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Index ABC Color, 344, 350 Abrams, Elliott, 265-6 Abrego, Fr Ernesto, 241 Action Populaire, 11 Adams, Richard, 205 Adveniat, 212 Agency for International Development

(AID), 195, 196, 212, 218 Agosti, Brigadier Orlando, 355 Agrupaci6n Cat61ica Universitaria, Cuba,

253, 256, 257, 258 Aguilar, Fr Walter, 184 Aguirre, Fr, 194 AID, 195, 196, 212, 218 Aldana, Sr Victoria de Ia Roca, 372-3 Alessandri, Jorge, 325 Alexander VI, Pope, 51 Alfonsfn, Dr Raul, 374, 387 Allende, Salvador, 36, 323

and the church, 326-8 elected, 33, 34, 325 regime of, 16, 55, 334, 338

Alliance for Progress, 73, 120-1 Alves, Ruben, 118 Ambrose, St, 362 American Conference, 1890, 5 Amnesty International, 379, 387 ANACH (Asociaci6n Nacional de

Campesinos Hondurenos), 198-9, 200 Angelelli, Bp Enrique, 358, 367 Anselm, St, 124 Antilles, the, 8, 10 Antoine, Charles, 12 Apostolate of Prayer, 302 Aquinas, St Thomas, 120, 122 Aramburu, Cardinal Juan Carlos, 359,

361, 362, 364, 366, 368 Aramburu, General Pedro E, 357 Arana, Colonel Carlos, 218 Arbenz, Jacobo, 206, 207, 214, 218 Archbishop Romero Mothers' Committee,

392, 394 Arevalo, Juan Jose, 214 Argentina, 5, 31, 39,70-71, 73, 75,345,

393-4 Church and State in, 352-69 coup d'etat in, 352-3, 355-6 the disappeared of, 363-4, 374-5, 376(t),

379-81,382,383,385-7,392-4,398 and Falklands War, 171 and Holy See, 10, 18 papal visits to, 364

role of bishops in, 358-63, 365-9; episcopal conference, 355, 361; military vicariate, 357-8

role of Church in, 15, 17, 354-7, 401; pastoral developments, 72; persecution of, 367-9; social development, 73; Third World Priests, 33

state terrorism in, 353-4, 360-2 Arns, Cardinal Dom Paulo Evaristo, 60, 78,

299, 392 Arriola, Sr Silvia, 241 Arrupe, Fr Pedro, 57 Arteaga, Cardinal Manuel, 256 Artime, Manuel, 258 assassinations

in Argentina, 354,356,358,360-1,367-8 in El Salvador, 232, 241 in Guatemala, 218, 222-4

Association for Human Advancement, 196 Association of Mothers of Heroes and

Martyrs, 152-3 Astiz, Capt Alfredo, 367-8 Augustine, St, 120, 122, 123 Augustinians, 5 Authentic Front for Workers, Mexico, 290 Azurdia, Peralta, 212, 215

Baggio, Cardinal Sebastiana, 9, 55, 62, 400 and Puebla, 59, 77

Bahamas, the, 8 Barbados, 8 Barrera, Fr Ernesto, 241 Barricada, 134, 170 Barth, Karl, 120 base Christian communities

see CEBs Batista, Fulgencio, 256 Belgium, 11, 12, 34 Belize, 8 Benedictines, 12 Berg, Archbishop Karl, 83 Bermuda, 8 Betancur, Fr Ivan, 201 Betto, Frei, 264, 384 Biafn, Fr Ignacio, 257 Bigo, Fr, 11 bishops, 7, 66

appointments of, 49, 76, 115 and CEBs, 29-30 fear loss of authority, 28, 34-5 and Holy See, 9-10


418 Index

bishops - continued and liberation theology, 336-7 and military service, 133, 355, 357-8 and revolution, 110-11, 160, 261-2, 265 split among, 83-5, 202-3, 222-3, 240-1,

291-2 and the state, 16-20, 40-1, 54-5, 323-7;

social influence, 177, 225-6, 232-3, 324, 333-4; state terrorism, 105-6, 222-3, 332, 355-7, 358-69

Synod, 1971, 54-5 Synod, 1974,55-7 and violence, 110-11, 136, 160, 222-3,

355-7' 358-69 see also CELAM; Extraordinary Synod;

Medellin; Puebla black liberation, 118, 125 Blanco, Ruben, 363 Block Party of Costa Rican Workers,

Peasants and Intellectuals, 183 Boff, Clodovis, 315 Boff, Leonardo, 57, 101, 108, 119, 123,399

attempts to condemn, 60-1 quoted, 35-6 silenced, 78

Bogota meetings 1948, 5 1956, 69

Bolatti, Abp Guillermo, 359 Bolivia, 10, 14, 84, 382

the disappeared of, 376(t) persecution of Church in, 106 Sucre meeting in, 1972, 76

Bonamfn, Mgr Victorio, 356, 358 Bonaventure, St, 122 Borge, Tomas, 142, 153, 157-8, 166, 168 Boulard, Canon, 11 Brandiio de Castro, Dom Jose, 306-7 Brazil, 4, 5, 8, 31, 39, 75, 78, 127,400

compared with Colombia, 39-42 the disappeared of, 376, 384, 387, 392 papal visits to, 364 role of bishops in, 9, 10, 40, 41;

documents from, 305-7; episcopal conference, 84; and Extraordinary Synod, 87; and the people, 29-30

role of Church in, 6, 14, 17, 18, 36, 299-301, 303-8, 392; CEBs, 20, 309-15; changing Church, 38; Church of the people, 308-9; conflict within Church, 299-316; and Holy See, 10, 14, 62-3; lay participation, 92; parish councils, 313-14; seminary, 11; social development, 17, 73; two Christendoms, 301-3

state terrorism, 299, 305 Buenos Aires meeting, 1960, 70-1, 73 Burke, Edmund, 161

Bush, George, 175

Cabestrero, Te6filo, 155-6 Caceres, Jose 0, 241 Caggiano, Cardinal Antonio, 72, 357 CAL, 7, 11-13,55

and CELAM, 9-10, 72-3 Caldera, Mgr Arias, 156 Caldera, Rafael, 31 Calderon, Rafael A, 177- 179 Calles, Plutarco Elias, 6, 14, 279-80 Camara, Dom Helder, 7, 9, 11,73-4,392 Canada, 5, 85 Caneca, Fr, 300 Cano, Mgr Valencia, 16 Capuchin Order, 368 Cardenal, Fr Ernesto, 153, 154, 402

and John Paul II, 149-51, 161 Cardenal, Fr Fernando, 142, 154, 168, 402 Cardenal, Rodolfo, 399 Cardenas, President Lazaro, 274, 280 Cardijn, Fr Joseph, 12 CARE, 195 Carfas, Tiburcio, 187 Caritas, 193, 197, 203, 220 Carneado, Jose Felipe, 264 Carreras, Bp Jorge, 359 Casariego, Cardinal Mario, 39,218,219-20,

222 Casaretto, Alcides Jorge, 358 Casaroli, Cardinal Agostino, 148, 400 Castillo Armas, Carlos Enriquez, 207, 208-

9 Castri116n Hoyos, Mgr Darfo, 61, 62, 84, 85 Castro, Fidel, 11, 16

and the Church, 257-8, 262-5 Catholic Action, 3, 12-13, 20, 72

in Brazil, 300 and CELAM, 71 in Chile, 322, 338 in Costa Rica, 180 in Cuba, 254, 261 in El Salvador, 229 in Guatemala, 210, 213, 214, 215-16 in Honduras, 188 Youth of, 356

Catholic Church, 3-5, 6, 117,390, 398 in Central America, 97-117 changing trends in, 30-42, 168-9 Church and State, 13-20, 25-46 collegiality of, 83, 86 conclusions and perspectives, 398-402 development of, 3-20 and the disappeared, 388-93 futures of, 42-6, 108-17, 114-17 and human rights, 28-9 institutionalisation of, 19 missionary character of, 5-6, 84, 90-1

Index 419

Catholic Church - continued neutrality of, 39, 41 newness of, 97-108 option for the poor in, 99-104, 113-17,

121 and the people, 6, 25, 26, 44, 90-1 persecution of, 12, 14, 39, 97, 105-8,222-

4, 237, 240-2, 367-9, 389 'Polish model' of, 35-6 and politics, 16-20, 25-46, 275-8 reliving the resurrection, 107-8 response to incarnation of, 101-4 and revolution, 31-4, 109-11 role of, 84, 92 schism unlikely in, 43 social dimension of, 3, 15, 28-9, 176-86 strength of, 389-93 studies of, 26-7 theology of, 119-21, 124-6 and violence, 17, 19, 111 see also education; media

Catholic Electoral League, Brazil, 38 Catholic Pontifical University of Santa

Maria, 359 Catholic Relief Services, USA, 193, 329 Catholic University, Paraguay, 346 Catholic University of Louvain, II Catholic Workers' Circle, Honduras, 188 CEBs, xiv, 43, 44, 73, 92

assassinations in, 34 in Brazil, 29-30, 63, 314-15 CELAM opposition to, 78 in Chile, 324, 327-8, 331-2, 334-9 in Colombia, 40, 44 conflict with authority, 79 discussed at Medellin, 75 discussed at Puebla, 77 in El Salvador, 242, 245-6 and Holy See, 9 importance of, 44 in Nicaragua, 146-7 as opposed to parishes, 309-15 role of, 20, 27-8 support for, 29-30, 113-14 see also liberation theology

CEFAL, 12 CELAM, 30, 110, 292, 359

and CAL, 7-8, 9-10 change of direction of, 33, 36, 76 development of, 65-80 at Extraordinary Synod, 84 first meetings of, 69-72 influence of Trujillo on, 55 institutionalisation of restoration of, 77-

80 and Medellin, 74-6 and Puebla, 76-7 role of, 19, 40, 399-400

statutes modified, 76 structure and functions of, 68 and Vatican II, 73-4 before Vatican II, 66-73

censorship, 146, 344 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 55, 106,

168-9, 208, 325 and Bay of Pigs, 1961, 250-9 and missionaries, 212-13

Centre for Socio-Religious Studies, 11 Centre of Legal and Social Studies,

Argentina, 353-4 charismatic movement, 80, 202, 217,

226-7 Chavez, Mgr Luis, 229-30, 232, 233, 237,

240 Chernobyl, 127 Chile, 12, 25, 36, 39, 55, 59, 198 331, 386

Christian Democracy in, 19, 31, 33, 34, 321-5

the disappeared of, 376(t), 377-8, 380, 387, 392, 393

economic recession in, 330-1 and Holy See, 10 role of bishops in, 9, 332, 333-4; and

Allende, 326-7; and church reform, 336-7; episcopal conference, 325; statements by, 323

role of Church in, 6, 14, 17, 36; attacked by CELAM, 78; changes in, 38; Church and State, 16,321-40, 391-2; pastoral developments, 70-1

state terrorism, 329, 330 Christian Committee, Guatemala, 220-1 Christian Democracy, 12-13, 19, 31,33

attitude of Church to, 36, 38, 39 in Belgium, 34 in Chile, 321-5 in Honduras, 198

Christian Democrat Party, Guatemala, 206, 210

Christian Democrat Party, Honduras, 198, 200, 202-3

Christian Democrat Party (PDC), Chile, 322-6

Christian Democrats, Chile, 332 Christian Family Movement, 182, 216 Christian Left Movement (MIC), Chile,

326, 330 Christian Social Movement, 193, 196, 197,

198, 199 Christian Social Student Revolutionary

Front, Honduras, 194 Christians for Socialism see CpS Church in the Modern World, The, 74, 123,

304 CIDSE, 329 Cirera, Jose Maria Grau, 223

420 Index

CLAR (Conference of Major Religious Superiors), 7, 69, 77

Clark, Sr Maura, 241 Club Serra, Guatemala, 207 CNBB, 300, 304 Collino, Desiderio, 359 Colombia, 6, 12, 25, 31, 33, 386

CELAM transferred to, 55 compared with Brazil, 39-42 the disappeared of, 376(t), 378-9, 386,

392 Fomeque meeting in, 1957, 69 and Holy See, 10, 14 Radio Sutatenza, 191 role of bishops in, 9, 30, 40-1 role of Church in, 6, 15, 17; changing

church, 38; Church and State, 34; pastoral development, 71; social development, 73

Colorado Party, Paraguay, 344, 350 Columbus, Christopher, 49-50, 51 Comacho, President Manuel Avila, 284 Comblin, Fr Jose, 11 Comite Catholique contre Ia faim et pour le

developpement (CCFD), 13 Comite Episcopal France-Amerique Latine

(CEFAL), 12 Committee for Justice and Peace,

Guatemala, 222 Committee of Co-operation for Peace,

Chile see COPACHI

Committee of Democratic Organisations of Honduras, 190

communism in Chile, 323 Church allies with, 177, 178-9 church opposition to, 111, 176, 180, 189-

90, 207-8, 217, 226, 299, 301 condemned by Stroessner, 345 discussed by CELAM, 70 in Nicaragua, 165 opposed to church activity, 263-6 religious accused of, 230, 232

Communist Party, Costa Rica, 177-9 Communist Party, Cuba, 262-4 CONADEP, 354, 364, 386 CONAR, 329 Conference of American Armies, 354 Conference of Major Religious Superiors

(CLAR), 7, 69, 77 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 72 Confraternity of the Holy Sacrament, 72 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,

78 Congregation for the Evangelisation of

Peoples, 13 Congregation of Religious, 78

conscientisation, 13 Conservative Party, Chile, 322 contraception, 161, 293 contras, 146, 148, 152, 160

effect of, 173-4 and Obando, 132, 136

Contrera, Joseph, 132 co-operatives, 195, 214-15, 229, 323 COPACHI, 329-31, 331 Corripio Ahumada, Cardinal Ernesto,

61 Costa Rica, 19, 381

and Holy See, 10, 14 role of bishops in: episcopal conference,

77 role of Church in: divided Church, 182-6;

social reform, 176-86 San Jose meeting in, 1970, 76

Council for Co-ordination of Development, 197, 202

CpS, 17, 19, 36, 76,333,337 in Chile, 33, 327-8, 336, 338 and liberation theology, 38 in Mexico, 290, 292

Craig, Mary, 141 Crasselli, Mgr Emilio, 368 Crater, Guatemala, 219 Cristero War, Mexico, 15, 20, 272, 279-80,

283, 285-6, 288 Cristianos Revolucionarios, 143-4 Caudra, Pablo Antonio, 149-50 Cuba, 5, 8, 170, 181, 189, 389

Bay of Pigs, 1961, 258, 259 and Holy See, 11 1st Educational and Cultural Congress,

262 revolution, 31, 70, 166-7, 169 role of bishops in: episcopal conference,

265; initiatives, 261-2 role of Church in, 16, 19, 401; Article 54,

constitution, 262-3; Catholic congress, 253, 258; religious discrimination, 262-4; and the revolution, 253-68; weaknesses of, 255-6

Cuernavaca monastery, Mexico, 12 Cullmann, Oscar, 120 Curac;ao, 8 Curia, 49, 83 cursilho

see cursil/os de cristiandad cursil/os de cristiandad

in Brazil, 302 in El Salvador, 234-5, 237 in Guatemala, 216-17 in Honduras, 196

Cypher, Fr Miguel Jer6nimo, 201 Cyprus, 377

Index 421

Daneels, Cardinal, 82-3, 84, 88 D'Antonio, Mgr Nicholas, 201 de Castro Mayer, Dom Antonio, 9, .302-3 de Cespedes, Mgr Carlos Manuel, 259, 265 de Nevares, Bp Jaime, 358, 363 del Portillo, Alvaro, 291 Delegates of the Word, 162

in El Salvador, 231, 233-4 in Guatemala, 215 in Honduras, 190-1, 192

Derisi, Octavio Nicolas, 359 DESAL, 192-3, 196 desamortisaci6n, 15 Desarrollismo, El, 73 d'Escoto, Fr Miguel, 147, 168, 171,402

and insurrecci6n evangelica, 154-7 desobriga, 310-11 Devoto, Bp Alberto, 358 di Monte, Ruben, 359 Di Stefano, Abp Italo, 359 DIAL, 12 Diaz, Porfirio, 277-8, 280, 284 Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, 8 DINA, 332 disappeared, the, 372-94

in Argentina, 353-4, 356, 358-64, 367-8, 376(1), 379-82, 383, 385-7, 392-4, 398

in Bolivia, 376(t) in Brazil, 376(1), 384, 387, 392 in Chile, 329, 376(t), 377-8, 380, 387,

392, 393 in Colombia, 376(t), 378-9, 386, 392 consequences of, 377-84 definition of, 373-7 in the Dominican Republic, 376(t) in Ecuador, 376(t) in El Salvador, 376(1), 381-2, 384, 392,

394 in Guatemala, 218, 224, 372-3,

376(t), 386-7, 392 in Haiti, 376(t) and Holy See, 363-4 in Honduras, 376(!), 386 and international community, 387-8 in Mexico, 376( t) in Nicaragua, 376(t) in Panama, 376(!) in Paraguay, 376(t) in Peru, 375, 376(1), 379, 384, 386,

392 and role of Church, 388-93 and the State, 384-6 in Uruguay, 376(t), 387 in Venezuela, 376(1)

Divine Word Missionaries, 372 Dominguez, Evelio, 188, 191 Dominican Republic, 8, 376(!)

Dominicans, 5, 12, 61, 223 Dom6n, Sr Alice, 356, 367 Donovan, Jean, 241 Doogan, Fr Neil, 372 Duarte, Abp Luciano Cabral, 57 Duque!, Sr Leonie, 356, 367

ecclesiology, 337-8 and Extraordinary Synod, 87, 88

Echeverria, President Luis, 287 Eco Catolic6, 181, 183 ecological movements, 127-8 Ecuador, 6, 372, 386

Christian Democracy in, 19 the disappeared of, 376(1) and Holy See, 14

Ecumenical Encounter of Young People of Tacares de Grecia, Costa Rica, 184

Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights, 358, 368

Ecumenical School of Religion, 185-6 ecumenism

in Costa Rica, 184, 185-6 education

in Chile, 326, 333 in Costa Rica, 182-3 in Cuba, 255, 257, 258-9 in El Salvador, 233 in Guatemala, 207, 217-18 in Mexico, 274, 286, 293 see also radio schools

Eglise Solidaire, 12 Eisenhower, President Dwight D, 166 El Salvador, 34, 39, 100, 110, 162, 188, 386,

392 Christian Democracy in, 19 Church and State, 225-46 co-operatives in, 229 the disappeared of, 376(1), 381-2, 384,

392, 394 and Holy See, 14 peasant organisation in, 235-6 revolution in, 97 role of bishops in, 9, 225-6, 232; career of

Romero, 29, 239-40; and Romero, 240-1

role of Church in, 111, 116; delegates of the Word, 190; divided Church, 20; liberation theology, 42; persecution of, 97, 237, 240-2; seminary training, 115; since persecution, 242-6; traditional Church, 225-9

social developments in, 229-33 Ellacuria, Ignacio, 99, 109 Encuentro Nacional Eclesial Cubano

(ENEC), 253-6, 260, 266-7 ENU, 326, 327 Envio, 136-7, 143, 147, 148, 151, 152

422 Index

Erb, Patricia Anna, 368 ERP, 352 Eucharistic Congress, 1955, 66 Evangelii Nuntiandi, 90, 104 evangelisation, 55, 65, 86, 97

in Brazil, 311 in Cuba, 266 and the poor, 102, 104-5

Exodus, 121, 184, 185 Extraordinary Synod, 1985, 30, 31, 38, 82-

94, 91-4 and CELAM, 78 documents produced by, 85-6 effects of, 61-3 evaluation of, 87-94 Hurley statement on, 60-1

Falange Nacional, Chile, 322 Familiaris Consortia, 161 FAR, 219 Farabundo Marti Liberation Front

(FMLN), El Salvador, 245, 386 FEDEFAM, 374, 387, 388, 394 Federaci6n de Juventudes Cat6licas, Cuba,

256 Federation of Lending and Saving Co-

operatives of Honduras, 193, 197 Feij6, Fr. 300 FERES, II, 71,74 Fernandez de Sotomayor, Bp Juan, 6 Fernandez, Fr Juan Alonso, 224 Fiallos, Mgr Ernesto, 187 Fidei Donum, 12 'Fidelity to the Church', 292 Fides, 189 FIDH, 387 FIND, 394 Fisher, Fr J, 194 Flores, Abp Patrick W., 265 FMLN see Farabundo Marti Liberation

Front Fonseca Amador, Carlos, 166, 167, 172 Ford, Sr Ita, 241 foreign aid, 11-13,331 foreign clergy

in Chile, 323, 332 in El Salvador, 233 in Guatemala, 205, 210-14, 216-17,

220 in Honduras, 189, 201 in Mexico, 286 in Paraguay, 346

France, 4, 5, II, 12, 13, 15, 73 Franciscans, 5, 349

in El Salvador, 381-2 in Honduras, 189

Franco, General Francisco, 398 Frei, Eduardo, 16, 31, 59, 323, 325

Freire, Paulo, 198, 231 French Guiana, 8 Frente Unido, 33 Fuentes, Ydigoras, 209 fundamentalist sects, 168, 186, 243

Gaitan, Francisco, 15 Gallivan, Revd David, 265 Galvez Galindo, Fr Carlos, 224 Gandhi, Mahatma, 127, 154-5 Gantin, Cardinal Bernadin, 62 Garcia Moreno, 6 Gaudium et Spes, 53, 74, 86, 88, 120, 366 Gerardi, Mgr, 105 Germany, 72, 212 Golconde, 17 Gospel Fraternity, the, 367 Gran, Bp, 83 Grande, Fr Rutilio, 29, 241 Greene, Graham, 398 Grenada, 8 Guadalupe, Our Lady of, 14, 276 Guadeloupe, 8 Guatemala, 14, 97, 208-10, 386

Church and State, 205-24 co-operatives in, 214-15 the disappeared of, 372-3, 376(t), 386-7,

392 and Holy See, 14 neutrality of, 39 role of bishops in: episcopal conference,

105, 222-3 role of Church, 117; foreign clergy, 210-

13; persecution of, 97, 105, 222-4; urban ministry, 215-18

rural development in, 213-14 state terrorism in, 218-22

Guevara, Ernesto, 'Che', 167 Guianas, the, 4 Guistozzi, Fr Enzo, 368 Gutierrez, Gustavo, 33, 60, 78, 123

importance of, 118-19 quoted, 97, 99, 160

Guyana, 8

Haiti, 4, 5, 6, 346 the disappeared of, 376(t) and Holy See, 14

Hamer, Mgr Jerome, 78 Hasbun, Fr Raul, 326 Hebblethwaite, Peter, 400 Hermanuik, Abp Maxim, 83 Hesayne, Bp Miguel, 358 Hidalgo, Miguel, 272 Holy See, 6-8,9-13,49-63,388,400-1,

402 and Argentina, 363-5, 365 and Chile, 322

Index 423

Holy See - continued and church-state relations, 13-16 and Cuba, 261-2 and episcopal nominations, 66-7, 76,

115 and Guatemala, 207 and liberation theology, 160-1, 337 and Magisterium, 150-1, 161-2 and military vicariates, 357-8 its power over CELAM, 68 its pressure on initiatives, 43 and revolution, 109 and Romero, 240 see also papal nuncios

Holy War, 134 Hombach, Agustin, 187 Honduran Development Foundation, 197 Honduras

co-operatives in, 193, 195 development programmes in, 193-6 the disappeared of, 376(t), 386 and Holy See, 14 land agitation, 198-201 Los Horcones killings, 201, 202 role of bishops' episcopal conference,

202-3 role of Church, 111, 117, 187-204; and

development, 203-4; lack of clergy, 188-9; land movement, 201-3; persecution of, 97

social reform, 198-201 Horman family, 393 Houtart, Fran~ois, II, 399-400 Hoy, 349 Hoye, Mgr Daniel, 265 Hubert, Bernard, 85 Huerta, General Victoriano, 278 Humanae Vitae, 31, 161 Hurley, Abp Denis, 60-1

'I Have Heard the Clamour of my People', 305, 307

Ignatius, St, 51, 103 Independent Commission for International

Humanitarian Affairs, 374 Indians, 6, 15, 20

in Argentina, 365 attitudes towards, 50, 51-2 in Guatemala, 221

lnstitut Catholique, Paris, 11 I nstitut Superieur de Pastorale

Catechetique, 11 Institute for Religion and Democracy,

Washington, 106 Institutional Revolutionary Party, Mexico

(PRJ), 281 Instituto Hist6rico Centroamericano, 136,


Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation, 160-1, 168

Instructions on Liberation Theology, 57 insurrecci6n evangelica, 154-7 Inter-American Foundation, 329 Inter-American Human Rights

Commission, 387 Inter-American Regional Organisation of

Workers, 196 I nterdiocesan Social Secretariat, El

Salvador, 237 International Co-operation for

Development and Solidarity (ClOSE), 329

International Federation of Catholic Institutes of Social and Socio-religious

Research (FERES), 11, 71, 74 International Justice and Peace

Commission, 54 International Labour Organisation, 387 International Red Cross, 387 International Union of Superiors and

Superioresses of Orders/ Congregations, 7

Iorio, Fr Orlando, 368, 369 Ireland, 126, 161 ITAC, 185

Jackson, Jesse, 264 Jacques Maritain Institute, Rome, 13 Jalics, Fr Francisco, 368 Jamaica, 8 Jamaican Council of Churches, 1977,

263 JEC, 12 Jehovah's Witnesses, 260, 262 Jerez, Fr Cesar, 155, 168 Jesuits, 6, 11, 12, 55

in Argentina, 368 in Brazil, 300 in Cuba, 257 in El Salvador, 230, 233, 242 in Guatemala, 206, 209, 212, 223 in Honduras, 189 in Mexico, 286, 291 in Paraguay, 346

Jewish faith 329, 363 JOC, 12, 73, 180, 184 John Paul I, Pope, 30, 76 John Paul II, Pope, 18, 19, 30, 36

and 1974 synod, 56-7 and Argentina, 362 and Brazil, 62 and CELAM, 9, 79 and Extraordinary Synod, 30, 62-3, 82, 88 and Instruction on Christian Freedom and

Liberation, 160-1 and Magisterium, 161-2

424 Index

John Paul II- continued and military vicariates, 357 and Obando, 132-3 and the 'Polish model', 3~ visits, 35, 49-50, 400; to Argentina, 364;

to Mexico, 15, 34, 35, 77, 138, 293, 360; to Nicaragua, 133, 137, 138, 140, 146--53, 161, 168, 175; to Paraguay, 346, 349

John XXIII, Pope, 30--1,69-70,77,391 Johnson, Paul, 140 Jover, Mateo, 261 Juarez, Benito, 6 JUC, 184 Justice and Peace Committee, El Salvador,


Ka'akupe, Shrine of, 347 Klisemann, Elizabeth, 368 Kazel, Sr Dorothy, 241 Kemerer, Jorge, 359 Kennedy, President John F., 73, 120 King, Martin Luther, 154-5 Koenig, Cardinal Franz, 82 Kolvenbach, Fr Peter-Hans, 59 Kruk, Leon, 359 Kiing, Hans, 82

Laffite, Abp Fermin, 357 Laghi, Pio, 364-5 Laguna, Bp Justo, 358, 363 Laise, Juan Rodolfo, 359 language, 4, 70 Lanusse, Alejandro A., 352 Larrain, Mgr Manuel, 70--71 Larrain, Mgr Rafael, 7~ Las Casas, Bartolome de, 51-2, 388, 399 Lasaga, Jose Ignacio, 253 Latin American Confederation of Christian

Trade Unions, 194 Latin American Conference of Religious

(CLAR), 7, 69, 77 Latin American Episcopal Conference

see CELAM Latin American Federation of Families of

Disappeared/Detainees see FEDEFAM

Latin American Pastoral Institute, El Salvador, 231

Law, Cardinal Bernard, 265 lay participation, 73, 92, 162

and CELAM, 69, 70 in Chile, 334-6 in El Salvador, 230, 245-6 in Paraguay, 346 and persecution of catechists, 106 see also CEBs

Lebret, Fr Louis Joseph, 11

Legion of Mary, 302 Leme, Cardinal Sebastiiio, 38, 300 Lemercier, Dom Gregoire, 12 Leo XIII, Pope, 3, 7, 66

Rerum Novarum, 57, 278, 322 Leonfanti, Fr Mario, 368 Levingston, Roberto M, 352 Lewis, Paul, 346 Libanio, J. B., 303, 309 Liberal Alliance, Chile, 322 Liberal Party, Paraguay, 345 liberalism

and the Church, 275-8 liberation theology, 45, 52, 54, 116, 123

and 1974 synod, 56--7 after Extraordinary Synod, 61-3 attacked, 33, 3~, 36, 38, 40,76--7, 115 in Brazil, 30, 40--2 CELAM opposes, 77-8 in Chile, 321, 336--7, 339 in Costa Rica, 184 early developments of, 17-20, 73 in El Salvador, 226, 244-5 and evangelisation, 104-5 and Extraordinary Synod, 85, 92 and John Paul II, 57-9, 138-41, 160--1 matter and method of, 121-4 at Medellin, 5~, 75 in Mexico, 290 and New Creation, 118-28 in Nicaragua, 143-6 opposed to authoritarianism, 79-80 role of, 27-8

Ligas Agrarias Cristianas, Paraguay, 346 literacy, 45 Lopez, Abp Jorge Manuel, 359 Lopez, Fr Hermogenes, 224 Lopez, Mauricio, 368 Lopez Ardon, Mgr Ruben, 158-9 Lopez Arellano, President, 200 Lopez Perez, Rigoberto, 165-6, 169-70 Lopez Trujillo, Cardinal Alfonso, 9, 20, 33,

36,62 and CELAM, 55, 76, 77, 78 on liberation theology, 77-8 and Puebla, 57, 77

Lorscheider, Cardinal Aloisio, 59, 60, 61, 62, 84, 85

Lorscheiter, Bp Jose lvo, 61-2, 84, 85 Loyola, St Ignatius, 51, 103 Luther, Martin, 51, 143

McDonagh, Enda, 399, 402 McFarlane, Robert C, 265 Macias, Fr Alirio N, 241 Madero, Francisco I, 278 Madres de Plaza de Mayo, see Mothers of

May Square

Index 425

Malone, Bp James W, 83, 265 Mano Blanca, Guatemala, 218 Manuel Rodriguez Front, Chile, 386 MAPU, Chile, 324, 325, 330 Mar del Plata meeting, 1%6, 75 Marengo, Manuel, 359 Marginalization of a People, The, 305--6 Marist Order, 206, 223 Maritain, Jacques, 73 Marozzi, Jose, 359 Marques, Gabriel Garcia, 377 Marques, Mgr, 71 Martinez y Cabaiias, Mgr Jose Marfa, 187 Martinique, 8 Marusso, Fr Marco Tulio, 224 marxism, 142, 263, 334

and church in Cuba, 267 Church opposition to, 58, 78, 181, 226,

245, 256, 258, 323 Church suspected of, 55, 331 and liberation theology, 54, 123, 314 and Sandinismo, 143, 144-5, 165, 166-8

Maryknoll Order, 147, 154 and cursillos de cristiandad, 216--17 in Guatemala, 206, 211-13, 219, 223--4

Massera, Admiral Emilio, 355, 369 Mater et Magistra, 30-1 Mayer, Abp Jorge, 359 Mayorga, Silvio, 166 MEB, 300 Medellin, 1968, 16, 33, 36, 38, 65, 101, 106,

Ill, 114-17, 140-1,399 and CEBs, 75, 146 effects of, 19, 80: in Argentina, 367; in

Brazil, 304, 311, 312, 314-15; in Chile, 335; in Costa Rica, 181, 183, 186; in Cuba, 254; in El Salvador, 226,230-1,238,241,243, 244; in Guatemala, 215, 220; in Mexico, 289-90, 292

and Extraordinary Synod, 84, 91, 93 and John Paul II, 57-9 and liberation theology, 53, 75, 92, 140-1 and Paul VI, 54 on poverty, 98, 101, 102 reaction against, 109

media press: and CELAM, 69; in Costa Rica,

181-2; in El Salvador, 230; in Mexico, 286--7;

radio: in El Salvador, 230, 242; in Honduras, 191; in Paraguay, 345

Medina, Bp Mario, 350 Medina, C. A. de and Oliveira, P. A. R. de,

312 Medina, Mgr Jose Miguel, 357 Mendez Arceo, Sergio, 9 Mendez Montenegro, Carlos, 218

Mensajero del Clero, 181 Mercier, Cardinal, 177 Mesters, Carlos, 315 Mexico, 4, 5, 6, 12, 389

the disappeared of 376 (t) and Holy See, 10, 14 papal visit to, 293 role of bishops in, 9, 291-2 role of Church in, 6, 14, 293-5; attacked

by CELAM, 78; banned, 14-15; changing Church, 288-92; in constitution, 272, 278, 279; numbers of religious, 286; opposed to liberalism, 275-8; pastoral developments, 71; and pluralism, 280-3; restoration, 283-8; and revolution, 278-80; social development, 73; and the State, 272-95, 401

social organisations, 281-3 Meyares, Fr Jose Manuel, 262 MIC, 326, 330 Mignone, Emilio, 398 Mignone, Monica, 356, 358, 362, 368 military vicariates, 357-8, 369, 389-90 Miller, Fr James, 224 Misereor, 196, 212 missionaries, S--6, 11-12

in Guatemala, 210-13, 213-14 in Honduras, 189, 190-1, 200

Monroe declaration, 4 Montoneros, Argentina, 352 Mora, Arnoldo, 184 Morales, Emilio, 187 Morales, President Villeda, 188, 189, 190 Morelli, Alex, 12 Morelos, Jose Marfa, 272 Mothers of May Square, 364, 367, 368,

394 ~Movement for National Affirmation of

Christianity, Guatemala, 206, 209-10

Movement for Popular Advancement, 193, 195, 196, 198, 200

Movement of Third World Priests, 33 Movimento de Educaciio de Base (MEB),


Naci6n, La, 355 National Agrarian Institute, Honduras,

199-200 National Association of Honduran Peasants

(ANACH), 198-200 National Autonomous University, Costa

Rica, 185--6 National Catholic Party, Mexico (PCN),

278-9 National Commission, Bolivia, 386

426 Index

National Commission on the Disappearance of People (CONADEP), 354, 364, 386

National Committee of Families of the Disappeared, 392

National Committee to Aid Refugees, Chile (CONAR), 329

National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB), 300, 304

National Federation of Credit Co­operatives, Honduras, 195

National Federation of Farmers and Cattle­breeders of Honduras, 201

National Liberation Movement, Guatemala, 207

National Liberation Party, Costa Rica, 179-80

National Office of Social Investigations (ONIS), Peru, 17

National Party, Honduras, 190, 200 National Unified School System, Chile

(ENU), 326, 327 National Union of Peasants, Honduras

(UNC), 194, 199, 201,203 nationalism

and religion, 168-70 Navarro, Bishop, 188 Navarro, Fr Alfonso, 241 Navy School of Mechanics, Argentina, 356,

368 Nazism, 385 Nicaragua, 25, 61, 381, 389

censorship in, 146, 172 the disappeared of, 376 (t) elections in, 1984, 172 and Holy See, 9, 14 insurrecci6n evangelica in, 154-7 papal visit to, 133, 137-53, 168 penal system in, 173 relations of with US, 169-71 revolution in, 31, 34, 36, 58, 78, 97, 105,

14G-2 role of bishops: and CELAM, 78; and

military service, 133; and Obando, 136-7, 160; and the revolution, 110

role of church in, 117, 131-75, 141-3; Delegates of the Word, 190; divided Church, 20, 113; persecution of, 97; and the revolution, 109, Ill; seminary training, 115; and the State, 401-2

Sandinismo in, 163-9 Nolan, Fr Albert, 61 North American Episcopal Conference, 69 Northern Ireland, 127 Noticias Cat6licas, 69 Novak, Bp Jorge, 358 Nuestro Tiempo, 350

Nunez, Fr Benjamin, 179-80 nuns, 223

in Argentina, 356, 367-8 in Chile, 335, 336-7 in El Salvador, 233, 241 in Mexico, 286

Obando y Bravo, Cardinal Miguel, 84, 115, 131, 134, 139, 165

alleges Church persecuted, 145-6 and contras, 136, 162-3 and d'Escoto, 15~. 156-7 and papal visit, 147, 149, 153--5 and Sandinistas, 132-3, 144-6 and statement on Eucharist, 135-7

Octogesima Adveniens, 54, 57 Odio, Mgr Ruben, 180 Office of Religious Affairs, Cuba, 264 'On just wages' (Sanabria), 177 On Puebla's Paths, 306-7 Ongania, General Juan Carlos, 352, 357 ONIS, 17 Opus Dei, 55, 80, 183; 212

in Guatemala, 215-16,217 in Mexico, 291

Organisation of American States (OAS), 5, 7-8

Orlich, President, 181 Ortega, Daniel, 142, 154, 155

and papal visit, 147-9 Ortega Alamino, Abp Jaime, 263, 264, 267 Ortiz, Fr Octavio, 241 Osorio, Benjamin, 187 Osservatore Romano, 362

Pacem in Terris, 31 Palacios, Fr Rafael, 241 Pallottine Order, 368 Panama, 97, 376 (t) papal nuncios, 9-10, 49, 110

in Argentina, 363--5, 368 in Cuba, 263 in El S'ilvador, 24G-1 in Guatemala, 207, 210, 215, 373 in Honduras, 188, 202

Paraguay, 402 Church and State in, 344-51 the disappeared of, 376 ( t) episcopate of, 9 papal visit to, 346, 349 state terrorism in, 346-7

Partido do Trabalho, Brazil, 17 Party for National Action, Mexico, 294 Pascarelli, Lt-Col Hugo, 369 Passionist Order, 189 Pastora, Eden, 132, 174 pastoral development, 73, 115

in Brazil, 313-4

Index 427

pastoral development - continued discussed by CELAM, 70--2 as opposed to CEBs, 309-15 in urban parishes, 72

Patria, 349 Paul VI, Pope, 7, 16, 18, 30, 76, 400

and Argentina, 363-4 and Humanae Vitae, 31, 161 and liberation theology, 57 at Medellin, 140 and Octogesima Adveniens, 54 and Popu/orum Progressio, 31, 33, Ill,

304 Pax Christi, 387 PCN, 278-9 PDC, 322-6 peace movements, 126-7 People's Democratic Party, Costa Rica, 185 People's Revolutionary Army, Argentina

(ERP), 352 Perez, Abp Carlos Mariano, 359 Perez Alonso, Fr Carlos, 224 Perez Serantes, Abp Enrique, 257, 258 Permanent Assembly for Human Rights,

358, 368 Per6n, Isabel, 352 Per6n, Juan, 15 Peru, 14, 19, 382, 386

the disappeared of, 375, 376 (t), 379, 386, 392

and Holy See, 10 role of bishops in, 59~ role of Church in, 17, 78

Philippines, the, 346, 394 Piazza, Cardinal, 66 Pimenta, Archbishop Simon Ignacio, 83 Pinochet, General, 16, 330, 338, 391 Pio Latino College, Rome, 6-7, 69 Pironio, Eduardo, 55 Pius IX, Pope, 6 Pius XI, Pope

Quadragesimo Anno, 322 Pius XII, Pope, 7, 66-7

Fidei Donum, 12 Plaza, Abp Antonio Jose, 359 Plenary Council for Latin America, 7 Poland, 35, 36, 51, 59, 61, 142, 143, 161 Poletti, Cardinal, 83 Ponce de Le6n, Bp Carlos, 359, 367 Pontifical Commission for Latin America

see CAL Pontifio Collegio Pio Latinoamericano, 6-7,

69 Popular Advancement Movement, 191 Popular Cultural Action of Honduras, 192,

195-6, 197 Popular Unity coalition, Chile (UP), 324-6 Popu/orum Progressio, 31, 33, Ill, 304

Portillo, President Jose L6pez, 287, 288, 293-4

Portocarrero, Adolfo, 132 Portugal, 4, 50, 74, 388

and Brazil, 299-300 Poulat, Prof. Emile, 398 Prensa, La, 133, 147, 150

and Viacrucis, 157-8 Prestera, Fr Vincent, 196 PRJ, 281 priests

see religious Priests for the People, Mexico, 290, 292 Primatesta, Cardinal Raul, 84,359,361,364 Primer de Marzo (radio station), 349 Protestant churches, 120, 265

in Brazil, 301 in Chile, 329 in Costa Rica, 180, 184, 186 in Cuba, 256 in Honduras, 189

Puebla, 1979, 36, 87, 91, 92, 93, 114, 184, 399

Argentinian bishops, 366 effects of, 19; in Brazil, 312, 314-15; in

Chile, 335; in Cuba, 253-4, 266; in El Salvador, 226, 238, 241, 243, 244

importance of, 34-5 and John Paul II, 57-8, 138, 140--1, 293,

360 on poverty, 98, 100, 103 report on Cuba, 257-8 support for Romero, 9

Pueblo, 185 Puerto Rico, 8 Puigjane, Bro. Antonio, 368

Quadragesimo Anno, 322 Ouarracino, Mgr Antonio, 78, 359

radicalisation, 28 Radio Caritas, 345, 349 Radio Nanduti, 344 radio schools, 191-2, 198, 200

in Guatemala, 214 in Honduras, 192-3, 197, 203

Radio Sutatenza, Colombia, 191 Rafael Landivar University, Guatemala,

209 Rahner, Karl, 114, 120 Ramirez, Sergio, 154 Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph, 60, 62, 78, 80,

84, 160 Instruction, 1984, 38 The Ratzinger Report, 82-3, 87-8, 91

Reagan, President Ronald, 106, 109, 166, 171, 175

d'Escoto on, 156-7

428 Index

Reagan, President Ronald- continued and Nicaragua, 132, 133, 134, 145, 169

religious, 336-7 see also nuns assassinations of, 220, 222-4, 232, 241-2 disappeared, 392 and forced labour, 260 numbers of, 286 persecuted, 12, 105-7, 367-8 and politics, 16-20 shortages of, 188--9

Rerum Novarum, 57, 278, 322 Rerum Novarum Trade Union, Costa Rica,

179 Respuesta, 185 Reyes, Fr Manuel A., 241 Rice, Patrick, 398 Rio de Janeiro

1955 congress, 7, 66 1982 meeting, 78

Rivera, Mgr Arturo, 112, 115, 240 Rockefeller report, I 06 Rodriguez, Abp Carlos Humberto, 180,

181' 183, 184 Rodriguez, General Andres, 351 Rol6n, Abp Ismael, 347, 348--9, 350 Rome

see Holy See Romero, Mgr Oscar, 29, 30, 39, 52, 115

assassination of, 34, 97, 105, 162, 241, 392-3

bishops support, 9 elegy for, 247-9 influence of, 92, 237-40 pastoral line of, 232, 243, 246 quoted, 100, 101,104,117,399 and revolution, 110, 112 in Rome, 400 and violence, Ill

Rossell, Mgr Mariano, 206-7 anti-Communist campaign, 207-10

Rother, Fr Stanley, 224 Roy, Cardinal Maurice, 54 Rubio Dfaz, Mgr Alfredo, 71

Sabato, Ernesto, 386 Sacasa, Juan Bautista, 164, 165 Sacerdotes Para America Latina (SAL), 33 sacred, analysis of, 88-90, 92 Sacred Heart of Mary Congregation, 223 St Vincent de Paul, Society of, 302 SAL, 33 Salesian Order, 206, 368 San Jose meeting, 1970, 76 Sanabria, Mgr Victor, 176-7, 178, 180, 182,

185 Sandinistas, 58, 78, 137, 142

and the Church, 109,113,131, 142-3, 144-5, 160

and government policy, 171-3 ideology of, 163-9 and Obando, 132, 134, 153-4, 156-7 and papal visit, 133, 140, 151-2

Sandino, Augusto Cesar, 163-5, 169 Sansierra, Abp lldefonso Marfa, 359 Santa Fe document, 106 Santa Lucia, 8 Santo Domingo, 49 Santos, Hector E., 188 Schmit, Conrado de Ia Cruz, 223 Second Vatican Council see Vatican II Secours Catholique, 13 secularisation, 14-15, 42, 401

in Brazil, 314-15 in Cuba, 256 discussed by Extraordinary Synod, 88--90 in Mexico, 273-5, 276, 279

Segundo, Juan Luis, 118--19, 123 seminaries, 115

in Costa Rica, 182 in El Salvador, 230 in Guatemala, 206-7 in Honduras, 188--9

Sendero, 348 Serrano, Fr Marcial, 241 Seventh Day Adventists, 260, 262 Shining Path, Peru, 386 Sigaud, Proen<;a, 9 Silva Henriquez, Cardinal Raul, 324, 327,

330, 391 slave trade, 6, 50 Small Work of the Divine providence, the,

368 Sobrino, Jon, 29, 59, 118, 399, 402

quoted, 52 socialism, 236, 274, 290, 323 Socialist Party, Chile, 323, 330 Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family

and Property, Chile (TFP), 33, 333 SODEPAX, 53 Solidarity, 35, 36, 61 Solfs, Fr Javier, 183 Somoza Debayle, Anastasio, 110, 134, 152,

164, 165-{, Spain, 4, 51-2, 74, 189, 388, 398

in Argentina, 355, 365, 366 colonialism in, 5, 50, 51 and Mexico, 275, 286

Spellman, Cardinal, 208 Spezzotto, Fr Cosme, 241 Stroessner, General Alfredo, 344-9,

351 Suazo, President Siles, 386 Sucre meeting, 1972, 76 Sulpician Order, 207 Surinam, 8 Syllabus of Errors, 1864, 6

Index 429

Symposium on Liberation Theology, Costa Rica, 184

Tercerismo, 292 Terrazas, Julio, 84 terrorism

in Argentina, 353-4, 360--2 in Brazil, 299, 305 in Chile, 329, 330 in Guatemala, 218-22

in Paraguay, 346--7 TFP, 33,333 Thatcher, Margaret, 171 Theological Institute of Central America,

185 Theology of Liberation, A (Gutierrez), 33,

36, 53 theology of the Cross, 84, 88, 92-3 Tierra Nueva, 33, 34 Tomic, Radomiro, 325 Torres, Camilo, 31, 33-4, 38, 75 Tortolo, Mgr Adolfo, 355-7 Trade Union Federation of Northern

Workers, Honduras, 199 Trade Union of Costa Rican Educators, 185 trade unions, 179-80, 194 Trinidad, 8 Troyer, Fr John D., 224 Turcios, Jose de Ia Cruz, 187-8 Twenty-sixth of July Movement, Cuba, 256 Twenty-third September League, Mexico,

291 Two Hundred, the, Chile, 328, 336

U Thant, 75 Ubico, Jorge, 206, 214 UMAP, 260 UMDC, 13 UNC, 194, 199,201,203 UNESCO, 69, 387 Unidades Militares de Ayunda a Ia

Producci6n, Cuba (UMAP), 260 Union of Communist Youth, Cuba, 263-4 'United in Hope', 221 United Nations, 75

and the disappeared, 373--7, 387-8, 394

United Popular Action Movement, Chile (MAPU), 324, 330

United States, 4-5, 106 and CELAM, 8, 69 and Chile, 329 and Cuba, 258-9, 261, 265-6 and Guatemala, 207-8, 218 and Honduras, 196 missionaries from 211-12 and Nicaragua, 132-4, 137, 142, 145, 159,

163-4, 169-71' 173-5

United States Catholic Conference (USCC), 265

Universidad Centroamericana, 168 UP, 324-6 Uruguay, 12, 31, 39, 382, 389

the disappeared of, 376 (t), 387 usee, 265

Vanguardia Popular, Costa Rica, 179 Vargas, President Getulio, 300 Vatican

see Holy See Vatican I, 138 Vatican II, 31, 53, 65, 77, 115, 116, 120, 123,

255, 389, 399 and CELAM, 73-4 effects of, 36, 57, 390-1; in Argentina,

366, 367; in Brazil, 299, 300, 304, 311; in Costa Rica, 181, 186; in Cuba, 254, 261, 266; in El Salvador, 226, 230, 238, 241, 243, 244; in Guatemala, 215; in Mexico, 289, 292

and evangelisation, 104 and Extraordinary Synod, 82, 84, 86, 90-

1, 93 and John Paul II, 138-9 and new identity of Church, 101 and richness of language in, 120 role of local church in, 61-2 and salvation theology, 120, 121-2

Vatican ll and the Latin American Church, 82

Vekemans, Fr Roger, 11-12, 13, 33-4, 55 Venezuela, 14, 194, 198

Christian Democracy, 19, 31 the disappeared of, 376 (t)

Vernazza, Mgr Jorge, 368 Viacrucis Boletin, 158 Vicariate of Solidarity, Chile, 16, 330-2,

334, 336, 362, 391-2 Victor Sanabria Services Centre, Costa

Rica, 185 Videla, President Jorge Rafael, 353, 354,

355, 361' 369, 387 Villanueva, Faustino, 223 Vincentian Order, 181-2 Viola, General Roberto, 356 Virgin Islands, 8 von Wernich, Fr Christian, 368 Voz del Coloradismo, La, 345, 349

War of Triple Alliance, Paraguay, 345 West Indies, 4, 8 • Women's Club, Honduras, 193-4 Women's Housewives' Club, Honduras,

194 women's liberation, 118-19, 125 Woods, Fr Guillermo, 223-4

430 Index

Woordeker, Fr Walter, 223 World Council of Churches, 329 World Union of Christian Democracy

(UMDC), 13

Young Catholic University Students (JUC), 185

Young Christian Students (JEC), 12 Young Christian Workers (JOC), 12, 73,

180, 184

Zacchi, Cesare, 263 Zaspe, Bp Vi~ente, 358, 363

top related