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Beyond Energy Healing with Dr Eric Pearl

Page 2 of 37 Beyond Energy Healing with Dr Eric Pearl © Copyright – Saul Maraney 2009 - All Rights Reserved.

SAUL MARANEY: It is 9.15 pm in Johannesburg, South Africa and 1.15 pm

in Sante Fe, New Mexico. Today’s the 30th of March, 2009. This is Saul

Maraney and I’m truly honoured to be joined on the telephone today by my

very special guest Dr Eric Pearl.

Dr Eric Pearl ran a highly successful chiropractic practice in LA for twelve

years until one day patients started reporting miraculous healings from

cancers, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy and other serious afflictions. Dr Eric

Pearl’s healings have been documented in six books including his personal

international best seller, ‘The Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal Yourself’ [Hay

House, April 2001].

For the past 16 years, Dr Eric Pearl has been sharing his amazing gift of

healing, giving world-wide seminars where large numbers of people have

been able to interact with these frequencies first-hand. So I would like to

welcome you, Dr Eric Pearl, and thank you very much for making the time to

speak with me today.

DR ERIC PEARL: Oh, it’s my pleasure. I’m glad you invited me on.

SAUL MARANEY: Thank you very much, Doctor. Eric, I would like to start

off by asking you if you can explain to me, what is “The Reconnection”, and

how did this whole thing emerge to you?

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DR ERIC PEARL: Well, let’s see. The short version of the story is…I was

minding my own business, when one day a lamp next to my bed turned itself

on and woke me up. I felt people in my house. I went looking for them with a

knife, a can of pepper spray and my Doberman Pinscher and I couldn’t find

anyone so I went back to sleep. And on that Monday when I went into my

office, several of my patients insisted that they felt people in the rooms with

us, just as I had felt in my home.

This was my twelfth year in practice and no one had ever said this to me

before; and yet my patients are saying that they felt someone standing by the

doors and someone walking around in the room. Someone else said they felt

someone running, and two people actually told me that it felt as if someone

was flying around the ceiling. So you would think this would have gotten my


But other patients were saying they could feel my hands before I touched

them. So I said, “Oh yeah, sure you can. Close your eyes.” So they’d close

their eyes, and I’d hold my hands in certain places, and they would tell me,

“Right shoulder, left ankle...”

So as I did that, my palms blistered a couple of times. My palm actually bled

once. Not like a stigmata, but you know, more as if you take a pin or needle

and accidentally stick your hand out. That little bit of blood that comes out.

And the next thing I know, people are reporting healings. They’re getting up

out of wheelchairs. Vision and hearing is returning, and they’re showing me

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laboratory results for their cancer tumours that have vanished. And children

with cerebral palsy and epilepsy are running and playing and not having

seizures any longer. Not all of them, but a lot of them. Enough so that we

knew that something real was going on.

And parents started calling, and patients were calling and saying, “What did

you do?” And I said, “Nothing, and don’t tell anyone”…which went over about

as big as Nancy Reagan’s, “Just say no to drugs”.

Soon people started coming in from everywhere going, “I’ll have what she

had,” and the next thing we know, people said, “Teach it.” And I said, “I don’t

know how to teach this. I don’t know what it is.” But more and more of my

patients would call me up after their sessions with me and say that when they

walked into their house, their lamp or TV or stereo started turning itself off and

on and they felt sensations in their hands. They would hold their hands by

someone in the family, and those people started having healings too. The

grandfather could walk after the stroke and the uncle regained the use of an

arm or a leg, and we began to recognize that once you interact with this, what

science refers to as a “New Level of Healing,” you seem to be able to fairly

easily learn to access it, to help facilitate healings for others, and at the same

time, facilitate healings for yourself.

SAUL MARANEY: And from reading your book Eric, and I really enjoyed

your book - just your story telling approach, and your whole light-heartedness

about the amazing gift that you have - is that it seemed to have started off

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quite a long time before this, almost when you were born and that whole

experience with your mom. Can you tell me a little bit about that, and how

that became apparent to you later on in your life?

DR ERIC PEARL: Well, sure. The thing I’m looking at right here is that I

didn’t really have a whole lot of conscious indicators, Saul, that this was going

to happen when it did.

I mean, pretty much, it was like I left my office on a Friday thinking I was a

chiropractor, and I came back on a Monday and I was something else. I

know, my parents always told me I was something else, but this wasn’t what

they had in mind! So I looked at it as starting then. But of course, that could be

like, you know, “looking at the straw that broke the camel’s back.” You know, it

was never that one straw, it was the culmination.

So there were some very strange things in my life that, when looking back at

this, may well have played an important role. What you’re speaking of is the

fact that during my birth process, my mother died and came back to life to tell

the story. I mean in other words, she’s still alive today, but she had what was

considered a, “life after death experience”, or what some people today would

call a, “near death experience”, or what Raymond Moody used to call, “life

after life.”

And what happened was, essentially, she felt herself dying on the table. She

felt motors (I forget if they were starting to turn on or to turn off), starting in her

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ankles, moving up her body, and as it got to her heart, she found herself

dying. And she didn’t want to die, because she was in the hospital getting

ready to give birth to her first child.

And she struggled and struggled not to die, but suddenly she sort of left her

body and she was somewhere else. She was passing through levels - levels

of “beings”, of “people”, of “spirits” or “souls”. And the first realization she had,

as she made this transition, was that there’s really only one regret that people

who die have. There’s only one regret and that is that the people here, still on

Earth, are sad, are mourning them, because they don’t realize that returning

to this place is “coming home”. It’s returning to where we all come from and to

where we all return to once again.

And she passed through levels of “spirits” or “souls” and found the third level

that she went to (she doesn’t remember the first and second), but the third

level was very uncomfortable, and that was because it was the level of people

who had taken their own lives. Now apparently, she was given the insight that

that was about the only thing you could do to temporarily interrupt God’s plan.

She didn’t like to use the word “cheat”, but it was like interrupting God’s plan

when people take their own lives. And the people who were on that plane, it

was not only very uncomfortable for them, but for everyone else who passes

through it, it’s very uncomfortable. She had a feeling that people would

eventually pass through that level and leave and continue back into the cycle,

but she wasn’t certain.

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Anyway, as she continued moving up, she suddenly found herself sort of

“drifting down a lane,” similar to what a lot of people who know life after death

experiences describe as a “tunnel”.

She was moving without walking towards this light. She passed flowers of

colors that we simply don’t have here. She saw this light that looked so bright

she was afraid to look at it because she thought it would hurt her eyes, and

she couldn’t help but look at it, and of course, it didn’t hurt her eyes at all. As

she was presented to that light, she knew it was that place that, once again,

we all come from, and to which we all return.

Then she was given the insights, the secrets of the Universe. Why the grass

is green and the skies are blue and the world is round? And how wars are a

temporary state of barbarism that we are in now, that we will transcend. We

will rise above how ridiculous it is for young men to go out and die fighting the

battles of old men. How we can’t even blame God for things that we tend to

do that seem to make no sense, such as drive-by shootings and things along

those lines. She said that once we’re there, we recognize that there’s a

reason for everything and everything makes perfect sense for us in that

space, but it’s a level of knowledge that we’re not necessarily to have here on


So then her life was laid out before her in front of that light, and she knew it

was a good life and yet, there was no judgement. Dannion Brinkley refers to

this as what’s called, “The Life Review.” He’s one of the people who speak

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about life after death along with Raymond Moodey and Elisabeth Kubler-

Ross and the other researchers.

And all of a sudden, she suddenly found herself being brought back. She

suddenly found herself returning to Earth, returning to her body. And now, for

all the struggling that she’d done to not die in the first place, now she didn’t

want to leave. And she tried to hold on, but she was somehow told that she

had to go back to raise her child. And so she struggled, because she knew

she was programmed to forget all the insights that she had been given there,

because they’re not for us necessarily, for us to have here, and so she

struggled to hold onto the ones that she did have.

This whole story is the second chapter of the book. It was probably the most

difficult chapter to write, because I had to work so hard to get it as accurate as

possible, and we don’t truly have the words here to convey the insights and

the understandings of what’s going on over that side. But very, very, very

many people feel that that may have been part of the introduction leading up

to what has allowed this new level of healing to start coming through me,

here, and on to the planet.

Some of the researchers today are saying what I had been feeling all along,

that this is not just a new level of energy healing. This is not another modality

of energy healing. This is it’s own new field of healing and the energy healing

techniques that we know of today are just sub-sets or portions of what we’re

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now able to access through this new spectrum of what Science calls, “The

Re-connective Healing Spectrum”.

SAUL MARANEY: That’s quite incredible, and I liked how you related,

through your book, that even when you went to spend a year in Israel,

because you didn’t have any major expectations that the Heavens were going

to open when you arrived there, you ended up having such a wonderful time.

And that actually led you to Rolfing, and then to becoming a chiropractor. And

although you didn’t know at the time that becoming a chiropractor was part of

your destiny, that brought you closer to obviously discovering the gift that you

had in you all along.

DR ERIC PEARL: Everything when we look back is part of the course. It’s

just that we don’t recognize it at that time. I mean initially, I thought to myself,

“Well if all of a sudden, one day I’m supposed to wave my hands by people

and they start having healings and voices coming through them and all the

strange things that were occurring, then why didn’t it just happen, you know,

when I was born or when I was two years old. Why did it take so long?”

But there are so many learning experiences to pick up along the way, and I

fortunately, at a certain point in my career, was exposed to what the truth of

chiropractics was all about. You see, most people are under the illusion that

chiropractors are back doctors or pain doctors, and in reality, the first

chiropractic patient didn’t have any pain. The first chiropractic patient was

deaf, and this guy D.D. Palmer who discovered chiropractics, saw that this

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deaf person had a couple of vertebrae in his spine out of place. So he clicked

them back into place and the guy regained his hearing. So Palmer thought,

“Oh, a cure for deafness,” and he put something out all over North America,

and deaf people started coming in for healings - cure for deafness. And they

would come in on horses and types of wagons, and he’s popping their neck

and their spine.

Some of them were regaining their hearing; some of them were losing their

hearing. But the point is, what they found was that most of these people were

having healings from very many, many different things. And what was

recognized was that by removing the interference, by rebalancing the spine,

he removed the interference between the brain and the nervous system, and

communication with the cells in the body and then the cells stay in healthy

form. They replace themselves with healthy cells. And when there’s a

vertebra out of place, the nerves that are affected by that vertebra being out of

place, then the cells going to those parts of the body replace themselves in

less than perfect form. So by removing the interference, by rebalancing the

spine and getting out of the way, the body follows its natural ability to simply

come back into a state of balance, a state of healing, a state of health.

And what we recognize now with this level of healing, with “Reconnective

Healing”, is that we also don’t do or treat anything specifically.

In energy healing they’re very busy figuring out what to do. You know, “move

your hands clockwise or move your hands counter-clockwise. Bring the

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energy up from the front and down from the back, or down from the front and

up from the back, and bring this percentage from here and that percentage

from there.” All these different steps and rules, which might be necessary

when you’re dealing only with energy, but at this point, now that we have the

Reconnective Healing Spectrum here, we no longer have the limitations of

energy healing. We no longer have the frailties or the weaknesses.

We don’t have to take our jewellery or our belts off. We don’t have to empty

our pockets of coins. We don’t have to move our hands in one direction and

not the other direction. We don’t have to collapse wave lengths. We don’t

have to bring in certain colors. We don’t have to breathe in to a count of four,

blow out to a count of eight, or smear ourselves with alcohol or any other of

those superstitions any longer. We simply access a level of “Light,” a level of

vibration with a sensation, and the body returns to a natural state of balance.

As the body returns to a natural state of “Light Balance,” anything denser than

that light has nothing left to hold onto.

You see, healing doesn’t work the way that we were taught, and our brains

don’t work the way that we were taught.

So for instance…well let’s talk about the “Light” in ourselves. You know in the

New Age field, everyone’s talking about Light - “I’m the “Light”, You’re the

“Light,” wouldn’t you like to be a “Light” too?” You know, all those lovely

spiritual metaphysical things. But we now know from Science, that it’s not just

a spiritual concept any longer. The DNA in each of our cells actually emits a

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specific level of light. Dr Fritz Popp in Germany was one of the first people to

discover this, and I believe in what I call, “The One Cause Theory” - the

degree to which we fall away from perfect health is the degree to which we

have temporarily forgotten who we are. That we are that “Light,” that we are

that balance.

And so as healers, what we do is we step into the situation and we simply

allow ourselves to “listen” with a different sense. To feel and to access this

broader level or spectrum of healing beyond just energy healing. The

spectrum that consists of energy, light and information that the researchers

think may not have been here on the Planet before.

And once we learn how to access this new level we get different sensations in

our bodies and our hands; different feelings. Sometimes it’s a “buzzing,”

sometimes it’s a “smooth” feeling, sometimes a “pushing” or a “pulling,” or “hot

and cold,” or “wet and dry”; or “hot, cold, wet and dry” all at the same time; lots

of different sensations, “floating” and otherwise. And yet all the sensations feel

good. They remind us on some level that we are “Light,” and we stay in that

“light vibration”.

But since we’re in this “Field”, what Lynne Mc Taggart and others in Science

call “Zero Point Field,” we’re all connected in this “Field”. So as we interact

with another person, even though we’re not touching them, this sensation, this

feeling of vibration, this consciousness of “Light” is communicated to them as

well. And so, somewhere inside of that other person, a little voice, figuratively

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speaking, goes off and says, “Hey, I remember this. This is me vibrating in

light. This is me vibrating healthy. I think I’ll do it again.”

And as they return to that natural “Light” vibration, anything denser than

“Light,” which tends to include most health challenges, pretty much has

nothing left to hold onto. And so, if appropriate for that person, at that moment

in time, in their life, that density or health challenge simply falls away and

healing is just that simple. And anything, anything more complicated than that,

is designed to sell you something.

SAUL MARANEY: I think that that’s very interesting, Eric and through the

book you talk about the Jewish Gypsy of Venice Beach that you met, that lady

that your receptionist who resembled Fran Drescher from “The Nanny”, had

introduced you, and I really enjoyed that section of the book. That Gypsy

woman, she had mentioned to you that she did special work that reconnected

the meridians of our body to the grid lines of the Planet. Was it because

something was in you from before, that that had such a great impact on you,

and really brought out this knowingness that you had the healing capacity

within you already?

DR ERIC PEARL: Well again, it’s like figuring out which straw broke the

camel’s back? Something seemed to happen. I mean, this woman on the

beach was doing a certain kind a work which she had been taught. And you

know, I called her up after I did the sessions with her and I said, “Weird things

are happening . My lamp next to my bed is turning itself on like twice a week,

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and other lamps in my house. Doors are opening up in the middle of the night

and my palms have blistered and bled, and patients are loosing

consciousness and they’re speaking the same words as one another, even

though none of them had ever had voices come through them before.”

So the woman didn’t have any real answers, and she introduced me to the

woman who brought this work into creation, who taught her and taught all the

other people how to do it. And after they all listened, well, it seemed as if the

work that she had channelled in (this very first woman) was like creating a

key, like think of a door key. She created a key, and all the people that

learned how to do this work, including the Gypsy on the beach who worked on

me, it was as if she gave them duplicates of this key. And if they keep trying

doors, keep trying doors, somewhere a lock, somewhere a door, is supposed

to open. And apparently, I was that door. I wasn’t the gift. I’m not the gift, I’m

the door. You know, look at your door right now. Imagine it opens up and

Oprah Winfrey walks in. Are you going to run over and go, “Wow, what a great

door!” - Of course not. Oprah is the gift.

These healings that have come through are the gift. As a matter of fact, the

woman who did this work to me came back to me to receive the gifts of

“Reconnective Healing,” because, you know, she had the key and I was the

door, but neither one of us was the gift. We have to receive the gift by

interacting with it.

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As a matter of fact, the book, it’s called ‘The Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal

Yourself,’ is in thirty some languages so far. We’ve taught moving up to close

to sixty thousand people around the world, and a good twenty percent of

those people are mainstream healthcare practitioners, doctors, nurses,

physical therapists, even medical researches. So this work is being practiced

in hospitals and in private practices, and I speak at medical schools,

universities, places all around the world and in hospitals on this work. But

another maybe twenty five percent or so of the people who attend these

seminars are, why don’t we call them, Advanced Masters, Grand Masters and

Master Level Teachers of the various energy techniques we know of today,

old and new. Reiki, Jirei, Jinshin, Quigong, Majan, Beiging, EFG, XYZ, 12,3 ,

you know, “mattress this and quantum that”.

They’ve all come because they recognize that we’re being given a new level

of truth that we can access today. And the truth is, that the techniques we’ve

been learning have allowed us to get closer and closer to energy healing, but

they’ve also been the glass ceiling. They’ve also been the limitations that have

stopped us from being able to access the healings themselves.

Now this sounds like a contradiction until we really look at it. But you see, the

energy healing techniques we’ve been learning are pretty much like the

training wheels on a bicycle. Think of a child, a very small child who wants to

get onto a very big bicycle. Now, those training wheels are pretty valuable

stuff right there, we know that. And once that child learns how to master the

bicycle with training wheels, then of course we take the training wheels off so

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they can master the bicycle themselves. Until then they’ve mastered the

bicycle with training wheels, but we know they’ll never master the bicycle until

the training wheels come off. But if we leave that child alone to their own

thinking, often times they say, “Well the training wheels have helped, but I’m

not perfect yet,” so they start adding training wheels. They’ll go to the training

wheels store, and the person who runs the store is happy to sell them another

set of training wheels. That’s how they make their money. So they’ll get the

24 Carat gold set of training wheels and the training wheels that make little

“beeping” sounds and the training wheels that send little red light beams out,

so you can see when you’re tipping it.

And that child, one day we’ll see them riding down the street on a bicycle with

twelve sets of training wheels. They’ve mastered the bicycle with training

wheels, and they’ve probably taught their friends how to master the different

training wheels too, and they’ve all got little pink business cards with rainbows

and fairies that list their various training wheels. But none of them have

mastered the bicycle, and none of them every will, until the training wheels

come off.

That’s what we’re doing with our techniques. We’ve been adding technique,

technique, technique; training wheel, training wheel, training wheel. The

reality is that mastering energy healing techniques is mastering the bicycle

with training wheels. What our teachers don’t seem to know, but the Masters

in healing do, is that the true gift from a technique comes not in perfecting the

technique, it comes in transcending the technique itself.

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So our teachers are experts at bringing students back again and again. You

know, “Come back next year and learn the next level; “Come back next year

and write me another cheque. My husband would love to deposit it, and learn

the next level.” But our Masters tell us not to come back because they need

the space. They know that there will always be the next student as long as

there’s truth to be taught; and they realize that they are not teaching us. We

are allowing ourselves to learn and experience and grow. First, in the

presence of these Masters and then in the silence of our own minds.

Now, the teachers today are not necessarily Masters, and our teachers today

seem to either not know this, or not want us to know this. But we can’t wait

any longer. It’s time for us to become the teachers of the teachers. It’s time

for us to become the “Light” that lights the next light, that lights the next


When you take a torch to light another torch, the flame on the torch does not

do a technique to light the next torch. The torch is lit because the flame has

become the “Light” itself. The light is the “Light” itself. And when we can

become the “Light” itself, when we allow ourselves to simply become the

healing instead of trying to do the healing, then we find that we ignite others in

being that “Light,” and bringing themselves back to the memory of who they

are. To come back to that perfect state of balance, where anything out of

balance, out of that “Light Vibration,” simply has nothing left to hold onto.

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SAUL MARANEY: So Eric, after that weekend that you went through that

process with the Gypsy woman that did that original drawing of those lines on

your body, and you came back to work the next day and everyone said to you

that you just seemed different and you were talking different. And then, seven

of your clients asked if you had been walking around the room, or running

around the room, or flying on the roof…I mean at that point, you knew

something was definitely up?

DR ERIC PEARL: Say the last part of that sentence again.

SAUL MARANEY: At that point you knew that something definitely had

happened that weekend, and that you were definitely changed?


SAUL MARANEY: And eventually when you were led to the LA (Los

Angeles) psychic who could tell that healings were coming through your

hands, and that you would appear on TV, you say in the book that shortly after

that, once you realized that you had this gift, the TV shows did start phoning

you, and people did start recognising that you had this gift. But it took the

realization in yourself, and to almost stop going out and asking everyone for

advice, that you started to be able to work with this power?

DR ERIC PEARL: Right. But the thing is, the more people I asked, the more

questions I asked, the more advice I was given, the more advice I followed,

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the weaker and weaker the healings became. It was the strangest thing. You

know, I called someone up because so many people were being sent to me in

their meditations, they would claim, and I would go and look at the people who

advertised in the back of the healing magazines, and on health foods, and at

book stores, and I called the ones whose pictures made them look the most

intelligent in all the ads out there. You know, “Come to me, I’m Charlie

Channeller and Larry Light Worker and Helen Healer and Rudolph Raindrop.”

And so I called some, and I explained what was going on, and the first person

said, “Well come out and show me.” So I went over to his place, and he had

some friends there, and I showed them the healings and what was happening.

And he looked at me and he said, “You’re using protection, aren’t you?”, and I

said, “Well, of course!” And I said, “Well, I mean, what do I need to protect

myself from?” They said, “Well, nothing really, just protect yourself”. I said,

“Well, is there something I should be afraid of?” They said, “Well no, no, no,

but use protection.” So all of a sudden I’m afraid of I don’t know what? They

said, “Call in the presence of Mother, Father, God.” So now I’m relieved from

the fears that I didn’t know that I had before I got there.

So I do that. I go to another person, because the healings seemed less after I

do that. So I go to another person. They tell me to show them what’s

happening. I do. They say, “You’re using protection, aren’t you?” I said, “Well

of course. I’m calling in Mother, Father, God.” They said, “What about the

Arch Angels?” Who knew? So I had to call in Michael and Gabriel and Uriel

and Rafael, and they all got certain places. I had to say, you know, “Excuse

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me Mother, Father, God, could you move a little bit, because I’ve got to put an

Arch Angel here?”

And I’m doing the healing sessions, but they seem less. I go to someone else

who tells me to call in Jesus. I go to someone else who tells me to call in

Sunanda. I said, “Who’s Sunanda?” They said, “It’s the star name for Jesus.”

I said, “I already have Jesus”. They said, “You need them both.” Pretty soon

I’m carrying a list of paper with names of beings; I’ve got no idea who they

are! “Alowt Tsu” and “Matzo Ball” and “St Germain” and “Bloody Mary” and

“This Mary” and “That Mary”. I got everyone. You know, I could hardly fit into

the room, and someone is telling me to say the 23rd Psalm. And as I’m doing

all these things, the next person tells me I’ve got to shake my hands off into

bowls of water, the water will catch the negative energy; and that I’ve got to

put salt in the water, because the salt will break it up. And the more things I’m

doing, the less the healings are happening.

And on one hand they say, “We’re working without fear,” and on the other

hand, “We’re spraying ourselves off with alcohol because of fear,” and it

suddenly began to become really clear, that we are being in the healing world,

spoon fed fear disguised as love.

We’re saying, “Bring in flowers because it’s love,” and then we’re also told that

it keeps ghosts away. We’re saying, “Protect ourselves,” and yet everytime

we do something to protect ourselves, the only thing we’re really bringing into

the equation is fear. Fear creates more fear. We’re being told to move our

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hands in a clockwise direction. “Move the chakras in a clockwise direction.

When you’re working over somebody, bring them in a clockwise direction,”

except someone else says, “counter-clockwise.” And then they say, “When

you’re lying down, move them in a clockwise direction, but when you’re lying

down and looking up and seeing your chakras, then clockwise becomes


The whole thing becomes an illusion. And what we’re not being taught, and

what we need to be taught, is that we’ve got to learn to step through our fears,

and find that our fears have been the illusion all along. They’ve been the gift

in the form of the challenge. The Universe has been waiting for us to become

strong enough and brave enough and willing enough to step through our

fears. F-E-A-R - False Evidence that Appears Real. And, of course, a lot of

people listening to this interview right now might be saying, “Yes, but a lot of

the fears are real. I know because...,” and they’ll give you a whole bunch of

reasons. “A psychic saw it; someone found it in a rice machine; it showed up

in a dream”, any number of reasons. They’re all false, of course, but they

have to appear real to that person. F-E-A-R - False Evidence that Appears to

be Real. And so the person has to believe it’s real, otherwise there’s nothing

to be gained in stepping through the fear in the first place. If we wait for it not

to really appear to be real to us, then we’re not stepping through our fear, and

we’re not gaining the gift of it.

So you know, start off easy. If you’re wearing all black on your way to a

healing session, don’t run upstairs and put on your healing colors. Put on all

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black and don’t cheat; don’t put on purple underwear. Recognize the worst

thing that could happen is you‘ll die, and if you do, then you’ll be alright

anyhow. If you don’t die, you will have walked through one conscious fear,

and each time we walk through one conscious fear, a thousand and one other

fears simply fall away with it. And the more we walk through our conscious

fears and let them fall away, the more darkness we let go of, the more we

simply become the “Light”. And as we go through this process and allow

ourselves to become that “Light”, we can simply step into the healing equation

as that “Light,” and know that we ignite the “Light” in others. We remind them

of that “Light” that they truly are themselves and they become that.

And light needs nothing to protect itself from because darkness does not exist.

If it did, we could sweep it up, put it in a paper bag and stick it out with the

trash. The fact is, darkness is only that place where we have not yet let

ourselves shine as “Light,” and our challenge as human beings is to do this.

We are being given challenges everyday now on a higher level, because the

potential is here everyday now to receive gifts on a higher level. Gifts being

the reward for walking through the challenges.

Now, think of challenge and gift as being the front and back of the same coin.

Try as you may, you cannot deposit an entire coin down deep into your

pocket, front only. The front and back had to come along. Our biggest

challenges today pretty much all boil down to that of judgement and ego. So

for instance, this new level of healing, “The Reconnective Healing”, the gift is

that it allows us to completely transcend our energy healing techniques. The

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challenge is that it requires that we do. In other words, what we’ve seen in

Science today, the research with “Reconnective Healing” is that this seems to

allow us all to access a new level of healing beyond anything that we’ve been

able to access through any of the energy healing techniques, old or even the

new ones in the books that are coming out like every six months. They’ve all

been, and they all are, Energy Healing. Doing a technique itself reduces what

you can access to simply a sub-set of energy, and even the entire compliment

of energy is just a sub-set of what Science calls this new, “Reconnective

Healing” frequency or wave length, or spectrum, or continuum.

And so, what happens is that even people who learn how to access the full

spectrum of healing through “The Reconnection” seminars, if they then try to

add an energy healing technique to it, it brings the healing down to its lowest

common denominator. It reduces the healing to the level of just a sub-set of

energy. What makes people try to add a technique to something that’s

already perfect is to try to make it better. It’s the judgement and the ego, and

when they step out of adding the technique, the level of the healing rises back

up to this new level. The understanding of this, the understanding of the

“Light” and it’s role that it plays in the healings, and many other things that we

have yet to understand, are still a part of demystifying the healing process.

So here comes another portion of looking at the gift and the challenge. The

gift is that through “The Reconnection”, it allows us to access more because it

allows us to demystify the healing process. The challenge is whether or not

we are willing to have it demystified?

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Now why would anyone not want it demystified? Well, for the same reason

someone might not want to be willing to transcend their technique; because

they feel that they get to gain something by hiding behind the technique and

the mystery. Because often, they don’t trust the reality of who they are. The

truth is, the degree to which we are not sure that we are truly accessing

healing is the degree to which we feel that we have to then put something on

externally, be it a technique or a costume or to go through the procedure. But

when we recognize that we simply are the healing, we then can let go of the

techniques and the procedures, and we don’t feel that we need to hide behind

them any longer.

SAUL MARANEY: So, as the healings accelerated and more and more

people started to come to you, and report the amazing healings that they were

experiencing from after you adjusted them, and they closed their eyes and

you moved your hands over their body …

DR ERIC PEARL: First of all, recognize it had nothing to do with the

adjustments. This is nothing to do with chiropracting.


DR ERIC PEARL: The fact that I was practicing as a chiropractor, is why so

many people were coming to me in the beginning so we could actually see the


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SAUL MARANEY: Right, and you say that you heard from Dr Deepak

Chopra to remain “child-like,” and as you stopped trying to direct this energy

and stepped back and let the Higher Power guide, and realized that this

energy was already in its perfection, then the healings just further accelerated

from then on.


SAUL MARANEY: So I guess it was very important for you to realize that you

weren’t the one doing the healings, but you were acting as a prism and joining

the client in the healing process.

DR ERIC PEARL: Right. And it’s important on many levels. You know

we’ve all heard, “Don’t take credit for the healings”. Sometimes we don’t

really fully understand why? And part of it is because when we accept credit

for the healings we also begin to feel responsible for when we don’t see a

healing. That doesn’t mean the healing didn’t happen. It just means we feel

responsible when we don’t see the healing happen the way we think it should

be. Except we don’t understand how it should be, because let’s face it, we

don’t understand the mind of God.

So the truth of the matter is, three people can come in with the same set of

symptoms and the same diagnosis and receive three different, separate

results according to what’s appropriate for them. And if we decide that we

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know the results, then we view ourselves as a success or a failure depending

on what the results, that we think should happen, are the ones that show up.

For example, some people came in with hearing loss and regained their

hearing. Some people came in with other problems, and those problems were

healed. Some people came in with one problem and another problem healed.

Does that mean that it was a success or failure? Well, I mean, a healing is

healing in whatever form is most appropriate. I had a woman come in and

she had a facial pain for years, and she had two sessions with me and her

facial pain didn’t disappear. She was in her late forties. What she’d forgotten

to tell me was that she had lost her hearing when she was a young child in

one ear; and she never thought about that because that wasn’t the problem

she came in for, so she didn’t tell me. And yet although her facial nerve pain

didn’t go away, her hearing returned.

So what is appropriate in the form of the healing is not determined by us. But

if we take credit for a healing, and what happens is if we don’t see the healing

happen in the time frame that we think it should or the way that we think it

should, we feel as if we’ve failed, and then we feel that we need to try to make

the healing happen in that person, or we need to make the next healing

happen in the next person. We become attached, and that attachment is the

constriction. It’s about the only way we can limit the healings from flowing

through. I mean the attachment just doesn’t happen on our end, of course. It

can happen on the part of the other person as well.

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I mean when these healings first started to occur, my patients were coming in

to see a chiropractor and I thought I was one, so you couldn’t really better

“double blind” a study better than that. No one was expecting anything. But

later on, when people heard about the healings, people were travelling in from

halfway around the world with serious health challenges and often they’d

come as a husband and a wife, or friends or other relatives. And I’d sit down

and have a nice conversation with two people, and then the accompanying

spouse would go and sit in the reception area, and the person I was left with

would turn from Dr Jekyll into Mr Hyde and say, “You know I just want you to

know that I don’t believe in this. I think it’s a pile of garbage and I wouldn’t

have been here if my wife didn’t make me come.” And I’d say, “Well, you don’t

have to believe in it. Why don’t you say to yourself, ‘Maybe it’s real and

maybe it isn’t but whatever it is, it’s a rare and unique opportunity to lie down

for thirty minutes in the middle of the day and rest your eyes, so take it.’ And

these people would have dramatic healings.

If anyone didn’t have the healing it wasn’t the person who didn’t believe in it.

It was the person who believed in it too much. The person who came in

saying, “I know this works, it has to work. I’ve read everything ever written on

healing. I’ve saved myself from full moon to full moon, and everyone’s waiting

for this healing to happen; so quick, heal me now.” That need, that

attachment, is about the only way that we can limit or constrict the flow of the

Universe. If the person didn’t believe in it, well it’s kind of hard to be attached

to something you don’t believe exists in the first place.

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SAUL MARANEY: But Eric, I hear what you’re saying and I fully agree with

you, but why do you feel that that attachment would prevent one from actually

receiving a healing?

DR ERIC PEARL: The neediness, the intensity of that, seems to take us out

of that open “child-like” flow. You know the difference is if you compare

expectancy to expectation. Now let’s say that you make an appointment to

see me and you have to wait six months and spend so much money, and

travel to another part of the country to where I’m staying; and then you fill out

some forms and papers, and then my assistant takes you into the room and

places you on the massage table, tells you to take off your shoes and to lie

there and relax; and ten minutes later I finally walk into the room, and I walk

over and I hold my hands near you for three seconds and I leave. You might

not choose to allow yourself to receive a healing.

But let’s say the next night you’re in a restaurant, and you see me walk

through and you’re with a friend and you go, “Oh, there’s that crazy person

that I had this session with, and I did the interview with. Gee Eric, would you

please let my friend feel this in their hands. I want them to feel the sensation.”

So I say, “Sure,” and I let them feel it in their hands for about three seconds.

But then the Maitre D’ at the restaurant is tapping his foot and telling me we

have to go because he has to bring me to my table. So I say, “Excuse me,”

and I go to eat. Now your friend might have a big healing the next morning.

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Maybe he had psoriasis on the left side of his face and body for all of his life

and so do his brothers, and his father and his uncles, and he wakes up

tomorrow morning with it gone. What’s the difference? Why in three seconds

would he receive a healing and you not? And the difference was: You had a

lot of expectation. You spent this much money, you waited this long, I should

at least spend so much time with you and talk to you a certain way before and

after it. All these different things are expectations.

The degree to which you “paint your expectation detail picture,” if I don’t

match it, we often don’t choose to accept the healing. But your friend had no

expectations. Your friend was simply in a state of wide open “child-like”

expectancy. “Oh well something cool.” And in that openness, the gifts of the

Universe simply flow through. The attachment, the need, the expectation,

becomes the limiting factor. Did you follow that?

SAUL MARANEY: I do. Great, thank you. And I found it very interesting in

your book that you said that it isn’t the disease that heals, it’s the person that

heals, and the healing is a decision reached between the patient and the


DR ERIC PEARL: That’s right.

SAUL MARANEY: So quite like you were saying, “If someone comes to see

you and they receive a healing and you start taking credit for it, it’s not worth

that high, because than when the low comes, and someone doesn’t get the

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healing that they expect, or you start judging it and you start feeling lousy that

people aren’t responding the way that you think that they should be

responding,” and that in effect actually reduces the whole wonder of it all.

DR ERIC PEARL: Right. It’s time for us to recognize that we don’t know the

answers. We have to learn to say, “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know,”

until we’re comfortable with saying, “I don’t know.” Because as soon as we

say that we know the answer, we stop learning right there on the spot. We

say, “This is right so this is wrong, this is right so this is wrong,” and the fact is,

when we are willing to say, “I don’t know,” it’s usually a statement that leads to

exploration. “I don’t know, however I can see this possibility or that. And I

don’t know, but maybe if this, then I can get to that. And if I can bring this

possibility and that together, then I have a better answer,” which really isn’t a

better answer at all. It’s not an answer at all. It’s a building block for us to

learn to ask even better questions, because our growth comes in our

questioning. Philosophy is about the questioning. We’re going to know all the

answers all too soon.

Right now we’re here for the growth that comes through the questioning, the

searching, the aspect of looking for the discovery, but not necessarily do the

actual discovery itself.

SAUL MARANEY: Right. And Eric you talk about “setting the tone” for when

clients come to see you and you’re doing this sort of work, and I like the point

that you make, is that a big part of this work, is that even before you start

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working with your clients you put them at ease, and to have a sense of

humour with them, because there’s no real need for concern with the work

that you do, because by realising that “The Reconnective Healing” is mediated

through a Higher Power, and the results are going to be most appropriate for

the client, no matter what they think is the most appropriate for them. So

there’s actually no need to be very serious and take everything so seriously

when people come to see you.


SAUL MARANEY: So do you think that the medical profession in general,

and even when you meet a “Reiki Master” or people that have seemed to

have mastered one small part of this energy healing, that they’re restricting

the full effect that the “The Reconnection” is able to bring through, because

you’re not judging it and because you haven’t put it into a small box and

labelled it?

DR ERIC PEARL: Well let’s see how to do this. What I found is that, pretty

much everyone can learn to access this. There is a reality of change that

goes on in this work. For instance, many of the researchers have shown

changes that take place in the rooms and in the people themselves when they

learn how to access this.

Dr William Tiller for instance and Dr Gary Schwartz, and others from Arizona

and Lynne Mc Taggard from The United Kingdom. What we’ve noticed is

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that, among other things, a certain type of “change” takes place when you do

energy healing, and a certain type of “energy” is released into the room in very

small quantities, what’s called “Excess Free Thermodynamic Energy”. And yet

the studies have shown, that when measuring “Excess Free Thermodynamic

Energy” in the seminar room where people are learning how to do

“Reconnective Healing,” it is so high, that the only way that you would be able

to access this, or reach this level of “Excess Free Thermodynamic Energy” if it

were Reiki or Qigong or Jin Shin or something else like that, would be if the

room temperature were heated to, get this, 300 Degrees Celsius. - Which of

course would kill anyone, right? So the reality that shows up in the research

about “Reconnective Healing” let’s people know that it’s there.

The people who are “Masters” and “Grand Masters” and teachers of energy

healing techniques, Reiki, Jin Shin, Jirei, Qigong, all of those techniques,

EFG, XYZ, the “Masters” know that the technique is a limitation.

Now if they’re just teachers or just students then they don’t recognize it. They

think they have to get better and better at the technique. But if they’re true

“Masters,” they know that the only way to receive the gift of the technique is to

transcend the technique itself. And in medicine, you can’t take medicine as a

whole. You can’t just say, “Medical doctors think this and think that,” because

medical doctors are all human beings. So today, more and more medical

doctors are learning this work, because they want to be able to bring more

healing into their patients. So more and more of them are learning this work

and they are bringing it into their private practices and into the hospitals, and

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others aren’t ready to do it. And you know how the expression goes:

“Progress marches forward one funeral at a time.” So let’s hope that those

who have to die to allow this “New level of healing consciousness” to hit the

planet, hurry up and do so, while the rest of us are still alive long enough to

enjoy it.

SAUL MARANEY: That’s right, and I guess even religion does that with the

different religions. That also comes from fears and “boxing” everything into

different compartments. Eric I know that we’ve only got a few more minutes

and I’d just like to sum up on a few more questions because I appreciate all

the time that you’ve given to me.

DR ERIC PEARL: I know that there are so many more questions that you

probably have, and if we’re not able to get to them, let’s let your listeners

know that if they go to:, first of all there’s a whole

section on FAQ’s, “Frequently Asked Questions,” that they can look at. Also

on:, they can access “Pod Casts” of interviews for

free with many of the scientists and researchers doing this work, and they can

get onto a directory of practitioners to find out who are the practitioners there

in their part of the world who can do this work. Also, I’m on the road forty five

weeks a year teaching these seminars, so they can look there on:, and find out when I’m going to be in the area to

help them learn how to do this work, and that might be important for them as


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SAUL MARANEY: Okay great. And at those seminars you teach people how

to interact with these energies and you help activate their hands, and I guess

that the main message through your book and through the seminars that I’ve

picked up is that, all we’re doing when we deal with this is, actually interacting

with these energies and allowing for a change in another person, and not

trying to aim or direct it, but just actually enjoying the evolution of these

energies, and trying to take ourself out of the picture, but at the same time join

the patient for the healing.

DR ERIC PEARL: Okay, well here’s where we are with it. If you decide to

come to one of the seminars, it’s a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Friday

night is three hours where we talk about the history of the work, the science of

the work and the theory of it. We give everyone a chance, if we can, to feel it

in your hands and we do a lot of demonstrations of the healings on stage from

volunteers in the audience. Saturday and Sunday is a working seminar, so do

not come if you think we’re all going to hold hands, sing “Kumbaya my Lord”

and “Ohm”. The fact is, it is a working seminar which means I’ll demonstrate

a level of the work in the front room, then we all go to message tables in

groups of two and four. I walk around to each of the tables and so do our

teaching assistants who are in from around the world, and we help you be

able to feel this, and you learn. You learn when you say, “Oh I get to feel it

here,” and then you start to see the body respond on the table, and move your

hands another way, and then you see the person’s body respond another

way. And by the end of the weekend, you own this work.

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The two things I can promise you by the end of two days is that you will be

able to do anything and everything in the way of healing that I can do, and

you’ll be able to do anything and everything in the way of healing that any

healing practitioner on this Planet can do, whether they were raised by monks

in a cave in a mountain top in Tibet and fed grains of seeds flown in on beaks

of individual birds, or whether they work out of a church in Brazil. It makes no


There is only one way we can truly access the Universe, and that is to

transcend the techniques and come into contact with that which is, “To

Reconnect” with who we are, with our originals beings, “To Reconnect” with

“The Reconnective Healing Spectrum.”

SAUL MARANEY: And you say in your book that you can’t help but feel that

this work has as much to do with the person who’s helping and acting as a

prism, as for the client that comes to see the practitioner. So for someone like

me that’s been drawn to this, I guess it’s something that’s always been inside

of me, and by helping other people like you do, each time that you help people

and interact with this energy, it benefits you as well as the person that comes

to see you.

DR ERIC PEARL: Well when our focus is on helping others receive the

healing, that’s when we have the least amount of attachment to our own

healing, and so that’s when we allow the gifts of the Universe to flow through

the most freely.

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DR ERIC PEARL: You know what, there’s something else you can also do.

You can go to: and see a clip of the new film called:

“The Living Matrix”. That’s where I’ve done a healing, where a healings

happened where I worked with a five year boy with cerebral parlsy who wasn’t

able to walk or speak, and now he runs and plays and he’s on the gym. And

they interviewed his parents, and showing that in Greece. And other speakers

on that film are Bruce Lipton and Lynne Mc Taggart, Edgar Mitchell, Rupert

Sheldrake, and this film is now being distributed around the world on a DVD.

So it’s “The Living Matrix” and I think you can go to: to

find out more about that, and it will start to give you ideas. If you just go to:, it’s all right there. You can click right onto it.

SAUL MARANEY: Okay, well great. Thank you very much Eric I really

appreciate your time that you’ve given me today. It’s helped me get a lot of

new insights to “The Reconnection” and it excites me that I have found about

this amazing new sort of healing that goes way beyond all the healings that

have been available to us up until now, and I really thank you Eric for the time

that you’ve spent with me and I really, really take my hat off to you, and thank

you once again.

DR ERIC PEARL: Well it’s my pleasure. Thank you for having me.

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About Dr Eric Pearl:

Internationally recognized healer ERIC PEARL has appeared on countless television programs in the US and around the world, spoken by invitation at the United Nations, presented to a full house at Madison Square Garden and his seminars have been featured in various publications including The New York Times. He is one of the guest stars of the new documentary film, The Living Matrix. As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them – even though he hadn't physically touched them. Patients soon reported receiving miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy and other serious afflictions. All this occurred when Eric simply held his hands near them – and to this day, it continues. His patients' healings have been documented in six books to date, including Eric's own international bestseller, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, soon in its 30th language.

Based in Los Angeles, Eric elicits great interest from top doctors and medical researchers at hospitals and universities worldwide. These include Jackson Memorial Hospital, UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the VA Hospital, University of Minnesota, University of Miami Medical School and the University of Arizona – where he addressed physicians at the request of Dr. Andrew Weil. New research programs are presently underway at multiple facilities under the guidance of such renowned research scientists as Gary Schwartz, PhD., William Tiller, PhD., and others. Eric travels the globe extensively throughout the year bringing the light and information of Reconnective Healing onto the planet. He teaches you how to activate and utilize this new, all-inclusive spectrum of healing frequencies that allows us to completely transcend “energy” healing and “technique” to access a level of healing beyond anything anyone has been able to access prior to now! To date, he has taught over 55,000 Reconnective Healing Practitioners in more than 70 countries, bringing about a spontaneous generation of healers worldwide.

For further information about Dr Eric Pearl visit:

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