back pain recovering exercises

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Back Pain Recovering Exercises

The origins of the low back pain has been always identified by experts, research and many studies as a limited hip range of movements. produce by fatigued tissues surrounding the lower back, and lumbar spine.

One of the best ways to describe this type of injury, discomfort, and pain is divide this concern into some specific exercises based on dimension, breathing, joints, mobility, specific stretching exercises, and the core muscular endurance and best effective movement. advising this magnificent workout to contribute preventing any type of discomfort that may cause serious pain or injuries, and improve health and fitness benefits and function.

Is very important to play special attention to this movement patterns that can attempted to understand specific type of back pain and then prevent or look at them carefully to improve the core and develop reflexive stability.

You can use this workout only when existing core fatigue has already had an effect, and the reduction of pain, stress and tension could be an effective recovering phase. The simplest way of recovering and reducing tension, stress, fatigue, discomfort or pain is deep diaphragmatic breathing. It helps to reduce sympathetic nervous system activity and transports more oxygen to the muscles.

The myofascial release is a safe and effective technique that involves applying gentle pressure into the myofascial, hand-on the connective tissue surrounding your muscles to eliminate discomforts, soreness, pain and restore function.

Using this exercises and techniques we can help to develop and improve movement, focusing on joints below the pain, which are often one of the cause of discomfort.

Plank• Begin on elbows and knees

on line with toes directly under shoulder

• Lift knees from the floor, straight line through the whole body

• Brace abdominal and breathe from the abdomen

• Hold 5-10 sec or as much you can, repeat the movement

Side-Plank • On the floor starting position on your

side begin on elbows hips and knees

• Elbows directly under shoulders, lift hips and knees from the floor, straight line whole body

• Brace abdominal and side oblique hold position 5-10sec or as much you can

• Repeat the exercise. changing sides

• Variation use a Swiss ball for progression of movements and more build more strength on the core muscles

Bird Dog Alternative Leg

• Begin on all fours, with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. each hand and knee should be apart.

• Lift your arm and leg same alternative side without the torso move, hold 5-10 sec the position

• Return to starting position slow motion and repeat the exercise, simultaneously switch side holding the position.

• Breathe using your abdomen, focus on the balance, not in the total reps movement.

• For more advance level of fitness a progression, bring hands and knees closer together in a low motion.

90/90 Breathing • 90/90 specific stretching exercise

with one main focus the hips flexors stretching the anterior chain.

• Begin lie down on the floor face up with your feet on a bench or ball, knees and hips bent 90 degrees, neck and spine should be neutral relaxed.

• Take a breath inhalation and slowly hold for 4-6 sec them a brief pause, exhalation should be slowly and full 4-8 sec, them a longer pause 3-5 sec.

• Keep the breath cycle, the air should expand the lateral portion of the stomach working the diaphragm muscles.

Hips Flexors• Starting position sit with your

front thigh on the floor, hips and knees at 90 degrees, back legs with hips straight and knees flexed 90 degrees.

• Hands placed separate from your thigh and torso rotate twisted.

• Hold position 5-10 sec, breathe using your abdomen.

• Variations lie down or sitting torso rotate twisted

Foam Rolling This is the best exercise to help with any back pain, it might be the solution for all of your discomforts, aches and pains.

The benefits to Foam rolling:

• Breaks down and massages muscle adhesion and knots, which helps to increase blood flow and circulation

• Prevents muscle tears and injuries

• Increases strength and flexibility

• The goal of foam rolling is to stretch and loosen this tissue, or fascia, so that the muscles can move more freely.

• When it comes to back pain, the cause is often weakness in the core.

Light-roll on Upper-back

Light roll on Upper-back

• Place the foam roller directly underneath your shoulder blades. Engage your core and lift your hips up off the ground so that more pressure is applied between your shoulders and the roller.

• Keeping your core engaged, roll forward and backward very slowly, and from side-to-side using the foam roller to massage out any knots or tension between shoulder blades. This action releases tension, but also works to help strengthen the core, which is a preventative measure against back pain and injury.

• Perform this exercise for a few minutes each day and you'll start to feel some relief.

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