biom api installation manual -...

Post on 19-Feb-2018






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BIOM API Installation Manual

Manual Index:

1. BIOM API and driver installation.

2. Generate Computer ID.

3. Apply for License.

4. Internet browser setting.

5. Test Legend Scanner

1. BIOM API and driver installation.

Step : 1

Click Windows Button and type UAC and then click Change User Account Control Settings

Step : 2

Bring the Bar to Never Notify and then press Ok button.

Step : 3

Open the Biom API Folder

Step : 4

Right click the BiomAPI.exe and the click Run as administrator button

Step : 5

Now Click the Install Button

Step : 6

Now the BiomAPI Setup gets installed

Step : 7

Now click Next button to install the Device Driver

Step : 8

Now the Device Drivers gets installed

Step : 9

Click the Finish button to complete the device driver’s Installation.

Step : 10

Click the Close button to Complete the installation.

Step : 11

Click Yes to restart the Computer.

2. Generate Computer ID.

Step 11 :

Once the Installation completed go to the below path & then Right click the License Manager and click Run as administrator

C:\Program Files\Precision Biometric\BiomAPI\License

Step : 12

Now click Generate ID.

Step : 13

Now click the save button to save the computed id.

Step : 14

Now Apply with saved Computer id in portal to get the License.


Step 1:Make sure Biometric SDK 3.10.5 has been installed in the system.

Step 2: Make sure your system is connected with internet.

Step 3: Right click the BiomLicenseActivation.exe application and click Run as administrator.

Step 4: Make sure below application has been opened.

Step 5: Enter your purchase order ID or (REF NO) which is available in invoice.

Step 6: After entering the purchase order ID click Get License button.

Step 7: The application will be closed automatically , if the license activated successfully.

Step 8: Restart the system (recommended).

If you are getting any error message while activating this license, feel free to contact Precision Biometric Support Team.

Phone number: +91 44 33015 137 / 343


Test Legend Scanner

Now go the below path and Right click the Test Legend Scanner then click Open button

C:\Program Files\Precision Biometric\BiomAPI

Step : 20

Now Right click the Yellow bar in Internet Explorer & then click Allow Block Content

Step : 21 - Now Click Yes Button

Step : 21

Now go to Tools Internet Options Privacy and bring the Setting bar Down.

Bring the Setting bar Down

Internet browser setting.

Step : 22

Now go to Tools Internet Options Security Click Trusted Sited and add the site which is going to be used.

Add the site which is going to be used.

Step : 23

Now go to Tools Internet Options Security Click Trusted Sited Custom Level and enable all modules.

Now the Installation is completed and the device will be working fine .

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