big data 101: the social media and digital metrics that matter most

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Big Data 101The Social Media and

Digital Metrics That Matter Most.

A look at how data has become crucial to business decisions.

What metrics you need to understand and what you need

to measure. Tweet Along:



Rachel VanArsdale Social Media Specialist

Overview• What is Big Data?

• B2B Digital Revolution

• How to Tame Big Data

• Metrics that Matter– Social– Digital

What Is Big Data? Big Data is the frontier of a firm’s ability to store, process, and access (SPA) all the data it needs to operate effectively, make decisions, reduce risks, and serve customers. - Forrester

A phenomenon defined by the rapid acceleration in the expanding volume of high velocity, complex and diverse types of data. Big Data is often defined along three dimensions – volume, velocity and variety. -TechAmerica Foundation

Today's business buyers do not contact suppliers directly until 57% of the purchase process is complete

- Corey Mull, Research Director, CEB Marketing Leadership Council

B2B Reality Check

Suppliers on average only have 12% of their customer's total mindshare across the entire B2B purchase path

- Corey Mull, Research Director, CEB Marketing Leadership Council

Data Is Simply A Means To An End

"It's the moment, not the data that is perishable. That single moment you have to connect with someone, Big Data helps us capture that moment.”

- Charlie Swift VP of Marketing Analysis and Operations, Hearst

Big Data: Untamed

Big Data: Simplified

“Any data that contains non-obvious information that businesses can discover and exploit to improve their outcomes is valuable data, even if it's not necessarily ‘big.’"

- Srinidhi Melkote, Director of Analytics for Wyndham Exchange and Rentals

The Key Is To Tame Big Data

Don’t work for data, put data to work for you.

It is not the collection of data that matters, but how you determine what the data means.

When Tamed, Big Data Helps You ID…

Steps To Tame Big Data

1. Define Your Business Objectives

2. Set Goals To Achieve Objectives

3. Align Metrics With Goals

4. Set Quantifiable Targets

5. Define Meaningful Segments

1. Define Your Business Objectives

Forget the jargon and hype around the mystical word “Big Data” and get back to the core reason your business and website/digital entities exist.

Start With A Question And Worry About The Math Later:

Common ObjectivesGenerate Awareness

Generate Leads

Highlight Events

Sell Product/Service

Customer Engagement

2. Set Goals To Achieve Objectives

Define the specific business activities that you work on improving day in and day out.

Effectiveness vs. Efficiency

Doing The Right Things


Doing The Wrong Things Well

If Your Goals Do Not…

• Contribute to your business objectives

• Provide clarity to reporting

• Affect your bottom line

• Help grow your business

Then start over.

Common GoalsIncrease New Visitors

Increase Fan Base

Increase Community Engagement

Capture Leads - Emails/Forms

Provide Resources for Customers

Improve Conversion Rate

Shorten Sales Cycle

Increase Customer Order Value

3. Align Metrics With Goals

Don’t waste your time collecting and analyzing meaningless numbers – predefine what metrics matter.

DATA GAP: Expectations vs. Reality • 93% of respondents rely on business information to do their jobs well

• 43% report that they have access to the information they need

• 20% of business professionals feel that the business information they receive adequately answers their questions

• 86% of marketers reported that their business information does not answer their questions

• 68% of business professionals regularly have difficulty making sense of their business information

- DOMO: The BI(G) Disappointment Survey (n=1,064)

"We are trying to be more intelligent about data. It's not about targeting the minutia; it's about trying to identify what is really important and relevant. For us, we have 50 to 60 products to present to customers, each with different value drivers and value components.“- Steve Ireland, Executive Director/Head of Advertising Strategy and Platforms at JPMorgan Chase

Don’t Be A SoftieJust because you can measure something doesn't necessarily mean that it matters:

Vanity metrics can make marketers feel popular and in turn warm and fuzzy inside. But if they do not help your bottom line or provide clarity they do not matter!

“Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

The Reality Of Metrics

Not So Easy: • Brand Awareness• Thought Leadership• Perception Changes

Easy: • E-commerce• Lead Generation• Downloads • Conversions

Metrics That Matter

All metrics were not created equal for each business.Keep your goals in mind and make sure that these metrics help you keep your KPIs in check.

4 Content Metrics That Matter• Consumption Metrics: How many people

consumed your content?

• Sharing Metrics: How often do consumers share your content with others?

• Lead Generation Metrics: How often do content consumers turn into leads??

• Sales Metrics: How often do content consumers turn into customers? - Jay Baer, Convince and Convert

Metrics That Matter: FacebookSomeone can you, but are they actually engaging with you?

• Reach vs. Virality: Understand how many people are seeing your posts, but more importantly actually interacting with it to help your content virality.

• Engaged Users: What posts got more users engaged?

• People Talking About Your Page: What type of stories are getting more reach?

Metrics That Matter: Twitter

• What content are your followers consuming: – Retweets, @Mentions, Favorites, Clicks

• Correlation between engaging vs. flat content: – ID common denominators such as content

type, time posted, CTA, influencers reached

• Look at trends in data over time:– When you tweet more/less do your interactions

increase, decrease or stay flat?– What time/day does your audience like to engage


You have 1,000 Pat yourself on the back. But is your engagement flat?

Metrics That Matter: YouTubeViews are still but there is more to understand.

• Source of your Channel Traffic:• Understand how to best promote your videos

• Audience Attention: • How long are people watching your videos? • A video’s tipping point? • Can you benefit from shorter or longer videos?• Can you better position key messaging/CTA?

• Audience Engagement:• Track link referrals in video description –• Increased website traffic – site referrals

• CTA - Annotations• Subscriptions, Favorites, Comments, Likes

• Audience Demographic:• Are you reaching your target audience or do you need to

modify your content in the future?

Metrics That Matter: Social Referrals

• What channel/content is generating quality visits?

• What channel/content is generating quality leads?

• What channel/content is driving conversions to and on your site?

Define points of conversion to understand socials impact.

Metrics That Matter: Google Analytics

Metrics That Matter: Visitor Frequency/Recency

• Are you building long-term relationships?

• Are you providing utility to your audience?

• Are you creating a user experience that encourages return visits or purchases?

Are you creating a connection with your ?

Metrics That Matter: Conversion Rate

URL:• Contact Us Forms• Content Downloads• Purchases

Engagement:• Account Creations• # of Pages Viewed• Time Spent on Site

Event:• Email Sign Ups• Viewed a Video• Followed Social Outlets

Define the that contribute to your goals.

Metrics That Matter: Quality Visits

• Bounce Rate and Average Time: – Is your content enticing users to move on?– Are users invested in your content?

• Visitor Flow:– How are visitors moving through your site?– Do any pages have unusually high drop-offs?

• Pages Viewed:– What is your page view tipping point?– Is there a common visit funnel forming?

Is your website sticky, keeping users with the content you want them to view.

Important to understand the difference between content, utility, e-commerce and information based sites.

Metrics That Matter: Traffic Understand where your traffic is coming from and what is driving successful sessions on your site.

• Traffic Sources: Search, Direct, Referrals, Campaigns– Where are your visitors coming from?– Are you too reliant on one area - search, social, etc.?– What areas are you investing a lot of time and money in, are they delivering?

• Content:– What content/posts are the most popular and get the most engagement?– Use that info to inform your business decisions for future content.

• ID Visit/Content Correlation:– Connect the dots between large spikes in traffic and your supporting marketing

initiatives/content.– Understand what initiatives tie into traffic spikes/conversions/content viewed/ etc.

“With proper insight, you can learn how, what and where to invest your efforts to build the right content and experience in the right places for your audience.”

- Mitch Joel, the Author of Six Pixels of Separation

4. Set Quantifiable Targets

Set quantifiable goals for yourself. You need a target to aim for in order to keep yourself and your team’s efforts in check.

Be Accountable To The Data

• Keep your targets attainable: – Look at historical data to decide what would be a good goal to

set for the future.– What results have similar efforts produced?– What specific benchmarks will help you achieve your goals?

You can not accurately measure your success or failure without knowing what you are aiming for.

• Track your progress month to month to keep your goals on track:– Tracking lets you keep a check on how you are performing so you

can make real-time decisions for improvement. – Reevaluate your goals if need be.

Understand how you can improve, don’t just use metrics to prove your success.

5. Define Meaningful Segments

Identify the groups of people, types of visitors, sources, site behaviors or outcomes that are important to focus on when analyzing each KPI.

Default Segments– All Visits– New Visitors– Returning Visitors– Paid Search Traffic– Non-paid Search Traffic– Search Traffic– Direct Traffic

– Referral Traffic– Visits with Conversions– Visits with

Transactions– Mobile Traffic– Tablet Traffic– Non-Bounce Visits

Advanced Segments: Custom Variables

• Visitor-level: demographic info, customer info, source info– Keyword Used– State Visiting From– Site Entrance from a Web Banner

• Session-level: behavior during the site visit– Viewed a Certain Section of the Site– Downloaded a Certain Piece of Content– Days Since Last Visit

• Page view-level: behavior on a particular page– Viewed a Video– Social Action– Goal Completion Location

Recap: Steps To Tame Big Data1. Define Your Business Objectives

2. Set Goals To Achieve Objectives

3. Align Metrics With Goals

4. Set Quantifiable Targets

5. Define Meaningful Segments

Big Data: Tamed Monster

“Marketers everywhere are stewards of consumer data. It is our actions and abilities - and care and attention - that enable brands to responsibly use all the data we have - big and otherwise - to delight customers, and engage them with our brands.” -

Data Stewardship

“At the end of the day, big data is meaningless - as is small data or any other form - if it doesn't help us create more meaningful and relevant customer experiences.”

- Stephanie Miller, VP, Member Relations, DMA

Big Data 201 April 10th

• Reporting Tools and Tips

• Data Dashboards

• Sharing is Caring When it Comes to Data

Now that you know why data matters and what metrics you need

to measure, how do you capture and analyze that data? This session will provide some action steps and tools to put data to work for your business. Learn how to make real-

time decisions based on your findings to optimize your strategies

and understand your success or failure.

Analyzing and Acting On Key Social Media and Digital Metrics

Any Questions?



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