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  • 7/29/2019 BhrighuYogavaliPart1BW


    Sage Bhrighus Blessings

    ByMaharshi Bhrighu

    A Mission Saptarishis InitiativePreface

    very translation of a rare manuscript like this has a story. The story is never printed but scholars andpassionate astrologers have a strong lurking desire to know the detailed process behind each work of thistype.

    Our friend Ms Helen Patterson once insisted that we write an article describing the amount of troublesthat are taken to finally get a translation out. If that is written then it could be interpretated by some as the team istrying to be boastful and take credit and one would normally not do that. Yet this has a story which might be ofinterest to some and some folks must be acknowledged is our main intention.

    After half a dozen articles of Bhrighu Saral Paddathi (BSP) series were published some 2 to 2.5 years backwe received a call from an acquaintance who had been repeatedly in touch with us regarding procurement of nadis& some other Jaimini manuscripts which we did send it to him. Here we must hasten to highlight that thisacquaintance has been referred to by Mr. K N Rao as his young bhrighu friend in his writings. This gentlemaninformed us in detail that he spent the complete of last 3 days testing the techniques of BSP on hundreds of chartsand it was working to such an extent that it was astonishing and thus he wanted to know the source which we could

    not disclose at that point of time. However at this stage since BSP was yielding very good results to many apractioners including this Bhrighu friend of ours, who have been very humble in making these confessions to us, wemust add that there is more to astrology than what we know of it in the last 1000s of years.... However this bhrighu

    friend of us mentioned the name of Bhrighu Yogavali during the course of discussions....


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    The name caught Bhrighu Yogavali caught our attention, we wanted to ask him where to find it but then hesaid that he has already given 1200 of such Bhrighu Yogavali texts, scanned in CDs to an internationally famousastrologer, which this aquaintance collected by travelling all over India and even Nepal. Then subsequently thehunt for this so called Bhrighu Yogavalis and are thankful to this young bhrighu friend of K N Rao started forcreating this strong desire, hoping to find something similar to BSPs in this Bhrighu Yogavalis. A hunt that hascaused us some pain which would be mentioned in detail later. We started calling all our friends to hunt and furtherprocure these Bhrighu Yogavalis. Finally it was SA volunteer Mr Ashutosh Kumar from Ranchi who havingsearched it in a lot of places got hold of it in Delhi, he probably paid Rs 5000/- ($110) for a photocopy from his ownpocket and got one of the Bhrighu Yogavalis texts in Sanskrit. When he called us to inform about it, we were spellbound since texts of Bhrighu Rishi cannot be so easily obtained, but the edges of it were badly spoilt and the printvery faint. Yet we were determined to translate it out since least to least some clues would be gotten. Then afterhaving contacted many Sanskrit scholars who refused to touch it since the first 2 pages were missing and the later

    30 odd pages had their edges spoilt thereby making the shlokas not possible to be properly translated, one Sanskrittranslator agreed to translate and infact did some work on it but he turned rogue and later did some things ofstabbing us in the back, this was a hurtful period since it showed us how bad we were in judging people. We gaveup on the manuscript and it was a period of depression due to other incidents too.

    Finally a volunteer by the name of Mr. Upendra Agnihotram from Hyderabad contacted us that his fatherwho resides in a village and is a Sanskrit school teacher would translate it into English but the problem was hisfather did not know English well and he could translate from Sanskrit to only Telegu language. Then Mr Upendrasaid he would in turn translate it into English. We took the chance and it took some time, infact a lot of time to getthe job done since, Ashutosh took a long time getting it scanned (he had to get it done on a friends scanner) and thensending it to us, we would in return send it to Upendra, who would in turn send it to his father in a village in

    Andhra Pradesh and then his father would translate it on a piece of paper and then post it to Upendra who had toin turn translate and type out both Sanskrit and English during his spare time. One can wonder if a professionalastrologer will be able to devote so much time to do what Upendra did, would he have the love for gettingknowledge out like how Upendra had. Then a problem came about (this often happens with Bhrighu Texts) MrUpendra got busy with official work and the work got stalled, at the same time Ashutosh was somehow not able to

    send further scanned copies. There was more mishaps which need not be mentioned as it would take space yet theywere significant and caused more pain as the delay of reading what Bhrighu Rishi had authentically written, as forthe first time in the history of astrology there was a written manuscript supposedly prescribed to Bhrighu Rishi,otherwise the Bhrighu Samhitas original leaves never come out in the open.

    We spoke to mentor somewhere during this period and he said that Khemraj Publishers, Mumbai hadpublished one of these Bhrighu Yogavalis many decades back and to procure it from them, we called the owner andhe was least interested in going to his godown to part with that one copy. Meanwhile during the Nadi AstrologyConference in Hyderabad we met once again the beautiful couple of Gowri Shankar and his wife Shakuntala andtold them our problem, they said in an instant they would take over from Upendra (he has completed till 200shlokas) and type it out and further translate it. Then there were technical problems with the Sanskrit typing

    which took our tool since none of us are computer experts and then the rough translation was ready but what aboutthe first two pages which would give us the period of the text. A chance talking with one of the volunteers brought asolution, he said it is available in Bhandarkar Manuscript Library, Pune and he would procure it. Finally he sent usthat manuscript which completed this particular text. There is a story behind this but due to a reason we do notmention the strange story behind it. Then Shakuntala compared both the texts and has finally reproduced the bestout of it, though still some shlokas are missing. We had procured the help of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan and evenpromised to pay some money to get the Sanskrit translation double checked since this text contains remedies for the

    yogas and remedies cannot be wrongly translated. Atleast the best of the efforts need to be made. Somehow thatdeal with BVB fell through and a lady having doctorate in Sanskrit was contacted in Dehradun who promised tocheck the translation but after 2 months she could not be contacted again. Finally Chandrashekhar Sharma who had

    earlier been busy with other texts was forced to double check the translation and eventually Part 1 of this work isout, after a gap of 2 to 2.5 years.

    One would see after reading this text that for the first time one gets to see names of New Yogas inastrology, the reason behind a yoga, the past life karma and the remedy for it, all this escapes all the other texts on

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    Yogas. The biggest joy for us is that it also corroborated one of the lectures that we had given in Hyderabad someyears back wherein we had mentioned (without knowing if such a text exists) that each Yoga needs to state theremedy behind it and the karma done in the past life for that yoga to exist in the chart in this life. This made usmost happy when recently we saw this translation of Bhrighu Yogavali. As to what we said in Hyderabad at anastrological conference and how Mr. A V Sundaram revealed some secrets to us, another article that is pendingsince a year will be published soon or probably together with this write up. We request everyone to read thismanuscript translation of Bhrighu Yogavali which presumably is one of the 1200 manuscripts of the same name andas per the 2nd shloka, it seems to be from a period of Treta Yuga, probably making it one of the oldest Jyotishdocuments to ever come out.We thank that young bhrighu astrologer friend of K N Rao who directed us to thismanuscript with just two words Bhrighu Yogavali, although this work is on yogas and does not contain predictivetechniques similar to BSP, yet he must be thanked. Many of you would only read this work and go on with yourday to day activities, our request is remove few minutes and thank the team atleast mentally, a team whodedicatedly worked on it and if you can send a Thank You note to them would be most encouraging, but doremember the word Thank You does not exist in 99% of astrologers vocabulary, you would be that rare 1% of thebreed.SA Publisher.

    P.S: Please do not approach us for any contact details of people mentioned in articles because as a policy we would not able tofurnish the same.

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    Translated bySri. Agnihotram Venkata Narayacharyulu and Smt. ShakuntalaGowrishankarSanskrit Editor: Sri Chandrashehkhar SharmaSpecial Thanks To: Upendra Angnihotram

    rgaeya nama|| praamyakeavaabhubramha gaanyakam ||

    prvoktimanassthya kriyateyogasgara || 1 ||

    Salutations to Lord Sri Ganesha. Obeisance to Lord Sri Vishnu, Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and LordGanesha. I am writing Yogasagar on the basis of what has been told earlier and has stayed in the

    receptacle of my mind (from what has been told earlier).


    triadvarasahasri sapta ---

    tretyuge gate vare yogasgarasabhava || 2 ||

    (First Line is incomplete in the manuscript)(Second line) However after 7300 of years had gone by in Treta Yuga, this text of YogaSagara was


    bhguruvca ||

    Bhrigu said,

    yugevedkti sakhy janmata pranatoopiv ||grahayogapramena jya prva karmakt || 3 ||

    There are 2244 yogas formed by grahas that are known in astrology that occur on account of thekarmas performed (in previous lives).

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    prathamdhyya madhyetu pacadyogak kramt ||teukheapramena jtavya puyasagraha || 4 ||

    In the middle of the first chapter, 50 yogas are mentioned serially. One should understand theirresults on the basis of grahas (position of grahas) from the meritorious work.

    atha yoganmni ||

    Names of Yogas (is as follows)

    manoj vaibhava saumyoytu dhanyaca bhmaka ||jmtovijay''nandau pigalo viphala sama || 5 ||

    Yogas like Manogna, Vibhava, Saumya, Yatudhaanya and Bhishmaka. Jeemuta, Vijaya, Ananda,Pingala, Viphala are to be understood.

    mahodadhi picaca dmincakradmin ||

    vgbhava rmukha krro gajaca adbhutasgara || 6 ||

    Mahodadhi, Pishacha, Daamini, Chakradaamini, Vaagbhava, Srimukha, Krura, Gaja andAdbhutasagara.

    rdhvodbhtoniptaca vilsaakramhiau ||devedrarjalca bhskarstaca viruta || 7 ||

    Additionally the followings yogas are also known: Urdvodbhuta, Nipata, Vilaasa, Shakra,Mahisha, Devendra, Raja, Shoola and Bhaskaraasta,

    cadrstodruacadracatusgarasgarau ||

    bhrtruhripughtacacchatrovajrojagatpati || 8 ||

    Chandraastha, Daaruna, Chandra, Chatusaagara, Saagara, Bhratruha, Ripughaata, Chatra, Vajraand Jagatpati,

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    vainika kalpacamnaso anubhava ubha ||

    vaijitodatnyacanadajvvitikramt || 9 ||

    Vinaasha, Kalaapa, Maanasa, Anubhava, Shubha, Vijita, Shunya, Nanda, Jeeva in the order.

    yasydauydakarmaprahaticaivayd ||

    tasyatdggrahairevbhadr'bhadra phala sthiti || 10 ||

    As one can see the effects of the karmas, that we can see (Karmas in present life), in the samemanner one can see good or bad results from the position of grahas, of those karmas that we cannot see (past karmas).

    saurstugethaturyebhavatikujayutomeasasthacabhnu ukrojvobudhov bhavati yadiyuto

    rjamnyodhanhya ||sthlodtadhanhyovarakanakayuto bhriratndipuro

    bhplairytisyabahusutabhrutakairdrghamayurmanoja || 11 ||

    Manognya yoga is formed when Saturn is in its exaltation (Libra in 10 th house), Sun is conjunctMars in Aries in the 4th house and Venus is conjunct either with Jupiter or Mercury. On account of

    this, the person will be stout, generous and rich, has abundant gold and precious gems. He will

    have many sons and will be long lived. Also he will either be a king or will berespected/honoured by kings.

    harigehaktaprvatenaitadyoga sabhava ||

    yensminsukhampnoti dhanhyo rjapjita || 12 ||

    (This yoga is formed) Because of constructing a temple for Lord Vishnu in the past life, the personin the present life will be wealthy, happy and will be honoured by the king.

    putrapautrdiyuktacajyatentrasaaya ||

    vruddhaklemahdukhaiputrapautrditodhruvam || 13 ||

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    He will be blessed with Sons and Grandsons. However, in old age he will definitely face miseryand grief because of them.

    naktacaharegehapurtenpidukhita ||

    This misfortune is for not having worshipped Lord Vishnu in the previous life.

    || ukra uvca ||

    Sukra asked,

    ki jpya kasya pj ca ki dna ca kimauadham || 14 ||

    What Japas, Pujas, and Danas should be performed and what medications should be taken (toavoid the above situation)?

    bhguruvca ||

    Bhrigu said,

    ane saptkare mantra bhaumamantra aakaram ||

    pratyeka dvisahasra tu japtv deya dhana tata || 15 ||

    Seven lettered Shani (Saturn) mantra and six lettered Kuja (Mars) mantra should be chanted for2000 times each and then money should be donated.

    rajata saptaaka ca haka ca tathaiva ca||

    The native should also donate 42 (7 x 6) silver and gold coins each.

    triatpala tmraptra ghtena paripritam||

    vabha vastragodhmau pradadybrhmayaca || 16 ||

    (The native should) Donate a copper vessel (plate) weighing 30 palas filled with ghee. Also donatea bull, clothes, wheat to a Brahmin.

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    (and) Mars and Sun aspect Lagna Lord, Vaibhava Yoga is formed. This is because the native in his

    past life had served the Rishis in holy places again and again.

    tena saukhya bhavettasya dhanhayo rjapjita ||gauraca capalo vakt gui ca mduvksudh || 21 ||

    (As the result of this yoga,) The person (in the present life) will be rich, happy and is respected bythe king. He will have reddish complexion, will be fickle minded, good orator, wise, soft spoken

    and will be endowed with good qualities.

    bahusthneu dt ca mitraatru samo bhavet ||satno na bhavettasya jtopica na jvati || 22 ||

    He will be known as a donor in many places and will have equal number of friends and enemies.(However, because of this yoga) He will be childless or the child will not survive even if he is


    satkalakam''dya brahmapanirhata||

    The above (problems in case of children) are because of defaming a virtuous married female andacquiring a Brahmashapa (curse) that could not be taken back in the past life.

    ukra uvca ||

    Sukra asked,

    kim jpya kasya pja caki dna ca kimauadham|| 23 ||

    What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and whatmedicines should be taken?

    bhuguruvca ||

    Bhrigu said,

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    rtiptra palnpaca tanmadhye tatra maale ||satrpaca kartavya tadagre krayejjapam || 24 ||

    Take a brass vessel (plate) measuring 5 palas (a particular weight equal to 4 Karsas) and draw amandala in the center. On the mandala draw a picture of Sati (virtuous married woman) and

    perform japa (of the same) in front of such a yantra.

    ayuta padmanbhasya matra bjkara japet || puroparitana krya prvoktavidhin saha || 25 ||

    Perform Padmanabha beeja mantra japa 10,000 times in the sanctuary of a temple as stated in the

    procedure earlier.

    tato dna prakarttavya navaaka ca hakam ||

    rajata bhnuatkaca divya vastravarastriyai || 26 ||

    (After the japas) donate 54 (9 x 6) pieces of gold and 72 (12 x 6) pieces of silver. Also donatebeautiful clothes to women.

    etadukta may putra japte tu vinirdiet ||

    tvate stru dtavya marghya sryya dpayet || 27 ||

    My son, I have been told that one should offer arghya (water) to Sun and the donation as indicatedbe made to 6 women after performing the japa.

    savatsn gav pancca tau stribhya pradpayet ||

    bhaume nakta ca karttavya tadaiva kathyate dhuvam || 28 ||

    (The native should) Donate 5 cows along with their calves, each, to 6 women. Also he should

    definitely fast in the day (i.e., eat only in the night) on Tuesdays.

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    bhaumayatratuprve ca dhrayedvidhin saha ||ena ddnopacrea prpyate satatidhruvam || 29 ||

    The native should wear a yantra of Mars in the hand above the elbow (below the armpit) afterfollowing the (purification) procedures. By performing (the above said) danas and remedial

    measures, he will definitely have children.

    mtavatsatvadoaghna cirajv sublaka ||

    tasm ddnaprakartavya pjyatra ca tattvata || 30 ||

    By performing the danas, pujas and wearing yantras to the extent, the dosha (defect of having a

    child who does not live long) gets cancelled and the native will have beautiful children who arelong lived.

    rutv tvanusava krya bilaba naiva krayet ||

    kavinca kta prasno bhgu paribhita || 31 ||

    After hearing, the remedial measures should be performed without delay. Thus answered Bhriguto Sukras question.

    || iti vibhava yogaphalam ||

    End of Vibhava yoga phalam.

    || atha saumyayoga phalam ||

    Result of Saumya yoga.

    lagne aame candra krrayuktotha vkita ||

    krraketreca jvajau soumy kedra trikoam || 32 ||

    Saumya yoga is formed when Moon is in the Lagna, 6th or 8th house, is conjunct or aspected bymalefics, Jupiter is placed in a rasi owned by malefics and benefic planets are in Kendras or

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    SanskritEditors Comment: The text appears to talk of Jupiter and Mercury in the house of malefic, butapparently it is a misprint since then it goes on to talk of benefics in plural. With Jupiter, Moon and

    Mercury already accounted for the only benefic left out is Venus. So there is some misprint and thus thetranslation as above seems to be right. However the yoga being named after Mercury (one of whose names is

    Saumya) one could also consider Mercury occupying malefic owned house and conjunct Jupiter being thecondition.

    saumyayoge kta prve mtulnyca sagama ||

    tena ppnusrea uklaku prajyate || 33 ||

    Saumya yoga is formed because in the past life, the person had sexual union with maternal uncles

    wife. As the result of that misdeed, he will suffer from white leprosy in the present life.

    naktdho drgharog v shukahna ca jyate ||

    alpadt bhavetkrodh putrastrmitradukhada || 34 ||

    The person will also have night blindness, will suffer from long lasting diseases and will be

    unhappy. He will not make any donations and will have an angry temperament. He will be thecause of grief for his wife, children and friends.

    ukra uvca ||

    Sukra asked,

    ki jpya kasya pj ca ki dna ca kimauadham ||

    What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and whatmedicines should be taken?

    bhguruvca ||

    Bhrigu said,

    ksyaptre pal rudr pacakoa tu maalam || 35 ||

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    Take a bronze plate of eleven palas weight and draw a pentagonal shaped mandala in that plate.

    strrpa ca prakarttavya tanmadhye cadankatn ||

    tadagre ca japa kuryt rudramatra navkaram || 36 ||

    In the center of that (mandala) draw a figure of female with sandalwood akshataas (rice mixedwith of sandalwood). Subsequently, perform japa of 9 lettered (Navakshara) Rudra mantra in

    front of that yantra.

    pacashasramnena prvoktavidhin saha ||haka ca tatoapyaaaka tra ca obhanam || 37 ||

    The japa should be performed 5000 times as per the method stated earlier. Later donate 48 (8 x 6)gold coins on a day of auspicious star (nakshatra).

    mkta ca gua tailagca vabhasayut ||

    etaddna prakarttavya japa kryo na saaya || 38 ||

    Later donate blackgram, jaggery, oil along with a bull. These donations (danas) and japas shouldbe performed without any doubts.

    tatastu rphala bhavyamymatrea matrayet ||tautrivra dtavya bhojana pyasa ghtam || 39 ||

    Next purify a good coconut with maya mantra. Donate food to two women thrice (2 x 3) alongwith ghee and payasam (rice boiled with milk and sugar).

    etaddanopacrea putro bhavati nnyath ||

    cirajv bhavetsnu rdnakarma prasdata || 40 ||

    By performing the danas, the person will definitely get a son who is a chiranjeevi (long lived),there is no other way he shall get a son.

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    ukra uvca ||

    Sukra asked,

    kena puyena hetorv rogahna prajyate ||

    What sacred deeds should be performed so that the native will become free of diseases?

    bhguruvca ||

    Bhrigu said,

    prvoktapuya ktv tu kakabala sayutam || 41 ||

    (The native should) perform all the earlier said religious measures and take a black woollenblanket,

    catvriatpala lohaptra tailena sabhtam ||

    mah ekrddhaaka ca sadviprya tu dpayet || 42 ||

    also take an iron vessel weighing 40 palas filled with oil, and donate them along with 3 (half of 6)cows to a good brahman.

    mtyujaya mah matra vidhin saha lekhayet ||

    dhrayitvtu revaikraye ddvijapjanam || 43 ||

    write Mrityunjaya maha mantra as per the procedure and wear it in the head after worshippingBrahmins.

    SanskritEditors comment: I think the word is a misprint and should be

    (raivaikhrayet) and thus the meaning would be, one should should write the mrityunjaya mantra, hold it

    on ones head and recite it loudly after worshipping a Brahmin.

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    somavraikabhakta ca karttavya ca vieaata ||

    tattaddanopacrea rogahna prajyate || 44 ||

    especially, eating food only once on Mondays is worth doing. By performing (the above said) thedanas and remedial measures, the native will be free from ailments.

    bhaumenaktaca karttavya putrrthe vidhisayutam ||

    kavinca kta prano bhgun paribhaita || 45 ||

    If one desires a son, he has to eat only in the nights (i.e, fast in the morning) after seeing the starson Tuesdays. Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukras question.

    iti saumya yogaphalam ||

    End of saumya yoga result.

    ytu dhnyayogaphalam ||

    Result of Yatudhanya Yoga.

    dharme krr ripuketre karme pp parethav ||

    chidre v bhavane pp krraibhraa suta gham || 46 ||

    Yatu-Dhanya yoga is formed when 9th house, 6th and 10th houses have malefics, or 8th house, 4th

    house have malefics and malefics have afflicted the 5 th house.

    ytu dhnye sad doa prva gotravadha kta ||

    tena ppnusrea sutahna prajyate || 47 ||

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    The native, in his past life was an evil spirit, always committing sins and poisoned the food of hisclansmen (or people of his own lineage) causing their death. Because of this sin, in the present life

    he will not have sons,

    athav jyathe ku rjarog tath bhavet ||

    kpao duavittaca ktaghno nirgua khala || 48 ||

    or he will be born with leprosy or tuberculosis. He will be a miser, will earn money by evil means,and will be ungrateful, worthless and wicked.

    garbhotpattau bhavet kaa stryo'pi puruasya ca ||garbhasrvo bhavettasya jtovpi na jvati || 49 ||

    (Because of this yoga) in both men and women there will be destruction of offspring. There will beabortions or even if the child is born, he will not survive.

    pptm duakarm ca etaccihnayuto nara ||

    brahma hatydi ppnicakrsau gotrah || 50 ||

    The person will be a sinner, will do evil deeds and bear the mark. He will commit sins like Brahmahatya (killing a Brahmin), go to prison and will be responsible for extinction of his lineage.

    SanskritEditors comment: I think the mark itself is being born with Leprosy or contractingTuberculosis.

    surmsanodve raurava naraka yayau ||ketre mtn godna kta tena kulodbhava || 51 ||

    He will consume liquor, eat meat, will be a hater, and will go to raurava hell. By donating landsand cows, the native will get sons.

    Sanskrit Editors comment: The donations indicated seem to be land for crematorium ()and

    Cows. This is so as he is said to have killed the clansmen in previous his previous life.

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    dimadhyvasne tu saukhya samada cittat ||

    The native will be in a continuous state of excitation, intoxication and passionate on account of

    consuming liquor. Also, he will be happy in the beginning, middle and later part of his life.

    ukra uvca ||

    Sukra asked,

    ki jpya kasya puj ca ki dna ca kimauadham || 52 ||

    What Japas, Pujas and danas (donations) (as remedial measures) should be performed and what

    medicines should be taken?

    bhguruvca ||

    Bhrigu said,

    rtiptra tath ksya caturdaa palai ktam || 53 ||

    Take a brass or bronze vessel of 14 palas weight.

    gotrarpa ca tanmadhye cadanena ca krayet ||

    tadagre krayejjapyamaghora bjasayutam || 54 ||

    In the middle, draw the figure of gotra rishi (rishi who represents the gotra) with sandalwood.Next, foremost, perform japa of Aghora with beeja mantra.

    sahasra krayetpactsu puyadivase ubhe ||

    htaka daa aka ca rajata dvigua tath || 55 ||

    After completing the japa 1000 times, on an auspicious day, donate 60 (10 X 6) gold coins, andsilver of double quantity and.

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    gvvavpisayatndbrhmaebhya pradpayet ||

    praptra ghtai pra brhmaebhya pradpayet || 56 ||

    donate these, along with a cow, a horse and a vessel filled with ghee to an accomplished Brahmin.

    ukra uvca ||

    Sukra asked,

    evam saktiryad nstitad kikriyate prabho ||

    Master, what should be done when one does not have the ability to do (the above said)?

    bhuguruvca ||

    Bhrigu said,

    tadarddhapuyata krya dna dadytsvaaktita || 57 ||

    Perform half (amount) of religious ceremonies and danas according the persons ability.

    garbhapte rutau vpi puya kuryccatatrata ||

    tad putradhana samyakprpyatentra saaya || 58 ||

    In case of miscarriage, perform punya (religious ceremony) as per the procedure prescribedearlier. Then, the native will definitely get treasured sons.

    dnate rphala bhavya mymatrea matritam ||arcayedbhaumavre tu krya nakta hi bhojanam || 59 ||

    Donate a coconut by reciting Maya mantra (i.e., enchanting) over it (while holding the same) on

    Tuesdays. Also (on Tuesdays) eat food only in the night (fast in the morning) after seeing the starsand performing puja.

  • 7/29/2019 BhrighuYogavaliPart1BW


    rutvnakurute puya tadate dukhampnuyt ||

    rjarogo mahcit putraurapi dhanairapi || 60 ||

    By not performing (above said) the religious ceremonies immediately after hearing, the nativesend will be sorrowful and he will suffer from Tuberculosis, Worries on account of Wealth and


    kavin ca kta prano bhgu paribhita || 61 ||

    Thus answered Bhrigu to Sukras question.

    iti ytudhnyayoga phalam ||

    End of result of yatudhanya yoga.

    Shri Agnihotram Venkata Narayacharyulu was born in1951 is a Sanskrit Pandit and well versed in Sankrit

    Vyakarana. He was graduated in Siromani Shiksha Sastri

    and MA Sanskrit from SV University, Tirupathi. He Worked

    as a Gr.I Sanskrit Pandit for 32 Yrs and now spending his

    retired life in Tanuku, West Godavari District, AndhraPradesh. He loves to upheld the tradition of


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