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Blog Post/Newsletter/LinkedInFebruary 4, 2016 – Early next week, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Congresswoman Lois Frankel (D-FL) and

Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY) will introduce the Child Care Access to Resources for Early-learning Act

(the Child C.A.R.E. Act). This bill makes landmark investment in the Child Care and Development Fund

(CCDF) that helps families with young children afford high-quality child care.

Access to high-quality child care and early education not only promotes a child’s development, but it

also helps support parents who are struggling to balance work and family. This legislation helps

Americans meet the needs of their jobs and their families which ultimately bolsters and expands the

middle class. A safe, nurturing environment that enriches children’s development is critical to working

families and is one of the best investments we can make in our economy.

Yet today, a year of child care costs higher than a year of in-state tuition at most colleges – putting a

significant strain on parents.

Specific provisions of the legislations:

Infants and toddlers. Families with infants and toddlers who are living at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level (FPL) will gain access to high-quality child care by FY 2021.

Child care providers. Payment rates will be set at a level high enough to support high-quality care for young children, and help infant and toddler providers in improving the quality of their programs by strengthening the skills of the workforce, and ensure that children receive comprehensive services by coordinating activities with other community service providers.

Quality and safety in child care. This bill will provide the resources to help states implement the important safety and quality reforms signed into law through CCDBG in 2014, and support the expansion of access to quality child care programs staffed by early educators that can provide developmentally appropriate services that promote the healthy development and school readiness of young children

Tribes. The Child C.A.R.E. Act will ensure that quality infant and toddler child care is a strong

component of a continuum of quality early learning within states and tribes.

Take action today by sending a message to your legislator, asking him or her to co-sponsor the Child

C.A.R.E. Act using Child Care Aware® of America’s pre-crafted messaging. And share about this bill on

social media using the hashtags #ChildCareWorks and #InvestInKids.

TweetsAsk your member of Congress to co-sponsor The Child CARE Act and #investinkids: #ChildCareWorks #ChildCare

The Child CARE Act will ensure quality and safety in #ChildCare! Take action: #ChildCareWorks #investinkids

The Child CARE Act supports #ChildCare providers! Take action: #ChildCareWorks #investinkids

(Also can be shared to Instagram) Thanks, @SenBobCasey @RepJoeCrowley @LoisFrankel for introducing the Child CARE Act! #ChildCareWorks #investinkids <add image below>

(Also can be shared to Instagram) Access to quality, affordable #ChildCare helps parents balance work and family. #ChildCareWorks #investinkids <add image below>

The Child CARE Act will #investinkids, supports providers, and ensures quality and safety. Act: #ChildCareWorks

Facebook PostsPost 1:(Post image first)

Text: Support quality and safety in child care – ask your member of Congress to sign on to the Child C.A.R.E Act as a co-sponsor today: #ChildCareWorks #InvestInKids

Post 2:(post URL first) Text comment: I’m taking action to #InvestInKids. Join me by asking your elected officials to sign on to the Child C.A.R.E Act as a co-sponsor! #ChildCareWorksText title: Support the Child C.A.R.E ActText description: The Child Care Access to Resources for Early-learning Act (the Child C.A.R.E. Act)., is the legislative companion to President’s Obama’s comprehensive child care initiative from last year.

Post 3:

(post URL first)

Text comment: The Child C.A.R.E Act makes landmark investment in the Child Care and Development

Fund (CCDF) that helps families with young children afford high-quality child care. #InvestInKids today by

taking action. #ChildCareWorks

Text title: Support the Child C.A.R.E Act

Text description: The Child Care Access to Resources for Early-learning Act (the Child C.A.R.E. Act) is the

legislative companion to President’s Obama’s comprehensive child care initiative from last year.

Post 4:(post image first)

Text: The Child C.A.R.E Act will: get quality care to infants and toddlers living at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Line, support child care providers, ensure safety in child care settings, and make sure native tribes and states have a strong continuum of quality early learning.

Share to show your support! #InvestInKids #ChildCareWorks

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