august / september 2014 chalk talk harrison elementary …€¦ · august / september 2014 chalk...

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AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2014 CHALK TALK Harrison Elementary School 2080 Quail Street Lakewood, Ohio 44107

Telephone: (216)529-4230, Fax: (216)227-5556 Harrison’s Keys to Success: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Resourceful

Ms. Sabrina Crawford, Principal Mrs. Terry Moreman, Secretary

Principal’s Message

Hello Harrison Family,

We are off to a great start this school year. I am happy to be serving my 2nd year as

the Harrison Elementary School Principal. I truly enjoyed getting to know our Harrison

Families and having the opportunity to work with a great staff that is committed to helping

our students achieve a full year of academic growth. We pride ourselves on being creative

and out of the box educators. We strive to actively engage our students in the learning

experience and motivate them to give their best effort in everything they do. Daily we are

working to be even better than before so that we are giving our students our very best.

Thank you for your attendance at the Harrison Open House Sessions and I am

hopeful that this gave you an opportunity to meet the teacher and hear about some of the

amazing things your child will encounter in their new grade. Please continue to be present

as we welcome your involvement and your support. A number of new families along with

new staff members have joined us and we welcome our new Harrison Family Members.

Our Kindergarten students will join us Tuesday, September 2nd and then our total

student body will be in full swing of our normal activity. Teachers will be engaging in some

review and assessing where students are so that we can move forward with getting them

engaged in their grade level Common Core Standards. We introduced our testing grade

levels to the new forms of state assessments last year as they are coming our way this

school year. Columbia Writing and Math Solutions are just a few of the resources being

utilized on a daily basis to increase students’ depth of knowledge and their ability to

articulate what they know in writing.


Principal’s Message (Cont.)

Student Attendance is essential to student achievement. It is important for our students to

understand that school is their job and should only be missed in cases of emergency. Their day is full of

needed instruction, hands-on content based learning experiences, and collaborative learning

experiences with their peers. Make up work given when absent will not provide the missed classroom

experiences. We have a great deal of attendance incentives that are provided and we want everyone to

be able to be a part of our attendance celebrations. Please reference the Harrison Family Handbook for

specifics regarding attendance at school.

Grade level student meetings with the principal will take place within the next week to review

expectations, highlight our goals and plans for this school year, as well as recap on some

accomplishments achieved last school year.

Keep Your Eyes Open for the Following:

Harrison will be hosting monthly Grade Level Family Days this school year. The thought behind

this is to create an opportunity where families can come into the learning environment and be a part of

the learning experience with your child. It is also our intent to send you home with some type of

academic tool, strategy, ect. that you can take home and successfully use with your child. Our first

Family Day will be September 30, 2014 where we will host our 1st grade families in the morning. Our

theme for the Family Days will focus on math. Please watch for the specific notice that will come home

to 1st grade families regarding more information about 1st Grade Family Day in September and as a

heads up, Kindergarten Family Day will be up next, October 28th.

Family Handbooks will be coming home with your child within the next week. The handbook

addresses various topics and should serve as a useful resource for the family. One handbook per family

will be sent. Please review the handbook with your child. Students will receive a signature sheets

requiring a parent/guardian signature and student signature. A signature sheet will need to be

completed for each child in the family household. The signature sheet will need to be returned to each

child’s teacher.


September Dates to Remember:

9/1 – Labor Day – No School

9/2 – Kindergarten Start

9/6 – Lakewood Community Festival – Madison Park

9/10 – Harrison PTA General Meeting/Ice Cream Social – 6:30 pm.

9/11 - Cultural Heritage Night at Garfield Middle School – 6:30 pm.

9/16 – Picture Day

9/18 – Harrison PTA Donuts with Dad – Harrison Gym – 8:00 am.

9/30 – Harrison 1st Grade Family Day – Harrison Library – 9:30 am.

Please Join Harrison for the


Father’s Walk September 18, 2014 Cuyahoga County, Ohio “My Dad is taking me to school today” Join fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles and father figures in Cuyahoga County and walk your child to school in support of education. An Important WALK for education and quality of life. Sponsored by: The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative, Passages, I Am A Dream and the Healthy Fatherhood Collaborative Tanya B. Coughlin, LSW

Family Resource Coordinator Harrison Elementary School 216-227-5548




I am excited to return to Harrison Elementary School and teaching Physical Education this year. During a typical day in PE we begin with a brief 8-9 minute warm up of various locomotor activities. After this, we will begin skill development and/or game play. Students in grades K-2 focus most of their time involved in skill work while students in grades 3-5 work on incorporating those skills into game strategies/play. The beginning of the quarter involves getting students into a routine and following procedures that will carry over throughout the entire school year. We will then begin to learn about force, physical activity and exercise. This quarter will also involve learning and practicing the various aspects related with the sport of soccer. Skills required include; dribbling, trapping, passing, and the instep kick. At times we will learn how many of those skills transfer to other sports/games such as kicking a football off of a tee. My goals are to keep students moving, keep the learning environment simple, and allow students have success at learning the fundamentals. My hope is that students find learning, practicing and playing in PE class as an important part of the school day. The tools they acquire from Physical Education are essential to leading to an active and healthy lifestyle! Please feel free to access my website from the Harrison home page for more detailed information. You may also follow me on twitter @lkwdphysed. Sincerely, Brad Karabaic Brad Karabaic Lakewood City Schools Physical Education Visit my website!




Lakewood City Schools Health Services Department of Student Services Phone: (216) 529-4201 Fax: (216) 529-4104

School Nurses:

Peggy Brown 227-5129 Katy Corrigan 227-5395

Contact the Health Center Located in each school for… Forms for in-school administration of medication Health related pamphlets Health and Immunization records

Health Center Phone Numbers

High School

LHS Health Center 529-4043/4019

Fax: 529-4290

Middle Schools

Garfield 227-5762 Fax: 529-4146

Harding 227-5788 Fax: 529-4708

Elementary Schools

Emerson 227-5747 Fax 227-5752

Grant 227-5529 Fax 227-5535

Harrison 227-5545 Fax 227-5556

Hayes 227-5565 Fax 227-5575

Horace Mann 529-4259 Fax 227-5828

Lincoln 227-5713 Fax 227-5722

Roosevelt 227-5732 Fax 227-5739

What to Do When You Need to Visit

The Health Center… Lakewood High School:

Obtain a green pass from the teacher whose class

you are missing and report to the Health Center.

You may seek attention for injury, illness or questions.

Kindergarten through 8th Grade:

The Health Centers are staffed daily. Please call your child’s

school for specific information.

Special Services

Dental screening: Grades K-5

Dental Sealant screening: Grades 2, 3, 6, 7

Vision screening:

- Grades Pre-K, K, 1,3,5,7,9 (New Entrants: All grades)

- Teacher referrals

- Psychologist referrals


ans who do not

want screenings

for their child

must notify the

school in




1. To determine the health status of each student and to keep comprehensive health records for each.

2. To counsel students and parent(s) in health related matters and make referrals to support agencies

if appropriate.

3. To serve school personnel in an advisory capacity on matters related to health, safety, etc.

4. To aid in the efforts to control the spread of communicable disease by keeping current immunization records

and reporting communicable diseases to appropriate agencies.

5. To provide assistance for any emergency injury and/or illness.

6. To promote wellness, to prevent illness by conducting screening procedures, identifying and excluding ill


School Nurses

1. Hold an active license as a Registered Nurse issued by the Ohio Board of Nursing.

2. Hold an active license as a School Nurse issued by the Board of Education, State of Ohio.

3. Attend classes and workshops to remain current in matters related to school health.

4. Serve on various committees within the school system: i.e., crisis team, Health & Safety Committee, advisory boards, etc.

5. If applicable, assist in the planning of Individual Education Plans (IEP) and 504 Plans of selected students.

6. Initiate special programs for students and staff; i.e., blood pressure screening, health appraisals, in-services on various subjects, etc.


School Nurse Recommendations

If a student is ill in the morning, he/she should remain at

home. An ill student only spreads illness in a


A student with a fever is to remain at home until the

temperature is normal for 24 hours.

A student should be free of all nausea, vomiting and

diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.

Be sure that the school has current phone numbers

where a parent or guardian can be reached in case of



Your school nurse will not send an ill or injured student

home without contacting a parent, guardian or other

designated person as indicated on the Emergency

Medical & Student Release Authorization form.

Pertinent medical information on students may be

shared with school and medical personnel on a need-to-

know basis.

School nurses ARE NOT permitted to:

Treat illnesses, prescribe or dispense over-the counter

(OTC) medication; i.e., aspirin, cold tablets, etc. without

a physician’s order.

Medications are dispensed to children only when

directly prescribed by a licensed health care provider

and with permission of the parent/guardian.

Appropriate forms are available in the Health Center or

Helpful Telephone Numbers

Cuyahoga County

Board of Health 201-2041

Lakewood Hospital 529-4200

Lakewood Division of Youth 529-6870

Child Abuse Hotline 696-KIDS

North Coast Health Ministry 228-7878

Teen Health Center 391-TEEN

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