billboard advertising

Post on 11-Jun-2015






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Liam Keenan

This billboard advert links up with my ancillary task but instead of soldiers marching through a street they are running across what looks like a battlefield. One soldier is crouching and aiming which connotes fighting and violence. This attracts a wide audience to the film of all ages because everybody wants to know what’s happening overseas to our beloved soldiers at war. The white masthead is in a sans serif font to attract all ages and not just an older audience with a serif typeface. The white font stands out predominantly over the dark green outfit of the soldier. On each side of the billboard is a square of red. This colour could connote danger, death, desire and love. All stories that the public today are interested in. It also involves the public more in the advert by giving them the choice of voting by sending a text message. The white BBC logo will trigger memories in the consumers head and they will link it to the paper, Television channels and news show.

Liam Keenan

This billboard attracts an older and more contemporary audience to the newspaper. There is an old map located in the middle of the Billboard of the Falkland isles. An older generation will remember the Falklands war in 1982 so relate to the newspapers stories and purchase the paper. The main masthead is in a bold gothic, almost Victorian typeface obviously appealing to an older generation and intelligent consumers who are more interested in politics and such compared to that of the young audience of the sun only searching for gossip and the x factor results. The font is on a bright white background dominantly contrasting to stand out. The tagline is located at the bottom of the billboard in another serif font but it isn’t gothic so still attracts an older demographic but also widens the audience for the paper attracting younger people. It is a bold black font to stand out stating that the daily telegraph releases new, interesting stories every day. This also attracts a wider audience to the newspaper.

Liam Keenan

Black on white text dominantly contrasts to attract consumer’s eyes. Typeface is bold and sans serif to stand out on the billboard against the bright background. The tagline ends with a full stop indicating to the public that they should buy the sun every day full stop. It states that the sun comes out every day which connotes that consumers will be happy if they buy the sun because everybody loves nice weather in England. The logo is located in the right hand corner and matches the masthead of the paper, this links up with the red house style of the paper so the consumers see this first and it triggers thoughts in their memories. They will remember the logo straight away and remember the paper. It also dominantly stands out bright red against the rest of the white billboard. Red connotes danger, love and desire persuading consumers to purchase because it contains interesting stories. The tagline also has double meaning stating that the sun comes out every day in England when it doesn’t so buying the sun will make your day better and full of bright, joyful happenings.

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