best irrigation water pumping manual

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  • 7/28/2019 Best Irrigation Water Pumping Manual


  • 7/28/2019 Best Irrigation Water Pumping Manual


  • 7/28/2019 Best Irrigation Water Pumping Manual


  • 7/28/2019 Best Irrigation Water Pumping Manual


    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost iii


    This manual is about reducing the costs involved in small-scale pumped irrigation schemes.

    Too often, schemes are designed and constructed with thought given only to the immediate cost

    of constructing the scheme and of buying and installing equipment. Little or no attention is

    given to operating costs, with the result that some schemes may well be cheap to install but very

    costly to run. When water is pumped, every litre has a real cost because of the energy needed.

    If more water is pumped than is needed or is pumped inefficiently, then operating costs can rise

    significantly because of the additional energy which is wasted.

    Ways of approaching scheme design and equipment selection are described so as to take

    account of the operating costs. Simple examples are used to show how this can be done, andhow true comparisons can be made between different designs. Guidelines are given, based on

    experience in many developing countries, so that sound practical choices can be made.

    The manual is not just for those starting a new scheme. It is also for those who wish to

    evaluate and improve existing schemes, and practical ways of reducing operating costs by

    improving the efficiency of water use and pumping are described.

    The readership envisioned is that group of people with some practical experience in

    small-scale irrigation but who have little or no technical or engineering knowledge and wish to

    be able to advise farmers on appropriate equipment selection and its proper and efficient use.

    Although not numbered in the same series as the FAO/ILRIIrrigation Water Management

    Training Manuals, this particular publication is seen as being complementary to that series,and, as a consequence, numerous cross-references are made in the text to the various volumes

    of the Training Manuals series.

    The text is substantially the work of Dr Melvyn Kay, of Silsoe College, UK, with additional

    technical input from N. Hatcho of the Land and Water Development Division, FAO, Rome.

    The text was edited and prepared by Thorgeir Lawrence for publication by FAO.

    Any comments on the text as it stands and any suggestions for potential improvements

    that could be included in subsequent editions are welcomed, and should be addressed to:

    Water Resources, Development and Management Service , AGLW


    Viale delle Terme di CaracallaI-00100 ROMA,


  • 7/28/2019 Best Irrigation Water Pumping Manual



  • 7/28/2019 Best Irrigation Water Pumping Manual


    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost v




    1.1 Small-scale irrigation 1

    1.2 Problems 1

    1.3 Solutions 2

    1.4 Making choices 2


    2.1 Introduction 5

    2.2 Pressure 5

    2.3 Discharge 7

    2.4 Energy 9

    2.5 Power11

    2.6 Efficiency 13


    3.1 Introduction 15

    3.2 Water sources 18

    3.3 Pumps and power units 18

    3.3.1 Pump types 18

    3.3.2 Pump Characteristics 22

    3.3.3 Pump selection 233.3.4 Power units 24

    3.3.5 Efficiency 26

    3.4 Distribution systems 29

    3.4.1 Open channels 29

    3.4.2 Pipelines 31

    3.4.3 Distribution efficiency 35

    3.5 Methods of irrigation 37

    3.5.1 Surface irrigation 37

    3.5.2 Sprinkler irrigation 39

    3.5.3 Trickle irrigation 40

    3.5.4 Selecting an irrigation method 403.6 System capacity 41

    3.6.1 Crop water requirements 42

    3.6.2 Peak scheme water demand 44

    3.6.3 Seasonal scheme water demand 45

    3.7 Peak power and energy demand 45

    3.8 Costs 46

    3.8.1 Capital cost 47

    3.8.2 Operating cost 47

    3.8.3 Overall cost 49

    3.8.4 Effects of changes 52

    3.8.5 Some general conclusions 533.8.6 Some practical considerations 54

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    4.CASE STUDY-1 55Introduction 55

    4.1 Options available 55

    4.2 Scheme water demand 56

    4.3 Peak power and energy demand 57

    4.4 Overall costs 59

    4.5 Conclusions 59

    4.6 Guidelines 62

    5.CASE STUDY-2 63

    5.1 Options available 63

    5.2 Scheme water demand 63

    5.3 Overall power and energy demand 64

    5.4 Overall costs 65

    5.5 Conclusions 67

    5.6 Guidelines 70


    6.1 Introduction 71

    6.2 Inefficient water use 72

    6.3 Inefficient equipment 73

    6.4 Effect of inefficiency 74

    6.5 Evaluating a scheme 74

    6.6 Obtaining data 766.6.1Observing and questioning 76

    6.6.2Some basic data 76

    ANNEX 79

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost vii



    1. Energy content of fuels and foods 10

    2. A guide to selecting centrifugal pumps 21

    3. Pump selection for small-scale schemes 23

    4. Indicative values of distribution efficiency (%) 35

    5. Typical field application efficiencies for irrigation methods 37

    6. Typical sprinkler data 39

    7. Factors affecting selection of irrigation method 41

    8. Indicative values for crop water needs and growing periods 43

    9. Useful life of irrigation system components 47

    10. Indicative maintenance and repair costs 48

    11. Capital recovery factors (CRF) 50

    12. EAC values for pumps at various discount rates 51

    13. EAC values for pumps for different life expectancies 51

    14. Changing the distribution system and its effects on energy and cost 52

    15. Calculating scheme water demand 56

    16. Overall power and energy demands 57

    17. Overall cost comparisons 58

    18. Calculating scheme water demand 64

    19. Overall power and energy demands 64

    20. Overall cost comparisons 6521. Efficiency of surface irrigation methods 73

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    1. Making choices , the design process 4

    2. Relationship between force and pressure 5

    3. Measuring pressure in a pipe 6

    4. Calculating discharge 7

    5. Measuring discharge 8

    6. Energy conversion - analagous systems in people and machines 10

    7. Illustration of the problem considered in Example 3 11

    8. Relationship between rate of energy use and power 12

    9. Graph relating flow, static head and power 13

    10. Choosing irrigation system components 15

    11. Components of a typical irrigation scheme 16

    12. Typical axial flow pump 19

    13. The radial flow (centrifugal) pump 20

    14. Typical mixed flow pump 21

    15. Pump characteristics of the three pump types 22

    16. Pump selection based on head and discharge parameters 24

    17. Manufacturers data for a centrifugal pump 25

    18. Efficiency of components of pumping plant 26

    19. Suction lift limitations 28

    20. Energy demand for open channel distribution 29

    21. Channel design: dimensions and drop structures 3022. Pipe system and its energy demand 32

    23. Hydraulic gradient 33

    24. Nomograph relating pipe diameter, discharge, head loss and velocity 34

    25. Basin, border and furrow irrigation 36

    26. Sprinkler irrigation 38

    27. Hose-pull sprinkler system 39

    28. Trickle irrigation 40

    29. Peak and seasonal scheme water demands 42

    30. The concept of water requirements in mm 43

    31. Relationship between pipe size and seasonal energy cost 53

    32. Effect on EAC values of reducing pump efficiency 6033. Effect on EAC values of changing interest rate 60

    34. Effect on EAC values of a greater depth to the groundwater table 61

    35. Effect of reducing pumping efficiency on EAC values 66

    36. Effect of greater depth to groundwater on EAC values 66

    37. Effect of increasing scheme size on capital and operating costs 68

    38. Evaluating irrigation scheme performance 71

    39. System efficiency value ranges 74

    40. The relationship between efficiency and seasonal operating costs 75

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 1

    Chapter 1



    Small-scale irrigation is an important aspect of irrigation development in many countries.

    Approximately half of the irrigated area in Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, is irrigated in this

    way. It involves individual or small groups of farms, organized and managed by farmers,

    usually independent of government resources. This type of development has often proved

    successful in places where the larger-scale, primarily government controlled, projects havenot. This is not to say that small-scale is therefore better than large-scale farming, or indeed

    that small-scale is more simple to develop. It is a different approach to irrigated farming, with

    its own challenges. Irigation development requires careful design, construction and management

    to be successful. It is, perhaps, in the management element that the key difference lies. In a

    small system there are no tiers of management, as in the large-scale schemes. Farmers alone

    decide when to irrigate and how much water to apply; start and stop the pumps; and generally

    run the entire scheme with the help of the family or local community.

    Small-scale farming can be highly productive in terms of yield per hectare of land. The

    energy input into large-scale schemes can be up to 15 times greater than that required for small-

    scale farming for the same output of crops produced. This is in sharp contrast to large-scale

    schemes where the ratio is normally less than 4. Thus, on a national or regional scale, whenconsidering the use of commercial fuel in agriculture, which in many countries is both scarce

    and expensive, the small-scale approach can be an attractive one.

    1.2 PROBLEMS

    Despite their apparent attractiveness in terms of potential productivity, small-scale schemes

    are, however, not always as efficiently run as they could be. Most schemes rely on pumping to

    supply their water needs and are often designed on the basis of minimum investment cost, with

    little or no thought given to the effect that this might have on operating costs over many years.

    For example, a farmer may purchase a cheap pump which runs at a very low level of efficiency.

    The energy cost may be considerable and it may require much servicing and spare parts. If thefarmer were to purchase a better and more appropriate pump then more money might be spent

    initially but there should be much more money saved over the years through reduced fuel

    (energy) costs and maintenance. Similar issues arise when selecting other components of an

    irrigation system.

    An equally important issue to consider is how well the scheme is managed once it is operating.

    The most appropriate system design and selection will be of little use in the hands of an

    inexperienced or unskilled irrigator. Good equipment is no substitute for good management

    and, here too, considerable savings in energy and operating costs can be made by ensuring

    good equipment and water management practices.

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    This manual describes ways of approaching scheme design and equipment selection which

    take account of both investment and operating costs, and, in particular, emphasise the significance

    of energy costs.

    Some basic concepts need to be understood about water flow, energy and power, and, for

    those who have little or no knowledge of these, they are described in Chapter 2.

    In Chapter 3 the basic components of an irrigation scheme are described together with ways

    of choosing between different pumps, distribution systems and methods of irrigation. There

    may be many different ways of irrigating a farm and a basis for comparison and selection is

    needed. Cost is often the dominant factor. Thus the idea ofcost effectiveness is introduced,

    showing that both capital costs and operating costs must be considered when selecting equipment,

    and that the one affects the other. This is demonstrated in Chapters 4 and 5, where two contrasting

    case studies show how the principles and practices of Chapter 3 can be applied.

    Many small-scale irrigation schemes are already in operation, and one question here might

    be how to get the best results from what is already there. Chapter 6 examines ways of looking

    at existing schemes to determine energy use and operating costs, and to find ways of reducing

    them through improved efficiency of equipment and water use.


    Much of this manual is about the process ofdesign the process of making logical choices

    between systems of irrigation and equipment (Figure 1). It is important to realize at the outset

    that there is unlikely to be just one ideal choice; there may be many alternatives, any one of

    which might be quite appropriate. The job of the designer is to present the options available in

    relation to good irrigation practice, water availability, equipment, its reliability and cost. The

    farmer can then choose the system which he or she feels is most appropriate.

    The design process

    Apreliminary design is usually done first. This is often done quickly in order to establish the

    options available. Once a choice has been made, work then proceeds to a detailed design

    which details every nut and bolt to be purchased and every canal and structure to be constructed.

    To undertake a preliminary design, basic information is needed about the land and crops to

    be irrigated. However, accurate details about land areas and crops may not be necessary at this

    stage. To understand this it is important to realize what preliminary design is about. It is to

    establish the maximum capacity or size of the system to be constructed and the choices available

    to the farmer. The system capacity must be enough to satisfy the maximum amount of water

    needed by the crops, and there are simple ways of assessing this without detailed knowledge of

    the cropping. Clearly the answer will not be exact but great accuracy is not needed at this stage.

    Remember that when a scheme is operating it will run for most of the time at well below its

    maximum capacity. It may only run at full capacity for a very short period when the crops are

    maturing and need most water. It is very much like designing and using a car. It may be

    designed to operate at a maximum speed of 150km/h, but most drivers would travel well below

    this speed and only use the maximum speed occasionally. Thus whether the maximum speed is

    150 or 160km/h is not really very critical to the overall use of the car if it otherwise meets allthe demands made upon it by the driver. If the actual maximum performance is less than

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 3

    150km/h, then the car will still get there it will just take a little longer. In the same way the

    capacity of an irrigation system need not be determined with great accuracy as long as thecapacity will meet most, if not all, of the operating demands that the farmer will make. If the

    capacity falls a little short of demand then the difference can be made up by running the system

    for a longer period.

    A further aspect of design is considering How will the final cost of the scheme be affected

    by the decisions made during the design process?. If, for example, the crop water requirement

    is changed by 10%, or a channel is increased in size by 20%, does this significantly affect the

    overall cost of the scheme? If it does, then this figure needs to be chosen with considerable

    care. If it does not, then such accuracy is not needed. A good designer will concentrate on the

    important factors which will have significant effects on the outcome. The inexperienced designer

    will need to experiment a little to determine which are the critical factors in the design process.

    A final aspect of design, which the inexperienced designer may not realize at first, is that

    there are no formulae which can help with the initial decision making. For example, there is no

    formula which would show that a pipe should be used instead of an open channel. This is a

    matter of choice, which may eventually be decided by cost or some other constraint. The

    designer would thus consider both options, prepare a preliminary design for each one, and then

    see which was best. Several designs may be done in this way before the best one can be chosen.

    In other words, the designer will often choose what seems to be appropriate and then set about

    proving that the choices made are indeed the best. This is where an experienced designer can

    be invaluable. On the basis of past experience of similar situations the designer may well be

    able to greatly simplify the design process because he or she may have a very good idea of what

    will be the best solution. Unfortunately, the inexperienced designer must go through a morerigorous process to arrive at the best solution. This manual is to help the inexperienced designer,

    and to try and pass on some of the experience of others in order to shorten and simplify the

    design process.


    Cost will be an important factor when making choices. In this manual typical costs are used to

    demonstrate the selection process, but the reader must take great care when using conclusions

    drawn from this because local costs may vary considerably from those shown. The reader is

    thus encouraged to go through the design process using local costs and to make judgements

    based on local solutions. Throughout the text the unit of currency used is the United States

    dollar ($US).

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    FIGURE 1Making choices - the design process

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 5

    Chapter 2

    Some basic concepts


    This chapter provides a guide to some of the basic principles which affect energy needs in

    small-scale irrigation. SI units the International Metric System are used throughout the

    text. Reference is made to other units where appropriate, because it is an unfortunate fact of

    life that many different systems are in use in irrigation, and sometimes it can be confusing and

    lead to serious mistakes.

    The fundamental units in the SI systems are:

    Measurement Unit Symbol

    Length metre m

    Volume cubic metre m3

    Mass kilogramme kg

    Force newton N

    2.2 PRESSURE

    Pressure is a commonly used term, but it does have a special meaning in hydraulics. It describes

    the force exerted by water on each square metre of some object submerged in water. It may be

    the bottom of a tank, the side of a dam, or a pipeline.

    Pressure is normally measured in kilonewtons per square metre (kN/m2). An alternative to

    this in irrigation is the bar, where 1 bar is equal to 100kN/m2. Pressure is calculated by:

    Thus pressure is force per unit area (Figure 2).

    Pressure (kN/m2) =force (kN)

    area (m2)

    FIGURE 2

    Relationship between force and pressure

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    Some basic concepts6

    Pressure measurement

    Pressure in pipes can be measured using a

    bourdon gauge (Figure 3). Inside the gauge isa curved tube of oval section, which tries to

    straighten out when the system is under

    pressure. The tube is linked to a pointer which

    moves across a graduated scale and indicates

    pressure. Irrigators normally measure pressure

    in the field using these gauges as they are robust

    and simple to use.

    However, engineers often refer to pressure

    as a head of waterin metres (m) rather than a

    pressure in kN/m2. If the bourdon gauge was

    replaced with a long vertical tube, the waterpressure in the pipe would cause water to rise

    up the tube. The height of this water column

    is a measure of the pressure in the pipe. For

    example, a pressure of 3bar in the pipe would

    result in water rising to a height of 30m in the

    tube. Thus, engineers may refer to the pressure

    as 3bar or 30m head of water.


    Calculate the pressure when a force of 10 kN is applied to an area of 2 m2.

    - We know that Pressure = force / area, so P= 10 / 2 = 5 kN/m2.

    If the area is increased to 4 m2, what will be the nre pressure?

    - P= 10 / 4 = 2.5 kN/m2.

    Thus the force has remained the same but the pressure is reduced by spreading the force over

    A typical operating pressure for a sprinkler system is 3bar pressure, or 300kN/m2. This

    means that every square metre of the inside of the pipes and pump has a uniform force of

    300kN acting on it. Other common units of pressure are kilogrammes-force per squarecentimetre (kgf/cm2) and pounds-force per square inch (lbf/in2).

    For conversion from one unit to another:

    1 bar = 14.7 lbf/in2 = 1 kgf/cm2 = 100 kN/m2

    FIGURE 3

    Measuring pressure in a pipe

    In this manual both the termspressure and headare used to mean the same thing.

    Head of water in metres (m) = 0.1 x pressure (kN/m2

    ) = 10 x pressure (bar)

    It is simple to change from pressure to head of water:

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 7

    Atmospheric pressure is important to the understanding of suction when pumping water

    (Section 3.3.3) and particularly its effects on the efficiency of pumping (Section 3.3.5).


    The speed at which water flows in a pipe or channel is called the velocity and is measured inmetres per second (m/s). The discharge is the volume of water flowing along the pipe or

    channel each second, and is measured in cubic metres per second (m3/s). To understand this,

    consider the case of water flowing in a 100mm diameter pipe at a velocity of 1.5 m/s (Figure4).

    In one second the quantity of water moving past some point in the pipe will be equal to the

    shaded volume shown. This volume is numerically equal to the water velocity multiplied by

    the cross-sectional area of the pipe, i.e., 1.5 0.008 = 0.012m3/s.

    Importance of Pressure

    Pressure is important to the successful operation of both sprinkler and trickle irrigation.

    Sprinklers must be operated at the right pressure so that the water jet breaks up properly and a

    uniform water application is achieved (Section 3.5.2.). The right pressure is also required in

    trickle systems so that each emitter gives the same discharge throughout the scheme


    Atmospheric pressur e

    Atmospheric pressure is the pressure of the atmosphere around us, pressing down on our bodies

    and the surface of the earth. Although air seems very light, when there is a large depth, as at the

    earths surface, it creates a pressure of approximately 100kN/m2. This is equivalent to lbar or

    10m head of water.

    Atmospheric pressure = 100 kN/m2 = 1 bar = 10 m head of water

    In general terms:

    Discharge (m3/s) = cross-sectional area of pipe (m2) x velocity of water (m/s)

    FIGURE 4

    Calculating discharge

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    Some basic concepts8

    For most small irrigation systems the unit of discharge (m3/s) is much too large and so litres

    per second (l/s) is very often used. The conversion is made by multiplying by 1000.

    FIGURE 5

    Measuring discharge

    Figure 5-A

    Figure 5-C

    Figure 5-B

    Discharge (l/s) = discharge (m3/s) x 1000

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 9

    2.4 ENERGY

    Energy is another word commonly used in everyday language, but in hydraulics and irrigation

    it has a very specific meaning: Energy enables useful workto be done

    People and animals require energy to do work. This is obtained by eating food and converting

    it into useful energy for work through the muscles of the body.

    In irrigation, energy is needed to lift or pump water. Water energy is supplied by a pumping

    device driven by human or animal power, or a motor using solar, wind or fossil fuel energy.

    Energy measurement

    Energy is normally measured in units of watt-hours. One watt-hour is a very small amount of

    energy and so engineers tend to use a larger unit, the kilowatt-hour (kWh) instead, where

    1kilowatt-hour = 1000watt-hours.

    Here are some examples of energy use which may be familiar to the reader and which will

    provide some practical indication of energy use:

    A farmer working in the field uses 0.2-0.3kWh every day.

    An electric desk fan uses 0.3kWh every hour.

    An air-conditioner uses 1kWh every hour.

    Notice how a time period (e.g., every hour, every day) is always given when describing the

    amount of energy needed. The farmer using 0.2 kWh every day, for example, indicates that thisenergy must be supplied from food each day otherwise he or she would not be able to work

    properly. In irrigation, energy requirements may be determined on a daily, monthly or seasonal


    Discharge measurement

    Discharge in a pipeline can be measured using a flow meter (Figure 5-A). The meter indicates

    the volume of water passing through the pipeline. By noting the time for a given volume of

    water to pass the discharge can be determined using the formula:

    Discharge (m3/s) = volume of water (m3) / time (s)

    A simple way of measuring discharge from a pipe or sprinkler is to catch the flow in a

    bucket of known volume, measuring how long it takes to fill (Figure 5-C). The discharge is

    calculated using the above formula. See Example 2.

    Discharge in open channels can be measured using a weir or flume measuring structure(Figure 5-B). If no measuring structure is available, a rough guide can be obtained by estimating

    the velocity of flow using a float; measuring the cross-sectional area of the channel; and

    multiplying the velocity and the area together. (See Training Manual 7: Canals)


    A small plastic tube is connected to a sprinkler nozzle to collect water in a bucket. If the bucket

    holds 5 litres and it takes 15 seconds to fill, calculate the sprinkler discharge.

    Discharge = volume / time = 5 / 15 = 0.33 l/s

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    Some basic concepts10

    Energy sour ces

    Energy comes from food, in the case of animals and people, and from fossil fuel, wind and

    sunshine in the case of engines and motors.

    Foods have energy values which our bodies convert into useful energy so that we can do

    useful work. In the same way fossil fuels, wind and sunshine have energy which can be converted

    into useful energy to pump water.

    Table 1 gives some indication of energy values for typical foods, fossil fuels and energy


    TABLE 1

    Energy content of fuels and foods

    Changing energy

    An important aspect of energy is that it can be changed from one form of energy to another.

    People and animals can convert food into useful energy to drive their muscles (Figure 6). In a

    typical pumping system powered by a diesel engine, the energy is changed several times beforeit is usefully used by the water. Chemical energy contained within the fuel (diesel oil in this

    case) is burnt in a diesel engine to produce mechanical energy. This is passed to the pump via

    Fuel or


    Energy Indicative

    efficiency (1)Comment







    1 kWh/kg

    4 kWh/kg

    11 kWh/l

    9 kWh/l

    0.01-41 kWh/m2

    1 kWh/m2







    As animal and human consumption

    Sometimes also expressed as fuel consumption

    (0.09 l/kWh for diesel and 0.11 l/kWh for petrol)

    For wind speeds from 2.5 to 40 m/s respectively

    Maximum solar energy at sea level

    Note: 1. Approximate efficiency when converted to mechanical power.

    FIGURE 6

    Energy conversion - analogous systems in people (top) and machines (bottom)

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 11

    a drive shaft, and finally to the water. Thus the discharge, pressure or both can be increased. A

    pump can be thought of as a device for putting additional energy into a water system.

    The system of energy transfer is not perfect and energy losses occur through friction between

    the moving parts and are usually lost as heat energy (the human body temperature rises when

    work hard; an engine heats as fuel is burnt to provide power). Energy losses can be significant

    in pumping systems, and so can be costly in terms of fuel use. This concept is discussed further

    in Section 2.6.

    Calculating energy requi rement

    The amount of energy needed to pump water depends on the volume of water to be pumped and

    the head required and can be calculated using the formula:

    Increasing either the volume of water or the head will directly increase the energy required

    for pumping.

    2.5 POWER

    Poweris often confused with the term energy. They are related, but they have different meanings.

    Energy is the capacity to do useful work whereas power is the rate at which the energy is used.

    Water energy (kWh) =volume of water (m3) x head (m)



    600 m3 of water is pumped each day to a tank 10 m above ground (Figure 7). Calculate the

    amount of energy reguired to do this.

    Water energy (kWh) = (600 x 10) / 367 = 16.3 kWh.

    This is the energy required each day.

    FIGURE 7

    Illustration of the problem considered in Example 3

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    Some basic concepts12

    Power is the rate of using energy and is commonly measured in kilowatts (kW). The

    power needed to pump water is called water power.

    Another commonly used measure of power is horse power (HP). As it is not part of the

    metric units system it will not be used in this manual. However, if comparison is needed the

    relationship is 1kW = 1.36HP.

    An air conditioner may have a power rating of 3kW. This means that it uses 3kWh of

    energy every hour. In 24 hours it will consume 72kWh (3kW 24h) of energy at the rate of

    3kW every hour. Thus, power is describing the rate at which the energy is used. The greater

    the energy use rate the greater is the power need (Figure 8).

    Another way of calculating power and energy is to use the pump discharge rather than

    the volume of water to be pumped.

    In this case the water power required can be calculated by first using the formula:

    Figure 9 is a graph of this formula and from which water power can be obtained.Energy can then be calculated from power. It is the amount of power used in a given

    time period and so:

    Power (kW) =energy (kWh)

    time (h)


    In Example 3 it was calculated that the water energy required each day to lift 600 m 3 of water

    through 10 m was 16.3 kWh. Calculate the water power needed to do this.To calculate water power from water energy it is necessary to know the time over which pumping

    takes place.

    If pumping continues for 24 hours per day:Water power (kW) = energy used per day (kWh) / time (h) = 16.3 / 24 = 0.68 kW.

    If the pump operates only 12 h/day:Water power = 16.3 / 12 = 1.35 kW.

    If pumping is only 6 h/day:Water power = 16.3 / 6 = 2.7 kW.

    Note that the water energy is the same in each case, but that the rate of using the energy - the

    power - changes with the time period. More power is needed when less time is available for pumping

    the same volume of water.

    FIGURE 8

    Relationship between rate of energy use and power

    Water power (kW) = 9.81 x discharge (m3/s) x head (m)

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 13

    Example 5 demonstrates this approach and shows that the results are the same whichever

    method is used to calculate power and energy.


    When pumping irrigation water it is not enough just to meet the water power and energy

    requirements. Additional energy and power must be provided because losses occur in transferring

    fuel energy to water energy via the power unit and pump. The losses in the system are caused

    by friction and water turbulence and are usually expressed as efficiency. This can be expressed

    both in terms of energy use and of power use.

    FIGURE 9Graph relating flow, static head and power

    Water energy (kWh) = water power (kW) x operating time (h)


    Referring to Example 4, if 600 m3 of water is pumped 10 m each day, calculate the water power

    and energy required, using the pump discharge approach if pumping is for only 6 h/day.

    Discharge (m3/s) = volume (m3) / time (s) = 600 / (6 x 3600) = 0.028 m 3/s.

    Using the above equations:

    Water power (kW) = 9.81 x discharge (m3/s) x head (m) = 9.81 x 0.028 x 10 = 2.7 kW.

    Water energy (kWh) = water power (kW) x operating time (h) = 2.7 x 6 = 16.3 kWh.

    These answers are the same as those obtained in the previous example, thus demonstrating

    that water power and energy can be calculated using either approach.

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    Some basic concepts14

    Energy use eff iciency

    This provides an overall indication of the way energy is used. It would usually be assessed on

    a seasonal or annual basis.

    Power use eff iciency

    This provides an assessment of the efficiency with which power is converted from the fuel to

    the water, but only at the moment of measurement. The efficiency may vary over time,

    particularly if there is wear in the engine and pump.

    A system with no friction would have an efficiency of 100% and all the energy and

    power input would be transferred to the water. However, this is not the case in real life and

    there are always friction losses in all the components of the power unit and pump. This is

    discussed more fully in Section 3.3.5.

    Sometimes efficiencies can be very low without pump users being aware of the problem.

    This can result in excessive energy use and high pumping costs. This is an important aspect of

    pumping and is discussed more fully in Chapter 5.

    For the purposes of this manual, the efficiencies of energy and power use are assumed to

    be the same. In practice this may not be the case. A seasonal assessment of energy use efficiency

    may not always give the same value as power use efficiency measured only once or twice

    during the season. Note that, in calculations using efficiencies, we always use the decimal

    form [(efficiency in %)/100] of the value.

    Pumping plant efficiency (%) = (water energy / actual energy) x 100

    Pumping plant power efficiency (%) = (water power / power input) x 100

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 15

    Chapter 3

    Choosing a new irrigation system


    Choosing a new irrigation system is about choosing the various components which make up the

    system. In this chapter the main components are listed, and guidance is given in how to choose,

    for preliminary design purposes, between the various options and component configurations


    Figure 10 illustrates the process of preliminary design and the decisions to be made.

    Each part of the process is described in this chapter.

    Small-scale pumped irrigation systems are made up of the following components (Figure11):

    Water source;

    Pump and power unit;

    Distribution system; and Method of irrigation.

    FIGURE 10

    Choosing irrigation system components

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    Choosing a new irrigation system16

    FIGURE 11

    Components of a typical irrigation scheme

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 17

    The water source, the distribution system and the method of irrigation determine

    the energy demand.The pump and power unit provide the energy supply.

    Water sour ce

    The water source may be a river or lake (surface water) or a shallow well or borehole

    (groundwater). In some cases, water can be abstracted from rivers by gravity, but in many

    cases pumping will be needed. In the case of groundwater abstraction, pumping is essential.

    (See also Training Manual 6: Scheme irrigation water needs and supply.)

    The amount of water abstracted and the height through which it must be lifted from the

    river or borehole add to the energy demand.

    Pump and power uni t

    The pump may be driven by a power unit such as a diesel or petrol engine, or an electric motor.

    In some special cases solar or wind power, or even hand or animal power, may be used to

    provide the power source for the pump, but they are not so common and are generally limited

    to very small irrigated plots. In this manual the primary concern is with the use of pumps

    driven by diesel or petrol engines, as these are usually the main sources ofenergy supply

    available to most small-scale farmers.

    Distr ibut ion system

    The distribution system conveys water from the pump to the fields and may consist of pipes oropen channels. Some systems are a combination of both. The choice of distribution system has

    a significant effect on the energy demand.

    Method of ir ri gation

    The method of irrigation may be surface, sprinkler or trickle irrigation. This may also affect

    the choice of distribution system and is also significant in determining the energy demand.

    Surface irrigation may be supplied by either pipe or open channel systems. Sprinkler and

    trickle irrigation systems would normally use piped distribution systems. (See also Training

    Manual 5:Irrigation Methods.)

    Typi cal systems

    The most common combinations of components for an irrigation system are:

    Pump open channel surface irrigation.

    Pump pipe supply surface irrigation.

    Pump pipe supply sprinkler or trickle irrigation.

    The first system is the most common for small-scale irrigation, although the advantages of

    the second are now being more fully realized. Sprinkle, and especially trickle, irrigation are

    growing in importance in some areas where soils are very sandy and water is scarce, or energy

    costs are high, or both, but surface irrigation is the dominant method and is likely to remain so

    in many countries for the foreseeable future.

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    Choosing a new irrigation system18


    Rivers and lakes

    Many small irrigation schemes are located close to natural river channels and lakes and obtain

    water by pumping from these sources. They provide a supply which can be seen by the farmer

    and be judged whether sufficient or not for the seasonal needs of the farm. Usually, the pumping

    pressures , and hence energy requirements, needed to use such sources are small because the

    difference in elevation between the source water level and the level of the field are usually not


    Shallow groundwater

    This is an ideal source of supply for farms located some distance from a river or lake. Usually

    the groundwater table is fed by seepage from a river or lake and may be only a few meters

    below ground level. This source may be less reliable than surface water because except through

    pumping experience there is no easy way of assessing whether there is a sufficient reserve of

    water to ensure adequate irrigation. However, the farmer can save the cost of an expensive

    canal or pipe system to bring water from a more distant surface supply.

    As with surface supplies, the energy costs involved in pumping are relatively low.

    Deep gr oundwater

    This may be water which has permeated through the ground from a surface source many

    kilometres away or water which has been trapped in the ground by impermeable soils for many

    thousands of years (fossil water).

    Pumping deep groundwater which may be 20 - 100m or more below ground level can be

    expensive in terms of energy use, as well as in the cost of drilling the borehole, and requires

    special, deep borehole, pumping equipment, which may also be expensive to buy.


    A pump is a machine which changes fuel energy into useful water energy and needs a petrol or

    diesel engine or an electric motor to drive it. In special circumstances it may also be possible to

    use wind or solar energy. For surface irrigation the pump lifts water from a river or groundwater

    into a channel or pipe system. For sprinkler and trickle irrigation the pump provides the energyfor the pressure and discharge needed to distribute water in the pipes to the sprinklers and

    emitters, in addition to the energy needed to lift water from the source.

    3.3.1 Pump types

    Although there are many types of pumps and water lifting devices, many are unsuited to irrigation

    use. The most commonly used types are the axial flow (or propeller) pump, the radial flow (or

    centrifugal) pump, and the mixed flow pump. These are looked at in detail below.

    Axial flow pump

    An axial flow pump consists of a propeller hence its alternative name housed inside atube which is located below the water level (Figure 12). The tube acts as the discharge pipe,

    and the power unit turns the propeller by means of a long shaft running down the middle of the

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 19

    pipe and this lifts the water up the pipe. This pump is very efficient for lifting large volumes of

    water at low pressure and is ideally suited to lifting water from a river or lake to provide surface

    irrigation water to a farm with open channel distribution. However, these pumps tend to be

    very expensive because of the high cost of materials, particularly the drive shaft and bearings to

    support the shafted propeller. For this reason there are no small axial flow pumps manufactured

    of a size suitable for the small farm of 1 - 2ha. They tend only to be used on larger farms and

    for communal schemes, where several small farms are irrigated from the same pump. They are

    particularly suited to paddy rice schemes because of the large volumes of water usually needed

    for this crop.

    Radial fl ow (centri fugal) pump

    Centrifugal pumps are the most common type of pump used on small schemes because they are

    much cheaper than axial pumps to buy and maintain. Small pump sets are often readily available

    in most developing countries (Figure 13). They are best suited to sprinkler and trickle irrigation,

    where a higher pressure is needed than for surface irrigation.

    To understand how a centrifugal pump works, consider first how centrifugal forces occur.

    Most readers will at some time have spun a bucket of water around at arms length and observed

    that no water falls from the bucket even when it is upside down (Figure 13). Water is held in

    the bucket by the centrifugal forces created by spinning the bucket. A centrifugal pump makes

    use of this idea and can be thought of as many buckets all spinning around together. Thebuckets are replaced by an impellerwith blades or vanes which spin at high speed inside the

    pump casing (Figure 13). Water is drawn into the pump from the source of supply through a

    FIGURE 12

    Typical axial flow pump

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    Choosing a new irrigation system20

    FIGURE 13

    Radial flow (centrifugal) pump

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 21

    short length of inlet pipe called thesuction pipe. As the impeller spins, water is thrown outwards

    and is collected by the pump casing and guided towards the outlet. This is called thedelivery.

    Some pumps have very simple impellers with

    straight vanes. These tend to be inefficient because

    they create a lot of turbulence in the flow and hence

    energy losses. However they are cheap to make and

    are used in cases where efficiency is not important.

    Most irrigation pumps have curved vanes so that the

    water enters and leaves the impeller smoothly. This

    means lower energy losses and higher energy use

    efficiency. Some impellers have side plates and are

    called closed impellers. When there is debris in the

    wateropen impellers are used to reduce the risk ofblockage.

    Centrifugal pumps can be classified into two

    types: volute pumps, and turbine (diffuser) pumps. The main difference between them is that

    the turbine type has diffuser vanes, which provide diverging passages to direct the water flow.

    Centrifugal pumps are often described by the diameter of the delivery connection pipe,

    e.g., a 50mm pump. Table 2 is a guide to selecting centrifugal pump sizes for different flow


    Mixed flow

    This pump is a mixture of the axial flow and the centrifugal pump and has the advantage of

    combining the best features of both pump types (Figure 14). Mixed flow pumps are more

    efficient at pumping larger quantities of water than centrifugal pumps and are more efficient at

    pumping to higher pressures than axial flow pumps.

    They can also operate as submersible pumps, i.e., being completely below the source

    water surface.

    FIGURE 14

    Typical mixed flow pump

    Pump size (mm) Discharge (l/s)


    0 - 55 - 1515 - 2525 - 3535 - 50

    TABLE 2

    A guide to selecting centrifugal pumps

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    Choosing a new irrigation system22

    3.3.2 Pump Characteristics

    Axial flow, centrifugal and mixed flow pumpsare designed to run at a constant speed and

    their performances are described by the fol-

    lowing characteristics:

    Head and discharge;

    Power requirements; and

    Efficiency of operation.

    Typical characteristics for operating head

    and discharge for the three pump types appear

    as Figures 15-A, 15-B and 15-C. They show

    how head, power and efficiency vary as the

    discharge changes. For example, when the

    head requirement is 120% of the design head

    value, discharge is reduced to 60%, 80% and

    90% of design discharge for centrifugal, mixed

    flow and axial flow pumps respectively.

    Head and discharge

    Pumps can deliver a wide range of discharges depending on the pressure required and the speed

    at which the pump is operated. However, there is a trade off between head and discharge. If

    more discharge is needed the head drops, and if less discharge is needed, then the head rises. Adifferent set of curves would be obtained if the pump was running at a different speed. The

    faster it runs the greater the head and the discharge.

    FIGURE 15-A

    Pump characteristics: discharge - head

    FIGURE 15-B

    Pump characteristics: discharge - power

    FIGURE 15-C

    Pump characteristics: discharge - efficiency

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 23


    All pumps need power to rotate the impeller. The amount of power needed depends on thespeed of the pump and the discharge that is required. The faster the pump rotates, the more

    power is needed.

    For axial flow pumps there is a very large power demand as the pump is starting because

    there is a lot of water and a heavy pump impeller to get moving. Once the pump is under way

    the power demand drops to its normal running level.

    Centrifugal pumps behave quite differently. The power demand is very low when starting,

    but as the discharge increases the power also gradually increases.

    Mixed flow pumps operate in between these two contrasting conditions and have a more

    uniform power demand over the discharge range.


    The concept of efficiency was first developed in Section 2.6. It measures how well the mech-

    anical energy and power from the power unit is converted into water energy and power in the

    pump. The pump power efficiency is calculated by:

    The efficiency generally increases to some maximum value and then falls again over the

    discharge range. The maximum efficiency is usually between 30 - 80% and there is only a

    limited range of discharges and heads over which the pumps operate at maximum efficiency.Outside this range the pump will be less efficient and so more power and energy will be needed

    to operate the system. Smaller pumps tend to operate at lower efficiencies than larger ones

    because they have more friction to overcome relative to their size.

    3.3.3 Pump selection

    There are many pumps on the market and the designer must try to select a pump which will

    provide the discharge and head needed for the scheme while the pump is operating within its

    maximum efficiency range.

    Table 3 indicates the range of good operating conditions for different pump types.

    TABLE 3Pump selection for small-scale schemes

    Note: 1. The ideal pump type, but not usually available for small-scale farming.

    A large number of irrigation schemes use surface irrigation and open channel distribution

    pumping from shallow water supplies. This situation is ideal for axial flow pumps but

    unfortunately few, if any, pumps are available at a reasonable price for the small discharges

    Pump power efficiency (%) = (water power output / actual power output) x 100

    Irrigation system Pressure or Head(bar) (m)


    Pump type

    Surface irrigation- open channel distribution- pipe distribution- deep tube wellSprinkler systemTrickle system

    0.5 51.0 10

    >2.0 >202 - 6 2 - 601 - 2 10 - 20

    any dischargeany dischargeany dischargeany dischargeany discharge

    axial1 or mixedaxial1 or mixed

    mixed or centrifugalcentrifugalcentrifugal

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    Choosing a new irrigation system24

    required on many farms. The only alternative is to use centrifugal pumps instead and accept

    that they will run at well below their peak efficiency (Figure 16).

    For sprinkler and trickle irrigation much higher pressures are needed and so centrifugal

    pumps are ideally suited to this use and will operate more efficiently.

    A typical example of pump selection using the data supplied by a manufacturer would be

    as follows:

    3.3.4 Power units

    There are two main types of power unit: internal combustion engines, and electric motors.

    I nternal combustion engines

    Many small irrigation schemes do not have access to electricity and so rely on petrol (spark

    ignition) engines or diesel (compression ignition) engines to drive the pumps. These engines

    have a good weight:power output ratio, and are compact in size and relatively cheap due tomass production techniques.

    FIGURE 16

    Pump selection based on head and discharge parameters


    A centrifugal pump is required for a small sprinkler irrigation system. The discharge required is12 l/s, at a pressure of 2 bar. Using the information supplied by the manufacturer (see Figure 17),determine the pump efficiency.

    If the same pump was to be used to pump water into an open channel and the pressure neededfor this was only 1 bar, show what effect this would have on the pump discharge and the efficiency.

    From Figure 17, the efficiency of the pump at a discharge of 12 l/s and pressure of 2 bar (20 m ofhead) is 52%. This is within the high efficiency zone of the pump.

    If the pressure required was only 1 bar (10 m of head) the discharge would increase to 18 l/s, butat the much reduced efficiency of only 12%.

    Thus, using an inappropriate pump for the surface irrigation option has a significant effect on theefficiency of pumping.

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 25

    Diesel engines tend to be heavier and more robust than petrol engines and are more

    expensive to buy. However, they are also more efficient to run and if operated and maintained

    properly they have a longer working life and are more reliable than petrol. In some countries

    petrol-driven pumps have needed replacing after only 3 years of operation. Diesel pumps

    operating in similar conditions could be expected to last at least 6 years. However, it must not

    be forgotten that engine life is not just measured in years, it is measured in hours of operation

    and its useful life depends on how well it is operated and serviced. There are cases in developing

    countries where diesel pumps have been in continual use for 30 years and more.

    A diesel-engined pump can be up to four times as heavy as a petrol-engined pump of

    equivalent power, and so if portability is important a petrol pump may be the answer.

    Electri c motors

    Electric motors are very efficient in energy use (75 - 85%) and can be used to drive all sizes and

    types of pumps. The main drawback is the reliance on a power supply which is beyond the

    control of the farmer, and which in many places is unreliable. Inevitably electrical power

    supplies usually fail when they are most needed. Heavy demands occur when crops are needing

    most water and so a power failure over several days can have disastrous consequences for a

    crop. When using trickle irrigation on light sandy soils, serious crop losses may well occurafter only a few days without power.

    FIGURE 17

    Manufacturers data for a centrifugal pump

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    Choosing a new irrigation system26

    3.3.5 Efficiency

    The efficiency of power units and pumps is very variable, and few data are available on actualfield performance of small-scale irrigation pumping installations. The data that are available

    indicate that efficiencies are very low, in the range 0.5 to 8%, and that such poor levels are quite


    Many of the common causes of low efficiency can be corrected at little cost once the

    problem is identified, but unfortunately it is easy to run an inefficient pumping system without

    even realizing it. Any shortfall in output is simply made up by running the system for longer

    than would otherwise be necessary.

    Pumping efficiencies are likely to be much higher for sprinkler and trickle systems as the

    head needs of these systems are more favourable to the hydraulic characteristics of centrifugal

    pumps.Figure 18 shows the main components of a small pumping system and the poor efficiencies

    that can commonly occur. The main reasons for inefficiency are listed below. Note that improved

    efficiency can be achieved by rectifying the common faults.

    Fuel efficiency 90-100%. Fuel is often spilt or leaks from tanks, or from joints in the

    fuel pipeline.

    Power unit efficiencySmall petrol engines (1kW) 10%.

    Small diesel engines (1.5 - 2kW) 15-35%.

    Large diesel engines 30-40%. (Text books normally quote 30-40% for engines

    but these are optimistic. Ageing of engine, poor quality maintenance, excessive

    power consumed by cooling fans, injectors, etc., all bring down efficiency.)

    Electric motors have much higher efficiencies 75-85% but a reliable electricity

    supply may be difficult to obtain in many locations.

    FIGURE 18

    Efficiency of components of pumping plant

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 27

    Power unit to pump transmission If the engine and pump are direct coupled, then

    transmission efficiency nears 100%.

    Pump efficiency A pump running at optimum head and speed has an efficiency of between40% and 80%. Many pumps are not run at optimum head and speed, and so their efficiency

    could be much lower. This is particularly true for small pumps where the frictional

    losses are a higher proportion of the total power requirement.

    The overall efficiency of the pumping system can be found by multiplying together the

    efficiencies of each component:

    Note that in any calculation of this type the decimal equivalent of the percentage is used,i.e., an efficiency of 10% becomes 0.1 in the calculation, 20% becomes 0.2, and so on.

    Taking the worst and best possible combinations of all the above efficiencies provides

    some indication of the most likely range of overall efficiencies:

    This implies that the worst likely efficiency is around 3%. Even this seems good when

    compared to the actual field measurements of 0.5% referred to earlier in this section!

    Although an efficiency of 30% might be expected from a centrifugal pump operating a

    sprinkler or trickle system, it is unlikely to reach this level of efficiency for surface irrigation.

    The best that can be achieved would be around 10%.

    Peak power demand

    The water power and overall efficiency of the pumping plant are used to calculate the overall

    power demand.

    Developing the formula from Section 2.5:

    Pumping plant efficiency (%)= fuel efficiency x power unit efficiency x transmission efficiency x pump efficiency x 100


    Worst condition = 0.9 x 0.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 x 100 = 3%Best condition = 1.0 x 0.35 x 1.0 x 0.8 x 100 = 28%

    Overall power demand = water power (kW) / pumping plant efficiency

    Overall power demand (kW) =9.81 x discharge (m3/s) x head (m)

    pumping plant efficiency


    A small diesel-driven pump delivers a discharge of 2 l/s when lifting water 3 m from a river.

    Calculate the peak power demand when the overall efficiency of pump and power unit is 10%.

    Peak power demand = (9.81 x 0.002 x 3) / 0.1 = 0.59 kW

    Note that the discharge of 2 l/s must be divided by 1000 to convert it into m3/s.

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    Choosing a new irrigation system28

    Pump suction

    An aspect of using centrifugal and mixed flow pumps which is not always fully understood,

    and which can seriously impair efficiency, is the suction side of the pump.

    In cases of shallow groundwater or surface water pumping, the pump is located above

    the water surface and water has to be sucked up a short length of pipe into the pump, as shown

    in Figure19. The difference in height between the water surface and the pump is called the

    suction lift.

    When a pump is operating it draws in water in much the same way as a person sucks

    water up through a drinking straw. There is a limit to how high water can be lifted in this way

    and it depends on atmospheric pressure (Section 2.2). At sea level this is approximately 10m

    head of water. Sucking creates a low pressure in the drinking straw and the outside pressure of

    the atmosphere pushes down on the water surface and forces water up the straw. As atmospheric

    pressure is the driving force, this puts a practical limit on the height to which water can be lifted

    in this way.

    Ideally it should be possible to lift water 10m, but because of friction losses in the pipe

    and pump a practical limit is 7m. Even at this level many pumps will have difficulty sucking

    water. Considerable energy will be needed to suck the water and the pump operator may have

    difficulty keeping the pump primed (i.e., keeping the pump and suction pipes full of waterwhen starting the pump). For this reason, pumps should be located so that the suction lift is less

    than 3m if possible. If the depth to the water is greater than 3m, then a small shelf can be

    excavated and the pump located nearer to the water surface (Figure 19).

    Note that these rules only apply when operating in areas close to sea level. Here the

    atmospheric pressure is approximately 10m head of water. For schemes operating at higher

    altitudes in mountainous regions the atmospheric pressure may be much lower than 10m and

    so the suction lift will need to be reduced well below 3m to ensure proper pump operation.

    However, not all pumps suffer from suction lift limitations. Pumps designed to work

    below the water surface submersible pumps have no such problems.

    An example of the effects of variations in suction lift on pump discharge is given by thecase of a small centrifugal pump, which delivered 6.5l/s when operating at 3m suction. When

    the suction lift was increased to 8m the discharge dropped to 1.2l/s a loss in flow of 5.3l/

    FIGURE 19

    Suction lift limitations

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 29

    s, or a loss of 85% of the original discharge! Thus, at the greater suction lift the pump would

    have to be operated considerably longer to meet water demand, and at such a low flow rate thepump may be well away from its best operating efficiency. This example was cited by Wagner

    and Lanoix1 (1969).


    The distribution system conveys water from the pump to the fields. This may be by open

    channels or through pipes. The choice of distribution system affects both the power and energy


    3.4.1 Open channels

    The most common method of distribution is through open channels, which may be lined or

    unlined. Channel design affects the energy demand of the system in three ways:

    by determining the energy requirement to lift water from its source into the channels;

    by influencing energy losses resulting from friction between the water and the canal; and

    by influencing the extent of any additional energy required to pump water which is lostthrough seepage, canal breaches and misuse.

    Water will only flow downhill in open channels and so the layout of canals should ensure

    that the highest point in the canal system is near to the pump and water source. In this way

    water will then flow downhill under the force of gravity and out onto the fields. Sufficient

    power must be provided in this case to lift water from its source into the channels (Figure 20).

    The head required is determined by the difference in level between the water source and the

    water level in the channel. The water level in the channel at the source must be high enough toensure an adequate flow of water to the field, and must include adequate head to allow effective

    flow from the channel to the field.

    Large water losses can easily occur in open channels. This may be due to seepage

    through the bed and sides of a channel. However, open channels, particularly unlined ones, are

    prone to breaching, whereupon considerable amounts of water can be lost. They are also easily

    FIGURE 20

    Energy demand for open channel distribution

    1 Wagner, E.G. & Lanoix, J.N. 1969. Water Supply for Rural Areas and Small Communities. Geneva:

    World Health Organization.

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    Choosing a new irrigation system30

    misused. Channels may be left open, particularly when control gates are not working properly,

    and water runs to waste. These features of open channels mean that considerable amounts ofwater may be pumped which are wasted, using additional energy and fuel for which there is no

    benefit in terms of additional crops.

    Of course channels can be lined to reduce seepage, but this requires additional capital

    expenditure. A choice must then be made between the additional cost of lining and the cost of

    pumping the water which would be lost through seepage. This involves a comparison between

    capital expenditure and operating costs, which is discussed later in Section 3.8.3.

    Lining canals can often seem an attractive way of reducing seepage losses. It can also

    reduce maintenance costs and improve irrigation system distribution efficiency. However, if

    linings are to be successful they must be constructed with great care. A concrete lining, for

    example, needs to be well vibrated as it is poured so as to be impermeable, and must be placed

    on channel beds and banks that have been well compacted. If settlement occurs after construction

    and the lining cracks, then not only will seepage losses be high but the cost of the specialist

    repairs will also be significant.

    Water losses in channels for typical irrigation schemes expressed in terms of efficiency

    are shown in Table 4.

    Channel hydraul ics

    Most irrigation channels excavated in the natural soil are trapezoidal in shape and slope downhillaway from the water source. Channels usually follow the natural ground slope but if the land is

    steep, then drop (or fall) structures may be needed to avoid serious erosion problems (Figure

    21). Channels with longitudinal bed slopes of less than 1:1000 will usually avoid serious

    erosion problems, but a minimum slope of greater than 1:5000 is needed to discourage siltation

    and plant growth problems.

    Channels which are lined may be trapezoidal but can also be rectangular or semi-circular.

    The main aspect of channel design is choosing the bed width and depth of flow. This can

    present some difficulties because choosing a value for one affects the other. Thus channel

    design is a little more complicated than pipe design because pipes are always circular and so

    only one value is chosen the pipe diameter. The reader must look to other texts for the

    detailed design of channels, but as guidelines:

    FIGURE 21

    Channel design: dimensions and drop structures

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    Small-scale pumped irrigation - energy and cost 31

    Unlined channels are designed so that the velocity is low and the bed and sides are not

    eroded by the water. For this reason, unlined channels tend to be wide and shallow, spreadingthe flow over a large area to reduce the erosive power of the water.

    Lined channels are expensive to construct. For this reason they tend to be narrow and deepwhich ensures the minimum area of lining for a given channel carrying capacity. The velocity

    also tends to be high, but this is not usually a problem as the channel is protected from

    erosion by the lining.

    3.4.2 Pipelines

    Pipelines are often thought to be too expensive for many small irrigation schemes except when

    sprinkler or trickle irrigation is used, as then the use of pipes is essential. However, expensive

    is a relative word and does not convey a specific meaning. It may well be that when the fulloperating advantages of pipes are considered they may be a viable alternative to open channels.

    For small-scale surface irrigation schemes, recent research has shown many advantages

    for piped distribution systems:

    Very low distribution losses even less than lined channels, as it is much easier to closeoff the flow in a pipe than in an open channel (See Table 4 for water losses in pipelines

    expressed as an efficiency).

    Less land area is taken up by buried pipes. Channels can take up 0.5-2% of the commandarea.

    Pipes can often be installed at lower cost than lined canals.

    Pipe systems can provide a more flexible and reliable system of supply.

    Reduced contact with water has potential health benefits.

    Pipelines for surface irrigation usually operate at low pressures, typically around 0.5bar

    (5m of head).

    Pipelines are essential for the use of sprinkler and trickle irrigation, and they need to

    operate at much higher pressures (typically 2 - 6bar for sprinkler and 1 - 2bar for trickle

    systems) and need to be strong enough to withstand up to twice the working pressure. The

    reason for this is that pressure surges which are much greater than the normal working pressure

    can occur in pipes, and can cause bursts. It is thus important to install a pipe with the correctpressure rating to avoid the expense of repair or even replacement of a complete system.

    Energy is needed in pipe systems not only to pump water from the source to the pipe but

    also to overcome the energy losses due to friction as water flows down the pipe (Figure22). If

    surface irrigation is used, then water can flow freely from the pipe into the field. If sprinkler or

    trickle irrigation is used, then additional energy is needed to ensure the water sprays or drips


    Predicting head losses in pipes is not an exact science, and it easy to make mistakes

    when calculating them. In addition, losses can increase as the pipe ages and becomes rougher

    inside through continued use. For these reasons the losses in the distribution system should be

    kept low at the design stage by choosing pipe diameters that are large enough for friction to notdominate the operation of the system at some later date. As a guideline, energy losses in the

    pipes should be less than 30% of the total pumping head.

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    Choosing a new irrigation system32

    Pipeli ne hydraul ics

    Energy is lost when water flows along a pipe. This is due to friction between the flowing water

    and the pipe wall. This energy loss means that the pressure near the pump will always be

    greater than at the far end of the pipe. The change in pressure is called thehydraulic gradient

    (Figure 23). Additional power and energy must be supplied by the pump to overcome that

    friction so that sufficient water is still delivered to the scheme at the right pressures.

    Energy loss in pipelines can be measured as a head loss in metres (m). It depends on the

    following factors:

    Discharge small changes in discharge can cause very large changes in head loss.

    Pipe diameter small changes in pipe diameter can cause very large changes in head loss.

    Pipe length changes in pipe length cause similar changes in head loss. Increasing a pipe

    length from 100m to 200m will double the head loss.

    Pipe layoutthe kinds and numbers of bends and junctions.

    FIGURE 22Pipe system and its energy demand energy neededto pressurize sprinklers

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    Pipe materialit determines frictional resistance by its smoothness or otherwise.

    Energy loss in pipes can be determined from information supplied by pipe manufacturers.

    A typical nomograph for PVC pipes is shown in Figure 24. The following examples will

    demonstrate effects of discharge, pipe diameter and pipe length on the head loss.

    A good guide to selecting the right pipe diameter is to keep the velocity below 1.6m/s. This

    is good engineering practice. It ensures that head losses are low and it will help to avoid the

    surge and water hammer (sudden oscillations in water pressure) problems which can cause

    pipes to burst.

    Practical considerations

    Different pipe materials have different friction characteristics. The example used in thistext is PVC. If other pipes are used, then values for friction head losses must be obtained

    from the supplier.

    The smallest diameter pipe may be the cheapest, but it is not always the best choice. Pressurelosses can be very high and so can the cost of providing the extra energy to overcome the

    losses. It may be cheaper in the long term to use a larger pipe size, which may have a higher

    capital cost but requires less energy in use and so has a much lower operating cost. This

    issue is discussed in detail in Section 3.8.5.

    Think long term when selecting pipes. Will more water be needed in the future? Will thesystem be extended? If so, investment now in a larger pipe size may save high energy costs

    later when trying to pump an increased discharge down a pipe which is too small. A common

    problem across the world is that farmers install pipelines which are too small. Many regret

    the decision later when they see the potential for irrigation and wish to expand their system.

    It is not necessary to use a pipe size which is the same diameter as the pump delivery pipe.For example, a 50mm diameter pump does not mean the farmer must use a 50mm diameter

    FIGURE 23

    Hydraulic gradient

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    pipe. The diameter is selected according to the above guidelines and if it is different from

    the pump diameter then a special section of pipe with a varying diameter (a reducer) is

    simply used to connect the pump to the pipeline.

    It is important to see what pipe sizes and pumps are available in the local market and to

    design around this equipment. This may not always give the most efficient system from anenergy use point of view but it will mean that local support for servicing, maintenance and

    repair will be available. Such an advantage may far outweigh any fuel efficiency use issues.

    FIGURE 24

    Nomograph relating pipe diameter, discharge, head loss and velocity

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    3.4.3 Distribution efficiency

    Water is not always distributed efficiently, and losses may occur from channels through seepage,

    evaporation and mismanagement of the system. In the case of open channels this may involve

    gates being left open when no one is irrigating, and canal banks breaching through poormaintenance. For pipe systems, there may be leakage from the joints because of poor sealing

    and, again, valves may not always be closed properly. However, it is likely that pipelines have

    a potentially higher efficiency than open channels. For design purposes, Table 4 indicates

    typical values of distribution efficiency.


    An irrigation scheme uses a 100 mm diameter pipeline, 130 m long, to deliver a discharge of 8 l/s.Determine the head loss.From Figure 24:

    When discharge is 8 l/s through a pipe of 100 mm, head loss is 10 m/km.Therefore, over 130 m [= 0.13 km] head loss will be 10 x 0.13 = 1.3 m.

    What will be the increase in head loss is the discharge is increased to 16 l/s?From Figure 24:

    When discharge is 16 l/s through a pipe of 100 mm, head loss is 37 m/km.Therefore, over 130 m [= 0.13 km] head loss will be 37 x 0.13 = 4.8 m.

    The increase in head loss is 4.8 - 1.3 = 3.5 m.Increasing discharge causes a large increase in head loss.

    Determine the change in head loss if a pipe of 80 mm is used to deliver the same discharge [8 l/s]over the same distance [130 m].FromFigure 24:

    When discharge is 8 l/s through a pipe of 80 mm, head loss is 29 m/km.Therefore, over 130 m [= 0.13 km] head loss will be 29 x 0.13 = 3.8 m.

    Difference is 3.8 - 1.3 = 2.5 m, i.e. anincrease in head loss.A decrease in pipe diameter causes an increase head loss.

    Determine the change in head loss if the 100 mm pipe is used to deliver the same discharge [8 l/s] over twice the distance [260 m].FromFigure 24:

    When discharge is 8 l/s through a pipe of 100 mm, head loss is 10 m/km.Therefore, over 260 m [= 0.26 km] head loss will be 10 x 0.26 = 2.6 m.

    Difference is 2.6 - 1.3 = 1.3 m, anincrease in head loss.An increase in pipe length causes a corresponding increase in head loss.

    TABLE 4

    Indicative values of distribution efficiency (%)

    Scheme size (ha)

    Earth canals Lined canals Pipes

    sand loam clay

    Large: >2 000 haMedium: 200 - 2 000 haSmall:

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    Choosing a new irrigation system36

    FIGURE 25

    Basin, forder and furrow irrigation

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    There are three methods of irrigation commonly used on small schemes (See also Training

    Manual 5:Irrigation Methods):

    Surface irrigation

    Sprinkler irrigation

    Trickle irrigation

    The main objectives of these methods are to:

    Apply an adequate amount of water to meet crop needs

    Apply water uniformly across the field

    Ensure there are no long-term problems (e.g., soil erosion, salinization).

    3.5.1 Surface irrigation

    This is the most common method used on small schemes and involves flooding water across

    the soil surface so that it can infiltrate into the root zone and be used by the crop. Basin

    irrigation, border irrigation and furrow irrigation are all surface methods (Figure 25). The

    choice of surface method depends on the crop, cultivation practices, soils and topography, and

    farmer preferences.

    Surface irrigation is a labour-intensive method but generally requires less energy than

    other methods because of the low head required for distribution.

    Although surface irrigation is considered to be a simple method of irrigation this can bevery misleading. Surface irrigation design and construction is relatively simple and little or no

    imported specialist materials are needed. However, the proper management of the method is

    very complex. The efficient use of irrigation water all depends on the skill of the farmer, who

    must decide when to irrigate and how much to apply, and then provide the right discharge into

    the field so that water infiltrates adequately and uniformly into the root zone. This is not an

    easy task, as the soil and topographic conditions can be very variable and the farmer may not

    have the necessary degree of control over the discharge and timing of the application

    Potentially, surface irrigation can be very efficient

    if all the factors involved are under the careful control

    of an experienced irrigator. More often however, the

    water management skills are lacking and efficiency tendsto be low. As the designer will not know the level of

    field application efficiency that the farmer will achieve

    once the scheme is built, a typical value is used for design

    purposes (Table 5). If the actual efficiency is less than

    the typical value once the scheme is operating, then the

    farmer will need to operate the system for longer each

    day, or to reduce the cropped area to compensate. This

    fall in efficiency will increase the energy demand

    (Section 5.2).

    For additional information on surface irrigation see Kay (1986)1.

    TABLE 5

    Typical field application efficiencies

    for irrigation methods


    Efficiency (%)



    1. Kay, M. 1986. Surface Irrigation: Systems and Practice. Cranfield, UK: Cranfield Press.

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    Choosing a new irrigation system38

    3.5.2 Sprinkler irrigation

    Sprinkler irrigation involves distributing water in pipes under pressure and spraying it into the

    air so that it breaks up into small droplets and falls to the ground like natural rainfall. Sprinkler

    systems are generally more efficient and use less labour than surface irrigation and can be

    adapted more easily to sandy and erodible soils on undulating ground. There are many types of

    sprinkler system available, but the most common is a system using portable pipes (aluminium

    or plastic) supplying rotary impact sprinklers (Figure 26).

    An individual rotary impact sprinkler produces a circular wetting pattern with poor

    uniformity. To obtain good uniformity, several sprinklers are always operated close together

    so that the patterns overlap.

    Pressure is an important factor in successful sprinkler operation. Typical operating

    pressures range from 2 to 6bar, and so energy requirements can be much greater than for

    surface irrigation. If sprinklers are working at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer

    then the distribution will be good. If the pressure is above or below this value then the distribution

    will be adversely affected. The most common problem is when pressure is too low and this

    happens when pump and pipes wear, increasing friction and so reducing pressure.

    Typical data for rotary impact sprinklers are shown in Table 6.

    It is usually assumed that sprinkler irrigation is more efficient than surface irrigation.

    Potentially this is the case, but it largely depends on how well the system is operated and

    maintained. If pipe seals leak or burst, and if sprinklers are left running for longer than necessary,

    then wastage is inevitable. For design purposes, a field application efficiency of 75% is generally


    Traditional sprinkler irrigation is not so well suited to small farms. Typical spacings forsprinklers are 18m 18m, and so they are not so flexible and adaptable to the multitude of

    small plots usually found on many farms. An alternative which may be more applicable to

    FIGURE 26

    Sprinkler irrigation

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    small farms is the use of smaller sprinklers connected to the mainline by flexible hoses (Figure27). This is often called a hose-pull system. These sprinklers have great flexibility in operation

    and are easily re-located around the farm.

    For fuller details of the methods, their design and management the reader should refer to

    standard text books and other publications3.

    3.5.3 Trickle irrigation

    Trickle irrigation involves dripping water onto the soil at very low flow rates (2-20l/h) from asystem of small diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets calledemitters. Water is applied close

    to the plants so that only the part of the soil volume in which the roots develop is wetted.

    Applications are usually frequent (every 2-3 days) and this can provide a favourable high moisture

    level condition in which the plants can flourish. Many other claims are made about the method,

    including increased crop yields, greater efficiency of water use, possible use of saline water,

    reduced labour requirements and its adaptability to poor soils. An important advantage is the

    ease with which nutrients can be applied with the irrigation water. The relative importance of

    each of these attributes will vary depending on the situation.

    A typical trickle irrigation system is shown in Figure 28.

    TABLE 6

    Typical sprinkler data

    FIGURE 27

    Hose-pull sprinkler system

    1. Two publications for further reading are: FAO/ILRI. [1988]. Irrigation methods. Irrigation Water

    Management Training Manual5. Kay, M. 1983. Sprinkler Irrigation: Equipment and Practice.

    London: Batsford.




    Diameter ofwetted circle



    Application rate (mm/h) for spacings:

    18 x 18 m 18 x 24 m 24 x 24 m







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    Choosing a new irrigation system40

    Trickle irrigation is potentially a very efficient method of applying water to crops. Field

    application efficiency can be as high as 90%, but like any other method it relies very much on

    the skill of the irrigator to achieve this. Field measurements on trickle systems have shownapplication efficiencies as low as 25%. This was the result of poor system management rather

    than design. The farmers had not fully understood the concept of partial wetting of the root

    zone and so they wasted a lot of water trying to wet up the entire area.

    Because of the potentially higher efficiency and the operating pressure of only 1-2bar

    this method can use less energy than sprinkler irrigation and in some cases less than surface


    Trickle irrigation is very adaptable to small-scale irrigation. It can be ideal for small

    plots of trees and row crops requiring different amounts of water. Trickle laterals may also be

    moved from one crop row to another to reduce the cost of the system.

    Many claims are made about trickle irrigation, such as that it saves irrigation water,increases yield, etc., but care should be taken in accepting such claims. Crops need a certain

    amount of water to grow (Section 3.6.1) and generally they are not aware of where the water is

    coming from. If it comes from surface flooding, sprinkling or trickle, it makes little difference

    to the plants they respond to water. The saving in water comes from the efficiency with

    which the water can be applied and it is here that trickle has a distinct advantage. Some yield

    increases have been shown with trickle and this may be due to the favourable soil water conditions

    and the nutrients added to the water.

    For further detailed information reference should be made to specialist publications1.

    3.5.4 Selecting an irrigation method

    The selection of an appropriate irrigation method depends on a wide range of t

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