ayurvedic pharmacology of terminalia chebula & its pharmacognocy

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Classical categorization :- Triphala,aamalakyadi,parusakadi(su.)prajasth

apan, jwarghna, kusthghna, kasaghna,arsoghna,(c),parusakadi(v)

Latin Name:- Terminalia chebula Family Name:- Combretaceae– - x/LtsL s'n

_ Sanskrit Name:- Haritaki, avya, pathya. Nepali Name:- हर्रो� English Name:- Chebulic myrobalan.

Terminalia chebulaहरिर्रोतकी�

A moderate sized tree 20-30mt with rounded crown & spreading branches. Leaf simple, opposite, stalked, elliptic-oblong, 10-20cm long & 4-8cm broad, glabrous or nearly so when mature, acute, rouned or cordate at the base with a pair of large glands at the top of petiole, sub acute, shortly acuminate. Flower yellowish white in terminal spikes. Fruits yellow to orange brown, 3-5cm long, become 5-ribbed after maturity.

Flowering in april-may & Fruiting in winter.

Distribution in Nepal:- 150-1100mt east to west

Botanical description:-

Bhabaprakash: 7 types- 1. Bijya - Sarvrog-har 2. Rohini - Vranropan 3. Putna - Pralep 4. Amrita - Sodhan 5. Abhya - Netra-rog 6. jiwanti – Sarvrog-har 7. chetaki – Rechan further 2 types [i) swet & ii) krishna]The above seven varities may be the chamotypes or

ecotypes belonging to the same species/different areas.



Kaivedya:- 3 types……. 1. Nirajaa 2. Vanja 3. Parvatiya

Practically:- 3 types……. 1. Small (sano) 2. Yellow (pahelo) 3. Big (thulo)


150-1100mt east to west.

Major chemical constituents:- Fruit contains – chebulic acid, chebulagic

acid, chebulinic acid, corilagin etc.

Distribution in Nepal

Guna: laghu, ruksh. Rasa: Mainly kasay but panch ras(except-lavan) Vipak: madhur. Virya: ushna. Pravab: tridosh-har

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Haritaki(Guna):-

Effect on Doshas : - By virtue of its Madhura, tikta and Kashaya rasa, it is pittaghana.By its katu, tikta and Kashaya rasa, it is kaphaghana.By its amla and madhur rasa, it is vata Ghana.Hence it is Tridosh har but mainly vatt-har

Systemic: External- sothhara, bednasthapan, vran-sodhan, vran-

ropan Internal: NS: nadibalpradayak, medhya, chakshusya, indriya-

balpradayak. DS: dipan, pachan, yakrit-utejak, anuloman, mridurechan,

krimighna. CS: hridya, donit-sthapan, sothhara.


Actions (Karma)

RS: kaphaghna US: mutral Rep.S: Brisya, garvasya-sothhar, praja-

sthapan. Skin: kusthghna Tem. Jwarghna Suitability: Rasayan


Barsha - sainshwa Sarad - sarkara Hemant - sunthi Shishir - pippali Basant - madhu Grishma - gud


*. Haritaki act as pittaghni in combination with sugar and vataghni when given when given with ghee or jiggery.

*. Roasted Haritaki can be given in tridosha diseases. *. Haritaki is useful in weakness of the nerves and brain as well as in vata

disorders and diminished vision. *. Haritaki is useful in loss of appetite, pain in abdomen, constipation,

ascites, heamorroids, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and parasites. *. Haritaki relieves constipation in chronic abdominal diseases. *. Haritaki bark if eaten after chewing it properly in the mouth, improves

digestion. *. Haritaki powder used as a tooth powder, strengthens the gums. *. Rhinitis, cough, hoarseness of voice, hiccups and dyspnoea are relieved

by Haritaki as it reduces conjection. *. Haritaki is useful in erysipelas and other skin disorders, Haritaki prevents

accumulation of pus in skin disease and act as rasayana. *. Haritaki and oil is extremely helpful in healing of wounds. *. Haritaki local application is anti inflammatory. *. In conjunctivitis, Haritaki can be used for application on the eyelids. *. Haritaki decoction is used for washing wounds and also used for gargling

in disease of the mouth and throat.


Haritaki is useful in balancing all the three Doshas. For Kapha disease Haritaki powder should be taken with Saindhav Salt, for Pitta diseases with candy sugar and for Vata diseases it should be taken with Ghruta.

Best Recommended Uses

Ajirna- Haritaki with nimba (V.S) Prameha- Haritaki powder with honey

(as.ci.14) Amlapitta- Haritaki & draksha(VM) Updansa- Haritaki & rasanjan. (RM)

Some classical therapeutic uses:-

Parts used:- Fruit

Dosage:- 3-6gm

Important preparation:- Avyarishta, avyamodak, haritakikhanda,pathyadi churna

***The End***

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