furniture.

I then adapted the wheels. My objective was for the wheels to come out by about 10 mm therefore not allowing the consumer to see them but the furniture still having the ability to be pushed around.

For the final step, I put in modern design handles, which made it even more pleasing to the eye. I also added the hooks for the bin to be positioned.

g y p

Here is the final product. These pictures include an intender user testing it:

Design and Technology


Overall I believe my product to be successful when comparing it to the specifications and design brief. If I was to re-do this project I would have changed a couple of things which could have improved the aesthetics and practicality of my product. I will be getting third party input on my product to have a balanced view. This third party informer is a target market of similar age to the potential consumer. This will allow me to have a broader evaluation using a person which could be interested in my product.

I believe that 1 0 of the specification has all

Comparing to brief Personal evaluation

When talking to my third party When constructing my product I realised that I

Third party informer

I believe that 1.0 of the specification has all been covered.

2.1: I believe that I had too much waste material as I had to re-measure and cut new pieces as my

evaluator, when using the product he made me realise that it is unfortunate my wheels did not lock therefore when the product was being used, it would move around. If I had added special wheels that

should have made the holes for the switch before starting my construction as it damaged some of the paint and had to be touched up. If I ever had to do this product again, I would take this into consideration.

measurements were not as accurate as I would have liked them to be. I think I could have been more efficient with my raw materials.

3.3: My bedside table was not

I had added special wheels that have a blocking mechanism it would have resolved this problem.

ymade flat pack but I believe it could have been, as this is only a prototype. In the future this furniture could be made flat pack and assembled easily by the consumers themselves I then went to buy a glass frosting spray as I

The product would have been made more professionally if I had used a laser cutter. Unfortunately I did not have

consumers themselves.

I believe that 4.0 and 5.0 were included in my final product.

I then went to buy a glass frosting spray as I believe this issue to be less aesthetic. this machine available to me. A laser cutter would have

allowed me to have a perfect finish and my panels would have been cut more accurately.

6.3: the light which was incorporated in my bedside table was to my opinion too bright as I could not find a

i diI believe 7.0 was all included but on the other hand 8.1 Unfortunately I could not find acrylic panels big

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appropriate dimmer switch.

could have has been fulfilled although if taking into consideration a child as my target market some alternative materials could be used, such as softer or rubberised materials and using less sharp edges on my product.

y y p genough to fit the top section of my bedside table as one piece. Therefore I had to construct it using two. If this product was to be mass produced it would be more aesthetically pleasing to use one.

End Product

Design and Technology

top related