ayurvedic pharmacology of trichosanthes dioica & its pharmacognocy

Post on 06-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Classical categorization :- Triptighna, trishna-nigrahan(c.) patoladi, aarogyadhadi.(su.), patoladi, aarogyadhadi.(v.)

Latin Name:- Trichosanthes dioica Family Name:- Cucurbitaceae.-sf]zftsL s'n _ Sanskrit Name:- patol, kulak, karkasacchad,

rajiphala, bijgarva, amritaphal, panduphal. Nepali Name:- k/an, k/a/ English Name:- Pointed gourd.

Trichosanthes dioica-k6f]n_

A climber with woooly stem having tedrils. Leaves 7.5*5cm long, ovate-olong, cordate, acute, rough on both surfaces. Flower dioecious, white; male penduncles impared. Fruit 5-9cm long, oblong or nearly spherical, smooth, orange-red when ripe. Seeds helf-ellipsoid, compressed.

Flowering & Fruiting during May-Aug.

Botanical description:-

Two varieties madhur(gramya T. dioica) & tikta(vanya T. cucumerina), which are used as vegetable and medicinal herb respectively.

Kaivedya quoted about patol and Raj patol as two varieties.

Bhavprakash described two varieties viz; patola & patolika.

Spdhal has mentioned thee varieties viz; Patolika, patol & patoli.


Cultivated, 100-600mt , east to west.

Major chemical constituents:-Fruit- Nicotinic acid, riboflavin, vit-c,

thiamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine.Seed – linoleic, oleic, oleostearic acids.Root- colocynthin, tricosanthin,

hentriacontane.Whole plant- cucurbita-5, 24-dienol.

Distribution in Nepal:-

Guna: laghu, ruksha.Rasa: tiktaVipak: katu.Virya: ushna.

Ayurvedic Pharmacology of Patol(Guna):-

Effect on Doshas : - Tridosh samak. Systemic: External: bednasthapan, keshya, vransodhan,

vranropan. Internal: DS: Rochan, dipan, pachan, trishna-nigrahan, pittsarak,

anuloman, rechan, krimighna. Vamak & rechak if given excess dose.

CS: Rakt-sodhak, soth-har. RS: kaphaghna. Skin: kusthghna. Suitability: Balya, bishghna. Tem. Jwarghna .

Actions (Karma)

Root paste is applied in headache. Leaves juice is applied on vran, khalitya. Leaves are useful in aruchi, agnimandya,

ajirna, trishna, amlapitt, yakritvikar, kamla, udarrog, arsa, krimi, raktpitt, kash, kusth, kandu, pittaj jwar, jirnajwar, dourbalya, bishrog.etc.


Rakt-pitt: Decoction or juice of patol patra should be given with honey.(c.ci.4)

Soth: patol sak is given.(c.ci.12) Bishrog: “ “ “ “ (c.ci.25) Pittjwar: patol panchang & decoction of

yav mixed with honey is given.it reduces dah, trisha, pittjwar.(C.D)

Indralupta: patol juice should be rubbed on bald area.(san.ut.11)

Classical therapeutic uses:-

Dosage:- Juice 10-20 ml.

Decoction 50-100 ml.

Important preparation:- Patoladi kwath, patoladya churna.

Parts used:- Leaves, fruit, root.

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