autumn katherine house aims to provide: programmesept - dec 2015 2 katherine house aims to provide:...

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Katherine House is place of warmth, welcome & companionship

for people of all faiths and none A place for meeting, reflecting, searching

Autumn Programme Sept - Dec 2015


Katherine House aims to provide:

A hospitable meeting place for people of all faiths and none

A quiet space for prayer and reflection, for individuals and groups

A programme of events, including retreats, quiet days and short


A place where people can run their own residential or day events

General Information for House Events We are happy to welcome you to Katherine House.

Half an hour before the start of an event we will have coffee brewing and you can help yourself to tea, coffee and biscuits.

For day events, please bring a packed lunch and eat together in our dining room

The suggested donation for attending an event is usually

£5 (for morning/afternoon/evening) or £15 (all-day).

Cost should not stop you attending - please give what you can afford.

Please book in advance. This means you avoid disappointment if an event is full, and it ensures we have your details should an event need to be cancelled for any reason. You are welcome to ring us on the day to make a late booking. If there are no bookings an event will not go ahead.

To book you can use the form on the website, email or telephone us on 0161-708 9744 giving your name and a contact number.

Our website gives updated details of the programme.

A word from our Director, Marie

This season has a number of highlights: I'm looking forward to our series on the Old Testament on the second Monday of the month. People are often telling me that they’d love to have more bible based things so I hope you enjoy this.

I also hope you will join us for our series on Ways of Praying in November. I used to do this a lot with young adults and it was great to see people find a way of praying that they didn't know before and discover it really worked for them.

I'm really pleased to bring back film showings. In response to your feedback we will be showing a film both on an afternoon and evening each month. We have some great films too.

I'm hoping to learn something from our mini series, Music of the Psalms. We have interesting one off sessions, Edith Cavell; Medieval England; The story of Marie Madeleine which I recently learnt on pilgrimage. Hope to see you soon.


A Good Yarn Knitting group

Second Wednesday of the month

2:00-4:00pm - Marie Pattison

When not running Katherine House, Marie can be found with yarn in hand, she has led a knitting group for some years and loves teaching people to knit

Moving to the afternoon as a result of

feedback. Come along and share skills or learn to knit. Bring yarn and

needles or use some of ours. Enjoy

good company while you knit.

Film Club

Third Wednesday evenings

7:00 - 9:30pm

Last Thursday afternoons

1:30 - 4:00pm

(see different date for December) Come along and watch a film and

share in discussion with others

afterwards. See the diary for this season’s films.

Mini retreats

10.30am - 3.30pm

The mini retreat days are facilitated

by different leaders each month in

order to provide a variety of styles. Different days enable different people

to come along. Most days have some input and guidance and times of

silence for quiet reflection. See diary for which day in the third week of the


Evening Bible Study will be back

in the new year on the third Thursday

Christian Meditation

Last Tuesday of the month 10.30am - 12noon - Raylia Chadwick from The World

Community for Christian Meditation

Find out more about the WCCM at

We host a Christian Meditation Group,

their session comprises a short reading, some reflective music and

twenty minutes silent meditation, concluding with a little music and a

brief reading.

Book Club

Last Tuesday of the month

2.00 - 3.30pm - Stephen Harrington

Stephen has spent most of his life teaching English in schools and universities, and enjoys nothing more than discussing poetry and prose with interested and enthusiastic others

The group enjoy sharing well-loved

books, poetry and prose. Poetry and prose happen on alternate

months. If you want to share a poem please bring 10 copies. If you want to

discuss a book, please read it beforehand

Card Making Workshop

Last Wednesday of the month 1.30 - 4.00pm Our popular group is currently fully subscribed.

You are welcome to join the group for the regular monthly sessions as often as you wish.

Monthly Sessions at Katherine House


September 8th The Enneagram with the Tumble Trust

Tues 8 Sept, 10am -3:30pm

The Enneagram is a personality typing system, this session will provide a gentle introduction

In partnership with the Tumble Trust, who combine silence and prayer with play and action.

14th Bringing the Old Testament to life

Mon 14 Sept, 7pm - 9pm

Session 1: Understanding the Old Testament - its history and literature.

John Vernon is Head of RE at Xaverian 6th Form College in Manchester where he teaches A' Level Philosophy and Old Testament studies. He also teaches the Old Testament module of the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies in the Salford diocese.

16th ‘A Good Yarn’ Knit Club

Wed 16 Sept, 2pm - 4pm. Note change of time to afternoon

Knitting for charity, see page 4

16th Film Night - Saving Mr. Banks

Wed 16 Sept, 7pm - 9:30pm

Author P.L. Travers reflects on her childhood after reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins

books for the big screen. Rated U

Join us for film screening and discussion

17th Mini Retreat

Thurs 17 Sept, 10:30am – 3:30pm

Getting to know Christ more deeply...

Sr Mary Galvin is a member of the Faithful Companions of Jesus and an experienced spiritual director

19th Drawing into Prayer

Sat 19 Sept, 10:30am – 4:30pm

Discover, celebrate and learn from your own creative spark No previous art-making experience necessary, just an openness to

respond to the creative spirit within you

Deirdre McConnell is an art therapist who is passionate about art, God, and creating a safe space for you to explore reflections, feelings, and prayers through making art, believing everyone can be artistic even if you think you aren't.


23rd In the Footsteps of Marie Madeleine

Wed 23 Sept, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Marie recently went on pilgrimage in France in the footsteps of Marie Madeleine, the foundress of the FCJ sisters. Her story is filled

with love, tragedy, a big decision and a vocation joyfully lived.

Come and hear it and see some pictures of the pilgrimage.

Marie will be joined by Sr Mary Campion, the society archivist, who remembers the bits of the story Marie has forgotten and more besides.

24th Film Afternoon - Saving Mr. Banks

Thurs 24 Sept, 1:30pm - 4pm

See 16th Sept for details

Join us for film screening and discussion

29th Christian Meditation

Tues 29 Sept, 10:30am – 12:00pm

The World Community for Christian Meditation. See Page 4

29th Book Club

Tues 29 Sept, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

W B Yeats was born 150 years ago this year, bring 10 copies of a favourite poem of his to share.

30th Card Making

Wed 30 Sept, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

October 1st Doing Theology Together

Thurs 1 Oct, (1:00pm) 2:00pm – 3:30pm

A slight change from the book club format; the group will be using a video to start a theological discussion. You can watch the video

yourself at home or turn up early at 1pm when we will play it at

Katherine House. At 2pm we will have a discussion on the theme.

Starting off the new format with an interview with Karen Armstrong author of books on comparative religion at:

Come along and discuss theological themes


8th Music of the Psalms Session 1 "Ascendit Deus in Jubilo",

Thurs 8 Oct, 10:00am – 12:30pm (repeated on 29th Oct)

We will look at the history of different translations of the Psalms and listen to how these have been treated musically.

The first session will look at the original text and translations made

before the 16th Century Reformation.

led by Vin Allerton, who has previously presented music courses at Katherine House on Ancient & Modern Music, the Song of Songs, and the Women of the Bible.

12th Bringing the Old Testament to life

Mon, 12 Oct, 7pm – 9pm

Session 2: Covenant. Exploring the developing relationship between God and humankind. To be rescheduled

21st ‘A Good Yarn’ Knit Club

Wed 21 Oct, 2pm – 4pm

Knitting for charity, see page 4

21st Film night - Far from the Madding Crowd

Wed 21 Oct, 7:00pm – 9:30pm

In Victorian England, the independent and headstrong Bathsheba Everdene attracts three very different suitors. This timeless story of

Bathsheba’s choices and passions explores the nature of

relationships and love – as well as the human ability to overcome hardships through resilience and perseverance. Rated 12A

Join us for film screening and discussion

22nd Richard Rohr DVD and discussion (Part 2)

Thurs 22 Oct, 7pm – 9pm

Fr Richard Rohr OFM is a Franciscan priest. We will watch a DVD of Fr Richard exploring main themes of his book, The Naked Now.

Afterwards there will be time for sharing and discussion, finishing

with prayer. (Part 1 was on the 9th July)

Facilitated by Phil Doyle

23rd Mini Retreat - Images of God, Images of Self

Fri 23 Oct, 10:30am – 3:30pm

Who is the Lord to whom I pray? Who am I who wants to pray to the Lord?

Canon Alan Butler is Anglican Priest at St Mary’s Oldham, is a spiritual director and trains others in spiritual companionship


24th ‘Be still with God’ Quiet Day Sat 24 Oct, 10:30am – 3:30pm (coffee from 10am)

Themed day with contemplative silence, teaching and sharing

sessions. Opened to all who wish for a deeper relationship with

God. A time to be alone with God, together

Rev Mo Surrey is a Priest in the Church of England. She is a part time hospital chaplain and is the founder of Be Still with God

27th Christian Meditation

Tues 27 Oct, 10:30am – 12:00pm

The World Community for Christian Meditation. See Page 4

27th Book Club Tues 27 Oct, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Patience by John Coates

30th Card Making Wed 28 Oct, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

29th Film afternoon

Thurs 29 Oct, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

See 21st Oct for details

29th Music of the Psalms

Thurs 29 Oct, 7pm – 9.30pm (Repeat of 8th Oct)

November 2nd Ways of Praying - Session 1: The Examen

Mon 2 Nov, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

First part of a series looking at ways of praying. We will experience a way of praying and talk about how to pray that way. The first

session will focus on the Examen, recommended by St Ignatius as

a way to review the day.

Marie learnt this way of praying when working with the Jesuits. She loves introducing groups of people to it as there is always someone who thinks it’s the best thing ever.


Fri 6 Nov – Sun 8 Nov

COMPASS aims to help Roman Catholic men and women between the ages of 20 and 35 to discern their vocation, with a particular

focus on vocations to religious life.

Maryanne Francalanza fcJ is a religious sister. She will facilitate the COMPASS north programme with a priest


9th Ways of Praying - Session 2: Imaginative contemplation

Mon 9 Nov, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

This session will be about using your imagination to enter into scripture, a key feature of Ignatian prayer.

Mary Galvin is an FCJ sister and an experienced spiritual director

9th Bringing the Old Testament to life

Mon, 9 Nov, 7pm – 9pm

Session 3: The prophets. What were they saying and how relevant are their messages today? To be rescheduled

12th Music of the Psalms- Session 2 “With a Merry Noise “

Thurs 12 Nov, 7:00pm – 9:30pm (repeated 26th Nov)

We will look at the history of different translations of the Psalms

and listen to how these have been treated musically. This second session will consider translations made from the time

of the Reformation on.

16th Ways of Praying - Session 3: Lectio Divina

Mon 16 Nov, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Last of our series looking at ways of praying. Lectio Divina is a slow, contemplative way of praying and meditating with scripture.

Marie particularly likes leading this way of prayer when an old spiritual practice breathes new life into ancient words.

17th Mini Retreat

Tues 17 Nov, 10:30am – 3:30pm

In this season of remembrance we find ourselves thinking of those who went before us. Today we will explore praying with loved ones

who have died, who are with us in the communion of saints.

Sr Rachel Duffy is a member of the Faithful Companions of Jesus and works at Liverpool University Catholic Chaplaincy

18th ‘A Good Yarn’ Knit Club

Wed 18 Nov, 2pm – 4pm

Knitting for charity, see page 4

18th Film night -The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Wed 18 Nov, 7:00pm – 9:30pm

When his job along with that of his co-worker are threatened, Walter takes action in the real world embarking on a global journey

that turns into an adventure more extraordinary than anything he


could have ever imagined. Like Walter, do we need to stop

dreaming and start living? Rated PG

Join us for film screening and discussion

19th Edith Cavell

Thurs 19 Nov, 2pm – 4pm

Edith Cavell worked as a nurse in Belgium during the First World War where she did two astonishing things, she became a

resistance worker and criticised contemporary views of patriotism.

Why? Does the answer lie in her spiritual formation? Come to this session and make up your own mind

David Winston is a member of Sacred Trinity Church, Salford where Edith Cavell worshipped 1906-7. She was a childhood heroine of his after watching a classic film where she was played by Anna Neagle. He has been researching her life and organising events surrounding the 100th anniversary of her death.

20th ‘Be Still with God’: Prayer Retreat

Fri 20 Nov, 5pm – Sun 22 Nov, 3pm

Themed weekend with contemplative silence, teaching and sharing sessions. Opened to all who wish for a deeper relationship with

God. A time to be alone with God, together.

Cost £60 for B&B. Self catering facilities are available

Rev Mo Surrey is a Priest in the Church of England. She is a part time hospital chaplain and is the founder of Be Still with God

Must be booked in advance, only 9 places available

24th Christian Meditation.

Tues 24 Nov, 10:30am – 12:00pm

The World Community for Christian Meditation. See Page 4

24th Book Club

Tues 24 Nov, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

The poetry of T S Eliot

25th Card Making Wed 25 Nov, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

26th Music of the Psalms

Thurs 26 Nov, 10:00am – 12:30pm (Repeat of 12th Nov)

26th Film afternoon

Thurs 26 Nov, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. See 18th Nov for details


December 10th Exploring Spirituality in Medieval England

Thurs 10 Dec, 7pm – 9pm - rescheduled from 9th June

This session will be of interest to anyone who would like to know more about their national religious heritage & those wondering

about the surprisingly rich world of Medieval Christianity.

Matt McCall is reader in Medieval Literature at the University of Liverpool.

12th Advent Poetry Retreat - 'Joseph makes up his mind'

Sat 12 Dec, 10:30am – 3:30pm

Canon Albert has written a collection of poems around Joseph and the Christmas story. He will share them with us as we read,

meditate and discuss on poetry and how it speaks to our Christian

Faith. This was greatly enjoyed by those who attended in Holy Week - people really liked engaging with poetry with the poet.

Canon Albert Radcliffe served as a chaplain and parish priest, in America, Israel and England. In 1991 he became Canon Residentiary at Manchester Cathedral until his retirement in 2000.

14th Mini Retreat

Mon 14 Dec, 10:30am – 3:30pm

Reconnect with the story of the nativity through film and enjoy the peace of the house

14th Bringing the Old Testament to life

Mon 14 Dec, 7pm – 9pm

Session 4: Jesus and the Old Testament. A study of how influential the Old Testament is on the life and teaching of Jesus.

To be rescheduled

16th ‘A Good Yarn’ Knit Club

Wed 16 Dec, 2pm – 4pm

Knitting for charity, see page 4

16th Film Night - Pride

Wed 16 Dec, 7:00pm – 9:30pm

Gay activists work to help miners during their lengthy strike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer of 1984. Rated 15

17th Film Afternoon

Thurs 17 Dec, 1:30pm – 4:00pm (as above)


Katherine House can also be booked by groups organising their own activities:

We have simple and comfortable residential accommodation for

self catering groups

Suggested donations for Overnight Stays

B&B: £25 per person (incl. simple breakfast)

24 hour stay: £30 per person (incl. simple breakfast)

Suggested donations for Room Hire

For a morning, afternoon or evening £40 + £1 per person

For a day £80 + £2 per person

For more information see

Katherine House offers a variety of services for people needing support at different times in life. These include: Spiritual Direction and Person Centred Counselling

Please contact Mary 0161 708 9394 Play therapy / Person Centred Counselling for children, adolescents and adults.

Please contact Maria 0161 708 9744 or mobile 07981 754953

Katherine House is host to CAFOD's Salford Diocesan work.

CAFOD is the international development and humanitarian agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and we work closely together to promote a faith that does justice.

If you are interested in CAFOD's work and in volunteering, please come and say hello to us on the first floor or contact us at Email:

Tel: 0171 705 0605.

Twitter: @CAFODSalford

Do you want to deepen your prayer life?

Spiritual accompaniment has helped bring many people enrich their spiritual lives. Having someone listen and reflect with you on your

relationship with God can help that relationship grow.

Get in touch with us at Katherine House and we will help you find someone to listen.


Katherine House 26 Singleton Road, Salford, M7 4WL email: website: twitter:@khousefcj telephone: 0161-708 9744

Katherine House is a small Christian conference centre. It is owned and

run by the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ), an international Congregation of Catholic Sisters, Registered Charity No. 285239


Travel by Car M60 exit 17 take A56 to Prestwich/Salford

Singleton Road runs between the A56 (Bury New Road) and the A665 (Bury Old Road), just south of the border between Salford and Prestwich.

Limited parking in the grounds, but no parking restrictions on Singleton Rd.

Public Transport Buses along Bury New Road stop at Moor Lane (2 mins walk from Katherine

House) X43/44 Manchester/Burnley “Witchway” and X40/41 Manchester/Blackburn

“Lancashire Way”. Both leave from Chorlton Street (8mins walk from Manchester Piccadilly) or

Deansgate in Manchester city centre (9 mins from Manchester Victoria).

96 & 98 leave from Manchester Victoria Station or Shudehill Bus station to Bury.

Buses along Bury Old Road stop at Singleton Rd (10 mins walk from Katherine House), including service 135 Manchester/Bury

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